Rock Star Redemption

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Rock Star Redemption Page 5

by Jenna Galicki

  Damien’s mohawk blocked his vision. “I said, what the fuck are you doin’ with Audra?”

  She stirred at the mention of her name and rolled over to face the back of the couch.

  Jimmy took Damien by the arm and brought him to the kitchen area, so they didn’t wake Audra. “Nothing happened,” he whispered. “We were just talkin’, and then we must’ve fallen asleep.”

  Damien’s eyes were narrowed and his jaw was set in a hard line. It was an imposing stare. He assessed Jimmy’s clothes, and then glanced toward the front of the bus where Audra still lay asleep on the couch. He gave Jimmy a nod and a friendly shove to the shoulder. “Don’t fuck with her. Boundaries.”

  Unease floated through Jimmy’s gut. Audra Abelman was forbidden fruit. Everyone knew that, but he couldn’t stay away from her. Not when she finally showed some interest in him. Not when there was a real chance.

  Chapter Seven

  For the next two weeks, Jimmy and Audra repeated their evening date on the bus. He wanted to prove he could curb his wild side. Partying all night wasn’t that hard to forego, since he would much rather spend his time with Audra. It was the lack of sex that was killing him. His right hand had been his only sex partner for the last fourteen days. If something didn’t happen soon, he didn’t know what was going to wear out first – the skin on his shaft or the skin on his palm. Jerking off behind the curtain of his bunk wasn’t exactly discreet. It was hard to keep quiet, although the sounds coming from Damien and Alyssa’s bunk could easily drown out a pack of Harley-Davidsons roaring down the interstate at 90 miles per hour.

  Tonight was the last night before they headed back to New York, and Jimmy was taking Audra out to dinner. It was their first official date. He checked into the hotel in Boston and had a luxurious hot shower. He missed the pampered amenities of the hotel suites, but he had needed to stay close to the bus so Audra knew he wasn’t out fooling around – and he needed to stay away from any distractions.

  He wore a new pair of jeans, his usual high-top Converse sneakers, a black T-shirt and his leather jacket. He took one last look at himself in the mirror and hoped he didn’t look like a total thug. He contemplated buying something fancy, but suits and dressy clothes just wasn’t him. He didn’t want to pretend he was something he wasn’t. He was jeans and sneakers.

  He took the elevator two floors up to Audra’s room. He ran one hand over the side of his slicked-back hair, smoothed down his pork chop sideburns and popped a breath mint into his mouth. A smile radiated across his face, and he knocked on the door with his usual rat-a-tat-tat.

  Audra was stunning. Her dress was a deep coral, and its sheen accentuated the slender nip of her waist and the slight curve of her hip. The lightweight material clung to her body like a second skin. He knew it was by some expensive designer, and probably cost more than the average person earned in a week.

  “Hello, beautiful lady.” He kissed her cheek and placed one hand on her hip. It sparked a fire between his legs and sent a hot surge throughout his body. He resisted the urge to push her back into the hotel room and throw her on the bed, and his insides silently groaned with frustration. His lips slowly left her cheek, and he studied the reaction across her face.

  Her peaches and cream complexion was flushed, and her eyes darted between his mouth and his eyes, undecided on which to lock onto. Her full, pink lips were slightly parted, and he could hear her soft breath as it passed through her inviting mouth. He took a step forward and closer to crossing a line he knew he shouldn’t venture past just yet, but he couldn’t help himself. He contemplated his options. Small risks brought small rewards. He was going for the prize.

  His hand touched her cheek first, and he felt a slight intake of air pass through her lips. He slowly lowered his head until their mouths were a fraction of an inch apart, giving her the opportunity to turn away. She didn’t move. She waited for his lips to claim her. He pressed a kiss onto her mouth with slow intensity and unreleased passion. Their tongues met and swirled together like long lost lovers. Her warm mouth welcomed him inside, and the force of her kiss was filled with yearning. Her breath was warm and gusty across his cheek. Her fingers trembled slightly as they traveled up his chest and settled around his neck.

  A rush of adrenaline made Jimmy’s cock grow rock hard. He was burning up with desire. It ripped at his insides, and it took all his willpower to resist pulling at the zipper on the back of her dress. He leaned into her so their bodies were pressed together, and a low moan escaped him. He felt her hesitation, but he also felt her eagerness, and he was torn on how to proceed. It was a delicate situation. If he moved too quickly, it could undermine his intentions, and she needed to know that his feelings were genuine.

  Their lips parted under heavy breaths, and Audra took a slight step back. For a split second of pure joy, he thought she was going to pull him into the room, but instead, she flushed hotter. “I think we’d better go to dinner.”

  His balls ached with distress, but he put on his famous smile and winked at her. “Let’s go.”

  Audra’s heart was beating almost as loud as Jimmy’s bass drum during a live concert. It pounded in her chest and between her ears. She had no idea how Jimmy was maintaining control. She never expected him to last this long without trying to get her to sleep with him. It was almost a challenge to see how long he could last, but the real question was, how long could she keep pushing him away? She hadn’t been with many men. Sex was serious for her, and she didn’t want it to be on a tour bus surrounded by the members of a punk rock band that she idolized. It sounded cheap and meaningless, and it was exactly the opposite. Her feelings for Jimmy had skyrocketed since she boarded Immortal Angel’s tour bus, and these last two weeks opened her eyes to the true man behind his wild persona. When she slept with Jimmy, she wanted it to be special.

  Audra stared at her reflection in the elevator doors, and she spotted Jimmy smiling at her. They rode down in silence until the doors opened and were both surprised to find a group of security guards waiting for them.

  “What’s up, man?” Jimmy asked the guards.

  “There’s a crowd, Mr. Wilder. Some of your band members passed through the lobby a little while ago, and it was pandemonium. We want to ensure your safety.”

  Jimmy stepped off the elevator first and surveyed the lobby before he motioned for Audra to exit. “It’s not that bad. We’ll be safe.”

  He rested his hand on her lower back as they walked through the lobby, surrounded by four security guards. They got about twenty feet before fans rushed at them from all sides. Girls screamed Jimmy’s name and reached out to touch him, but security huddled them into a tight circle and whisked them into the waiting limo.

  Girls surrounded the car. They pounded on the windows and slapped at the door handle. Jimmy dipped his head to look at them through the tinted window and laughed, but Audra was disturbed. She had no idea he was under constant siege by so many fans. It was dangerous. “Is it always like this?”

  “No.” He shot her a crooked smile. “It’s usually a lot worse.”

  She nudged his knee with her knuckle. “It’s not funny. That was insane. You can’t go out without security.”

  His face grew serious. “You’re right. I forgot the fans all knew we were staying at the hotel tonight. I’ll call the concierge before we leave the restaurant, in case they’re still waiting around. I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”

  It was only a 15 minute ride to the restaurant, and all was quiet when they arrived. The maître d’ ushered them to an intimate table in the back of the restaurant. Audra sat across from Jimmy, while her pulse raced. She couldn’t believe she was on a date with him. It was almost unreal. She had idolized Immortal Angel since she was a teenager. “I can’t believe after all these years that you and I are on a date. I never expected this.”

  That cute dimple made an appearance in Jimmy’s cheek. She wanted to run her finger through it . . . then her lips . . . then her tongue.

“I had my eye on you for years, Audra. When we first met, you were young, but you were spunky and pretty, and you had so much faith in the band. I knew one day I was gonna ask you out, but I needed to wait until you were older.”

  “I was such a groupie.” She was a little embarrassed about how much she had fan-girled over Angel in the past, but it was understandable. He commanded attention. “I guess, in a way, I’m still a bit of a groupie. Immortal Angel is never getting rid of me. I told my father right at the beginning of my career that I wanted to work with Immortal Angel.” She smiled at the memory of her father’s flustered face. He didn’t trust her around them, and for good reason. Look at her now, here with Jimmy, contemplating the right time to sleep with him, and with two pierced nipples. She had no idea how she was supposed to make her father get on board with her impending relationship with Jimmy. He would probably burst a blood vessel when he found out.

  By the time they headed back to the hotel it was late. Jimmy didn’t expect fans to still be waiting for the band to return, but he phoned the concierge just to be sure. When they rolled up to the front of the hotel, there were only a few lingering fans, so it was reasonable to walk through the lobby with just one security guard. Girls rushed at Jimmy from out of nowhere and practically pushed Audra out of the way. He reached for her, but the fans were all over him. One girl had her hands around his neck, another was trying to kiss him, and a third grabbed his ass. He tried to fend them off without being rude. “Whoa, ladies, please. Easy now.” Security quickly stepped in and removed the overzealous fans. Jimmy never reciprocated the physical affection, although he still maintained his friendly smile. He signed a few autographs and posed for a few photos, then quickly excused himself. The fans begged him to stay, until they saw him take Audra’s hand and head toward the elevators. They quieted and stared at her with hate in their eyes, shocked and jealous at a lady on Jimmy’s arm. It was a reaction Jimmy wasn’t prepared for. He never thought about how the fans would react to a steady lady in his life.

  “I’m sorry,” Jimmy said as soon as they were safely on the elevator. “I can’t just ignore them.”

  “I know the business. It’s all publicity.” She acted undisturbed, but he knew it bothered her. He also knew that he needed to somehow convey to his fans that they needed to curb their hands-on greeting.

  Jimmy and Audra quickly grabbed their overnight bags and returned to the lobby. The fans seemed to have disappeared, and the two of them made their way out of the hotel without incident. As they walked to the bus in the darkened parking lot, Jimmy reached out and took Audra’s hand. The simple act of lacing his fingers through hers made his heart beat faster. She looked toward him with a smile and squeezed his hand a little tighter. Both were small acts of affection that he hadn’t shared with anyone in a long time. Years of hookups and casual relationships based solely on sex didn’t offer subtle intimacies such as holding hands.

  He yearned for more physical contact and pulled Audra behind the bus. She followed him without hesitation or protest. He stared into her eyes for several seconds while the air around them thickened. Heat sparked between them and drew their lips closer together. Jimmy graced her mouth with a passionate kiss that lit up all of his senses. Her perfume was sweet and floral, her skin was as soft as the silk of her dress, and her mouth was cool and minty. It welcomed him inside with a breathy sigh.

  As their tongues tangled together, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into his hardening cock. His gut reaction was to flatten her against the back of the bus, run his hand over her perfectly shaped body and lift her short skirt . . . but he couldn’t do that. This was Audra, and he was going to honor his pledge to show her that he could be the man she needed him to be. He broke the kiss before he lost the fight with his rioting hormones.

  Her sultry stare met his gaze. “I had a wonderful time tonight.”

  “Me too.” The urge to kiss her again gnawed at him, and he knew he couldn’t control his hands if he did. “I think we’d better go.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I think that’s a good idea.” She took his hand on the way to the front of the bus. “I’d like to show you my apartment once we’re back home.”

  The innuendo was clear, and his cock almost cried out with impatience. “I’d really like that.” He kissed the back of her hand tenderly and paused. He knew that once they were inside the bus, they needed to keep their romantic affection safely off the radar. He still hadn’t told his friends about the romance brewing between him and Audra, because he was unsure of their reaction.

  Jimmy caressed Audra’s cheek with the back of his hand, and she tickled his long sideburns with her fingertips. One last soft kiss and he reluctantly removed his hand from her cheek. He rapped his knuckles on the door, while his eyes remained fixated on Audra.

  The door swung open. “It’s about time,” the driver blurted out, clearly annoyed. “Aren’t you the one always complaining that Jimmy never gets to the bus on time?” The driver glared at Audra. “You’re late.”

  “Hey,” Jimmy barked at the driver. “Don’t talk to the lady like that. Show some respect. And it was my fault we’re late.”

  “I’m sure it was.” The driver wasn’t interested in excuses and started the engine, ready to hit the road.

  “Sorry,” Jimmy whispered in Audra’s ear. “We must have lost track of time.” He didn’t want to bring it to everyone’s attention that he was out with Audra. Now everyone would know.

  They walked through the first segment of the bus, where Angel, Tommy and Jessi sat on the couch. Their heads simultaneously swiveled in Jimmy and Audra’s direction as soon as they were within view.

  Angel’s brow furrowed with scrutiny. “Were you two out together?”

  “Yes,” Audra answered, smiling at Jimmy. “We went to dinner and then took a limo ride past Boston Harbor. It’s beautiful at night. We got to see the city skyline, and it reminded me of home. I can’t wait to get back to New York City. What did you three do this evening?”

  She was trying to change the subject, but she just unloaded the whereabouts of their evening, which raised an array of questions.

  Jessi immediately rattled off the details of the show that she, Tommy and Angel took in, and then led Audra out of the living area. They both left Jimmy to deal with Angel’s disapproving frown.

  Tommy was unconcerned and bounced his ankle on his opposite knee, while he leafed through a guitar magazine. But Angel held an accusatory stare in his eyes.

  “We weren’t doing anything wrong, man. Stop reading into everything.”

  “You were out with Audra, and it’s after midnight.”

  Jimmy laughed at the parental tone in Angel’s voice. “Sorry, Dad. I’ll have her home by the time the clock strikes twelve from now on.”

  Tommy chuckled without bothering to look up, still engrossed in his magazine.

  Angel scowled at both of them. “It’s not funny. She’s a nice girl, and I don’t want you to take advantage of her.”

  “Relax, A.” Tommy rested his hand on Angel’s knee to soothe his lover’s anxiety. “If Jimmy wanted to score with her, he’d have done it by now.” He jutted his chin toward Jimmy. “Look at the hard-on about to burst through his jeans. If he tried anything with her, he obviously didn’t get very far.”

  Jimmy pulled at his crotch to release some of the pressure. “Why are you lookin’ at my junk, man?”

  “I can’t help it. I looked up from my magazine, and it almost poked my eye out.”

  “Would you two knock it off, please?” Angel never stopped worrying. “This is serious. What’s going on with you and Audra?”

  Jimmy took a seat next to his friends. “Nothing. Yet. I wanna take it slow. For the first time in my life, I want a relationship. I dig her.”

  “You dig her? Jimmy, she’s more—”

  “I care about her. Okay? Why do you think I’ve been on my best behavior and hanging around the bus every night? Shit. I haven’t gotten laid since we
left Chicago.”

  Tommy let out a hearty laugh. “You better call the media. That’s a headline they need to print.”

  Jimmy was a little insulted that Angel and Tommy questioned his integrity, and it made him wonder about how the world perceived him. “I want her to get to know the real me, not just the party guy who fucks his way through life. That’s not who I am. That was just me having fun with fame and girls and alcohol. You know how it is, Angel. Before you met Tommy, you screwed around just as much as me. Maybe even more.”

  Tommy picked his head up from his magazine and slowly turned toward Angel with a troubled frown. “You were a whore?”

  “Stop kidding around.” Angel wasn’t as amused as Tommy.

  “Stop being so serious. Audra’s a big girl. Jimmy’s been a saint these last few weeks. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”

  Tommy was right. Audra was the best thing that ever happened to him. She gave him a reason to slow down. He knew that he was headed for a reality check at the speed which he lived his life. It was only a matter of time before it all caught up to him. He didn’t want to be another fallen rock star, but in the past, he never had any reason to rein in his wild side.

  Angel also assessed Tommy’s statement while he maintained eye contact with Jimmy. “It would be nice to see you settle down, but be careful. I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “What about me, man? I could get my heart broken, too.” He said it as a half-hearted joke, but there was more truth in the statement than he realized.


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