Bad Boy's Toy: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

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Bad Boy's Toy: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Page 7

by Nicole Fox

  That was it. That was exactly what I needed. I groaned low, grunting as I clamped my eyes shut and thrust hard into her fist. Pleasure seemed to blossom in me, filling my whole body with warmth as I came in her hand.

  I could feel all eyes in the restaurant on me as I panted, my cum flowing over her hand and down my cock, even though I knew no one was paying me any attention.

  “You liked that, didn't you?” she purred just before leaning forward and taking another bite of pancake.

  This woman was a little fucking hellion! I'd never had anything that hot or unexpected happen to me, and I'd been around the block more than a few times. I nodded, still breathless, and gathered some napkins from the dispenser. She took her hand from me as I reached below and began to clean myself up with the napkins.

  “Hey, Ford,” she whispered, getting my attention. “Can you hand me a napkin, too?”

  I smiled a little. “Clean it up yourself.”

  She smiled wickedly, biting her lower lip as she shook her head a little.

  “Go ahead,” I whispered. “You all of a sudden some kind of prim little princess? Do it.”

  She brought a finger up, giving me a little wink. She closed her lips around it and shut her eyes as she sucked me from it with a little moan. She showed me her newly cleaned, now wet digit. “Can I have a napkin, now?” she asked with a giggle.

  “Good girl,” I said, handing her one.

  Yep. She was a hellion, all right. I realized I was getting hard again already, thoughts of her naked body bent over the little table in my room, of her riding me hard, my hands crushing those beautiful breasts, of us holding each other tight afterward, whispering our dreams and secrets from our past to each other.

  Wait. What was that last part?


  I couldn't give her back to Daddy Williams now, could I?

  We finished our breakfast with her pressed against my side and my arm around her shoulder.

  Sure, I could, I figured. Why not? It had been her choice that had gotten her into this in the first place, right?

  Chapter Nine


  We'd finished paying and were headed out the front door of the diner. I could still taste Ford, from when I'd licked him from my finger, and I was still mortified at what I'd done. I was more or less a proper woman, wasn't I?

  Of course, if that had been the case, I probably wouldn't have been giving Ford a handjob beneath the diner table. I smirked to myself as he came around to unlock my door.

  “What's so funny?” he asked as he opened the old Pontiac's passenger side for me.

  “Us,” I said.

  He barked a little shot of laughter and closed the door. He started to go around to the driver’s side, but I heard his feet shift as he stopped in the gravel of the parking lot. He stayed back there for a long moment, long enough for me to get worried.

  I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. “What's wrong, Ford? Why aren't you in the car yet?”

  “Get back in the car,” he snapped.

  “I'm already in!”

  “Then fucking stay there!”

  Gravel and rocks crunched beneath wheels as another car pulled into the parking lot.

  Stay in here? Heck, no. I wanted to see what the hell was going on! I climbed out of Ford's car and looked around.

  A Lincoln Town Car was creeping up on us, slowing to a stop nearby. That was the same kind of car some of Daddy's men drove when they were taking us girls out to meet our dates. Ford was still at the rear of the Pontiac, his eyes set on it like a dog watching his owner's property, his teeth slightly bared in aggression.

  A sinking feeling took over my stomach, and I immediately regretted eating all those pancakes and syrup. “Ford?” I asked, taking an unsure step towards him.

  “Back in the goddamn car, Micah,” he said slowly, his voice deliberate and not to be misunderstood, without even turning my direction. “Now.”

  I didn't listen. Instead, I just turned and watched as two men got out of the Town Car, one from the passenger’s side, and one from the driver’s. They both wore black suits and black glasses like Mike, Daddy's personal bodyguard.

  The one on the left, the passenger’s side one, was older than Mike. He looked to be pushing his mid-40s, white, with a receding hair line, and a smoothly shaved face. Despite his age, though, he looked like he kept in shape, lifting weights at least a few times a week. The driver was a shorter Hispanic guy, with slicked back black hair, darkly complected olive skin, and a goatee and mustache. He was more muscular than the other guy, so much he looked like he might have to turn sideways to get through John's Cafe's front door.

  I didn't recognize either of them, but that was probably because they worked the front of the Mansion. The guys weren't allowed back in our dorm areas, for the most part.

  “Help you with something?” Ford asked as the one on the passenger’s side turned his attention to me.

  “Drove by just now,” the one on the passenger’s side said, taking his sunglasses off and carefully folding them up, putting them in his breast pocket. “Glanced over, and 'lo and behold, thought we saw something we'd been looking for all night. Figured we'd pull in here and look to see if we right.”

  “Stack of pancakes?” Ford deadpanned.

  Laughing, the guys turned to each other. “This guy's a funny man,” the passenger said.

  “You should catch my improv nights,” Ford replied.

  Driver closed his door and came up, standing next to the Town Car's fender, edging closer to Ford. “Give us the girl and we'll forget all about this, buddy. Make it easy on yourself.”

  “Yeah, pal,” Passenger added. “You wanna make us do this the hard way? ’Cause you make us do that, we'll make it harder on her when we're done with you.”

  My heart began to hammer in my chest at their words. Were they talking about beating me? About knocking me around before they gave me back to Daddy? Ford wouldn't let them do that, would he? Would he?

  Ford's jaw set harder at the words, his lips pressed together as he squared up his shoulders.

  “I ain't got my dick wet in weeks,” Driver confided. “And our boss has told us we get free rein if we bring her in.”

  Oh, God, no! They were talking about rape! They were going to fuck me before they gave me back to that monster, and Daddy was going to allow it, even encourage it! I shook my head, my teeth almost chattering with my sudden case of the nerves. I took a step back, bumping into the Pontiac's open car door with my butt.

  “So, do you and your lady friend, Micah, here, a favor and just give her up,” Passenger continued, shutting the door and hitching up his slacks.

  “Why bother looking for her?” Ford asked, taking a step forward, towards them. His eyes were lit up, just like I remembered from that first night I'd seen him, when he almost set into the whole roadhouse.

  “Why bother?” Passenger asked, laughing. “What do you mean, pal? Don't you get it? She's his.”

  “Well, clearly she doesn't matter to him,” Ford said, taking another step in their direction.

  “Doesn't matter?” Driver asked, turning back to his partner. “Look at this guy, Frank. You get a load of him? Thinks a piece of ass like her don't matter to the boss.”

  I knew I should have run, just taken my chances bolting out of there. But I couldn't. No matter how much I commanded my feet to move, to just turn and run, they wouldn't listen. It was like I was planted in the gravelly concrete, a redheaded tree that could just look at the world and watch it pass her by.

  “Well, if she did matter,” Ford said through nearly clenched teeth as he took another step towards Driver, who still had his side to him, “he wouldn't have sent the dickless wonders to pound pavement after her, would he?”

  Passenger guffawed laughter just as Ford made his move. I'd never seen anybody go like that, like a pouncing lion, or a sprinting cheetah. He covered the distance between him and Driver in two long, powerful strides, his fist reared back
as he roared, “Would he?”

  Driver spun back around, his face lining up perfectly with Ford's fist. His nose exploded in a spray of blood, his sunglasses shattering around the giant fist. He fell back to the asphalt, one shot from Ford being all it took.

  Passenger was sprinting around the car by the time Ford had his fist pulled back. He took a couple wild swings at Ford, but my protector just bobbed and weaved, dodging them both. He stepped in and delivered three cruel blows to the man's belly, knocking Passenger to his knees as he gasped for air.

  Driver moaned and Passenger gasped for wind as he fell forward onto his hands and began to puke. “You pieces of shit,” Ford growled as he stood over them, his hands balled into tight fists. “Tell Daddy Williams Micah's off-limits to him. Got it?”

  Passenger, the only one who was fully conscious, nodded and puked again.

  “I see you again,” Ford said, before slowly turning away and coming back around to the driver side, “I'll fucking kill you.”

  “Ford?” I asked, shaken back to my senses by the amazingly fast display of brutal violence that had taken less than thirty seconds. Still, though, I couldn't shake this feeling of excitement at having seen him in action. It was almost breathtaking, the way he'd defended me. I'd never had that happen before! And, oh my God, was it hot!

  He didn't say anything at first.


  Ford stopped and looked at me over the Pontiac's roof. “Yeah?” he growled, his jaw still clenched tight, his muscles still tense.

  The first time I'd seen him, he'd been ready to take on a whole crowded bar to prove his point. Now, he'd just beaten the crap out of two guys in the parking lot of John's Diner, and hadn't even batted an eye over it. As I looked into those wild eyes, I realized what kind of temper this man had. What if I went into the Mansion with him and something else set him off? What if he just ended up getting dragged down by security, or made things even worse for me and Kessa?

  That look, it frightened me a little, even as it made me a little hotter. “Nothing,” I said. “Never mind.”

  We got in the car, Ford fired it up, and we headed back to the motel.

  Chapter Ten


  The old Pontiac tore off down the highway, its engine struggling under the pressure. I wasn't too worried about being followed, but I still wanted to be clear from there in case they'd had friends around. Those guys, though, they weren't going to be getting up anytime soon. Hopefully they'd think twice about talking that way about a woman again. Especially one I was fucking.

  Originally, though, I was going to take it real easy on them. After all, I still wanted my finder's fee when I delivered her later tonight.

  Then they opened their fucking mouths and started talking about rape. That shit flipped me around real quick. No way was I handing her over to Daddy Williams, the fucking asshole. No way was any woman I knew going in for that despicable shit. I'd be no party to it. Not willingly.

  I could've killed them. I wanted to, for what they said about Micah, about what they promised they'd do. Scum like that didn't deserve to live.

  But still, I didn't want to hurt them too badly. Putting them in the hospital, or worse, would have put a target on our back bigger than I could handle, and I knew it. But nonetheless, they deserved what they got. I had no qualms about dishing out a little inducement to respect, or enforce, a lady's honor when it came down to it.

  So, I made myself pull back at the last moment, even though I wanted to stomp both their heads into mush, right there in the goddamn parking lot.

  I turned and looked at Micah, catching her staring at me. Her eyes were full of lust, her adrenaline high as mine.

  “Daddy really got that money?” I asked as we drew closer to the motel.

  “What?” Micah replied. “Of course he does!”

  I nodded, turning my attention fully to the road. “Good. I wanna take that motherfucker for every penny we can.”

  “You have a plan?”

  I nodded again. “Yep. First thing, you're my Trojan horse. We go in together before the big party tonight, me delivering you to Daddy Williams for a finder's fee. We go in early to make sure security is light, since most of the guys probably won't be there till the big clients are showing up. If the money's not high enough, no deal. But I got a feeling it will be. You're a real peach, and he'll hate to have lost out on the money you bring in.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “Okay. I can see that. But how do we get both of us in and keep us together?”

  “I tell him I want the finder's fee before I let you go, then when he takes me back to get the cash, we overpower him and we get the money, then make a break for Kessa and get her out, too.”

  “Dang,” she said, grabbing my shoulder. “That might actually work.”

  I nodded as the motel appeared ahead, up on our left. “Yep. It gets us inside, and it gets us access.”

  “Think we can do it?” she asked.

  I grinned as I pulled into the parking lot, the old Pontiac's back suspension bottoming out as we hit the little ramp. “I think it's the best plan we got, babe.”

  As I pulled into a parking spot near my motel room, I glanced over at her. Her eyes were still fixated on me, having not wavered for a moment, and her teeth just barely biting into that lush, kissable lower lips of hers. “What?” I asked.

  “You too tired?” she asked, sliding a little closer to me.

  “Too tired for what?”

  “This,” she replied, leaning in and kissing me hard.

  She tasted like syrup and butter still, her lips sweet and a little sticky. I groaned, returning the kiss as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. We made out there in the parking lot, like the newlyweds she'd conned that couple into believing we were, my hand sliding beneath her shirt, running across her soft skin. I pulled her across the bench seat, across my lap, holding her as I kissed her deeply.

  Already the smell of her and the taste was getting me hard. If it weren't broad daylight, I'd have ripped her clothes off right there and shoved between her legs, giving her another taste of how much I was enjoying this.

  But, unfortunately, it was daylight. Fortunately, my room was twenty feet away.

  “Let's get upstairs,” I breathed, as I helped her get situated again. She and I got out of my old piece of shit and practically raced upstairs. As I put my key in the lock and worked to open the door, she ran a hand up the back of my shirt, her nails tracing over my skin, sending shivers up and down my spine.

  We got in the door and began tearing each other's clothes off. She'd wanted me to bend her over and take her from behind.

  And a lady always got what a lady wanted.

  Chapter Eleven


  We ran our hands over each other's naked forms, his rough and hard on my soft skin, mine scratching and scraping at his tanned body. His teeth bit into my shoulder; his fingers tweaked my nipples; and I ground myself against him, desperate to get off again.

  Ever since the café, the feel of his hard manhood in my hand, and watching him beat up those guys in the parking lot, it was like a nervous energy had built up inside me, threatening to blow my top if I didn't somehow take care of it. But now, with my hand wrapped back around his shaft as it pressed into my hard belly, I knew precisely how I wanted to scratch my little itch.

  He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, forcing me down onto the little table we'd sat at the night before. His hands were so hard, so insistent, but I didn't care. My arms were splayed out, grasping for support he grabbed my hips tightly and drew me back into him.

  I didn't want him to play with me; I didn't need to him go down on me. Nothing like that. I just wanted him to fuck me hard. I wiggled my ass in the air, trying to entice him to just stick it in me. “Come on, babe,” I purred as I reached below me and spread my lips for him. “I'm ready for you.”

  He chuckled as he pressed the head of his cock against me. Then his chuckle turned into a groan as he began to s
lide in. “You're so ready,” he murmured. “Dripping wet.”

  I squeezed my eyes tight and let out a low gasp, the feeling of myself stretching around him amazing as I pushed back onto his hard cock, letting it fill me.

  Soon, we'd worked him all the way in, and he began to fuck me. My eyes lolled back and my lips parted, as I moaned loudly. “Fuck me, Ford,” I panted. “Fuck me hard. Show me what a woman should feel like.”

  He gripped my hips tighter, pulling me back onto each thrust, slamming his body into mine.


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