Bad Boy's Toy: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

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Bad Boy's Toy: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Page 41

by Nicole Fox

  He thrust his hips up, meeting each of her downward movements, guiding his hips counter to hers. He moved faster and faster. Her whole body rocked with her orgasm, her whole being shivering and shaking as her abs contracted. She let his arms go from above his head so he could wrap them around her and hold her close. Her orgasm screamed out of her, in a long, keening wail, as she came on Danny's hard cock.

  He nearly screamed with her as his hips went into a frantic pace. He bit down on her shoulder, clamping back his own noises as he thrust in and out of her, filling her pussy to the brim with his seed.

  Exhausted, Sara collapsed on Danny's broad chest. All the worries of the past weeks disappeared, and all her concerns with her landlord packed up and left. Left behind, was just the ecstatic white glow of post-coital bliss. She slid off him and hooked a naked leg over his, cuddled up to his sweaty, sexy form.

  Maybe, she thought somewhere in the back of her mind, just maybe they could make this work? That wasn't too crazy, was it? Or too much to ask from a universe that had already screwed her over so royally?

  But, if they couldn't, Sara found herself hoping she wasn't pregnant yet. Because, when she was, this might end just when it was starting to really get fun.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Danny awoke with a start and looked around him. A thousand thoughts and recriminations raced through his head. None of this was supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to end up with a woman like Sara. She wasn't from his world, from the road. She didn't understand him or the boys.

  If his father hadn't died, hadn't put the damn money in that trust fund, he never would have even met her. She'd have just been some girl who got turned down for a cocktail waitress job at the Old Crow. But, here he was, sleeping in her bed, with her naked body curled up against his.

  She didn't want him. She wanted his money, plain and simple.

  But, if that were true, why was he still lying there? Why was he pulling her warm body closer to his?

  He shook his head at himself. “What in the fuck am I doing?” he murmured.

  “Huh?” Sara groggily asked from his shoulder. She opened her eyes and smiled when she, too, realized he was still there. “Hi, you.”

  “Hey,” Danny replied, not knowing what else to say. This was all becoming a little too real for him. He sucked in a breath and shifted his position a little.

  “Sleep okay?” she asked, her hand idly playing over his chest. Her finger went down to his nipple, began to circle.

  “Yeah, I guess,” he said, his eyes tracking down to her fingers teasing him. “Listen, I've been thinking . . . what do you want out of this?”

  “Out of what?” she asked. “You mean us having sex?”

  “No, I guess I mean life. Have you thought about it? What do you want to do with the money if you get pregnant? Do you want to have more kids after this?”

  “I don't really know,” she said, her head still on his chest. “Pay off my debts, first. Then, after the baby's born, I'm not sure. Go to school? It's a lot of money, but it won't last forever.”

  School. That's what she'd do with her payout.

  “Would you leave town?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Well, I mean there's nothing for you here.”

  “I – well – hmmm.” She lifted her head off his chest and looked him in the face. “What about you, Danny Reynolds? What do you want out of this?” she asked, emphasizing the word “you.”

  Down on the floor, halfway between the bed and the table, his phone started to buzz and play alerts, interrupting them.

  Danny swung his legs off the bed, mumbling about how he'd better check his cell. There was a chill to the air, but the bite wasn't too bad. He grabbed his phone out of his pants and looked at the screen. Two new texts, both from the same number that he didn't recognize.

  “Looks like you tragic brother is heading for an overdose any day now,” read the first. “So sad,” read the second.

  Danny growled deep in his chest and gritted his teeth together. Who the fuck was sending him this shit?

  “What's wrong?” Sara asked. She sat up in bed, the sheet pulled across her chest to keep away the cool air.

  As he was flipping back to the home screen, his phone buzzed and dinged again. “Catch him if you can. A, Free Jackal.”

  He clutched his phone in a white-knuckled hand. “Motherfuckers,” he screamed. He almost threw his phone across the room, but reminded himself that this might be his only link to his tormentors. Throwing the device away may destroy useful clues.

  “What the hell's going on?” Sara asked in a raised voice. “Is everything okay?”

  He thrust the phone in her hand. “Read it,” he said and began pulling his clothes on.

  “Oh, Danny. Geez, your own brother . . .” She tossed the phone at the end of the bed. “What's wrong with these people?”

  “I don't fucking know. This shit's gone way farther than just petty rivalry.” With shaking hands, he grabbed the phone off the bed and called Thorn. He'd know what to do.

  “Thorn,” he said when the president of the Fallen Knights answered. He didn't do any of the normal phone etiquette niceties, instead just cutting to the chase and explaining the situation.

  “Come down to the club house,” Thorn growled on the other line. “We'll sort this shit right out, Danny.”

  “Got it. Be there in thirty.” Danny hung up the phone and stuffed it away in his jeans.

  “What's going on?” Sara asked. “Where are you going?”

  “To meet the guys.”

  “Well, I'm coming with you.”

  “The fuck you are,” Danny said in a raised voice, brooking no argument. “This is club business.”

  “Your brother didn't look like a member when I saw him!” Sara yelled back. “This is your family, here.”

  “I don't care,” he shouted back. “This shit's dangerous, and I don't want you in the middle of it.” He turned and stalked out of the room. He made his way into to the living room and had his hand on the door already by the time she came out of the bedroom with the bed sheet wrapped around her like a makeshift cloak.

  “So now you care about me, then?” she yelled. “Is this what affection looks like in your fucked up little world?”

  He didn't have time for this. His brother's life was on the line, and every minute might count. He needed to get with Thorn and figure out a plan. He just looked back at her, his mouth tight, his jaw working overtime. Rather than argue with her, he did what he thought was sensible.

  He just left.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Danny pulled up at the clubhouse and parked his bike next to the crew's bikes. At a glance, he could tell most of the patched members were there. Hopefully, with all their heads together, they could come up with a plan.

  Thorn was waiting for him just inside the large steel building, half-seated on one of the bigger industrial folding tables set out in the front entrance. “Morning,” Thorn drawled, cup of coffee in hand.

  “Yeah,” Danny replied. “Morning. Guys all here?”

  Thorn nodded, solemnly. “Yessir. As many of 'em as could get away on short notice.”

  Danny gave a curt nod. “Good. This shit's getting out of hand, and we need to deal with it. I'm sick of those Free Jackals bastards using Jed as some kind of fucking pawn.”

  Thorn nodded again. “Your ol' lady holding up through this? She getting scared off yet?”

  Danny glanced down at his boots before looking away. He still wasn't sure how he felt about her involvement in all this, or about being in a relationship. On the one hand, the whole thing felt right, like the way her arms clung to him when they were out riding. But, on the other hand, he knew he wasn't good enough for her. She didn't want a man like him, a man wrapped up in the honor of his club. A guy who'd be out drinking all night with his buddies. She deserved better.

  “Ain't ready to call her my ol' lady,” he mumbled
. “Not yet.”

  The old president smiled a little behind his mug of steaming coffee, his big mustache pointing up at the edges. “Well, ain't just you needs to agree, anyhow. Right? We all come eventually to the roads we're meant to ride down.”

  He was right, to a degree. But, it was easy for him to say. Thorn didn't have to find that road, or ride down it.

  Danny snorted. “Yeah. Right. You ready?”

  Thorn nodded and stood up from the edge of the table. He led Danny back into the packed meeting room. Surly, salty voices overflowed past the double-doors, rolling over them as they pushed inside.

  “Alright, alright,” Thorn boomed as they entered the room and circled around to the head of the table. “Good on y'all for coming so quick.”

  Danny stalked along at his side, his arms crossed. They stopped at the head of the table and took their seats.

  “I'm giving Danny the floor here,” Thorn explained. “Even though it's his family, it's still club business. In fact, they made it that way, not us. Danny?”

  Danny took a deep breath. “This isn't about me, or my dad. It's about my brother, Jed. Most of you know him. He used to be patched, but then he left. Well, we've been looking for him since he was spotted a while back, and a few days ago I managed to find him.”

  Without any more preface, he launched into the story of Jed, about finding him, about the drugs, about everything.

  “Now,” he said, “I'm getting text messages from the Free Jackals. Motherfuckers are taunting us, talking about how they're trying to get Jed to overdose.”

  There was murmuring around the table. The words bullshit, motherfuckers, and cocksuckers were tossed around. Danny gave a grim smile, despite himself, satisfied at their reaction.

  “Think they're somehow angling on us here?” Tyke asked from up on the left.

  “Don't know,” Thorn replied with a shrug. “Maybe? Who knows? I mean, you ask me, this shit sounds like there's a hint of a personal nature to it.”

  Danny nodded at the president's comment. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. But, that doesn't mean the rest of the gang isn't trying to leverage it, too. Jackals are some mean motherfuckers.”

  A dozen or so biker heads nodded in agreement.

  “Whatever the case,” Thorn said to Danny, “you need to get your brother back. Besides it being your brother and all, it won't look good for the club to leave one of our own out in the cold, even if he's not wearing a patch anymore.”

  Tyke pounded his fist on the meeting room table. “Agreed. We gotta show these shitbags they can't pick on none of us. Motherfucking cocksuckers!” A chorus of agreement and nods went around the room.

  Danny found himself frowning on the outside, trying to keep his demeanor, but inwardly relieved that the Fallen Knights were with him.

  “Well, whoever's doing this shit, we got your back,” Thorn said, voicing the opinion of the whole club. “We gotta make sure these asshole don't take anything we do as a sign of weakness. Danny, you gotta go out there and grab your brother, bring him back. Keep it small, so you don't spook him. But, if I see you tomorrow and he ain't back at your mom's, I'm gonna be fucking pissed.”

  Danny nodded. “Got it. Need to make sure they don't spot us right off the bat, though. I better take one of the newer guys. Tyke or you, they're gonna know you're with me, if they're as involved as they claim.”

  “He's got a point,” Thorn said to Tyke when a hurt look crossed his face. “Take one of the recruits that ain't patched yet.”

  “Which one?”

  “I dunno, just pick one.”

  “Karl,” Danny said, turning to one of the freshest. “You ready to step up, man?”

  Karl, one of their newest recruits, a tall, lean guy with a crazy mop of curly brown hair, looked around from side to side. “Me?” he asked.

  “Yeah, you dude,” Tyke said with a laugh as one of the guys beside Karl smacked him in the shoulder.

  “Shit, Danny. I'd be fucking honored.”

  “Good,” Thorn said. “We drive out there, after this. We find our prodigal. We bring him home.” Thorn turned his attention to the rest of the club. “Anyone got anything else?”

  Heads shook. There may have been other business to be raised, but the whole club recognized that this was priority one for Danny and Thorn.

  “We'll have a cold one waiting for you,” Tyke said as the whole crew broke and exited the meeting room.

  Danny went to leave with them, but Thorn touched his shoulder and told him to stay behind for a minute.

  “What's up?” Danny asked him as the room finished thinning out.

  “Didn't wanna say this in front of the others, cause I didn't wanna put you on the spot. But, we've all seen you hanging around a lot with Sara -”

  “Said earlier, she ain't my ol' lady,” Danny interrupted.

  Thorn held up a hand, calling for peace. “Ain't what I was gonna say. My point is, if we've seen you hanging out with her, the Free Jackals may have, too. Ol' lady or not, that might not matter to 'em.”

  Danny gritted his teeth. “Think they'd do something like that?”

  “Normally? No. But, man, they got your brother hooked on smack. Think they wouldn't come after Sara, too?”

  Danny looked away for a moment and thought about his words. “Nah,” he said, turning back to Thorn, “you're probably right. I'll ride out and take care of her, get her situated. Then, meet you guys here.”

  “We'll take my truck,” Thorn nodded. “Got plenty of seating.”

  Danny nodded. “Sounds good. Meet you here in an hour or so.”

  Thorn clapped him on the shoulder and shook it. “Karl and I'll be waiting.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Sara had just stepped out of the shower when she first heard the knocking at her front door.

  “Sara?” the visitor called. She took a moment to recognize his muffled voice through both the bathroom and front door. “Sara? Come on, open up!”

  She hadn't expected him to be back so soon, especially not after the urgent phone call with Thorn, all the stuff happening with Jed, and, of course, the argument they'd just had. He'd picked a hell of a time to come over, too. Not that she was upset, but a little bit of forewarning would have been nice.

  She poked her head out the bathroom door and yelled for him to hold on. She grabbed her towel and wrapped herself up, then wove one around her hair and headed for the door.

  “Coming,” she called as she unlocked the door and opened it to him.

  He was through in a flash, pushing past her. “You need to pack up some clothes, we gotta go.”

  “Well, hello to you, too,” Sara said, sarcasm dripping from her words as she shut the door after him.

  “I'm not fucking around,” he said, his eyes and the tone of his voice deadly serious. “You need to pack up some stuff and come with me.”

  “Come where with you?”

  “My mom's house, so I can keep you safe.”

  She held a hand out in front of her, beckoning him to slow down. “Safe from what? Or who?”

  “The Free Jackals, babe. I'm worried they might come after you if you stick around here.”

  She crossed her arms across her half-naked body. “And you think your mom's place will be somehow safer? You think they came after Jed, but your mom is in the free and clear?”

  “Look,” he said, “it's easier to watch you both at the same time, okay? It's just going to be for a couple days.”

  “Look, mister, you're buying yourself a baby, not me. You can't just order me around like this.”

  The look on his face changed a little. He still looked like a hard ass, but something almost imperceptible softened just a bit. He crossed over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  God, those arms of his still felt amazing, even after their argument that morning. And the way he looked down at her, the way she felt safe with his hands on her. She didn't pull back, she just let herself be pulled to his warm bod

  “Sara, babe, I'm sorry. But, I just need you to be safe. Thorn and I, we're going back to get Jed, and I don't want to have to worry about you. But I will worry if you’re here.”

  She sighed and looked away from those hypnotic eyes of his. Even though he'd only worked on her for a minute with them, she'd still felt her knees go weak.


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