About anything, as it happened, and she had another good cry in the carriage on the way home. Nothing had truly gone awry—except everything. Nothing was as she’d thought, planned or hoped. Muriel. Rosamond. Vickers. Her heart was breaking over his revelations and the misery that haunted him. She couldn’t pretend any longer that she didn’t want him. She did, fiercely. She’d give up her stories again to help him, gain a future with him. He wanted her too, but his damned, endless vendetta left them hopeless, and she couldn’t really fault him for it.
So she dissolved into another spate of tears.
But as the carriage neared home, she struggled for control. She tried to repair herself before she crossed the threshold—only to find that she needn’t bother.
The house was in an uproar. Servants huddled outside the parlor, where she found Great-Aunt Delia stamping her cane and demanding explanations. Rosamond wailed, paced and wrung her hands.
“Oh, Addy,” she cried, once she’d spotted her. “It’s happened! The worst!”
“What? What is it?”
“Lord Vickers was here—in a state!” Delia said. “I heard him shouting at my girl from my room!”
“He’s in a fit,” Rosamond moaned. “He accused me of telling his secrets. And the threats!” she wailed.
Feeling like her heart was going to beat out of her chest, Addy reached for calm. “Steady, please. Think! He cannot say a thing against you without exposing himself.”
“You’re wrong! He brought them with him—papers, signed and witnessed. Accounts against me, naming me as a conspirator, accusing me of proposing his schemes and trying to seduce him and his friends into taking part. The liar! The cheat! I didn’t have a thing to do with kidnapping that girl—when they started plotting that was when I pulled away!”
“Kidnapping!” Addy reared back. “What are you talking about, Rosamond?”
“This Spring—the Grand Duchesses’ Russian servant girl that went missing. I heard them making plans. I had nothing to do with it, I swear! But he says if the questions continue, he’ll see me taken up to Newgate and held for trial!”
“No, he won’t,” Addy replied forcefully.
“He’s right,” Rosamond moaned. “There’s nothing we can do to stop him.”
“He’s wrong.” Addy pulled away, heading for her room.
“What are you doing?” her cousin called.
“I’m writing letters—and then I’m taking steps.”
She sent the letters off, then stood in the hall for a moment, fists clenching and unclenching. A thought struck her and her head went up, just before she headed for the front door. Outside she paced along the pavement, then went to stand in the wide street, turning and searching.
“Looking for sumptin’?”
Addy breathed a sigh of relief as the slight shadow slid from the servant’s stairway. “I thought you had a day free, Francis?”
“I stopped by to be sure you made it back. Looked like a storm busting loose in there, so I waited.”
“Bless you.” She bent down. “Here’s what I have in mind.”
The girl’s eyes grew large as she listened. “He ain’t gonna like none o’ that.”
Addy straightened. “He’ll get over it.”
Vickers dragged himself up the stairs to his rooms, his heart feeling heavier than his feet.
The day had begun with such promise. A few simple questions and he’d found that two new ladies had joined the Queen’s women at the start of the year. Interestingly, neither were still at Court. A little investigation revealed Lady Hargraft had only just left for her lying in. But Lady Pilgren had requested leave to return to the country to care for her ailing husband.
The timing of that request interested Vickers, as it came exactly at the same time, weeks earlier, that Hestia Wright’s oldest enemy, Lord Marstoke, was found to be scheming against the crown. Marstoke had disappeared, Lady Pilgren had fled home and Rosamond had broken ties with his father, all near the same time.
It required further investigation, but now he needed a good night’s sleep. He was so tired that he just might drift off without tossing, turning and fixating on Addy Stockton.
He opened his door—and hoped like hell he was tired enough for hallucinations.
“I thought you’d never get here.”
Real, then. All for the best, as he hoped, if he was going to dream Addy into his rooms, he’d have the sense to drape her in sheer linen and lace rather than ratty linsey-woolsey and a frantic look in her eye.
He looked at the key in his hand, at the door, then at her.
Sighing, he tossed the key onto a shelf. “Something has to be done about that girl.”
He thanked the powers-that-be when Addy rose out of his favorite lounging chair. Some very creative images had begun to come to life in his head.
“There’s trouble.”
“I gathered.”
“We can’t delay. Something must be done.”
He perched on the arm of the chair. “What is it?” He didn’t want another crisis. He wanted to strip her of that cloak and lay his head on her cozy, cushioned bosom.
She related her story, although she grew unhappier in the telling. Vickers, however, began to straighten. His weariness dropped away, chased by excitement.
“He must have heard I was asking questions. It spooked him.”
“Yes, and he did worse to Rosamond.”
“I’m sorry.” His heart was beating fast. He felt strange, almost sick. Light-headed. “Don’t you see? This is it.”
“What?” She frowned.
“All this time I’ve waited for him to make a mistake, and now he’s done it.” He could see she didn’t understand. He took her hands and grinned. “Addy, you darling! To think, it’s Marstoke.” He shook his head. “I was just beginning to wonder if he might perhaps have been fool enough to get mixed up with Marstoke—and this proves it. We can link him with a traitor.”
His heart felt light. Almost. He was nearly free of the dark shackles that had tied him to his father for so long. “We have him, Addy!”
She still looked confused. “Not yet, we don’t.”
“That kidnapping caused all sorts of problems with the Grand Duchess and the other foreign dignitaries. Hestia has friends in the government who are very interested in whatever information they can get on it—and on Marstoke.”
“But will they believe us if we tell them? It’s just second hand information.”
“Lady Mitford can tell them.” He let her go and walked in a circle, running his hands through his hair. “She heard it directly from the source.”
Her extended silence had him turning to face her. When she spoke, her tone was as icy as her eyes were reputed to look. “No, she won’t.”
His hands dropped. “Why not?”
“Because our original agreement still stands.”
“What are you talking about? Addy, don’t you see? This is the last shot. It’s finally over.”
Her face crumpled. “I’m sorry, James, but it’s not. You promised. When we started this, you promised to keep Rosamond’s name out of trouble.”
Wild anger and denial began to build. “This is different.”
“It’s not. It will be your father and his documents and his friends versus her word. They might believe him! They might take her up! Even if they did listen, her name would still be ruined. She’s already got blots in her copybook. She can’t survive a brush with treason. This will be the end of her.”
The whirlwind was rising inside. “She can give her testimony in secret. Surely they’ll agree to keep her name confidential.”
“It won’t happen, but even if it did, her name would leak out. Everything does. Look at the secret testimony against Princess Caroline. It ended up splashed all through the papers.”
Swiftly, savagely, he knocked over a stack of books, then toppled the table they’d stood on. “Are you asking me not to use the evidence that marks my father as a traitor? Tha
t will finally set me and my mother free?”
She stood quietly. “No. I’m not asking. I don’t have to.”
Fists clenched, chest blowing, he stared at her.
She approached. Her eyes shone sad, but her face was strangely proud as she cupped her fingers along his jaw.
He wanted to lean into her touch. He wanted to slap her hand away. “Why would you say such a thing?”
“Because no matter what your father is—you are a man of honor.”
He did turn away, snarling.
“You are.” Her voice sounded soft as velvet, but it cut like steel. “I see you, James, the same way that you see me. I know you are a fine and honorable man, no matter what mask you show others. I know, even to help your mother, you won’t harm Rosamond.”
He almost hated her. “Go,” he said after a moment. “Leave.”
She didn’t answer. For a long moment there was no sound at all, then her footstep sounded behind him just as she pressed herself all along his back.
She hugged him tight. He stood, blank, empty, not moving.
“I’ll help,” she said. “We’ll find another way to use this information. Someone, somewhere knows something. We just have to look.”
She pressed closer. Her hands began to move, to explore the expanse of his chest. Behind him, she began to press small kisses against his coat. He turned. “What are you doing?”
“This.” She pressed her mouth to his. Her lips moved, featherlight. The kiss was slow, confident, coaxing.
He stood silent, unmoving.
Eventually, she drew back.
“Did you think to make a trade?” he asked harshly. “Your honor for mine?”
She recoiled. “You know I didn’t.”
He held his silence.
So did she.
“Years,” he spat. “Years of misery and pain. Through it all, I waited for this moment and you are stealing it.”
“Delaying it, only.”
“So confident,” he sneered. She’d broken something inside him. All the stirring and confusion he’d felt since the day she’d addressed him in the park flipped on it’s end, turning from new and anticipatory to dark and defensive. “You know me? You don’t know as much as you think you do.”
She looked hurt, but still resolute.
“But of course, how could I think so of The Celestial, the perfect girl who never makes a wrong step.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You know that’s not me. You deserve that appellation more than I do.”
He laughed. “Now that’s ridiculous. I’m not perfect. I’m the Wicked Vickers. You know what I am? I’m tired. Broken. Lonely. You saw the real me? Well, you never showed it.”
She frowned her confusion.
“You never danced with me. You turned me away every single time I asked.” He shifted his gaze away from her. “That was a step wrong.”
“But . . . your personae. Your image . . .”
“No! It’s time for truth, now, not stories. It was never about my image, but yours. Did you never think that you might have used that perfect image for me?”
“If The Celestial found something worthy in the Wicked Vickers, then perhaps others might have stopped to think. Reconsidered the old, tired view of me. If they began to look favorably on me, then they might have begun to examine their views on my father, as well. But we’ll never know, will we?”
“I never—”
“No. You never. You never danced with me. It was always your image. Your hopes, goals, and family. Just like now.” He stepped away from her. “Please, go.”
“But we have to find—”
“I’ll do it myself. Just as I always have done.”
Addy had hurried several blocks before she noticed the carriage keeping pace behind her in the dark street. She dried her eyes, pulled her hood close and rushed on.
“Oh, do come inside,” called a familiar voice. “If I were a villain, you’d be dead twice over.”
“Hestia! How did you—Oh, Francis.”
“Yes. I’m going to have to take that girl in hand.”
She allowed the coachman to assist her in, and collapsed on the bench. “Oh, Hestia!”
The older woman reached over and tugged Addy until she switched seats and they shared a bench. Sympathy bathed her as Hestia gently stroked her hand. “Dreadful, was it?”
“You cannot know.” Addy found she was past tears. A knot of guilt and grief and anger had blocked them off.
“You’d be surprised,” Hestia sighed. “What will you do?”
She choked the words out. “There’s nothing to be done.”
Hestia pursed her lips. “Do you care for him?”
I mean truly care for him, Adelaide. Not with the silly, breathless passion of a schoolgirl, but with a woman’s eye for his weaknesses and needs as well as his fine shoulders and smoldering dark eyes.”
“Then there is something that can be done. You just haven’t looked hard enough.”
Addy stared. She’d shriveled to a wasteland of hopeless, helpless heartbreak and Hestia meant to speak in riddles?
After a moment the beautiful woman decided to take pity on her. “You just asked him to give up something precious to him, did you not?”
A tear wormed its way past the blockage. She nodded.
“What will you give up?” Hestia asked simply.
Addy thought about it. For a while, the carriage rocked and the silence stretched out. “Where are we going?” she suddenly asked.
“We’re taking you home. The long way. It seems you need the time.”
“Why?” she snapped. “So I can spin around and around in a hopeless circle?”
“So you can think, darling. Poor Vickers is lovely, but he’s just a man. The chances are high that he’s unable to tell you exactly what he needs, but if you two are truly close, then I’ll wager he’s shown you a sign or two. Now it’s your turn. Can you show him that you’ve been paying attention?
“You don’t understand,” Addy cried. “It’s too complicated. Even before tonight’s fiasco, it was hopeless. He won’t consider a respectable girl and I cannot . . .” She stopped, her eyes gone wide.
“There it is,” Hestia said comfortably.
“But if I . . . If he . . .” Fear, hope and her pounding heart blasted the cold knot. “What if he will not go along with it?”
“This is real life, Adelaide, and if I’m not mistaken, real love. Neither ever comes with a guarantee.”
“My mother had one,” she said bitterly.
“She had no such thing. She was plagued with just as many uncertainties. Your father might have been appalled at her behavior. Her father might have packed her off to the Continent or a convent.” She narrowed her eyes. “What your mother had was courage. Are you her daughter or are you not?”
Addy scowled. “Yes!”
Hestia sat back. “Good.”
The plan flashed in her head, fully complete, like one of her stories. “I know what I need to do.”
“I thought you might.”
Weariness settled in his core and dragged at his soul. Vickers entered Half Moon House through the back passage and detoured into the kitchen.
“Good afternoon, Peggy,” he said, snatching up a roll from a basket on the wide plank table.
He bit into the bread and then paused to make a face back at the girl.
“I know, sir. We’re all missing Callie. Hope she’ll be back soon.”
He tossed the bun back to her. “I do too, for your sake.” Nodding his head toward the main section of the house, he asked, “Is she in her office?”
“No. Front parlor. And you’d best hurry, she’s been waitin’ on you.”
Vickers couldn’t find the energy to hurry. Though his confrontation with Addy had left him twisted and jagged inside, he’d still gone out for the rest of the night—and most of today. He�
�d burned up his grief and fury dogging the footsteps of a couple of his father’s cronies, waiting and watching. Sooner or later, one of them would make a mistake—and he would be there.
He’d come home just wanting to sleep for a day or three, and had not been thrilled to find the summons from Hestia. But he’d turned around and headed out, largely because he wanted to know everything she knew about the abduction of that Russian girl.
But that wasn’t the girl on his mind as he made his way through the house. He sighed. Addy. He’d been too rough on her, too quick to lay blame when she was trying to protect her family the same way he was his. He’d stopped at her aunt’s house, but had been turned away.
He paused on the threshold of Hestia’s front parlor. She sat near the windows, reading a letter. When she looked up, he nodded, then entered to throw himself in the matching seat. He scrubbed his hands over his face and looked over at her.
“Do you know where she is? I called, but the servants said she wasn’t at home. They were acting strangely, though.”
Hestia leaned forward. “Why? What do you want to say to her?”
He didn’t answer for a while. Then he sat forward and put his head in his hands. “I want to tell her what you told me, when first we met. Do you remember? You taught me how to fight him without destroying myself, but you also told me that living well would be the best revenge.”
“I’m glad you remember.”
“I heard you, but I couldn’t picture it, couldn’t understand.”
Her gaze softened in a way that few were ever privileged to see. “And now you do?”
He nodded. “Yes. But I’m afraid I was . . . harsh with her. I said things I should not have.” The weight inside him settled on his chest. “I’m afraid I’ve ruined things before they’ve really begun.”
She gave him a little smile and sat forward—and paused at the sound of a loud rapping upon the front door.
“Oh, dear,” she sighed. “I’m afraid that’s for you.”
“For me?”
She stood. “Come over to the window and see.”
He did, looking out onto Craven Street. He cursed to see the afternoon sun gilding the edges of his father’s coach.
“He’s been waiting for over an hour.” She placed a hand on his arm. “You don’t have to go out there.”
An Encounter at Hyde Park Page 16