My Son's Next Wife

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My Son's Next Wife Page 3

by Shelia E. Lipsey

  Brooke pulled into a parking space and turned off the ignition. “Detria, what you’re worried about is what I call a needless pain. You are going to be a great wife and an even better first lady. Believe me, if anyone was made to be a preacher’s wife, it was you.” Brooke smiled as the three women in the back nodded.

  Detria placed her hand against her chest. She drew in a deep breath. “I hope so. The last thing I want to do is make Stiles an unhappy man like he was when I first met him.” Detria’s face reddened as she thought of how hurt Stiles had been over the breakup of his marriage to Rena. Detria wouldn’t admit it to her friends, but she still felt a bit of insecurity and jealousy when it came to Rena because she knew Stiles had really loved her. Now here she was, getting a fraction of his love because part of his heart would always belong to Rena. Stiles had never told her any such thing, but Detria believed that women knew these types of things without being told.

  The friends got out of the car, and the subject of Detria’s butterflies was quickly forgotten. With the summer just beginning, the air was thick and humid. The five women dashed into the mall and chattered freely, going from store to store. For well over three hours, they strutted back and forth through the mall, revisiting some of the same stores. They shopped for token gifts and a few additional accessories, and picked up a handful of whatnots.

  One of their stops was at Victoria’s Secret. One of the bridesmaids bought something blue, while another searched for the perfect garter for Detria. Brooke and Detria studied the lingerie.

  “I want something soft, silky, and sensuous-looking for my wedding night.”

  “You mean to tell me that out of all of the gifts you received at your bridal shower, there was nothing that you liked for your wedding night?” Brooke asked.

  The bridal shower her friends had thrown for her a few weeks prior yielded plenty of gifts that Detria adored. Some of the presents coordinated with her wedding colors of burgundy and cream.

  Detria waved her hand slightly, then returned to searching for lingerie. “I love the gifts I received. And believe me, I plan on wearing every set of lingerie I was given, even the trashy ones,” Detria laughed. “But I want to choose for myself what I’m going to wear on my wedding night. I’m not experienced in this sort of thing, so I want it to be my choice—something special.” Detria looked up at her sister as if she was waiting for a response.

  Brooke placed her arm around her younger sister’s shoulder. “Look, you’re going to be fine. I know you’re a virgin and Stiles most definitely is not—”

  Detria jerked at her sister’s remark about Stiles.

  Brooke held on to her. “Hold on, don’t get all uptight. All I’m saying is that I believe Stiles is going to be gentle with you. You’ve told him you are a virgin, and I don’t believe he would hurt you for anything in the world. You’ll be just fine.” Brooke reassured her and lightly squeezed her shoulders. “So come on, let’s see what we can find.”

  Detria smiled. “Thanks, sis. I love you.”

  “Me too,” Brooke responded.

  They left Victoria’s Secret and continued their shopping trek.

  “Now, doesn’t this make you feel better?” Shanté asked and placed an arm around Detria’s shoulder as they strolled through the crowded mall.

  All of the women walked next to one another. They looked at Detria and waited for her response.

  “Yes, I feel great,” she said and giggled out loud. “This is fun. I love you all so much. Thank you,” Detria said and looked teary-eyed.

  “Please, don’t get all mushy on us,” said Brooke.

  “Yeah, save all of that for the wedding,” Shanté added.

  The women went into another store that sold jewelry. They found earrings and necklaces to match the wedding color theme. Though each pair was different, the jewelry had the same color pattern. When they left, Detria wanted to stop at Macy’s to purchase a bottle of Chanel. She’d always wanted a bottle of the perfume but had never taken the time to buy it. They went into Macy’s and tested several Chanel fragrances, plus a few others. Detria smelled breathtaking scents, but she remained fixated on wearing Chanel on her wedding day. She decided on Chanel Chance, a floral scent merged with sensual, sweet, and spicy elements. She treated herself to a .25-ounce bottle plus body moisturizing lotion.

  “And you say you’re worried about whether you’re going to make a good wife to Stiles and be a good first lady,” Sonia said and laughed while Detria paid for her purchase.

  “Yeah,” Lisa said. “Girl, you already got it going on. You already know what your man likes.”

  Detria blushed. “I said I was nervous. I never said I was a prude.” Detria giggled as the clerk placed her purchase inside a personalized Chanel bag.

  From there, the women trotted off to the shoe department at Macy’s.

  “God’s favor is all over me,” Detria said out loud to her friends. “We are finding all of the things we need without a problem.”

  The women tried on identical pairs of shoes, which pleased Detria even more. Detria found two pairs of sexy shoes for herself. One pair she’d wear with her wedding gown, and the second pair she’d wear at the reception.

  “Are we finally finished?” Brooke asked as she scanned the women’s faces.

  “I guess so. I can’t think of anything else right now,” Detria replied. “What about y’all? Did we get everything?”

  “Yep,” Shanté remarked, and the others echoed her in agreement.

  “Okay, then it’s off to the bakery we go. I want to make sure that there will be no mistakes about the cake I ordered. I was looking at the wedding cake show on the Food Network a few nights ago. This one couple had ordered a wedding cake, and when it was delivered just hours before the wedding, the bride peeked to take one last look at it, and it was not the cake she ordered. Talk about a nightmare,” Detria said in a stressful tone as they exited the mall and headed toward the car.

  “You worry too much,” Brooke told her.

  They arrived at Eden’s Bakery a few minutes later. Detria was assured and reassured by the owner that her five-tiered cake would be perfect. Detria had chosen what the baker called a wedding dress cake. It reflected the color scheme of Detria’s wedding as well as the detailed lacing and ribbon down the back of her gown. The cake was to have rich butter cream frosting. She also wanted burgundy rose petals and other custom decorations placed strategically on the cake. Detria looked at the picture of the groom’s cake Eden’s was going to make for Stiles. It was in the shape of a pulpit, complete with a dais in traces of burgundy and a couple of minister figures sitting in the pulpit, looking at their Bibles, while a figure slightly resembling Stiles stood at the podium, holding a Bible and a mic.

  Detria clapped her hands as she and her wedding party oohed and aahed over the sample cakes.

  When the entourage left the bakery, they made a final stop at a Mexican restaurant and ate until they couldn’t eat anymore. Detria was pleased with the day’s events. Brooke dropped off each of Detria’s friends first. Detria thanked them. Brooke then drove to their parents’ house. The sisters retrieved their packages and went inside.

  Detria and Brooke showed their mother most of the things Detria purchased, leaving the lingerie for Stiles’s eyes only. Detria and her mother talked while Brooke went to chat with their father for a few minutes before she left for her home. After about a half hour, Brooke reentered the great room, where Detria and Mrs. Mackey sat watching an episode of Bridezillas.

  “Oh, no. Please tell me you aren’t taking advice from that show. I am not going to put up with a bridezilla sister,” Brooke said with both hands placed on her hips.

  Mother and daughters laughed. “If I act like any of the ones I’ve seen on this show, I give you permission to whip my behind like you used to try to do when I was a little girl.” Detria laughed while she spoke.

  Brooke walked over to where her mother sat and kissed her on top of her head. “Mom, I’ll talk to you tomorr
ow. I’ve got to get home to my husband and give him some attention. He’s had the boys all day, so I know he’s probably worn out.”

  “He’s good with Jayce and Jayden. He can handle those boys better than you,” her mother told her. “You’re the one they run circles around.”

  “I won’t argue with you on that. Thank God for daddies—and good daddies at that. Anyway, I’ll talk to y’all tomorrow.”

  “Okay, baby. Be careful,” her mother instructed.

  Detria stood and walked with her sister to the door. She hugged Brooke.

  “What was that for?” asked Brooke.

  “For being the best sister in the world.”

  “Girl, puhleeze, I’m your only sister.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Detria told her. “But seriously, you’ve been a big help to me. I couldn’t have planned this wedding without you.”

  “Aww.” Brooke smiled and then pinched Detria on her cheek like she used to do when she was smaller. Except back then, Brooke did it to taunt Detria. This time it seemed more like a show of sisterly affection.

  Brooke opened the door. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Buh-bye,” Detria told Brooke. She stood in the doorway and watched until she saw her sister safely drive off. “Mom, I’m going to go check on Daddy. Do you need anything?”

  “No, darling. I’m going to watch the rest of this episode, and then I’m going to lay this body down and rest.”

  Detria got up and checked to see how her father was feeling. She spent some time with him, talking about the grand day she’d had and discussing some of the things they’d done. She spared him most of the girly details. She hated to see her father and mother in less than perfect health, but between her, Brooke, Brooke’s husband, and the home health aides who came to their home, Detria didn’t worry about her parents like Stiles worried about Pastor. Her parents had a network of family and friends who checked on them almost on a daily basis. They were still rather young, in their early sixties, but both of them had hypertension, and her father had diabetes. He was now on dialysis, too, and that was a concern for Detria.

  Detria had told her parents about Pastor Graham moving in with her and Stiles after they were married. They didn’t readily agree with the decision, but they respected it.

  “Have you and Stiles talked to Pastor about moving in with you yet?” her father asked as Detria sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Yes, sir. He basically said that he would, but he’s still going to pray about it. He said he doesn’t want to be a bother to us because we’ll be newlyweds.”

  Her father nodded. “Pastor Graham is a wise man. He was the leader of Holy Rock for a long time—still is in my eyes. And that’s not for you to take negatively,” he interjected before her lips had time to part in response. “It’s just that I feel the same as Pastor. The two of you need some time to learn how to live with each other first. You need your privacy. As long as Pastor Graham can make it on his own, I say the best thing is for him to stay at Emerald Estates. Y’all can work out something for him like you have for us—home health aide, a monthly nurse visit, and all of the other services we get.”

  “But, Daddy, Pastor’s health is not that good. He’s had more than one stroke.”

  “Honey, your mother and I aren’t in the best of health, either, you know.”

  “I know that, Daddy, but the difference is that you and mother have each other for support. Pastor doesn’t have anyone. Of course, he has Stiles, but you know that being the pastor of a church is no easy task. And with teaching at the university, too, Stiles has his hands full.”

  “That’s exactly why you need to look into some services for Pastor Graham. It’s going to be more pressure on you and Stiles to take care of him. You’re about to become a new bride and a first lady. You work every day, too. Tell me, when will you have time for your husband, let alone time to help care for his ailing father?” Mr. Mackey tilted his head against his pillow and lifted his eyes. “Lord, I don’t mean any disrespect. I’m not trying to tell my child that she shouldn’t be concerned about the sick and the lonely.”

  “Daddy”—Detria laid her head on her father’s chest—“I understand what you’re saying. And I love you so much for being honest with me.” She lifted her head slightly to meet his huge, deep brown eyes. “Pastor hasn’t agreed to anything, and knowing him, he won’t accept our offer. But we do want him to know that he has someone who cares about him. He’s part of my life, too, because he’s Stiles’s father, and Francesca is too far away to do anything, not to mention that her health isn’t the best, either.”

  Mr. Mackey rubbed his daughter’s soft, natural hair as she rested her head back on his chest. Silence momentarily filled the room. “Honey, all I ask you to do is to pray. Seek God for guidance. Your mother and I are going to support you in whatever decision you make. You’re our baby. We just want what’s best for you.”

  Detria rose and sat upright on the bed again. “Thanks, Daddy.” She covered her mouth with her hand and yawned.

  “Looks like my baby girl is ready to call it a night.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m tired. Is there anything you need me to get you before I hit the sack?”

  “No, baby, I’m fine. Your mother will be trotting in here once she’s done watching her shows.” He chuckled lightly and then coughed.

  “She said she was tired, too, so don’t be surprised if she comes to bed early.” Detria stood. “Anyway, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” She pecked her father on his thick lips.

  Detria went up the hall to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She dived straight away on her queen bed. She was in love with the man of her dreams, the man she prayed that God would send her way one day. In a few weeks, she would become Mrs. Stiles Graham, first lady of Holy Rock Church.

  Detria placed her hands behind her head and daydreamed about the life she would have with Stiles. Her future looked promising, and she couldn’t wait to start her new life.

  Chapter 4

  The most important thing in life is to learn how to

  give out love,

  and to let it come in.

  —Morrie Schwartz

  Stiles called his father from the church office. It was a little less than two weeks before his wedding. He was filled to the brim with joy. “Hello, Pastor,” Stiles said when Pastor answered.

  “Hello, son. How are you? Nervous?” Pastor chuckled in his one-of-a-kind manner.

  “A little, but it’s a good kind of nervousness. I can’t wait to have Detria as my wife.”

  “Well, that day is swiftly approaching,” said Pastor. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Detria and I are going to look at our house today. We wanted to invite you to come along so you can see your living space. We’re going to be closing in two days, so this is our final walk-through.”

  “Son, I’ve been praying about what you and Detria offered. And I don’t want to interfere in a newlywed’s marriage.”

  “Pastor, it won’t be—”

  “Hold on, let me finish,” Pastor interrupted. “I’m not an old man, but I realize I do have some major health concerns. That last stroke I had took a toll on my body. I understand that. I don’t want to be the kind of father-in-law Detria will come to despise by having me around her house all the time.”

  “Pastor, I told you, Detria wants you with us. It’ll be much easier on her if you’re there. We both can look after you. We’ll put Emerald Estates up for rent, and you can make some money off of it, too. I’m telling you,” Stiles said, trying to persuade his father, “you’re not going to cause a problem.”

  “If you would have let me finish, I was going to say that I believe it’ll be a good idea. I don’t need all of this space anymore. And so as long as you two want me around, I’ll be there.”

  Stiles felt overjoyed. His voice changed quickly to a tone of anticipation. “Pastor, you don’t know how glad I am to hear that. I’ll swing by there to pick you up in an hour. How d
oes that sound?”

  “Sounds like I need to start getting ready,” Pastor replied. “I’ll see you soon, son.”

  “Bye, Pastor.” Stiles ended the call, and then called to tell Detria the good news.

  The three of them arrived at the newly built house. The home builder had gone into foreclosure, so once again God’s favor had showered over Stiles and Detria. They were able to get a great deal from the bank on the 3,600-square-foot, four-bedroom house. It included a humongous family room, wood-burning fireplace, bonus room, four and a half baths, patio deck, beautifully landscaped grounds, and a three-car garage. One side of the house would be reserved for Pastor. He would have his own bedroom, a small area to use as an office or sitting room, a full bath inside his room, and the added bonus of having a side entrance that led to the three-car garage, so he could come and go as he pleased. There was a beautiful lake on the back of their property, which added to its beauty, and emitted an aura of serenity and peace.

  As they toured the property, Pastor remarked, “This is a beautiful house.”

  “Thank you, Pastor,” said Detria as she twisted slightly, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed her soon-to-be husband on the cheek.

  “Hey, what was that for? Pastor is the one who gave us the compliment.” Stiles smiled.

  “Okay, here you go, Pastor,” said Detria and planted a light kiss on his cheek. “I can’t wait until we close. We have so much to do before the wedding. We have to get the furniture delivered—that’s the main thing.”

  “I’m going to use the furniture I already have,” said Pastor. “No need to buy another bedroom suite, and I have my favorite chair and my own TV.” Pastor lifted his hands and shrugged his shoulders. “Seems like all I have to do is get my clothes and get someone to deliver my furniture. If there’s anything you all want out of the house, feel free to get it,” Pastor offered.


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