My Son's Next Wife

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My Son's Next Wife Page 6

by Shelia E. Lipsey

  “Like what’s been going on with you?” responded Detria again.

  “Nothing. Just trying to live the life God has for me.”

  “Long as you’re trying under your own strength, you’ll never be successful. You’ve got to let God do it in you and through you,” Detria told Francesca without missing a beat preparing breakfast. She had pulled plates, silverware, and glassware from the see-through white cabinets.

  Francesca responded, “I understand what you’re saying, and that’s what I mean. But truth is, I’m still tempted and bothered by my past, you know?” Francesca walked to the island and propped herself on one of the stools. “And what trips me out is that I hate to admit it, but I still miss my past—well, some of it, that is.”

  “God understands your struggles. Knowing that is enough to make me sing—should be enough for you, too.”

  “But I just want to be right. I don’t want to keep battling with the same old sins. I haven’t carried any of my past deeds out anymore, but God says if we think on it long enough, then we’ve sinned.”

  Detria began setting everything on the table. Francesca picked up plates and accessories without being asked. “I hear you, but God also says as far as the east is from the west, that’s how far He’s moved our sins from us,” Detria quickly responded.

  Francesca may have been the daughter of a preacher and the sister of a preacher, but Detria was confident about the scriptures. She had been captivated by the Word of God since she was a young child. She loved reading the Bible, and had done so in its entirety in more than one translation. It was probably one of the reasons Detria made a great first lady. She understood God’s Word. Detria was more than Holy Rock’s first lady. She was a child of God, and that was something very few doubted.

  Detria and Francesca completed setting the table while they talked. When they finished, Detria stopped and grabbed hold of Francesca’s hand. “You are doing fine. God has you. He loves you, Francesca.”

  Francesca embraced her sister-in-law. “Thank you,” De—”

  “Y’all started without us?” asked Stiles, who entered the kitchen with Pastor. “Pastor, do you see how they do us?” Stiles turned and looked at his father with both of his arms folded inside each other.

  “Umph, umph, umph.” Pastor shook his head. “I don’t know, son. I guess we’ll have to eat the leftovers.”

  “Y’all are so pitiful,” Francesca said. “Get on in here so we can pray and eat this food my sister-in-law cooked,” Francesca instructed joyously.

  The men did as they were told, like they were two toddlers. They prayed and then dove into the food before them.

  Twenty minutes later, Stiles stood from the table and patted his tummy while he leaned over to his wife and hugged her. “Honey, that was so good. Ooh wee.” Detria smiled. The news about the pregnancy test had Stiles and Detria on a spiritual high.

  “Yes, it was.” Pastor piggybacked off his son’s compliment. “Detria, I think you know a few ways to a man’s heart.”

  Everyone giggled. “I plead the fifth,” Detria said.

  “Okay, okay. Be like that,” Stiles interjected with a trace of laughter in his voice.

  “Y’all can keep on talking, but I’m going to get my things so Stiles can get me home. I’m sure y’all have things to do today. I know I do.” Francesca looked at her father. “Pastor, are you riding with us?”

  “No, I think he’s going to stay here with Detria,” Stiles answered.

  Detria whisked around and glanced at her husband like she was in possession of power that no one else knew about. She giggled and said, “Stiles, you know that I’m going with you, so don’t play.”

  “Oh,” he said. Stiles looked funny, but he wasn’t about to pressure Detria. She was pregnant with his child. It was not the time to make her upset, and Stiles sure didn’t want a repeat of the same scene he experienced the other night. “Well, Pastor, you might as well ride along with us, too.”

  “Yeah, Pastor. That would be great. You can finally see where I live. That is, if you feel up to it,” Francesca said with pleasure.

  “Okay, looks like we’re going on a road trip,” Pastor replied. He stood up and wobbled, and would have fallen had Stiles not reacted so quickly.

  “You, okay, Pastor? Is this what fifty-eight did to you last night? You partied too much?”

  “I’m fine. I just stood up too quickly. I told y’all that I’m still a young man. If your mother was still here, she’d tell you that.” His smile broadened. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m going to get out of my pajamas and put something else on.”

  “Okay, we’ll be waiting,” said Stiles.

  Pastor returned fifteen minutes later dressed in slacks, a pullover, and a polo jacket. “Ready?” Pastor looked at Stiles, Francesca, and Detria, who were still in the kitchen, laughing and talking.

  Francesca reached down beside her chair and picked up her cane from off the floor. “Ready,” she said.

  “Let’s go then,” said Stiles.

  The drive to Francesca’s house proved to be another positive step for the family. Pastor received a tour of Francesca’s 1,100-square-foot living space. She introduced him to her huge tomcat, Jabez. Pastor, Stiles, Detria, and Francesca talked until the phone rang an hour or so after they arrived. Francesca answered it and chatted with the other person on the line for a few minutes before she returned to engage in conversation with her family.

  “Got plans?” Stiles asked when she returned and sat down on the sofa.

  “That was one of my church members. He invited me to come over later on, that’s all. Nothing special.”

  “Well, don’t let us hold you up,” Pastor insisted. “We should probably be getting back on the road, anyway, don’t you think, son?”

  “I agree, Pastor,” Detria answered instead of Stiles. “Tomorrow is Sunday, and we’ve had a full weekend—a fun weekend, but still a full one.”

  “Okay.” Stiles got up and reached out his hand toward Detria. “Looks like I’m outnumbered here, sis.”

  “You sure are because as bad as I hate to see y’all leave, I understand that it’s not a hop, skip, and a jump from here back to Memphis. So if you plan on getting home in time to at least get some rest and preparation for tomorrow, I suggest you get on the road.” They each stood up, and Francesca walked them to the door. They all exchanged hugs and kisses while Jabez rubbed against Francesca’s leg.

  “I’m proud of you, daughter.” Pastor turned one last time before he walked out of the door. “Be good, and I‘ll talk to you soon.”

  “Okay, Pastor. Bye, Stiles. Buh-bye, Detria. Be careful on the highway,” she said to Stiles. She stood at the door and watched as they all got in the car.

  Stiles pulled off. He shifted his head slightly so he could see Francesca in his side mirror. As he drove out of the gated apartment complex, Stiles watched her frame linger in her doorway. He smiled slightly.

  Chapter 7

  Love is not blind; it simply enables

  one to see things others fail to see.

  — Unknown

  Detria followed her husband’s advice, not that she had a choice. She was just as eager to find out more about her pregnancy. First thing Monday morning she called Brooke’s ob-gyn. The scheduling nurse gave her an appointment for the following Thursday morning. When she called Stiles at church, she could hear the elation in his voice.

  “Do you want me to bring you home anything, dear? Name it, and I promise I’ll follow your nutritious instructions,” he said. He often bucked at the strict regimen of healthy foods Detria insisted the three of them eat. But no more. His wife was pregnant, and he wanted to be the best husband and father ever.

  “Stiles, you know what? That sounds good. All I want to do when I get home this afternoon is go for a walk, take a hot bath, and crash. It’s been a busy day. I’m anxious to see my baby daddy,” Detria crooned into the phone.

  “Oh, now that sounds like a subject that might require som
e one-on-one pastoral counseling,” he shot back quickly, his mellow baritone voice oozing seduction and control.

  “I think you’re right. Is there any way you can fit me in, Pastor Graham? The sooner the better.” They exchanged more sensual banter before they ended with, “I love you,” and “I love you more.”

  Detria’s office phone rang as soon as she hung up with her sexy husband. “Hello, Mrs. Graham speaking. May I help you?”

  “You got me so whipped that I forgot to ask you what you want me to bring home for dinner,” Stiles told a surprised Detria.

  “Ditto, sweetie. Let’s see.” Detria held the phone in her hand and then leaned back in her office chair. She placed one hand on her tummy, something she found herself doing more and more. “Umm, why not stop by the Diet Café and get three grilled portobello half sandwiches? Better yet, get a whole sandwich and two orders of grilled vegetables for me. That should satisfy the three of us.”

  “Three of us as in you, me, and Pastor? Have you forgotten that you’re eating for two now, Mrs. Graham? I think you meant the four of us,” said Stiles in a voice bathed with warmth and concern for his wife and child.

  “The four of us . . . I stand corrected.” Detria giggled into the phone. “Now, will you let me get back to work so I can get out of here on time?”

  “You got it. I love you. Buh-bye,” Stiles said.

  Detria whirled around in her chair until she faced the picture window in her office. She scanned the various shapes, colors, and sizes of the buildings that made up the heart of midtown. She thanked God again in her thoughts and then proceeded with the rest of the day’s responsibilities.

  Later that evening, after they had dinner, Stiles and Detria retreated upstairs to the media room and popped in a DVD.

  “You seem tired,” Stiles commented when Detria yawned for the third time during the movie. “All of that yawning. You need to get plenty of rest, you know.”

  “I get enough rest. I just had a long day, that’s all.”

  “I think you need to stop working out every morning before you go to work. You’re pregnant, and I don’t want anything to put you or our baby in harm’s way.”

  “Stiles, we don’t know for sure that I’m pregnant. Those store-bought pregnancy tests can be unreliable.”

  “But you haven’t had your cycle. What other reason could it be?”

  “I don’t know,” Detria answered and snuggled closer next to Stiles on the couch.

  “Well, you still need to stop working out so much. You act like you’re obsessed sometimes. You already look good, and you’re in perfect shape.”

  Detria eased up and turned to look at Stiles. “I’m in shape because I work out,” she said. “You know you could stand to come to the gym with me. It’ll help relieve stress, and you and I both know you’re under a lot of that. And working out is a hobby for me.”

  “Still, I don’t want you working out anymore until after the baby is born.”

  “Why do you have to ruin a perfect evening?” Detria asked. Her tone of voice was unpleasant.

  Stiles stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about you trying to order me to stop working out. I know how to take care of my body, Stiles. And if it turns out that I am pregnant, that is still no excuse for me to stop working out. Ugh. Sometimes there is no pleasing you.”

  “Where is all the attitude coming from? I made a suggestion, and now you’re huffing and puffing like I just committed the cardinal sin or something.”

  “I’m tired,” Detria hollered and then jumped up off of the couch. “You want to make a big deal out of it, fine. But just leave me alone. I’m going to bed.”

  Detria sprinted from the media room and disappeared.

  Stiles was left sitting on the couch with his mouth gaping open. This was the second time in a matter of days that his wife had flown off the handle over little of nothing. What he considered to be a simple discussion between husband and wife had resulted in her storming off, and he wasn’t pleased. Couldn’t she understand that he was concerned about her and the baby she might be carrying? He picked up the remote and turned off the movie. No use in trying to watch it now. I guess that’s what pregnancy does to a woman.

  When Thursday morning arrived, Stiles and Detria couldn’t contain their excitement. They prayed beside their bed before they started to get ready for Detria’s doctor’s appointment. Stiles’s voice was strong, yet he prayed in a tone that resonated honor and respect for the God he and his wife served. Grasping hold of Detria’s trembling hand, Stiles lifted their intertwined hands toward the sky. He prayed for favor, for God’s mercy and grace. When he finished, he embraced Detria tightly and then gently led her to stand. He kissed her with passion, and for a few moments they stood next to their bed and embraced like their magnetism for each other was irresistibly potent.

  They arrived at the doctor’s office, located inside the professional building next to Baptist Women’s Hospital. Detria heard Stiles release a long sigh when he turned into the medical building parking garage. “What’s that all about?” she asked, knowing that he was probably just as nervous as she was.

  “I was just thinking, that’s all.”

  “About what?” she asked.

  Stiles whirled into a parking space that was right next to the elevator. “Thank you, Lord, for favor,” he said out loud. He got out of the car and then ran around the front and over to the passenger’s side. He opened the door for Detria and answered her question while he reached for her hand. “I was thinking of God’s favor. I mean, your doctor is right next to the hospital where we’re having our baby. And look at how we got a parking space next to the entrance. Now we’re about to go inside and find out when we can expect our child into this world.” Stiles closed the door behind Detria and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “I agree. God is awesome, that’s for sure,” Detria added. They read the directory immediately next to the elevator and found where the doctor’s office was located. Once they arrived at the doctor’s office, they were instructed to sign in and were given several pages of medical and insurance forms to complete. Detria was thankful that she had top health insurance, especially since the health insurance the church paid for Stiles wasn’t as good as hers. Another blessing.

  It wasn’t long before Detria’s name was called. The couple stood and followed the nurse’s assistant to a small room tastefully decorated in a mixture that made it easily comfortable for parents and children alike. She took Detria’s vitals and afterward informed them that the doctor would be in shortly before she closed the door and left.

  Detria sat on the exam table, and Stiles squirmed in the chair that was in the cramped exam room. He got up and paced in the small room.

  “Stiles, will you be still? You’re making me nervous,” Detria complained. Finally a tap on the door calmed Stiles down. The knob turned in slow motion, and a mocha-skinned woman who appeared to be over six feet tall sauntered inside dressed in a fashionable pantsuit that gave her the appearance of a runway model rather than a doctor. Stiles probably wouldn’t have believed the woman was an MD had it not been stitched in a perfect font on the white coat she wore over her outfit.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Graham?” The doctor glanced at the chart before she looked up and directly into Detria’s eyes.

  “Yes, that’s me,” Detria answered.

  “I’m Dr. Henderson.” The doctor smiled and extended her hand toward Detria, who met it with her own dampened hand. She turned in the direction of Stiles. “Mr. Graham, may I assume?” she asked rather than stated and extended her hand to him next.

  “Yes, nice to meet you,” Stiles said.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well,” Dr. Henderson told him, and the two shook hands. “Mrs. Graham, so you’re Brooke Smith’s sister.”

  “Yes, and I have to tell you that she really sings your praises. From the look of my handsome nephews, I know why.”

  “Yes, I delivered bot
h Jayce and Jayden.” Dr. Henderson shifted her gaze for a second. “Mr. Graham, I know you’re nervous.” Dr. Henderson must have noticed that he continued to shift from one leg to the other. “Please, have a seat. I’ll talk to you both about the examination that I’m going to perform. Mrs. Graham, first let me tell you that it’s up to you if you want your husband to remain. If you do not, then I will have a female assistant come inside the room with me during your examination. We want you to be comfortable.”

  Detria looked at Stiles. He lifted his hands in the air. “It’s entirely up to you. Either way, I’m here for you. So whatever makes you the most comfortable,” Stiles told Detria.

  Detria looked back at Dr. Henderson. “I’d like my husband to stay. I want him to be part of everything,” she said.

  Stiles jumped up. “Excuse me, Doctor.” He leaned over and cupped his wife’s face between his hands and kissed her lips. “I love you,” he whispered low and throaty before he moved back and returned to his seat.

  They listened as the doctor explained the pelvic examination and blood tests, and asked detailed questions about each of them and their family histories. When she finished, she asked if they had any questions, but at the time neither Detria nor Stiles had anything to ask. Dr. Henderson was thorough, and Detria already felt glad that Brooke referred her. Dr. Henderson told them they would be moved to another examination room.

  The exam proved uncomfortable for Detria, but she was willing to go to the ends of the earth to find out for sure if she was carrying a child. She wanted to hear the words come from a doctor and not some over-the-counter pregnancy kit. For Detria, it wouldn’t be real until Dr. Henderson deemed it so.

  After the hour-long examination and tests were done, Detria and Stiles were ushered into Dr. Henderson’s office by the same nursing assistant as before. But it was well worth the wait when Dr. Henderson returned to give them the verdict. “I’m happy to confirm that you are pregnant,” she said as she walked behind her desk and sat down across from the beaming couple.


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