My Son's Next Wife

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My Son's Next Wife Page 22

by Shelia E. Lipsey

  “How could I come to you, Stiles, when you wouldn’t even touch me? You didn’t make love to me. You barely kissed me, and we never talked about the miscarriage.”

  “And I wonder why?” Stiles grew agitated. “You think it had something to do with your rush to get back to work, not giving you or me time to talk about our feelings? You aren’t the only one who suffered a loss, Detria, but you sure acted like it. If you weren’t at the office, you were working out at the gym.”

  Detria fired back. “And if you weren’t hiding away at Holy Rock, you were taking on extra classes at the university. So who’s the one with the most blame?”

  Stiles snapped. Sarcasm dripped from his thick lips like honey from a honeycomb. “Wow, things were so bad that you would rather beat on my father and blame him?”

  Detria sat frozen.

  Stiles watched. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so cruel. It’s just that I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that you did what you did to another human being. That makes me question everything about us, Detria. What’s going to happen the next time things don’t go your way? If we do have children, will you beat them when they spill a bowl of milk?”

  “Of course not,” Detria screamed. “I am not like that, and you know it. How could you think I would abuse my own children?”

  “But you are like that, Detria. That’s what’s so scary about this. You are capable of violence. Have you forgotten that you’ve gotten physical with me a couple of times, too?” Detria looked shocked and her face turned pale. “Frankly, I want things to work out between us. I love you. But this is so out there.”

  Detria started to cry. “Stiles, I know I need help. I’m going to seek some professional counseling. But until then, I want you to know that I love you. I’m sorry for what I did. I begged Pastor’s forgiveness. He’s the one who helped me work through this. I thank God for him.” Detria wiped her runny nose with her hand.

  “All I’m asking is that you give me another chance. Forgive me, please. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” she continued to repeat.

  Stiles watched her tears flow. He could hear the anguish in her voice. He reached out to her and pulled her into his arms. Stiles began kissing her tear-streaked face. “I forgive you, Detria. I want this to work out for us. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. I may be a preacher but I’m not perfect, and I’m telling you that it’s going to take time for me to get over what you did to my father. But if Pastor can find it in his heart to forgive you, then who am I not to do the same?” He continued planting kisses along her face and neck. “And I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for not being the husband you needed. I’m sorry you felt that you couldn’t come to me. Will you forgive me?” he asked. He pulled away from her slightly so he could see her face.

  “Yes,” Detria answered. She fell into his arms again and rested her head against his bare chest. They held each other and cried together. “I promise you that I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for all of the pain I’ve caused and the wrong I’ve done. I will not let the devil steal my joy and ruin my marriage. Whatever it takes to make this right, I’m willing to do it,” Detria sobbed. “I don’t deserve a man like you.”

  “I’m here for you. Please know that you can always come to me, Detria. Always.”

  Their desire for one another escalated from a spark to a blaze. Stiles smothered her in kisses and Detria fully reciprocated. Enthralled in desire, passion, and love between a husband and wife, they rode the waves of fulfilling each other’s needs and wants.

  Stiles looked down on the woman beneath him. “I love you. I love you,” he said over and over again as their bodies became one.

  Chapter 26

  Love . . . it’s a missing puzzle piece waiting to be

  found and when you do find it you can finally figure

  out the picture life has to show you.

  — Paige

  Pastor heard the daily mail drop into the basket underneath the inside mail chute. He had settled into his new home, and during the three months he’d been there, he was fortunate to meet new friends. He also discovered that there were two other members from Holy Rock who lived at Kirby Pines. He felt good about his life, and his health was continuing to improve. Without the aid of his walker, he walked over and retrieved the mail. He carried the pile with him to the kitchen, where he stuck his lunch in the oven. It was almost time for Judge Mathis. While he waited on his preprepared meal from the facility’s kitchen to warm up, he scanned the pieces of mail. An envelope addressed to him from Francesca caught his eye. He opened it and his mouth turned upward. The invitation read:

  Celebrating Our Love in Marriage

  Francesca Graham


  Timothy Swift

  at two o’clock

  Saturday, the Twenty-sixth of March

  Cornerstone Community Church

  Newbern, Tennessee


  immediately following the ceremony

  Cornerstone Banquet Hall

  Pastor’s eyes grew moist. He looked up, raised his hands, and began to praise God. His joyous cries could probably be heard from outside. He didn’t care. He wanted the world to know that God was a good God.

  “Thank you, Lord. Thank you for being good. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for the good times and the bad. Thank you for it all, Father.”

  He read the invitation one more time before he took it to his bedroom. He sat on the side of his bed and propped the invitation on the nightstand. “God, I can’t stop thanking you,” he cried.

  The telephone rang. Pastor wiped his tears away before he answered. “Hello,” he said.

  “Pastor, it’s Detria—”

  “And Stiles,” he heard both of them say into the phone.

  “Hello. Guess what, you two?” Pastor said. Excitement resonated in his voice. “I just received an invitation to your sister’s wedding.” He started laughing.

  “We received ours in the mail today, too. Isn’t it great?” Stiles said.

  “It sure is,” Pastor answered and laughed into the phone.

  Detria spoke up next. “Pastor, the good news doesn’t stop there,” she squealed.

  “There’s more? Let’s hear it, then,” replied Pastor.

  “We’re pregnant,” they both screamed in unison into the phone. “We are pregnant,” they screamed again.

  “Praise God. Hallelujah. That is so wonderful to hear. I’m so happy for y’all. My first grandchild. I can’t wait!” Pastor exclaimed.

  The doorbell rang at Pastor’s apartment. “Hold on. Let me get the door.” He walked to the door with the phone to his ear.

  “Who is it?” Stiles asked.

  “Come on in, Sista Josie. Have a seat. I’m talking to my son and daughter-in-law. Give me just a minute,” Pastor said and walked toward the kitchen.

  “Sista Josie? Who is Sista Josie?” Stiles asked.

  “Josie? She’s one of the ladies who lives in the complex. She comes over to watch Judge Mathis with me.”

  “Ohh,” said Stiles. “Is that right? Well, well, well. God certainly is good and full of surprises, too.”

  Pastor could hear Stiles and Detria laughing. “Stop it, you two,” said Pastor. He chuckled lightly.

  “Don’t let us keep you from Sista Josie,” Detria said and laughed into the phone again.

  “Congratulations again. You two make me proud. And your sister getting married? Now, that’s one that the Lord sneaked in on us. I don’t think even Francesca saw it coming.” Pastor chuckled. “A father couldn’t ask for more. I love y’all,” he said.

  “We love you, too,” Stiles replied. “Go on and watch Sista Josie. Oh, I meant to say Judge Mathis.”

  Pastor laughed out loud again. “Good-bye, son. Good-bye, Detria.” He hung up the phone, removed the food from the oven, and proceeded to divide equal portions on two plates. “Sista Josie, is it on yet?”

  “It’s about to come on now,�
�� answered the attractive, thick-hipped woman with long gray locks. “Let me help you,” she said and walked in the kitchen to meet Pastor. She hummed to the tune of “Amazing Grace” while pouring glasses of juice for them.

  Pastor walked over to where she stood by the refrigerator. “Thank you, sweetie,” he said. He squeezed her around the waist and kissed her on the cheek.

  They carried the food and drinks back to the living room. Judge Mathis was just starting. They placed the food and drinks on two food tables before they sat down next to each other on the sofa. They clasped hands and then listened to the television moderator.

  “The honorable Judge Greg Mathis is presiding. . . .”

  Words from the Author

  And when you stand praying, if you hold anything

  against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in

  heaven may forgive you your sins.

  — Mark 11:25, NIV

  Forgiveness isn’t always an easy thing to do. Yet we are commanded to do so in God’s Word. The My Son’s Wife trilogy reveals how deep unforgiveness can go and how harmful it can be. We who call ourselves Christians are taught that we should forgive. Does that mean that we are to forgive any and everything? Do we forgive everybody who wrongs us? What about someone who has molested our child or raped us or abused us like the woman in My Son’s Next Wife?

  Is there ever a time when we are given a break from forgiving? If you expect me to let you off the hook and tell you that there are some wrongs that should not be forgiven, then you’re wrong. If we want others to forgive us, then we have to forgive others. If we want God to forgive us for our constant mess-ups, then we have to forgive others. I know, I know, you are probably saying that you haven’t done anything really bad to another person, like murder, rape, or abuse. Maybe you simply told a lie on someone or caused friction in someone’s relationship, like many of the people did in the My Son’s Wife stories. You may think these are small, insignificant sins that are not going to be held against you if you don’t forgive. But that’s not true.

  For most of us, our natural instinct when we are mistreated, injured, or wronged is to seek revenge, get back at the person(s) who wronged us—make them pay. We usually don’t automatically overflow with love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace. But God requires forgiveness, or He will not forgive us. If we are unwilling or unable to forgive, then there’s no need to ask God to forgive us. God stands ready to forgive us for our sins. He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He says in His Word that we are to forgive seven times seventy—in other words, there is not a time when we are not to forgive.

  Think about those who have hurt you and those whom you have hurt. If you are the one who has wronged someone, seek their forgiveness. If you are the one who has experienced the wrong, forgive as Christ Himself forgives you. You’ll be so much better for having done so.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Why would Detria invite Pastor Graham to live with her and Stiles?

  2. How is Detria different from Stiles’s ex-wife, Rena Graham?

  3. Does Stiles still love his ex-wife? If you think he does, discuss why you believe this.

  4. Is Rena in love with Robert Becton, or is she still in love with Stiles?

  5. What are your feelings about Francesca and Brother Tim? Is it a realistic relationship?

  6. Do you know anyone who has been the victim of elderly abuse?

  7. Do you know someone who abuses the elderly? If so, what have you done with the information?

  8. What is your opinion of Detria’s personality?

  9. Do you believe Detria’s miscarriage was God’s way of saying she needed to get help before He gave her a child that she might end up abusing? Why or why not?

  10. Should a husband and wife tell each other everything that happens during their marriage? If so, why? If not, why not?

  11. Does Stiles make the right decision about his marriage to Detria? Why or why not?

  A Personal Invitation from the Author

  If you have not made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, God himself extends this invitation to you.

  If you have not trusted Him and believed Him to be the giver of eternal life, you can do so right now. We do not know the second, the minute, the hour, the moment, or day that God will come to claim us. Will you be ready?

  The Word of God says:

  “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are SAVED” (Romans 10:9–10 NIV, emphasis added).

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  engagements with the author, contact:

  [email protected].

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  comments to the author please contact:

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  My Son’s Next Wife Copyright © 2011 Shelia E. Lipsey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-5998-3186-2

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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