Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3)

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Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3) Page 5

by Dover, L. P.

  “Dammit,” I hissed. “I didn’t think he’d even care. I feel terrible now.”

  “As you should,” she remarked, pursing her lips. “However, being the friend that I am, I won’t hold it against you.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  Chuckling, Bree put her arm around my shoulders and squeezed. “I’ll tell you what’ll make you feel better. Cole and I thought about doing something fun tonight. Why don’t you join us? There’s so much you still haven’t seen of Vegas.”

  “Don’t you want to spend time with Cole by yourself?” I asked. “I don’t want to get in the way.” I did want to see more of Sin City, but I also didn’t want to encroach on her time with Cole. I hated being the third wheel.

  Bree rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag from underneath the bar. “Oh, whatever, Kacey. You’re not going to get in the way. Let me run to the restroom really quick to get changed, and when I come back I’ll wait for Pandra while you go.”

  Before rushing off to the back, she squeezed my arm and smiled. If it wasn’t for her, I didn’t know how I would’ve made it past these last few months. She always had a way of making things better. Now that my grandmother was steadily getting worse, I missed having the support of a family.

  “Hey, Kacey, what’s up?” Pandra called from behind. “Have you guys been busy tonight?”

  “You know it,” I replied, turning to face her.

  She had on a black corset-style top and a black leather skirt. Her white blonde hair was cut short in a pixie style, with one hot pink strip on the left side of her face. Each month, she changed the colors—last time it was blue.

  I knew better than to try to color my hair again. One time, I had some hot pink streaks put in my hair and it bled all over my blonde. I’d walked around for a week looking like the Pink Panther had tried to fuck my hair.

  Setting her purse underneath the bar, she grabbed a bottle of water and clocked in. Pandra always worked the night shift and loved it, which made me happy because that meant I never had to do it.

  “All right, lovely, you can go,” she said to me. “Be safe. Bree told me in the break room that you two were going out tonight.”

  “Yeah, her and this guy she’s dating want to show me around. I figured what the hell, right?”

  “You have to live your life while you’re young, Kacey. Sometimes you need to put yourself first.”

  I wish I could actually do that.

  After fetching my purse, I clocked out on the computer and said my goodbyes before rushing off to the back, where Bree stood talking on her phone.

  “Hey girl, hurry up and get dressed. We need to meet Cole in fifteen minutes. This is a date I do not want to miss.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

  Her smile grew wider. “I can’t tell you . . . just trust me. It’s something even I haven’t experienced before.”

  For once, seeing her excitement actually had me feeling it for a change. Maybe I could forget my troubles for at least for a couple of hours, before the real world came back to bring me down.

  “Why are we at the Stratosphere?” I asked as Bree pulled into the parking lot.

  Once she parked, she checked her makeup in the mirror and squealed. “We’re here because we’re going all the way to the top.”

  “Don’t they close pretty soon? I don’t want to spend the money to go up there and only get an hour. That’s a waste, don’t you think?”

  “Not tonight, it’s not. Come on, let’s go,” she commanded. “Everything is taken care of.”

  After grabbing our purses out of the backseat, we got out of the car and sauntered inside the busy hotel, straight for the elevators. There was a middle-aged woman at the elevator and as soon as we approached she smiled, ushering us inside.

  “What floor ladies?” she asked politely.

  Bree smiled and bounced on her feet. “We’re going to the indoor observation floor first, please.”

  The doors to the elevator closed and once inside, Bree couldn’t keep still the whole way up. I was glad she was happy about going out with Cole, but I wanted her to be careful. I was, however, happy to be able to see Las Vegas from the top of the Stratosphere. He’d made a good choice.

  When the doors to the elevator opened, I expected to see a slew of people milling about, but there was no one except a couple of employees. “Uh, Bree?” I called hesitantly, turning to see the elevator doors shut. “Are you sure we’re allowed to be up here? Where is everyone?”

  Before she could reply, one of the employees – a young man who looked to be about my age with short, red hair – came over with a tray and handed Bree a glass of wine and me a Tequila Sunrise.

  “If you need anything just let me know. My name’s Trey,” he said, acknowledging us with a nod before walking away.

  Pursing my lips, I held up my drink and peered over at Bree, lifting my brows. How did he know that a Tequila Sunrise was my favorite drink?

  “How is this possible?” I asked. “Not many people know that this is my favorite drink.”

  Nervously, Bree took a sip of her wine and chuckled. “I might have told Cole what you liked. Speaking of which, he’s around here somewhere. Why don’t you go look around and enjoy the view? As soon as I find him, I’ll come over and join you.”

  “Okay,” I breathed in awe, gazing excitedly at the windows all around. “Don’t rush on my account.”

  Giggling, she strolled off in search of Cole, while I walked toward the windows. Why wasn’t there anyone around? As soon as I looked out at the sea of lights, all thoughts of everyone else ceased to exist.

  “Wow,” I murmured. It was amazingly breathtaking. Alas, my moment of enjoyment quickly dissipated at the sound of a particular voice behind me.

  “If you think this is awesome, you need to check out the observation deck upstairs. It’s a different experience when you’re outside.”

  When his reflection showed up in the window, my heart sped up at the sight of him. Tyler was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a light blue T-shirt. I blamed my reaction on the adrenaline from being so high up in the sky.

  “So I guess me blowing you off at the track was too subtle for you?” I remarked dryly.

  His chuckle made me shiver. “No, actually I got the message loud and clear. I just chose not to listen to it.”

  Rolling my eyes, I huffed. I didn’t want him to know he affected me. “You’re a fool then.”

  In the window, I watched him smile and shake his head before coming to stand right beside me. I didn’t want to appear weak, so I stood my ground, even when his arm lightly brushed up against mine.

  “I’m not a fool, Kacey. An ass, most definitely, but never a fool. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to get to know someone. Even after your harsh words at the track, I still want to try. There has to be a reason you detest people like me and I want to know why.”

  “Like that’s what you’re doing,” I blew out. “I know what guys like you are about and talking isn’t one of them.”

  Tyler nodded his head and watched me through the reflection in the window. “And you’re right. Most guys like me only want one thing. Tonight, however, isn’t about that.”

  “Then what is it about?” I asked boldly, glaring at him.

  His hands closed over my shoulders and I reluctantly let him turn my body toward him, his fingers slowly sliding down my skin. “It’s about you,” he murmured gently. “I don’t know who you are or what’s going on in your life, but Bree’s been worried about you. She said you hadn’t seen much of Vegas and I thought this would be a good place to start.”

  “It was your idea to come here? I thought it was Cole’s?”

  Tyler’s eyes twinkled and he chuckled, which actually made me smile. “Nothing against Cole, but his idea of seeing Vegas would be visiting the casinos. I figured you’d appreciate the true beauty of it all.”

  Gazing out the window, a genuine smile splayed across his lips as the lights belo
w sparkled in his gray eyes. “How long have you lived here?” I asked.

  “My whole life,” he replied. “It’s my home.”

  I wish I had a place that felt like home. My grandmother was all I had and now that her health was failing, it would only be a matter of time before I’d really be alone.

  “What about you?” he asked. “I know you just moved here. Where did you come from?”

  “California. I moved out here to take care of my grandmother,” I responded. “I don’t know how much longer she has left.”

  “So is that what Bree meant when she told me you had a lot going on?”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, among other things. I honestly don’t know why I’m even talking to you about this.” Turning on my heel, I started toward the elevator, my heart thumping wildly.

  Grabbing my arm, he turned me around before I could go any further, his demeanor heated . . . almost angry. His hold on my arm wasn’t tight, but he wasn’t about to let me go either. “Your preconceived notions about me are starting to piss me off. If there’s one thing you need to know about me, it’s that I tell it like it is. If all I wanted was to fuck you I would’ve told you that at the very beginning. I’m honestly trying to do the right thing for once.”

  We stood there staring at each other, neither one of us backing down. “So you’re saying that at the end of the night you’re not going to try to hook up with me?”

  Lips tilting up in a smirk, he chuckled and shook his head. “Not unless you wanted to. I know when I’m not wanted, Kacey. All I want to do tonight is have a little bit of fun.”

  “What kind of fun?” I asked nervously.

  Tyler winked and grabbed my hand. “I think it’s time you found out.”

  I HAD NEVER laughed or screamed so hard in my life. At the very top of the Stratosphere, they had three thrill rides as well as the sky jump—there was no way in hell I was doing that. The adrenaline coursing through my veins was phenomenal. For the first time in a long while, I actually let myself enjoy having fun.

  “So what did you think about that?” Tyler asked as we got off of the Insanity thrill ride.

  Through my tears from laughing so hard, I looked at him and wiped them away. “If I don’t throw up I’ll let you know. Other than that, it was awesome.”

  “See? I knew you would have fun,” Bree squealed excitedly, holding onto Cole’s hand. “But it’s getting kind of late. Don’t you need to get back home?”

  Glancing down at my phone, it was closing in on two in the morning and I knew I needed to get some sleep before Cindy’s shift with my grandmother ended. “Yeah, I probably need to get back.”

  Bree nodded. “All right, let’s go.”

  Side by side, Bree and Cole walked in front of me and Tyler, completely mesmerized with each other. Cole seemed like a nice guy. I just hope he stayed that way.

  “As soon as I take Kacey home, I’ll come over to your place,” Bree murmured quietly to Cole. She didn’t want me to hear it because she thought it’d make me feel bad.

  Before getting on the elevator to travel the hundred and eight stories down, Tyler leaned in close and whispered, “If you want me to take you home, I am more than willing. If not, I completely understand. It’s your choice.”

  Much to my dismay, I’d actually had a great time with him. He didn’t overstep any boundaries and he also didn’t talk about himself or fighting the entire time. It’d been different than hanging out with most of my brother’s friends.

  “Okay,” I said, hoping I didn’t regret my decision. “You can take me home.”

  Once inside Tyler’s shiny, new black truck, he turned the music down so we were riding in silence. “If you don’t mind my asking,” he began, “what is your grandmother suffering from?”

  Clearing my throat, I leaned my head back on the seat. “She has stage four colon cancer. When I first moved out here, her mind was still sharp as a blade. Now it’s spread to some of her other organs and some days I don’t think she even knows who I am.”

  “Who’s taking care of her right now?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell he was looking at me so I swallowed hard and met his stare. “I have a nurse who comes in and works the night shift while I’m at the bar. During the day, I’m the one who takes care of her.”

  “That’s a lot of responsibility on your shoulders,” he murmured. “Do you not have any other family to help?”

  If he only knew who that family was.

  “No, I don’t. Or at least no one who is willing to help. That’s why I left them to come out here.”

  “What are you going to do when your grandmother passes? Are you going to stay in Vegas?”

  “Most likely,” I replied. “I don’t want to go back to California. Besides, I have Bree here and we have our own dream to pursue.”

  Once we got off the highway, I gave him the directions to my grandmother’s house. When he pulled in the driveway, he put on the brake and turned to face me.

  “So what are your dreams? Did you go to college?”

  “You sure do ask a lot of questions,” I teased. “What about you? Did you go to college?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “No, school was never my thing. My father was a boxer and ever since I was old enough to get in the ring, that’s where all my focus has gone. College didn’t interest me.”

  “What about after you retire from fighting? Will you be taking over the gym?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he said with a nod. “My dad can be a pain in the ass, but when he retires it’ll all go to me. I hate to say this, but I’m ready for that time to come.”

  “Why is that?” I asked. “You seem to have a pretty good life from what I can tell.”

  “Now look who’s asking all of the questions,” he flirted. “I think I’ve answered my limit for the night. But if you want to know more, you can ask me tomorrow.”

  Laughing, I crossed my arms and tried to ignore the excitement coursing through my veins. “Is that your way of wanting to see me again?”

  He smiled. “Maybe. Are you interested?”

  Closing my eyes, I let my mind decide even though my body wanted something else. “Actually, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” he asked, his smile dissipating. “I thought we had a good time tonight.”

  “I did, but it’s only been one night. Just because you appeared to be a good person for a few hours doesn’t mean that you are one.”

  “The same can be said about you as well,” he countered in all seriousness. “What if you only wanted to be around me because of my money or because of my name? You have no idea how many women want to be with me for those superficial things. It’s hard to find someone real.”

  Biting my lip, I sat there speechless. He got me again. “Touché,” I muttered, defeated. “I didn’t think about that. Don’t you have a fight tomorrow night though?”

  “I do. Would you like to come? I’m sure Cole can persuade Bree to go as well.”

  I actually enjoyed watching fights, but it was the people who were going to be there that might be a problem. If any of Kyle’s friends saw me, they would tell him. Swallowing hard, I opened the door and slid out of his truck, meeting him in front.

  “I can’t go. I have a dinner date tomorrow night.”

  For a split second, Tyler’s gaze darkened before he nodded and looked down at the ground. “I see. I didn’t think you were dating anyone.”

  “I’m not,” I said. “I made these plans before going out with you tonight.”

  He reached for my hands, and I let him hold them, even though I knew it was wrong. What the hell was I doing? Nothing about being around Tyler was safe.

  “What about breakfast?” he offered. “Can you do that with me? That way I’ll be the one on your mind when you go out tomorrow night.”

  Shaking my head, I laughed and squeezed his hands before letting go. “You sure are full of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Sometimes,” he admitte
d. “So what do you say? Breakfast in the morning? I know you’ll be taking care of your grandmother, but I can cook a pretty decent omelet. That is, if you let me come over.”

  My heart pounded so loudly in my chest I was sure he could hear it. I didn’t know what to do . . . should I say yes? Bringing his hands up to my face, I stood there frozen in place, as he lowered his lips achingly close to mine. I should’ve pulled back, but that’s not what I did.

  The answer was decided when he took matters into his own hands and kissed me.

  I was going to see him in the morning.

  I ONLY GOT about four hours of sleep before Cindy tapped me on the shoulder. “Kacey, it’s time for me to go. Your grandmother is still asleep.”

  Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. She was in her dark green scrubs and her tired hazel eyes stared back at me.

  “Thank you, Cindy. I’ll take a quick shower and get ready before she wakes up. Did everything go okay last night? I got in kind of late.”

  Quietly, she chuckled. “Yes, I saw that. The gentleman who brought you home looks like a nice young man. I’m glad you’re taking the time to date.”

  “We’re not dating,” I clarified. “Trust me, that’s the last thing I need.”

  Cindy smirked and shook her head. “Okay, child, keep telling yourself that. As far as your grandmother is concerned, I think she’s finding it more difficult to think clearly. All you can do now is go along with it, which will keep her confusion and anxiety to a minimum.”

  “I understand,” I said. “I know what to do.”

  Once Cindy left, I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Tyler was supposed to come by for breakfast, but I had no idea what time, or if he was even going to show.

  Hurriedly, I put on a pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top before putting my wet hair in a side braid; once it dried, it would be wavy. When I got out of the bathroom, my grandmother was in the living room, sitting by the window.


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