COME WHEN CALLED (Billionaire & Biker Menage Romance)

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COME WHEN CALLED (Billionaire & Biker Menage Romance) Page 8

by Trace, Piper

  “You arrogant son of a bitch,” she hissed. “You didn’t defend me?” Feelings of betrayal reminiscent of the ones she’d felt with John flooded her like cold lake water, threatening to drown her. She lowered her voice, speaking deliberately, slowly, her words brittle with frostiness. “If you had the nerve to come here looking for more of what you got last night, knowing I just got fired for it, you can go to hell. I needed that job, and you had the power to save it for me.”

  “Evie, let me explain.”

  But she waved him off. Her motions jerky, she picked her stool up off the floor and yanked her purse onto her shoulder. She was used to being alone, even preferred it sometimes, but right at that moment her aloneness swamped her like an anchor dragging her into darkness.

  She needed to get away from all of these people. John, the firm, Ford Hawthorne. She’d been twice-screwed over, and now she was unemployed to boot. Without looking at him again, she moved to squeeze between their stools to leave.

  “Wait.” Ford grabbed her around the waist, wrapping his arms around her in a vice-like grip and pulling her against his broad chest. “You’re not leaving until you hear me out.”

  She pushed at his chest, not daring to meet his eyes lest her welling tears would spill, showing the bastard how much he’d upset her. But his voice softened. “Please, Evie.” She hadn’t expected the distress she heard in his tone, and it nearly wrecked what meager control she had left. Her chest hitched against a sob born of anger and frustration and she let her hair fall in her face, curtaining her eyes from him as fought to keep her emotions under control.

  Even as angry as she was with him, she gave in to the comfort of his embrace, and tucked her head into his shoulder, wanting to hide, wanting to disappear, even if it was in his traitorous arms for a moment until she composed herself. She was in trouble, and God help her, she felt protected wrapped against him like that. The feeling was intoxicating as it filled those holes in her—her desperate need for safety—even though he was one of the things she needed protected from. And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away.

  Just a minute in his arms, and then she’d leave and never look back.

  He caressed her shoulder blades, down to her lower back, his fingers kneading her tense muscles. “Shh, love. Don’t go,” he murmured. “Please, let me explain.”

  He moved his palms along her sides, gentling her with the touch of his large hands, and all she wanted to do was crawl onto his lap and melt against him. Instead, she forced her body to stiffen. Gritting her teeth at the effort it took to reject him, she pushed away from his chest and the shelter she inexplicably felt there, reminding herself there was nothing safe about this man.

  “Let. Go. Of. Me.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

  Though he loosened his arms and gave her room to step back, she didn’t. Staying pressed to him, she told herself it was only to hide her face from the other bar patrons until she’d better regained her composure.

  Ford’s voice held a note of uncertainty. “I’m screwing this all up.” He cupped the side of her face in his palm and caressed his thumb over her cheek, his eyes searching hers. “I’m out of my element here,” he whispered. His eyes became distant. Dropping his hand from her face to her shoulder, a moment passed before she saw him mentally return to the conversation. “I don’t normally consider how I make people feel.”

  She furrowed her brow and he clarified. “People do what I want because I have all the money, or they want…other things from me.”

  He blinked and Evie got the distinct impression he didn’t like admitting that. He’d never shared that much with her before. But he was trying, for her. She forgot to be mad at him.

  Her softening must have reflected in her face, because his voice turned strong again, resonating that confidence she’d always heard in it. “Mr. Northland apologized to me because he was hoping to keep me as a client. Once they had actual knowledge of your violation, the firm had to fire you. I don’t think they had a choice due to their current policies. His apologizing to me and blaming you were simply tactics to allow me to save face and persuade me to stay with the firm.”

  Evie crossed her arms over her chest. “So?”

  “So I fired them, just like they did to you.” He screwed up his mouth. “I just wish I had a recording of my own to show them. It was an admirably dramatic touch.”

  A smile played on her lips as he continued. “Besides, I only deal with the best and any firm who would let someone like you go…” Ford made a disgusted noise. “You should have been listed on their books as an asset. They were paying you a quarter of what they pay their attorneys and you can run circles around most of them.” Putting his hands on her hips, he pulled her close again and she let him. “Why did you never go to law school?”

  “I couldn’t afford it.”

  “Do you want to go now? I’ll pay for it. It’s the least I can do.”

  “No! I’m not going to take pity money from you.” His face fell and Evie’s heart fluttered with regret. “But thank you,” she said stiffly. “That’s a nice offer.”

  “I didn’t offer to be nice. I offered because you should get the education you need to be paid what you deserve. Then you could be my attorney.” He smiled slyly. “See I was only thinking of myself. I really am a selfish bastard.”

  She smiled against her will. He was incorrigible.

  “Evie.” He touched her hair, pressing his fingers gently against her scalp. The touch brought last night rushing back to her conscience. “You can do better. That law firm doesn’t deserve you. And you haven’t been happy there for a while. I can tell.” He searched her face. “John, I’m assuming?”

  You could say that.

  She lowered her eyes, refusing to answer.

  “You’ve lost a bit of your usual sparkle.” He tilted her chin back up. “And I’ve grown uncomfortably attached to that sparkle, so now your problems are affecting me.”

  Evie pulled back from him with a huff, muttering, “You’re unbelievable.”

  “C’mon, I’m teasing. But I can help you, if you’ll let me.” He cupped her cheek and she leaned into his palm. She couldn’t help it. It felt good to her.

  “Fine.” Resigned, she plopped back down on her stool. “I wanted to finish my drink anyway. They don’t let you take these things to go.” Anchoring both hands around her beer, she took a deep breath and tried to help him understand. “I needed that job. There is no back-up plan. Without that job, I’m in trouble.”

  A pang of fear iced through her. Pausing for a swallow of liquid courage, she gathered herself. “I was finally getting somewhere. I was starting to pay off my loan and then I was going to save some money for a fresh start.” She neglected to clarify that her loan was from John, and that he was currently blackmailing her about the circumstances under which he’d given it to her.

  Shoving her drink aside, she dropped her forehead onto the bar. The worn and overly-varnished wood felt cool against her flushed skin. She didn’t care if she looked pathetic. She felt pathetic.

  “Just leave me alone,” she mumbled against the bar. “Don’t you have a State Dinner to attend or lunch in Paris, or something?”

  “Probably.” Ford’s reply was soft and sounded as dejected as she felt. And then she felt bad, as if she’d been mean. But c’mon. Lunch in Paris? Tough life. Poor Ford. Why he would be so broken up about his fabulous life was not something Evie had the time or patience to ponder right now. She had actual problems.

  She sat back up with a sigh, allowing her shoulders to slump as far as they damn well felt like slumping. Neither she nor Ford spoke for a good five minutes, staring straight ahead and working with dedication on their respective cheap drinks. Finally Ford offered an obvious point. “I would be an important client for any law firm.”

  “Yes.” She tilted her head toward him and spoke softly this time. “All the more reason for me not to give you a blowjob in the law library. Don’t you think?”

I disagree, Evangeline. I rather think it would give you more incentive to do so. Your firing was very short-sighted. Honestly, I think you deserve a promotion for what you did.”

  Evie’s mouth dropped open. “What kind of business world do you live in? Are these sorts of perks common for the elite and I’m just naively unaware of it?”

  He laughed and shook his head, biting his lip as he thought for a moment before speaking. “No, unfortunately they are not.”

  She shook her head, trying to look disgusted, but he had a way about him that was so much damn fun, even in these circumstances. It was refreshing to hear someone speak his mind unapologetically. She couldn’t help but like him.

  His smiling face gentled. “Seriously, Evie. First time, I swear.” He raised his hand in a mock vow. “And wonderful. And all I needed.”

  Her lips curved in a smile she couldn’t bite back. This only encouraged him.

  “In fact it was absolutely fucking fantastic,” he purred, leaning closer.

  A thrill curled low in her belly. When Ford spoke to her in such a crass way in that velvety, graceful voice of his, the juxtaposition made her want to take off her panties and shove them into his pocket in invitation.

  He licked his bottom lip, his eyes on hers. The self-assured way he seemed completely aware of what he did to her was unsettling. She’d never known a man who could read her mind and body like he could. She shifted on her stool, her pulse reflecting apprehension or lust—she couldn’t tell them apart at the moment.

  He trailed a finger down the back of her arm, her nipples pricking hard at the stimulation. “I’ve never received such tremendous customer service before last night.” Ford’s teasing grin spread wide across his handsome face.

  She bit the inside of her cheek. He was so damned distracting. “Ford, you’re not helping.”

  “Fine, then I will help.” His tone sobered. “How’s this?” He ticked his thoughts off on his fingers. “It was wrong for your firm to fire you over what was clearly a personal matter between you and me after hours. It was ugly of them to play you the tape and humiliate you. It was stupid of them not to just cover this up or at least consult me first before firing you.” He leaned his head in to catch her eyes with his, looking genuinely sincere. “And I can get you a job with any firm you want in exchange for my business.”

  She narrowed her eyes, processing his suggestion. “Okay,” she said slowly. “I get it.” Maybe Ford could fix this for her after all, without her feeling she owed him something in return. She needed a new job and he needed a new law firm. And she did do excellent work for him, so he should want to use her again. “You would do that? Barter your business for a job for me?” She narrowed her eyes, trying to think of any problem with the idea she might have missed, but her heart had already become buoyant and she loved the plan more every second.

  It could work.

  “On one condition, love.” He scooted his stool closer to hers, turning her again so her knees were between his. He brushed her hair off her shoulder, touching her neck and letting his fingers linger there. The touch wasn’t blatantly sexual, yet it wasn’t casual either, and it sent her pulse soaring. The flesh warmed between her legs.

  Then a light bulb went on. “Oh,” she said in recognition, “you want another blowjob.” Of course.

  “No,” he said simply.

  “More than one? Oh my god, how many? Or no, it’s sex. You want sex.” Well, twist her arm… She’d wanted to screw Ford ever since she’d met him. Wanted to screw him worse than any man before, in fact, and that was saying something.

  “No, no Evie. Well yes, actually, I’d love a repeat of last night, or more, but that’s not what I’m proposing. I want to hire you. And if you work for me for a year, I’ll help you get any job you want with any law firm you want. Or I’ll pay for you to go to law school.”

  The rock sinking in her stomach nearly pulled her off her stool. Everything with Ford came with rules…rules that benefited him. “A year! Ford, I need a job at a law firm. Why would I want to work for you?”

  “I’m offering a great opportunity. Be my assistant for a year. I’ll double your pay and match your benefits. You’ll get the best business experience, make more money, and when you’re done, I will help you get a job anywhere you want one. I have a lot of influence.”

  Now her pulse was soaring for a different reason. The jackass was manipulating the situation under the auspices of what was best for her—a call he didn’t have the right to make—so she hated to admit the idea had merit. She could pay John back faster than she could while working at another firm. Her mind wandered through scenes of Ford bending her over his desk, her legs over his shoulders on a private plane, sneaking off to a deserted hallway during a cocktail party at his mansion.

  It could be fun.

  She really did enjoy Ford, even when he was being a manipulative bastard. But could she work for him without John finding out? She just needed the time to get the money together to repay the bastard. She didn’t dare try to skip out without giving John the money she owed him. She was not going to spend her life looking over her shoulder in fear.

  However, though Ford was offering her a way out from under John’s thumb, she didn’t appreciate being left without a choice. John had tried to control her life and she’d be damned if she was going to let Ford do the same.

  “And what if I don’t want to work for you?”

  “Then I wish you good luck in your future.” He downed the rest of his drink. “Though I don’t imagine it’ll be easy to find another job, given your…situation.”

  Evie gasped. “You ass! You’re the cause of my ‘situation’. So it’s work for you or nothing?” She crossed her arms. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did this on purpose.” she hissed.

  At that Ford looked at her, and for a heartbeat, shock and confusion warred on his face. Then he laughed. And kept laughing. She glared and waited.

  Finally he caught his breath. “So let me get this straight. I got you to give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life in order to get you fired on purpose so you’d have to come to work for me?” His deep laugh rumbled through her while she frowned at him, trying to ignore the manly timbre of his mirth. He looked up at the ceiling. “If only I could get all of my dirty work accomplished that way!” He leaned forward, his voice conspiratorial. “I’d be evil far more often.”

  He put his hand under her stool and scooted it closer to him, his deep green eyes seemingly sincere. “Love, there is no master plan. I honestly do need an assistant. I’ve needed one for a long time. I’ve just never found anyone I’d want to work that closely with. Honestly, I can’t stand most people except you and Charley.”

  She and Charley. Ford Hawthorne, the rich, gorgeous, unattainable guy in the social pages. How had she gone from being his paralegal to occupying one of two spots in his inner circle? Except she felt the same about him. Their connection was organic and unexpected, but undeniable.

  Plus, working for Ford would look great on her resume. She pulled back from him, her posture stiff. “What exactly would you want me to do for you?”

  “We’ll work out the details as we go, but it would be a live-in position. I want you to be available at all times. I often work odd hours.”

  “Live in?” she squeaked. “As in, at your estate?”

  Holy hell. It was the perfect solution to her problem. Not only would John not know where she was, but Ford’s estate would have high security. She would be safe as long as she stayed there. Plus, not having to pay rent, utilities and food, she could actually pay John back in—she did the math quickly in her head—less than three months.

  “Your work would be mainly arranging my travel, assisting in negotiations, business paperwork, personal shopping, maintaining my schedule, and the like.”

  “The like”, meaning living at Ford’s luxurious mansion, maybe having some mind-blowing orgasms and getting to see Ford naked, perhaps often? And she did trust him to come through with a
great job for her when it was all over. Besides, she didn’t have much of a choice. Ford didn’t know the danger it had put her in when she’d lost her job, nor did he realize he’d now offered her the perfect solution.

  “Fine,” she said simply.

  “Really?” He grinned, dimples calling to her.


  “Excellent!” He smacked his hand on the bar. “We’ll work out the details as we go along. Could you possibly move in as soon as tomorrow? I can send a team to pack your things.”

  “Don’t bother. Everything I own worth keeping will fit in my car. I’ll be there in the morning.” The sooner the better so John didn’t find her.

  “Excellent,” he said again, still beaming. “I’m looking forward to our arrangement.”

  “See you tomorrow, boss,” she sang as she hopped off her stool, grabbed her purse, and swished out of the bar.

  Her new, rich employer could pick up the tab.


  KEEPING ONE EYE on the road, Evie pulled the note out of her purse and glanced at it again, even though she had every awful word memorized. She wanted to throw it away—or better, burn it—but she’d been exposed to the world of criminal law long enough to know it was evidence. And if anything happened to her, the least she could do was ensure John would be caught and held responsible.

  For what felt like the millionth time, her mind replayed the moment she’d found it.

  She’d left the bar feeling optimistic. She’d gone from half-drunk hopelessness to a way out of her situation with John, better pay, a better home and a drop-dead sexy boss. Plus Ford had told her she’d given him the best blow-job of his life. There was an extra kick in her step at that revelation.

  But when she’d arrived back at her car, her footsteps had slowed to a halt. There was a note on her windshield.

  She’d glanced around, the parking garage full of cars waiting for their working occupants, but no person in sight. Heart pounding and ears straining for any sound of footsteps approaching, she’d pulled the note out from under the windshield wiper, keeping her eyes peeled all around her. Backing away quickly, she’d circled to the other side of the car to make sure no one was hiding there to ambush her. She’d even dropped down to look under it, but she seemed to be alone.


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