Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy Page 18

by M E Whiter

  Once Sebastian settles the bill, leaving the waiter a generous tip, we exit the restaurant by a side door.

  Once we leave the restaurant, we follow a short path leading directly to a long, elevated boardwalk, that runs in front of the restaurant and beside the lake.

  The wooden floorboards creak noisily beneath our feet, as we stroll along, gazing out into the blackness, at the distant lights, twinkling brightly across the harbour. Sebastian holds my free hand as we walk, making sure we keep to a pace, that I can comfortably manage, with my walking cane.

  There are several lamp posts dotted along the jetty, throwing enough light across our path, so we can see where we are going. After a few minutes, we reach the entrance to the main jetty, that stretches out over the lake, disappearing into the darkness. Sebastian turns and we start walking along it, until we get about halfway, when a cold breeze catches us, making me shiver slightly.

  Sebastian notices, “Are you cold?”

  “Yes just a little,” I reply, causing him to stop, while he slips out of his jacket. Draping it around my shoulders, he then quickly folds me into his arms. His move catches me by surprise, and I have no choice but to slip my arms, through his waist, still keeping hold of my cane. When I turn my head to one side, he gently presses me against his chest. We stand together in each other's arms. The heat from our two bodies, intertwines around us like a cosy blanket, effectively blocking out the cold.

  “You look like an angel, the way the light picks up the gold flecks in your hair,” he murmurs softly, stroking it with his hand.

  When his eyes capture mine, they look dark and glittery, against the shadow cast across his face, from the lamp light behind him. When he leans forward, his lips brush across my face, leaving kisses on my eyes and my cheeks before kissing me on the lips. I close my eyes, feeling his warm tongue slip inside my mouth, claiming possession, as he samples the taste and texture of my tongue.

  He continues kissing me, with renewed fervour. Each deeper, more passionate than the last, igniting a flame of desire, surging through my blood, consuming every part of me. I give myself to him, every part of me, burning with need for him to claim me. All of me.

  I have to lean against him for support, not sure how much longer I can withstand the stimulation, without him giving me some sort of relief. When we finally come up for air, I'm breathing hard and my body is humming, from all the hormones buzzing around inside me.

  “I think it’s time I took you home Rachel,” he murmurs, slightly out of breath. I'm glad to see that it's not just me, who's been affected. I nod my reply, not trusting my voice to work, while my heart is still beating so hard. As we leave the jetty and head towards the carpark, I just hope that his intentions are to continue what he just started, some where more private.

  WHEN WE ARRIVE back at his house, Sebastian enters the side door, taking off his tie as he heads down the hallway. I follow, reaching the kitchen a few seconds behind him. I walk over and sit up on one of the stools, at the breakfast bar.

  “I'm having a port. Would you like something to drink Rachel?” he asks, over his shoulder, as he opens the cupboard.

  “Yes, please. I'll have the same,” I answer, noticing he seems a little distracted within his own thoughts.

  Sebastian half-fills two port glasses, then hands one to me, as he moves in close, until our thighs are almost touching. He rests his elbow on the counter, leaning into me.

  “Did you enjoy dinner, Rachel?” he asks, slowly caressing the side of my arm.

  “Yes, thank you, Sebastian. I had a wonderful evening. It’s been a long time, since I’ve been out to dinner.” I reply, taking a sip of the port. The burning liquid, tastes smooth and warm, as it glides down my throat. Just what I need!

  I can feel the slow build up of sexual tension, billowing around us, like a cloud billowing before a storm. My heart is beating nervously, the way he’s gazing at me, his eyes smouldering with unmasked desire.

  Sebastian swallows the last of his drink, and puts the glass on the counter. He then plants his hand on the counter beside me, effectively trapping me against the breakfast bar, with his body. I raise my hands reflexively, and press them against his upper arms for support. When I feel his thick muscles flexing beneath my fingers, a shiver of excitement rushes through me.

  Taking my chin in his hand, he pulls my face towards him, bringing our lips together, in a gentle kiss. I close my eyes, breathing in through my nose. The scent of his cologne hits me, like an aphrodisiac, arousing my senses.

  Leaning forward, he places his hand behind my head, holding it secure, as he deepens the kiss. His lips devour mine, like a man possessed, consuming me with the urgency of his need.

  Before I know what's happening, he crushes me against his chest, squashing my breasts in the process. He prods my lips open wider, plunging his tongue inside my mouth. I can taste the port on his tongue, as he expertly tangles with mine, in a deliciously arousing foreplay.

  I slip my arms around his waist, desperately needing to get closer to him. When he presses his growing erection against my thigh, I moan. Almost expiring on the spot, in the knowledge, that I have this effect on him. The potent feeling, lighting a flame of desire deep down in my belly.

  “Rachel, you have spun my world upside down,” he murmurs between kisses, as he slides his hand down my neck to my chest. “Ever since that day . . .” he continues, his hand moving further down, stopping in the hollow between my breasts, “when you fell into my lap,” he adds, caressing the top of my cleavage.

  “Don’t you think, I feel the same way about you Sebastian,” I moan, in anticipation of where the hand gliding down my body, will land next. He already has me burning up, from the heat stirring in my blood.

  “I have wanted you, from the first moment you looked into my eyes?” Suddenly, he whips his hand away, pulling back from me, to create a cold empty space between us. "But, I cannot Rachel," he sighs deeply, closing his eyes for a second.

  His words shock me, like a cold slap of rejection, hitting me across the face. "Why Sebastian?" I groan at him in frustration. No! He can't be doing this to me, again. What's with this hot and cold act of his anyway? "Is it because you're put off by my scars? They repulse you. Is that why you keep stopping?"

  His eyes flare open, horrified by my question. "Fuck no, Rachel. That's not what I meant, at all."

  "Then why?" I plead, utterly frustrated with him.

  "Rachel, I already told you. I promised, I would not take advantage of you, while you are recovering from your accident." He takes a step back, and I can see the conflicted expression in his lust-filled eyes. He rakes his fingers back through his hair, fisting it into a tight hold, behind his head. When he lets go, he looks at me, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, this will not happen again. I'm going to bed. Good night Rachel."

  He turns and storms out of the room, not hearing the pleading question on my lips.

  "Then why do you keep seducing me?" I groan under my breath, watching his retreating form, disappear from my sight. Ugh!

  I take a deep sigh, letting it out slowly. Sliding off the stool, I shuffle out of the kitchen, turning off the lights as I make my way upstairs, to my empty room.

  Pulling back the quilt, I climb into bed, and sink beneath the luxurious bedcovers, just as the tears begin to roll down my face. I guess, I'm still strung out from Sebastian's sexual advances, playing havoc with my hormones.

  I came so close to losing my dignity before. He gets me so hot and bothered, every time he ravishes me, with his hot passionate kisses. I almost begged him to put an end to this torture and take me. Where I didn't care. Then and there in the kitchen, would've be fine by me.

  It's obvious he wants me . . . and badly, going by the bulge in his crotch. So, why the hell, does he keep torturing me? Grr! He has to be the most frustrating man I've ever met.

  I haven't been with a man since Drew, and he's the only one, I've ever slept with. It took him months to get through all my defences, befor
e we even got to third base. Now with Sebastian, the opposite seems to be the case.

  I can't think straight, wanting him to ravish me, whenever he's anywhere near me. I close my eyes, my mind whirling in a state of confused frustration, from the mixed messages he keeps sending me. I don't know how he expect's me, to get a good night's sleep, with him driving me crazy like this?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  SUNDAY, 24th August


  WHEN I WAKE up around six thirty, the sky outside is a deep blue, with a warm golden glow, peeping just above the eastern horizon. I desperately want to go back to sleep, but I feel too restless to stay in bed. So, I just lay there, not knowing what else to do. I didn’t sleep well, as predicted, feeling too emotionally distraught over what happened last night. Or, I should say, what didn't happen?

  Looking outside again, I notice the sun has now risen, and the peach blue sky is clear, promising to be another beautiful day. I decide, to go for a walk outside, thinking some fresh air, will be good for me.

  After a quick shower, I slip into my black and white one-piece swimsuit, with a deep neckline. Just in case I decide to go for a swim. Throwing on a matching long chiffon kaftan over the top, I then slip into my flat sandals. I borrow one of Sebastian's towels from the bathroom, and wrap it around my neck.

  Wearing my sunnies on top of my head, I grab my walking cane and leave the room. I tip-toe my way downstairs, so I don't wake Sebastian, if he's still in bed. The house seems eerily quiet, as I make my way to the breakfast nook in the kitchen.

  I'm glad, I don’t find Sebastian up and about, when I open the doors and step outside on the back terrace, closing them behind me. I breath in a lungful of crisp morning air, as I head off down the path to the shallow steps, and onto the beach. I remove my sandals, carrying them in my hand, as I turn right and stroll down the isolated strip of beach.

  The cold wet sand glistening beneath my bare feet, is bathed in hues of pink and peach, reflecting the rising dawn. I only go as far as the small patch of trees, where there is a runoff into the lake. I find a small rock, from where I can watch the sunrise, and sit down on it.

  It’s peaceful, just sitting here, by myself, without having Sebastian around to confuse me, with the mixed signals he’s been giving me. It's bad enough that I have someone threatening to harm me, without his behaviour confounding the issue. One moment he says he wants me, the next, he's pushing me away.

  I don't know how long I sit here, wishing I didn't have to go back and face him. But, by the position of the sun, I'd say it's been at least an hour. I have to drag myself away, realising that if I don’t, I won’t have time for a swim. I’m expecting the water will be a bit cool, for this time of day, but, I think it will help clear out my system, after last night. And, I desperately need to feel like myself again.

  I head back to the house, making a beeline for the large rectangular pool, I had seen yesterday, in the back corner of the garden. When I reach it, I drop all my stuff onto one of the deckchairs surrounding the pool. Looking up towards the house, I can see the back doors on the balcony are still closed, just like I'd left them.

  Pulling the kaftan off over my head, I toss it on the chair with the other things. The air is a bit cool, but the sun’s warmth helps to block it out. Limping over to the pool, I stand on the top step, and tentatively dip my toe in the water, to test the temperature. A little shiver, runs through me, when I find it colder than I had anticipated.

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I debate whether I still want to go in. But, the clear blue water, sparkling in the bright sunlight, looks too enticing to pass up. Taking a deep breath to brace myself, I step down into the water, stopping when it reaches my thighs. Then before I can think about it, I quickly plunge my entire body below the surface.

  As soon as I come up for air, I push my wet clinging hair, away from my face. When I can see again, I notice I'm facing the house. I glance up and gasp, when I see Sebastian standing in the open doorway watching me. From this distance, I can't see him well enough, to read the expression on his face.

  I’m not sure whether I should feel embarrassed or delighted knowing that he’s watching me. But I swear, the temperature in the pool, just went up a couple of degrees. I turn away quickly and dive under the water again. I swim to the other end of the pool, hoping the exercise will help ease some of the awkward tension out of my body. When I finally resurface, I swim back towards the steps, at the shallow end of the pool. Standing up, the water level comes to just above my waist.

  I can't resist the temptation to look over towards the house, again, to see if Sebastian is still there. I’m relieved when I find he’s not. But, before I can turn around to dive back under the water, two arms suddenly appear, on either side of me, trapping me against the side of the pool.

  "HEY,” I GASP in shock, feeling Sebastian pressing his bare chest against my back. The feel of his bare skin against mine, sends tingles down my spine.

  "Hello beautiful," he whispers, bringing his lips, close to my ear.

  "You scared the hell out of me," I yelp, still recovering from the shock.

  “The water looked so inviting I just couldn’t resist.” It doesn't explain, why he has me pinned to the side of the pool? Hmm? I can’t help but wonder, if this isn't just him, toying with me again.

  He doesn't give me much room to move, but I manage to twist myself around, so I'm facing him. "I didn’t see you get in the pool," I tell him, looking into his eyes, and nearly expire on the spot, when I notice the flicker of desire, dancing within their blue depths. "I thought you’d gone back inside." I croak, my mouth suddenly gone dry, from all the moisture pooling like liquid fire, in my groin.

  When I lower my gaze to his naked chest, I suddenly realise, this is the first time I’ve seen him without a shirt on. His broad muscular frame looks solid and well-toned. I take my time, to fully appreciate what a truly magnificent male specimen he is. Obviously, he makes good use of the gym in his penthouse.

  "I thought you might like some company. Your cheeks look flushed Rachel," he says, roaming his eyes over me. "Are you cold?"

  “No, why?” I ask, frowning at him. Then suddenly, all the blood drains from my face, when I watch his lips turn up at the side, in a wry grin.

  “It's just, your nipples are on high beam and your breathing is shallow." he comments looking down at my breasts again.

  Instinctively, I raise my arm up to cover them. “I’m not used to all this fresh air," I mumble, my cheeks glowing hotter by the second.

  His gaze pierces right through me. “Rachel you cannot fool me. Your body is like an open book, and it is definitely telling me a different story,” he smirks, running a finger down the side of my cheek.

  Why do I feel like he's the cat and I'm the proverbial mouse, he's just captured in his paws, and is now having fun toying with me? I shiver at the thought, feeling uncertain of what his intentions may be, if this is just a game.

  “Relax Rachel. I'm not going to eat you, well not yet, anyway.”

  I gasp out loud, at his lewd comment, not knowing whether I should slap him, or demand he tell me what he meant, by that remark.

  “There is nothing to be afraid of," he murmurs, sliding his hand down the side of my arm.

  “I’m not afraid," I murmur, swallowing the lie on my tongue, as I look straight at him. "I'm just not ready to play another one of your games, if that's what this is about?"

  “Rachel, I promise you, I am not playing games. Please, trust me on that?” he asks earnestly.

  I look into his eyes, for a long moment, deciding if I can trust him at his word. His hand caressing my arm, is not helping me to stay focused. In the end, I decide he deserves one last chance. “I’ll try,” I tell him, nodding slightly.

  I’m grateful for the buoyancy of the water, supporting at least the lower half of me, because my limbs suddenly feel like jelly. I'm nervous about what he's going to do to me, equally as much as, I'm fearing he'll get cold feet again, and
stop before anything happens.


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