Wild Tendy (IceCats Book 2)

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Wild Tendy (IceCats Book 2) Page 1

by Toni Aleo

  Wild Tendy

  The IceCats Series

  Toni Aleo

  Copyright © 2019 by Toni Aleo

  All rights reserved.

  Wild Tendy is a work of fiction. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editing by: Lisa Hollett of Silently Correcting Your Grammar

  Proofing by: Jenny Rarden

  Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

  Photo by: FuriousFotog

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  Dump & Chase

  Also by Toni Aleo


  About Toni Aleo

  To everyone who has ever doubted me, this book is for you.

  In this book, my characters overcome inner doubt—and the doubt of others. They prevail, they fight for their happiness, and they do it without apology.

  I hope that for you, as I hope it for myself.


  This book deals with a medical situation which has many variations. Please bear in mind that no one experience is identical and that I’ve made every effort to represent a unique issue accurately. Also, if you give me the ultimate reward of a review, please try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible. I want everyone to experience the plot as it develops. I hope you enjoy Wild Tendy. I happen to love it very much.

  Why don’t you join my newsletter for updates on new releases, sales, deleted scenes, and more? Sign up with confidence. NO SPAM EVER! JOIN NOW!

  Chapter One


  I love women.

  I know what you’re thinking—you’re not surprised. I’m a twenty-seven-year-old, really good-looking—if I may say so myself—franchise and league-starring goalie. Ask anyone who is around the league, and they’ll say I am the best. My save percentage is the best hands down. Just look on my mantel, and there you’ll find the photo of me with the Vezina Trophy from when I won it this summer. It was a first for me, and I’m not even embarrassed that I cried a little. I worked hard for that fucking trophy. I wanted the Cup, but we were robbed.

  Fucking Nashville Assassins.

  Fucking Aidan Brooks. Such a douche nozzle.

  But none of that matters now. A new season has started, which means a new start. We have the arsenal needed to win the Cup, and we will. No matter what, I’ll get us that Cup. It’s number one on my goal list at home. A new season also means a new set of puck bunnies wanting all my attention. I, for one, will never deny them that. I’ll block every puck I’m physically able to, even some I don’t think I can, but I’ll never block an advance from a lovely woman. Nope, I love them way too much.

  I love the smell of them. The feel of them. A great ass and set of tits will bring me to my knees. A beautiful straight, white smile will make me harder than a frozen pipe. I love how good they make me feel. I love how they scream and squirm. The little noises that bring me to the edge. But most of all, I love their hair. I don’t know what it is about a woman’s hair, but it drives me wild. Especially when it’s fanned out across my thighs and my cock is so far down her throat, there is no way I can think of anything else.

  Not the sounds outside. Or the way the clock keeps flashing. Or so I thought… But, really, why hasn’t she set that clock? Why doesn’t she have an iHome or something? Who still has plain old digital clocks? It’s odd, but I wonder where she got it. It’s sort of retro. Neat, even.

  “You need to set that clock?”

  A pair of striking blue eyes looks up at me. They remind me of a certain someone who got away, which is why I swiped right for this sweet piece of ass. Around my cock, she asks, “What?”

  I lean back on my hand to hold my weight as I point at the clock beside her bed. “It needs to be set.”

  She removes my cock from her mouth. She licks her lips before setting me with a look. “If you’re worried about my clock, I must not be doing a good job.”

  I shrug. “It’s a distraction.”

  She draws her brows in, and those blue eyes deepen in color. A flush runs along her cheeks, down her throat. She really is beautiful. Real long and deep-blond hair, and I love the swelling of her lips. She reaches over me, her breast pressing into my taut cock, and yanks the plug for the clock out of the wall. She throws it over her shoulder, the crash making me jump a bit. The clock must have been cheap, because it shatters all over the floor. The light is gone, but now there are pieces everywhere. “Didn’t like that clock anyway, but I love how huge this dick is.”

  I know I should be more thrilled about her comment on how big I am, but instead, I’m worried about the pieces on the ground. I’m not a fan of mess, which is why I usually bring girls back to my place. After a few stalker issues, I had to relocate, and since then, I’ve found myself at hotels. This is the first time I’ve been to a woman’s house, and I don’t think I’m a fan.

  Don’t be weird. Just get off. That’s what you’re here for.

  I blink a few times and repeat that to myself as she drops her mouth back down over my cock. Ah, it feels good. I enjoy her mouth, and I’m soon proud of myself for letting go about the mess. Thank you, new therapist. I feel my eyes roll up in my head, and soon, I let my head fall back. I sense my load building. My stomach tightens as her nails dig into my thighs. My balls pull up, and this is exactly what I want. I want this release. I need this release. I start to explode, and at first, I don’t notice that she has come off my cock. But when I do, I shoot my eyes open just in time to watch myself come all over her neck and breasts.

  Don’t be weird. Ignore it. It’s fine. Some would say it’s hot… I’m not some, though.


  I self-talk, something I’ve been working really hard on. My therapist urges me to do this more often than I should, but it’s hard. Especially when my come is all over her. It makes my skin crawl.

  When I’m done, she grins up at me. “Man, you know how to come.”

  “Well, I’m a man,” I say offhandedly, and then I hold my breath because I think I know what she is about to do. I watch with laser focus as she grabs the side of her comforter and wipes her chest. I almost come out of my skin. She must have noticed, because she raises a brow at me in question.

  “I’ll wash it later.”

  My throat starts to close. “Are you going to use a wet rag for your chest?”


  “Because you’re covered in come.”

  “So? Sex can be messy.”

  I hold up a finger as she crawls up into my lap, stopping her. “Key word, can. I’m not a fan.”

  “Are you a germ freak?”

, not really. It’s more the texture and the thought of it just sitting there. Getting drier and—”

  “It came from you. What if I swallowed it?”

  I shrug. “As long as you brush your teeth, I’m good.”


  I nod. “Seriously.” Don’t be weird. Ignore it. It’s fine. “Also, can we throw this comforter in the wash now?”

  “She kicked me out.”

  My best friend, Chandler Moon, bounces his newborn son in his arms as he waits for the bottle to warm in the bottle warmer. He kisses Carter’s head before he curves his lips. I’m sure my latest sex debacle is amusing. Chandler doesn’t know that life anymore; he’s all about his domesticated one. He’s happily in love. A family man. Something he’s always wanted and something I can’t seem to fathom right now. One woman? For life? I tried that, and she figuratively kicked me in the balls because she was in love with another man.

  I move through their place, picking up diapers and mess. Chandler and his girlfriend, Amelia, are not dirty people. The clutter of baby shit isn’t normal. I’ve known Chandler for years and he always picks up after himself, and Amelia is OCD about cleanliness. Now that they’ve multiplied by two, it’s a little more challenging. I understand that. They’re really overwhelmed with the demands of twins. I am too, and they’re not even mine.

  “You really don’t have to clean,” Chandler says as he picks up the bottle, but I wave him off. “And why do you get so grossed out by body fluids? It doesn’t bother me.”

  I look to Amelia, who is sitting on the couch with their daughter, Hannah. She grins. “I mean, I like when he comes on my chest.”

  I hold out my palm to her. “Do you wipe it on the bed?”

  She makes a face. “No, but I also have a towel handy when I know things are about to get nasty.”


  Chandler laughs. “So, have a towel handy.”

  “I didn’t know she was going to do that. I thought she was gonna swallow!”

  He shakes his head as he directs the bottle into his son’s mouth. “I know you thrive on formulas and routine, but you know sex isn’t like that when you’re sleeping with different women every night.”

  I roll my eyes. “Keep your judgy, ‘I love one woman’ shit to yourself.”

  He snorts. “Just saying. Did you have this problem with Shelli?”

  I give him a dry look. “She always swallowed.”

  Amelia gags. “Wonderful to know about my cousin.”

  “She always brushed her teeth afterward too.”

  Amelia throws a hand up. “Well, thank God. I taught her well,” she jokes, and Chandler laughs.

  “You never brush your teeth.”

  She cries out in embarrassment before throwing a rubber duck at him. “Chandler!”

  He dodges the duck with ease. “Hey, I’m holding our son! And Nico knows we have sex and that you swallow. Hello, we had twins.”

  She raises one eyebrow. “You know that’s not how twins are made, right?”

  “I’m not an idiot,” he calls to her, and then his eyes meet mine. With a playful grin, he adds, “I’m an idiot.”

  I laugh loudly, which unfortunately startles little Carter. He lets out a wail that sends a chill down my spine. I back up slightly, hoping the noise will die down. Babies freak me out a bit. I’m getting better being around the twins, but still, they’re so unpredictable in my opinion. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  Chandler waves me off. “No big,” he says quickly as he shushes the baby to calm him down.

  “If you’re particular about sex, Nico, you should really let them know before you go at it,” Amelia says to me, and I look over at her. She’s still as beautiful as the day I met her. I wanted to holler at her, but then I saw the look on Chandler’s face and knew I had no chance. He was completely and utterly in love with her. It’s been a pleasure to watch their story unfold. Or just begin. The twins really add to their fairy tale. “Or even put it on your Tinder.”

  Chandler snorts and I smirk. “Yes, in the additional info: ‘Please don’t wipe my come on the bedsheets, and brush your teeth if you swallow it. It’s icky, and I don’t like it.’”

  With an unamused look, I say, “I’m a man. I don’t use the word icky.”

  Chandler flips me the bird. “Fine, it’s fucking gross.”

  “Better,” I agree, though I’ll never put that on there. Maybe I will be a bit more honest, though. I’m always so worried people will think I’m weird. It freaks me out so badly that I’m not even completely honest with Chandler about my issues. He just thinks I’m OCD and a germ freak.

  Amelia grins. “I don’t think it’s a bad idea. How many times have you had this problem since you and Shelli called things off?”

  “I didn’t call it off. Shelli called it off for that fuckbag, Brooks,” I remind her.

  I’m not saying I was head over heels in love with Shelli Adler, but I may have been tripped up on her. She’s a goddess, and hell if she didn’t fuck like a dream. She didn’t care for me the way I did for her. Her excuse that I didn’t even really know her was bullshit. Yeah, I didn’t know her family shit, but I knew how she liked to sleep, her favorite foods, and what made her squirm. It may have taken a lot of therapy, but I know for a fact that it wasn’t me. It was her. I fell for a girl who was in love with another man.

  A fuckbag, in my opinion.

  Amelia rolls her eyes. “Hey, that fuckbag completes her.”

  I’d wanted to complete her. She didn’t give me that chance, though.

  “But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have. I loved you two together, but she has loved Aiden since she was a kid.”

  “Ugh, Amelia, please. I don’t need you stroking my ego,” I groan. “I’m over her.”

  I am; I’m just bitter about that fuckbag. He not only took my girl from me, but he took my Cup. I don’t like Aiden Brooks. At all.

  “I’d rather she didn’t stroke anything of yours,” Chandler says then, which sends us all into a fit of laughter. “But in all honesty, bro, she isn’t wrong about the whole sleeping around thing. Especially if you’re going to keep up with the Tinder,” he says as he rocks back and forth while Carter eats.

  “Huh?” I ask, confused.

  “The whole letting people know beforehand what you like and dislike so that you don’t get kicked out of women’s houses.”

  “Oh,” I say as I start to wipe down the counters. I didn’t expect him to change gears so quickly, but then, Chandler doesn’t speak of Shelli with me. He knows I’m still upset about it. “Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t use Tinder anymore.”

  “Now that’s a great plan,” he says, pointing at me.

  Even Amelia nods. “I never liked you on Tinder. You meet crazy people, and with the twins now, I can’t have you bringing nutcases around.”

  “Yeah, I mean, I wasn’t thinking about the twins, but you’re right.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Of course not. Nico Merryweather, think of anyone but himself? Never.”

  I glare, and Chandler shakes his head. “Hey, he’s not that bad.” He then looks at me. “She’s emotional.”

  “I know Amelia loves me,” I call over at her, and her look says otherwise, but I know the truth. “While I’m thinking of the twins now, it also has to do with the fact that I’m not meeting good people.”

  “Mainly because you’re on a hookup app,” Amelia says dryly. “Go to a bar.”

  Both Chandler and I shake our heads. “Nico doesn’t do bars. When he does, he drinks entirely too much.”

  I nod. “And then I make even more bad choices.”

  “Fine, join a church group.”

  I give her a look. “Do I look like the kind of guy who’s getting into heaven?”

  She doesn’t laugh or even smirk. She just nods. “Yeah, you’re self-absorbed, but you’re a good guy. You’ll be a nice addition to heaven.”

  I wave her off. “Don’t you have friends you can hook me up with?”
br />   “I do, but none of them could handle you,” she says simply. “You need the kind of woman who is strong and can deal with you and your extra-ness.”


  She gives me a look. “Nico, you are over the top. You’re loud, and you say what is on your mind with no holds barred. Half the time, I’m not sure you even think about what you’re about to say. You’re extravagant. You spend money as quickly as you move your glove to stop pucks.”

  I shrug. “Women love that.”

  “Gold-digging women, yes, but not decent women. You need a good woman. Someone who will love you and your quirks. Not get their feelings hurt when you say something you don’t think through because they wiped your come on the bed.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek as I throw the towel I was using to clean up with. “I don’t think there is another Shelli out there.”

  She gives me a small smile. “Nope, but there is someone who is made for Nico Merryweather. You just have to find her, and she isn’t on Tinder. She’ll be the one you never saw coming.”

  Chandler goes to her, kissing the top of her head before sitting beside her. He looks at her, this overwhelming expression of love on his face. “All I wanted was a cup of coffee, and I got the world.”

  She leans into him as she beams, and my heart actually feels it. It’s not often that emotion takes over for me, but right now, it’s happening. I really enjoyed watching Chandler fall for Amelia. It’s almost like she was made just for him. I look around at the home they’ve built. When they got pregnant, Chandler had an addition added to their beach house to make room for the kids. The house doesn’t look like a bachelor pad anymore. It’s a home for his family.


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