Home > Other > QUIVER, BOOK TWO ( A DARK ROMANCE) > Page 7

by Laura Avery

  Trigger looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “That’s nasty, she’s our sister.”

  “I thought she was your stepsister,” I pointed out.

  “Well she’s like our sister,” he snapped. “And Danger would never look at her that way. She’s not even his type.” Trigger sped up down the road; visibly annoyed at the nerve I had to ask him anything about his brother.

  Just like I’m not your type, I couldn’t help but think.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  But Trigger didn’t answer me.

  Instead, he drove on silently toward my house. After a few minutes he pulled up outside of my apartment building, not the street I had given him when we left the bus stop. I looked around, confused. “How did you?”

  Trigger half smiled for the first time since we had the run-in with his brother. “I know where you live,” he said simply. “I know where everyone lives in this neighborhood.”

  I got what he was saying. These were his streets.

  Of course, he covered his bases.

  “Well, thanks for the ride home.” I popped the door open and started to climb out when he stopped me.

  “Let’s hang out tonight.”

  I froze. Was he kidding? Why would I hang out with him? Look at what had already happened in the short amount of time I had been with him. “I don’t think so.” The thought of being caught up in Trigger’s world any more than I already was terrified me.

  “We can do whatever you want.”


  He shrugged. “Because I feel like it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, as flattering as that is, thanks but no thanks.” I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. Trigger was so annoying, implying that him being bored was a good enough reason for me to hang out with him.

  “I’ll pick you up at 9,” Trigger called out the passenger side window and then he zoomed off without another word or glance in my direction. I watched him speed away in awe.

  He had to be kidding.


  I obsessed over the time for the rest of the night. This couldn’t be happening. What was wrong with him? Was this amusing to him? I was sure he wouldn’t really show up. He had probably forgotten about it the second he left my building.

  I would have left way before 9 so there was no chance of me seeing him at all, but my little sisters and my mom were home that night. The last thing I wanted was Trigger showing up at my door without me being there.

  I had talked to my girl Meghan earlier in the day and she told me that she and some of her girls were headed to this 18+ club across town tonight. My plan was to meet up with them there.

  Trigger had said we could do whatever I wanted so if by some miracle he did show up here I could make him take me to the club. Then once inside I could ditch him and be with my girls for the night.

  I studied myself in the mirror, looking me up and down. I had never been to a club before. I had no idea what to wear, but my mom had helped me get ready. Blowing my long black hair out and straightening it with the iron and lending me a short black dress that made my butt and hips look thick and my stomach small. My makeup was simple but present. I couldn’t help but admire myself in the mirror. It had been a while since I had put much effort into what I looked like. I preferred having little attention on me, never wanting to attract the wrong kind of attention.

  I looked at the clock again. Ten minutes until nine. Trigger could be here any second if he was actually showing up. I walked toward the window in my bedroom and glanced out the window.

  His black infinity was pulled up next to my house.

  My heart started pounding.

  I couldn’t believe he was actually here.

  I raced out my bedroom door and toward the front of the apartment before he got any ideas about coming in to get me. The last thing I needed was my mom seeing me hanging out with a Blazing Devils member, especially one that was a Ford brother. I didn’t know what she would think. Especially since I was pretty sure she used to score drugs from one of them.

  I ran into the kitchen as fast as my heels would carry me without dropping me on my face. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and sipping a cup of tea.

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “I’m going now. Are you sure you don’t need me to stay?”

  She brushed me off. “Go ahead, baby. I’m fine, the girls are in bed and I’m going to follow soon enough. You go have fun, you deserve it.”

  I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, I love you.”

  “I love you, baby. You look beautiful.”

  I felt my face get hot at the compliment, even if it was just from my mother.


  I reached the door before she called after me. “Make sure you text me if you’re going to be late.”

  “I will.” I shut the door behind me and took the steps down to the lobby two at a time, praying that Trigger hadn’t decided to come inside and greet me at the door. He didn’t really seem like the type to make a big show of walking a girl to the car but you never knew, guys like Trigger were unpredictable.

  To my relief when I reached the lobby he was nowhere in sight. I reached the door and peeked outside at his car. Windows down, night sky shining in through the sunroof of his car and his beauty still struck me.

  Why was I even doing this?

  How had this happened?

  Hours ago Trigger Ford hadn’t even known I existed and now he was here, wanting to take me out on a date. This was a date… wasn’t it? I wasn’t sure anymore, I wasn’t sure about anything. I just knew that somehow I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to go with him.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open then stepped outside.

  Trigger got out of the car as soon as he saw me and I practically gasped at how good he looked. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a tight red t-shirt that showed off his perfect arms and layers of tattoos up and down his neck. Trigger looked amazing in red, he always had, even in high school. I knew they were The Blazing Devils club color so it made sense he always had a splash of it somewhere on him. Black boots, a loose chain with his club symbol hanging off the end for the world to see, and a diamond watch shine off of him. He really didn’t mess around when it came to looking good.

  Suddenly I felt even more nervous than I had a second ago.

  He looked me up and down and let out a low whistle. “Damn.”

  I allowed myself to smile and looked down at the ground for a second before I answered. “What are you doing here? I told you I didn’t want to hang out.” I hopped from one foot to the other.

  “True but I knew what you really meant,” he said, the same sparkle in his eye that was there earlier. “Besides, do you always look that good for things you don’t want to do?”

  I bit my lip and blushed, still unsure.

  Or maybe I just didn’t want him to know how sure I really was.

  “Don’t you remember what happened the last time you refused to get in the car with me?” he joked. He crossed the other side of the street and swung open the passenger side door, waiting. “Jennifer, get in the car,” he said more sternly when I still didn’t make any effort to near him.

  I smiled in spite of myself. Ugh, why did I have this overpowering need to please him? And to… to… obey him? I sighed after a few more beats. “Okay. Anything I want, right?”

  “Right.” He gestured toward the car again and waited for me to climb in before he shut the door safely behind me. Once he climbed back into the door he smiled smugly at me again, clearly please with himself.

  Ugh, even his teeth were perfect.

  “Where to, miss?” he asked me, bringing the engine to life and pulling away from my building.

  “A few of my girls are checking out Shrine,” I told him.

  He shot me a look.

  “It’s a club,” I told him.

  “Oh, I know what it is. We aren’t going there.”

  “You said
it was my pick!”

  “It is,” he said, sounding suddenly cold. “Just not there.”

  “Why not? I want to dance!” It was a lie. I didn’t even know how to dance that well, but I figured it was a pretty good arguing point. Wasn’t that what you did at a club? Dance?

  “If you want to dance we can go to another club. That place is fucked.”

  “No, it’s not! You go there all the time!” It was true. My girls were always talking about seeing the Ford brothers being at Shrine and beating the shit out of people or breaking bottles or whatever other crazy things they were up to on the night in question.

  Not that I was going to tell Trigger that.

  “Well, not anymore. I know this other club, you’ll love it. It’s way better.”

  “But all my friends are there!”

  “Well, they should leave,” he snapped. “We aren’t going there tonight, end of discussion.”

  “Fine,” I snapped right back at him then crossed my arms over my chest, looked out the window, and didn’t say a word for the rest of the drive.

  Going inside a club with Trigger was like going somewhere with a celebrity. Everyone knew him and everyone wanted to talk to him. Every girl in the place was sizing me up, whispering at the sight of me. I didn’t fit in with this world at all. Everyone was staring at us.

  Trigger was leaning up against the bar; sipping on some expensive drink I had never heard of. I had no idea how he got served alcohol here since he was only 18 like me. But I guess when you were him things came easy, even things that weren’t supposed to. I was sipping my second gray goose and cranberry. I had been surprised he hadn’t made a comment about me drinking, but he seemed pretty busy with all the celebrity-like attention he was getting.

  I normally didn’t drink, but this situation called for it. I was pretty uncomfortable. Being introduced to people who had never given me the time of day before, and being looked at as a hoe by all the girls in the club. Most of them just wished they were here with Trigger instead of me. Which was just fine with me.

  Like I wanted to be here.

  Okay, I kind of did, but only a little.

  I couldn’t help it… something about Trigger was fascinating to me.

  Trigger took a step closer to me and leaned in. “What’s wrong?”

  “I feel weird,” I told him. “Everyone is looking at me.”

  “That’s because you look fucking sexy,” Trigger told me, taking the chance to look me up and down. “I mean… if you weren’t you, wouldn’t you look at you, too?” The cocky look was gone from his eyes, he wasn’t trying to spit game, he looked real and genuine. Like in his mind he was only speaking facts.

  I blushed and looked away. “No, it’s because I’m with you.”

  Trigger rolled his eyes and smirked. “Do you have any idea how many guys have looked at your ass since we walked in? Like this fucking asshole over here,” he motioned to a guy who was standing on the other side of the bar, looking at me. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT, ASSHOLE?”

  I gasped and pushed Trigger away from him a little bit. “Stop!” I hissed.

  “IF I CATCH YOU LOOKING AT HER ASS AGAIN I’LL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!” He pushed away from me, twisting out of my grasp and moving closer to the guy. “DO YOU HEAR ME?”

  The guy looked at Trigger, realization coming over his face when he realized who he was. A look of fear came over his face and then he took off running toward the back of the building as fast as his legs could carry him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I yelled.

  “Oh, come on. He was practically drooling while he watched your ass.”

  “So what? Why does it matter?” I demanded.

  “It’s distrustful. You’re here with me. Out of respect for me, guys don’t need to be looking at you like your body is theirs. You could be my girlfriend for all they know.” Trigger shook his head in anger and looked deeply into my eyes.

  He looked more like Danger when he was angry, the same handsome features as his brother coming out more and more. “The Ford brothers don’t have girls,” I said, pointing out common knowledge in the city.

  Trigger pushed closer to me. “Trust me when I say you don’t know anything about me and my brothers, Jennifer.” He had a look in his eye I couldn’t read, one that told me pushing the matter wouldn’t be smart for me.

  I sighed and backed down.

  He stepped closer to me again. “You know if you’re worried about people looking at us, there is one place where they wouldn’t be able to see us.” He motioned over my shoulder to the darkness of the dance floor.

  I hesitated. I really didn’t know how to dance the way some other girls in this club did. I was decent, but probably not any good compared to the kinds of girls he was used to dancing with at places like this.

  “One dance,” he told me. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me toward the back of the club. My body heated up at just the touch of his hand. How was that even possible? When we reached the center of the floor, he kept guiding me further and further toward the back. It was really dark, so dark that I could barely make out the people next to us. It made me feel somewhat better that we were just faceless figures moving around in the dark.

  Trigger turned me around and sunk my butt into his crotch slowly. I let myself get lost in the music, forgetting about all the people that were shocked to see me in this club with Trigger. Forgetting about the fact that I could never fit in with him and his crazy world. There, in that moment, I just let myself go with him.

  I pushed my butt further back into him and Trigger clutched my hips as I worked it back and forth into his crotch. He wrapped his arms around my waist tight and I gasped when he yanked me back even further into him, grinding my ass up and down against him as fast or slow as he wanted for a few minutes.

  I felt myself starting to get hot between my legs and cursed myself for being so easily influenced by him. I pulled myself out of his grasp to regain my composure and turned around to face him, grinding my hips and chest up against the front of him. He pushed me back further into the dance floor, so we were practically on the back wall of the club, hidden by the darkness.

  Trigger reached around the back of me and grabbed my ass hard. “Do you have any idea how good your ass looks in that dress, mama?” He released one of my cheeks and then squeezed again to prove his point.

  I gasped into his chest, liking the fact that he has his hands on me even though every voice inside of my head was reminding me how dangerous it was. I shook my head, unable to form any words.

  He grabbed it a third time, releasing it only for a second to pull back and slap it full on. “It makes me crazy, especially when all these other pussy ass guys are looking at it like they want to fuck the shit out of you.”

  The wetness between my legs was growing more and more by the minute. I felt his fingers starting to trace up and down the back of my legs, just underneath my dress. After a few seconds he stuck his hands up the fabric of my dress and grabbed my ass roughly.

  “Damn, it’s so fat, Jennifer,” he whispered in a husky voice.

  I couldn’t believe Trigger Ford was touching my butt right now, every girl in the club wished they were in my position. It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. He moved his hands around to the front of my dress and started rubbing my pussy through my panties. I moaned loudly. I know I should have told him to stop, but I felt powerless in the moment.

  His intense eyes were searching mine, like he owned me, and wanted every other guy in the room to know it. “You’re all wet, Jennifer,” he said in my ear, and I could tell from his tone how much that pleased him.

  He pushed my panties to the side with his finger and started rubbing his smooth fingers over my slit nice and slow. My pussy was dripping now and I could see him licking his lips with his big tongue in satisfaction.

  He inserted one finger and then another inside of me slowly, not waiting for my permission. I gasped as he worked his fingers in and out of my fat
soaking wet pussy, finger fucking me fast and hard.

  I moaned loudly over the music, not able to control myself. I couldn’t believe I was doing this in the middle of a club, but Trigger didn’t seem to mind. He seemed like it made him excited, just like anything else risky or dangerous in his life.

  “Come on, sweetheart, cum. Cum all over my fucking fingers.”

  I couldn’t help it, just the words alone were enough to push me over the edge and I explode all over his fingers just like he ordered. Trigger grinned in satisfaction and then pulled his fingers out of me and stuck them in his mouth, licking them slowly, so he could taste all my pussy juice. “That shit is good, too good.”

  I felt myself start to blush. I couldn’t believe what I just did. In the middle of the club! On a dance floor! And with Trigger Ford of all people! What the hell had gotten into me? I would have never thought I would be the type of girl who got felt up in the back of a club.

  “I need… I need water,” I said, out of breath.

  Trigger nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the darkness back toward the front of the room. I stared down at his hand while we walked. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  I knew I had started acting different since we left the dance floor, but it wasn’t my fault. How could I not after coming all over the place on the fingers of one of the most feared men in our state? I had just met him for fucks sake. And what kind of fucking hold did this man have over me?

  I sipped my water slowly and glanced at where Trigger was talking to one of his brothers in a hushed tone on the other side of the bar. He had been hesitant to leave me when he came over, but after a second agreed to go with him. Whatever they were talking about looked intense and weird as hell.

  I took the chance to check my phone.

  To my surprise when I sprung it to life, I had dozens of missed calls and text messages. My heart started racing. There was only one reason so many people would try to get in touch with you so late at night and that was because they were delivering tragic news.

  My mind immediately went to my mom and sisters, but it’s about the club that my girls had gone to tonight, the one I was supposed to go to. There had been a shooting there.


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