Two people. I lost two people at once.
I stop Ivan and squeeze his hand as we stand, ankle deep in the water. The sun has set and the sky has darkened from orange to purple and finally to a dark blue/black. We must have been walking for at least half an hour already. I’ve been lost in thought for the entire time.
I take a deep breath and tilt my head up to the emerging stars.
“I think I lost my parents and the girl with the brown hair and brown eyes that I’ve been telling you about was with me. But she wasn’t holding me. We didn’t touch each other. It was like I’d done something to make this girl angry. I was angry at her too. It was strange.”
Ivan stares up at the stars too.
“I’m happy you remember, but sad it is a bad memory.” He turns to face me and brushes a stray hair behind my ear. “One day you will remember many good memories and you will remember your home and you will be happy again.”
I meet his gaze and smile. “And you can visit me, Ivan.”
He nods and laughs. “Yes. I will visit. But what if you have boyfriend at home?”
I drink in Ivan’s tall, muscular physique, his strong jaw, his handsome face and those beautiful blue eyes that hold so much kindness in them and shake my head. Even if I do have a boyfriend, he’d have to be pretty special for me to choose him over this guy.
Nodding my head, I tried to reassure Damir that I wasn’t going to scream, but as soon as he removed his hand, I started yelling for help. I only managed to get ‘Hel—’ out before he clamped his bloody hand over my mouth again and dragged me over to where an unconscious Lily lay on her back on the operating table.
She looked unharmed, apart from a slight bump on her temple, and thankfully her legs were intact. Damir obviously worked fast, but not fast enough.
He picked up a scalpel from the table and held it over Lily’s closed lid.
“If, when I take my hand away from your mouth, you attempt to scream for help again, your friend gets it in her pretty blue eye, got it?”
This time when I nodded, I meant it. I would not scream, even though inside I was already screaming. The tables beside Lily were a mess of blood. Some wet and some dried. A terrible, dead-animal smell permeated the room, and there was no escaping it seeing as I could only breathe through my nose.
Damir removed his hand just in time for me to dry-retch.
“Smells pretty bad but you get used to it,” he said, shrugging.
“What have you done?” I shuddered and wiped my face with the back of my hand. The horror of what Damir had done to those girls who had washed ashore all over the world, hit me like a punch between the eyes. And now he had Lily.
“Is she alive?”
“She’s alive,” Damir said, stroking Lily’s long, blonde hair. “But my Lauren is not. My pretty Loz is not here.” He stroked Lily’s hair like he used to stroke Lauren’s, with tenderness. “That’s where you come into it. You knew your sister the best. I loved her. But already, without a picture, I’m forgetting small details about her face.”
I wanted to take a step back, as far away from him as possible, but I also didn’t want to leave Lily’s side. The direction this conversation was heading was making my stomach churn all over again.
“Even her hair. I want it the exact shade Lauren had. Lily’s is a paler blonde whereas my Lauren had a deeper, golden tone to her hair. Do you think, if I bought some dye, that you could choose the closest shade to your sister’s?”
My blood ran cold. He wanted to turn Lily into my sister. It wasn’t enough that he’d already ruined Lauren’s life. He wanted to ruin Lily’s now.
“This is Lily, Lily can never be Lauren, just like Lauren can never be Lily. If you gave Lily a face transplant, she still wouldn’t be Lauren inside.” A hard lump came to my throat. “Lauren is gone. Dead.” I sucked in a deep breath and met his gaze, hoping to penetrate the madness and find the tiny fragment of heart he may have left. “Your sister says Lauren died giving birth, but I think she was murdered.”
“It was the baby.” His green eyes narrowed. “But if I ever find out otherwise, I’ll kill whoever was involved.” He blinked, as though clearing his brain of the possibility that Lauren had been murdered. “But for now we’ll say that the baby killed her. She could have died any other time but she died when the baby was born.”
“Yes, but the baby needed to be delivered. It was after the baby was born that Lauren’s life became... dispensable. Do you get what I’m saying?”
Damir swallowed and thought about it before he shook his head.
“Lauren’s gone and now I’m doing my best to bring her back. You should be happy, Miranda,” he said, his eyes bulging in that psychotic way again. “I’m bringing your sister back.”
“But you can’t. You’re not God. Lily is Lily. She’s not my sister and never will be.” My voice cracked. “Just let her go, please. I don’t want to lose another person I care about.”
Damir stared at me for a long time and I wondered how much of the man who’d loved Lauren remained in there, behind those mad eyes.
“While you’re tears are beautiful, I can’t be moved. The one and only person who loved me is now gone.” He shrugged. “My grandfather loved me too, in his own way. But Lauren was the only one who loved me for who I was.
“She didn’t know about this,” I said, gesturing to the bloodied tables, and Lily. “She wouldn’t have loved you if she had known how cruel you are.”
He smiled at my suggestion.
“Oh, but she did. I told her one night. She said that she still loved me and that she forgave me. She understood my mermaid infatuation. She said that I was so smart that I’d probably create a mermaid one day. And I have.”
I remained silent for a moment, digesting his words.
“You’ve actually made one? A living one?” I asked finally, curiosity getting the better of me.
“Yes. I’ve created seven already. Many have died but this is science and sometimes sacrifices have to be made for it.”
I opened my mouth to object, to verbalise my disgust, but Damir put a bloody finger to my lips.
He grinned and removed his dirty finger when I spat at it.
“Have you ever used a skin cream or shampoo or soap, Miranda?”
When I didn’t answer he laughed.
“That’s right. We all have. Everyone uses products without even knowing that they have been injected into the eyeballs of innocent, cuddly creatures that humans claim to love. What is the difference between using animals or humans? We are all creatures in the name of science.”
I breathed through my mouth, trying to keep the stench of decay out of my nostrils, silently swearing to never touch a product that has been tested on animals ever again.
“This has to stop. You’ve got your seven mermaids, you don’t need any more. Lily is Robbie’s betrothed. You can’t do this to her—or to him.”
“Sylvia told me earlier this evening that Lily was mine to do with what I wanted.”
Okay. So now I knew, without a doubt, that Sylvia was behind Robbie’s change in persona. I’d have to find Marko and tell him everything as soon as possible.
“She told me Robbie had decided to end things with Lily, and that Lily was feeling vulnerable and needed another male to take an interest. I’m sure she was hoping I’d become distracted and stop my mermaid making. It sickens even Sylvia.” He paused to chuckle. “But of course I’m not interested in wining and dining Lily. I could only ever enjoy life again if Lauren came back to me. Because I will never love another woman like I loved her.”
He stroked Lily’s hair with care. It was oddly touching and sickening all at once.
“You will get the hair dye from the city tomorrow and you will come here by noon, do I make myself clear?”
Noon was the time of the Coronation. Damir was smart. He had chosen that time because it was when the castle would be virtually empty.
“No.” I stood in between
Lily and Damir, pressing the small of my back against the table Lily rested on. “I won’t leave here without Lily. You’ll try to cut her legs open while I’m gone and I can’t let you hurt her.”
“Either you help me, or you’ll become another mermaid in my harem.” He winked. “I’ve always fancied you, Miranda.” His eyes glinted with evil intent. “But, if the operation was to go wrong, then unfortunately you’d bleed to death, which would be a waste.”
My hands started to shake so I curled them into fists at my sides.
“I’ll call Marko and Robbie and every citizen of Marin to come see what you’ve done to their women.”
Damir sighed as though bored.
“Either you agree to my terms or I’m not letting you walk out of here today, got it?”
“Okay then,” I said, even though the first thing I planned to do was get Marko.
“I know what you’re thinking. Pretend now, then get help and rescue Lily.” He laughed. “I’m not stupid. If you return with help, or if someone other than you and you alone knocks at that door tomorrow, Lily’s eyes get it.”
My heart sank. “No, no. Please don’t touch her.”
He nodded, his face now serious.
“I promise I won’t, but only if you show up at noon tomorrow. Alone.”
“But I won’t help you build another Lauren. There can never be another Lauren,” I said, tears streaking my cheeks.
He came up and put my head between his hands. “Yes, there is. She’s in here.” He gave my head a shake. “I just need her to come out from your memories so that she can return. Between you and Lily, I’ll have something of Lauren still here with me.”
I tried to shake my head but he held it so firmly that I couldn’t. It started to hurt but I wouldn’t shed any more tears in his presence.
“Now go, put on a happy face and don’t tell a soul what has happened to Lily, or else.” He stood over her and suspended the scalpel over her eye.
It was an image I’d never forget.
Fighting the urge to flee the castle and all the problems that awaited me there, I dragged my feet up the grand steps and headed inside, straight for Sylvia’s rooms. I figured one night of hell was bearable as long as it kept everybody safe. As soon as Sylvia named Marko as the king and made her guards swear allegiance—not that allegiance mattered much around this place if history was anything to go by—and once Marko promised the city the fertility moon, then perhaps I could eventually disentangle myself from Sylvia’s web.
A cold shudder passed through me as I approached her bedroom door. I prayed the baby wailed all night so that I could at least spend the evening out of bed, tending to Angelina, and as far away from Sylvia as possible. I also prayed that my eyes stayed blurry the entire time, so that I couldn’t see the smug look that seemed to be permanently etched onto Sylvia’s features.
When I entered the room, Sylvia called out to me.
“I’m in the wardrobe, hanging your things. I took the liberty of having my men clear your old bedroom and bring your things to me.” Her voice was muffled by clothing. “I hope you don’t mind.”
Of course I mind. I’m sickened by the idea of my clothes touching yours.
Seconds later her heels clacked against the stone floor and a blurry shape stopped in front of me. “It’s late. Would you like something to eat? I could have food brought up and we could share it in the—”
“I’m not hungry,” I said and slowly felt my way into the next room, to where I remembered a soft looking velvet armchair sat beside Angelina’s crib.
“Surely you’re not planning on sleeping beside her the entire night. That chair, as comfortable as it appears, is not a bed and your back will suffer for it.”
I thought for a moment.
“Okay then, how about I do the first shift, while you sleep, and then you do the early morning shift, while I sleep?”
She remained quiet for some time. “Well, I hardly expected you to leap into bed with me on the first night, so fine, that arrangement will do for now. But if something goes wrong, be sure to wake me. I don’t trust your poor sight.”
She started humming a soft tune and disappeared from my sight. Soon the bed squeaked and Sylvia released a long sigh. She sounded grateful or perhaps relieved, but also sad too.
A tiny, twisted part of me felt sorry for her. For even though she did have me here, it took threats to kill all whom I loved to bring me to her side. That had to hurt, to be so disliked that you have to threaten people with their loved ones’ deaths to bring them closer to you.
Sighing, I collapsed into the chair beside the crib.
The baby slept soundly, as though knowing that somebody sane was finally in the room with her. Sylvia could never be this child’s mother. Though she had the child’s best interests at heart, it wouldn’t be healthy for the baby to spend so much time with somebody so mentally twisted. The quicker Angelina was reunited with Miranda, and Nana and Pop, the better.
I reached out and stroked the sleeping infant’s head and prayed that time would pass quickly until noon tomorrow.
My thoughts turned to Lily. I could only hope that she had returned home to her parents, even if it meant them hating me for the time being. At least she’d be safe there.
The baby began to stir and I realised that I hadn’t asked Sylvia what to do should the baby wake.
Did the baby need milk through the night? If so where was it kept?
I lifted baby Angelina and groaned when I felt the wetness against my hands. Just great. Though I couldn’t tell, I got the distinct feeling she was smiling at me.
“You’re a cheeky little girl aren’t you? Now where does the bad lady keep spare clothes?”
But before I could even attempt to do anything, Sylvia’s bed squeaked and she came rushing into the room.
“Let me do that,” she said, breathlessly, scooping little Angelina out of my arms. I could hear the determination in her voice and shrugged. If she wanted so badly to change the wet clothes, she could for all I cared.
“Go to sleep darling, its Coronation day tomorrow,” she rubbed her hand up and down my bicep, Lily’s favourite part of my body, and I flinched and took a step back.
“It’ll be a fabulous day and I’ve planned a great feast in the ballroom afterwards. Marko, Miranda and her grandparents will be there.” Sylvia sighed. “You know I’ve moved Miranda’s grandparents into your old room.”
“Good.” At least it demonstrated she was going to keep her side of the bargain. I wasn’t enduring Sylvia for nothing.
I yawned and my thoughts immediately turned back to Lily. Would she show at the Coronation? It was going to be hard to restrain myself from going to her. But, maybe, with all the chaos and the crowds, it would be the perfect opportunity for us to meet and talk. Straight after the announcement perhaps, when the city was celebrating and going mad.
I’d have to be careful to lose Sylvia, which was most likely going to be easy with the baby being in demand during the celebrations and formalities. But even if Sylvia remained close by, I could perhaps speak in some kind of code—say something that will reassure Lily of my love—without endangering her life.
“Hello? Robbie? Are you half asleep already?” Sylvia rubbed my arm again.
I backed away and started to feel my way to the bedroom.
“Good night, Robbie,” she said, pressing her hand into the small of my back, shooing me from the room. “I’ve kept the bed warm for you.”
I jerked away from her touch and took careful steps until my knees hit the big, soft bed. I could use a few hours of sleep if I was going to somehow get through tomorrow.
The bed was warm when I fell into it, and I was so tired, but sleep wouldn’t come. In fact, sleep was never going to visit as long as I was sharing a room with the enemy.
“Miranda, we need to leave right now. I want you with me when I receive my crown,” Marko
complained through the keyhole of the bathroom door.
My heart thundered against my ribs as I stared at the newly blonde girl in the mirror. To think that just last week I’d thought my blonde days were behind me.
“I need another ten minutes. Sorry. I want to look special today, for the Coronation. You go ahead and I’ll be right behind you.”
The door knob jiggled, but I’d locked it. “Miranda, seriously, you’re starting to worry me. Let me in. I’ll kick the door down, I swear. You know how strong and powerful my thighs are.”
I faked a laugh at his reference to my favourite part of his body. Ordinarily it would have been funny had I not been preparing to face-off with a twisted psycho named Damir.
“No. You do that and I’ll refuse to speak to you all day. I don’t want you to see me until I’m done.” I nervously played with a strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “How about you collect Angelina from Sylvia and go on ahead and I’ll meet you in the square. We’ll both get there more or less around the same time. Nana and Pop just came by to see me and have already headed over. They’re dying to catch up with you again. Pop said he has an extra tricky Sudoku for you.”
I’d managed to share a meal with them last night, a meal I had barely managed to nibble at because I was so stressed about what I had to do today.
Marko hesitated for what seemed a stretch.
“Okay then,” he said. His voice was playful and laced with more than a hint of excitement. “You know this means I get to carry baby Angelina during the ceremony instead of you.”
More tears pooled in my eyes, because Marko was being so wonderful, and today was such a special day and I was going to ruin it by potentially getting myself and Lily killed. But I had no other choice.
“I love you, Miranda,” he said. “See you soon.”
“Love you too,” I managed, holding my breath until his footsteps died away and the bedroom door closed behind him.
After that I sighed and cleaned myself up, making sure my make-up covered all signs of sadness, fear, or any emotion for that matter. I had to be stone-faced with Damir, not give him any hint of my plans, plans of which I wasn’t too clear on myself.
Release (The Submerged Sun, #3) Page 18