Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5)

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Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5) Page 24

by Sidney Bristol

  She grinned. She couldn’t help it.

  He tugged her panties down and leaned forward to kiss the newly exposed skin just under her belly button. She shimmied her hips just enough to help get the lace down past her hips and gravity did the rest. Before she could make a move, Logan cupped her mound, pressing his fingers into her. She gasped and braced a hand on his shoulders.

  “You’re very wet,” he said.

  “I could have told you that,” she managed to get out. “Condom?”

  “Fuck,” he muttered and let her go.

  She blinked at him. “Is that a good fuck or a bad fuck?”

  Logan shoved his hand into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Two condoms slid out from between the folded leather onto the futon.

  Kelsey chuckled and straddled his lap again. She quite liked him like this.

  He pulled her in closer until her brow touched his and all she could see was him. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel him intimately. To embrace the moment and believe that maybe it could work.

  She reached down and stroked him through his boxers.

  Logan sealed his lips over hers. It was a possessive kiss and damn if she didn’t like feeling as though he were branding her as his.

  Warm, smooth skin pressed against her folds.

  She gasped and pressed down on him.

  “Condom,” he croaked.

  “Fuck,” she groaned and eased back.

  “I’ll take that as a good fuck.” His voice was strained, and yet one side of his mouth hitched up.

  She chuckled. For some reason the butterflies in her stomach began swarming then. She refused to think about what it meant or why.

  This moment was all she cared about.

  Logan ripped the condom open and rolled it on.

  “My jeans—”

  “I don’t care.” She rose up on her knees.

  He ignored her and shoved his clothes down, out of the way. Logan couldn’t stop being Logan, that much she knew. He also didn’t try to stop her.

  Kelsey grasped his cock and held it as she lowered herself onto him.

  Unlike the other night, they were as face-to-face as they could be. She watched his face, how his brow furrowed and relaxed. His lips parted as he sucked in air. And all the while he looked at her, hiding nothing of what he felt or how much he wanted her. It would have been terrifying in another setting.

  She eased up then down, savoring the feel of his cock stretching and filling her.

  “You feel—” He groaned as she pressed down harder.

  Kelsey leaned forward, needing to steady herself, but also wanting the contact. He wrapped his arms around her and dropped kisses on her hair, her cheek and temple. Her body relaxed, and she sank further. His grip on her tightened, and he groaned.

  She pushed up on shaky legs, just a tiny bit, before pushing down again. This time she sank onto him, joining their bodies completely.

  Logan fisted her hair and bent his head, kissing her.

  Fingers slid over her right nipple. She gasped and shivered as she felt that one touch all over her body. Her pussy tightened around his cock and then it was his turn to groan. She smiled into the kiss and using his shoulders to steady herself, began to move.

  She let her head drop back as she rose over him. Maintaining eye contact was too intimate still. Instead, she focused on the feel of his hand against her breast. The sensation of his leg hair on the back of her thighs. The warm press of his body against hers.

  He thrust up into her.

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, God.”

  “That okay?” His voice was strained.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “One warning?”


  “I come really easy.”

  His body shook with a silent chuckle. “Is that a promise?”

  “It is what it is.”

  “Mm, good.” He pressed open-mouthed kisses to her arm and shoulder.

  Fuck, she was burning up.

  Logan’s hands settled on her waist, lending her his strength as she rose and fell.

  “Look at me,” he whispered.

  She didn’t want to, but there was something about that voice when it was just the two of them. It turned her on, but it felt deeper, more primal than that.

  Kelsey tipped her chin up and stared into Logan’s eyes. Her whole world narrowed to this bubble. There was no escaping him, and in that moment she didn’t want to be anywhere else ever again. She wasn’t just attracted to Logan. She liked him as a person, as a partner, as someone she worked with. She didn’t want to screw this up.

  “Logan?” Her voice hitched.

  He thrust up harder, and all at once her thoughts ceased and all she felt was pleasure.

  “Oh!” she cried out.

  Her muscles tightened as her orgasm spiraled.

  Logan took over, moving her, drawing out the pleasure. Her rubbery legs tried to keep up, but he’d taken over.

  He clutched her to his chest and ground his hips to hers. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his neck. There was no hiding from this intimacy, but she didn’t have to see it written so boldly on his face.

  His hold on her relaxed, and they sat like that for several moments catching their breath.

  Tonight she wouldn’t run away.

  Kelsey turned her head and nuzzled his neck.

  A partner had never factored into her future. She’d seen herself alone whenever she’d thought about her future. Not because she wanted to be alone, but because she couldn’t imagine anyone sticking with her.

  Was it possible Logan could be that person? What would that future even look like?

  Knowing neither of their plans extended beyond the Task Force changed things. It was a blank slate. And she had no idea where to start or what to do about that.

  His hand slid up and down her back, recalling her to the moment and a very important fact she hadn’t yet told him.

  “Um, so there’s one thing I should maybe have mentioned,” she said.

  The hand on her back stilled, and he tilted his head to the side to look at her. “What’s that?”

  “I kind of sleep on the futon, too.”

  Logan blinked slowly. “Are you telling me you don’t have a bed?”

  “I have an air mattress.”

  He dragged a hand over his face. “You’re killing me.”

  “I’m not trying to.” She laughed.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen.” He dropped his hand and stared at her. “We’re going to clean up, and then you and your blue feet are coming to my place. I don’t have any hate for your futon, but this won’t work for me.”

  Kelsey laid her head on his shoulder and grinned.

  Who was she? What was happening here?

  For the first time, she didn’t want to look too closely. If she did, she might find a reason to run. And that was the last thing she wanted.


  Monday. Task Force Headquarters. Washington, DC.

  Totally normal day.

  Or at least that’s what Kelsey was trying to tell herself.

  She’d been in law enforcement long enough that she’d had to do a variety of things. Interviewing suspects wasn’t uncommon. It was one of those things she’d gladly left to Baruti and Samuel. Even when she had done interviews, they’d been outside. She’d talked strategy with them, made a plan, and they’d watched over her.

  Today it was her. And Evan. But it wasn’t the same.

  This sucked.

  She unbuttoned her suit jacket and took a deep breath as she strode toward the main interview room.

  Santiago Fernández had arrived.

  Ultimately, they’d chosen to not arrest the lobbyists. Instead, the plan was to get them to come in for pointed conversations and make rulings on the spot.

  Santiago was the first one of today.

  It was time to nail Dixon down. According to Logan, the guy was waffling and talking about going back on his word. T
hat irritated Kelsey. It shouldn’t, really. The man was a politician and a rotten one at that. No wonder she hadn’t been able to find his name attached to meaningful legislation. He’d been too busy the entire time he was in the office doing this Skilton’s bidding.

  She nodded and smiled at people as she passed.

  When Kelsey had first joined the Task Force, she’d been amazed at how many people worked here. Now it felt like the real Task Force was Logan’s team, her, the girls in the lab, and Zora. Even people Kelsey had gotten to know casually around the office were suddenly strangers.

  Wasn’t it Logan who’d confided in her that he didn’t think there was just one leaker anymore?

  Kelsey shook her head and blew out a breath as she turned the last corner.

  Ahead of her, Evan stood leaned up against the wall next to a door looking at his phone. None of the other guys appeared to be around. Just Evan.

  “Hey, you,” she called out.

  Evan glanced up and slid his phone back in his pocket. “Morning.”

  She closed the distance between them faster now, stopping only when she was maybe a tad bit too close. She lowered her voice for his hears alone. “I heard you had a little talk with Logan.”

  The corners of Evan’s mouth twitched up. “Yeah.”

  “Yeah?” She snorted.

  “I might have said some things I can’t back up.”

  “Like what?” She eyed the man. “You’d kick his ass?”

  He merely shrugged.

  “Do I get the same speech?” she asked.


  She crossed her arms over her chest, holding the folder Diha had thrown together against her side. “That’s not very fair.”

  “Yeah, well, Logan comes with a team. He has other people who can watch his back.”


  Kelsey couldn’t help but smile. Out of the guys, she’d spent the most time around Evan simply because he was married to Felecia.

  “You’re one of the good ones, you know that?” Kelsey said.

  His brow furrowed. “Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome. Is my guy in there?” she asked, focusing instead on the work at hand.

  “Yup. He’s sweating bullets already. Zora said I’d be sitting in for her.” One side of Evan’s mouth quirked up. “I’d have offered to let Logan do it, but Zora has him doing something else.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard,” she said dryly. “You ready?”

  “Sure am.” Evan slid a hand down his own jacket.

  “Say nothing. Not a single word, got it? Every now and then write down a note. Scowl at him. Try your best to look mean.”

  He furrowed his brow and nodded.

  She grinned. “Perfect. Just like that.”

  Kelsey grabbed the door handle before she could get nervous and opened it. She heard Evan behind her and left, securing the door to him.

  She locked eyes with Santiago and smiled. “Morning, Mr. Fernández. Thanks for agreeing to come speak with us.”

  Santiago gaped at her. She’d intentionally stayed out of the process asking him to come speak with the FBI for this specific reason. He’d no doubt thought up all sorts of things they’d ask him about and come up with his own worst-case conclusions. But he wouldn’t have suspected her if he even remembered her. Judging by the way the man’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head, he knew exactly who she was.

  “My name is Kelsey Young.” She offered him her hand over the small interview table. “We met at Senator Dixon’s home.”

  Santiago clasped her hand. “I...remember.”

  “Great. I’d like to start off by reminding you that this interview is being recorded. Anything said in this room will be on tape. You are not under arrest and once again I’d like to remind you that you are free to have a lawyer present should you wish. Any questions?”


  Kelsey placed the folder on the table, then pulled out her chair and sat. Evan followed suit, but kept his chair turned slightly so he was facing the right wall with Santiago, her and the door in his field of vision. It wasn’t a move she would have made, but Evan was wired differently.

  Santiago noticed none of this. His eyes were locked on the folder, no doubt wondering why it was half an inch thick.

  Most of it was plain copier paper for show. They had found out quite a bit about the man, his life and career. It came as no surprise he was a cog in Dixon’s wheel. But those files were all digital. She saw no reason to print them.

  “I’ll cut to the chase, Mr. Fernández. I’m privy to some information about the senator and I need your help verifying it.”

  “Do I need a lawyer?” he asked.

  Yes. If what Dixon said was true, the man shouldn’t have come without a lawyer. But she couldn’t tell him that, only advise him of his right to one if he wished.

  “I don’t know.” She spread her hands. “Do you?”

  Santiago glanced at Evan, then at her. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  Inwardly, she groaned. It was his funeral. She didn’t see how the man could be involved and innocent. At least not yet.

  “I want to reiterate, this is simply an interview.” She placed her hand on the folder. “You aren’t under arrest. We aren’t accusing you of a crime. You’re here doing us a favor. So, thank you for your time this morning. I know it was short notice.”

  Santiago flashed a smile. “Who else do you want to owe you a favor besides the American government?”

  Okay, maybe he wasn’t as ignorant as she thought. “What can you tell me about the nature of the business you do with Senator Dixon outside your lobbying work?”

  “I, ah—what work?”

  “The work Dixon involved you with as a result of his working relationship with a man named...” Kelsey flipped the folder open so only she could see the top page. “Skilton?”

  She glanced up in time to catch Santiago’s shocked expression. More shocked than when he’d seen her.

  “S-Skilton?” Santiago reached over and grabbed a napkin off a small stack and blotted his brow.

  “Yes. It is our understanding that your working relationship with the senator stems from his connection to Skilton.”

  “I, um...” He glanced at the door now. “I need my lawyer.”

  Kelsey made herself pause. Normally those were the words that would make her stand and head for the door. This time needed to be different.

  “You haven’t been accused of anything,” she said again.

  Santiago leaned toward her. “You don’t know how dangerous that man is.”


  He flinched at the sound of the name. “Yes.”

  “Well, maybe we can talk more about the danger that man presents to you once your lawyer arrives. Then we can best decide how to deal with the threat.” Kelsey gathered the folder.

  “Wait.” Santiago braced his hands on the table. “Would you...? Is protection on the table?”

  Kelsey settled back into her seat. “Mr. Fernández, if you’re in danger because of this conversation or your connection to Skilton, we’re more than prepared to protect you.”

  Santiago swiped at his brow again. “Can I get that in writing?”

  She glanced at Evan.

  They’d talked about this.

  He rose and went to the door.

  “Where’s he going?” Santiago asked as the door clicked shut.

  “To legal. Right now someone is making a call and they will have a document printed out. Evan,” she gestured to the vacant seat, “will grab that and bring it back for you to sign so we can continue.”

  He blinked a few times. “That’s it?”

  She leaned an arm on the table and stared into the man’s beady eyes. “Mr. Fernández, I can guess at the nature of your dealings with the senator. While I find them detesting, I also recognize that you are a small fish. Who knows? Maybe helping us will inspire you to make different life choices after this?”

  He swallowed, but
didn’t look away from her.

  Santiago Fernández was no one in the grand scheme. He was a go-between for the real criminals. He was complicit. But she wanted to catch the big fish. She wanted Dixon, Skilton, and the heads of the cartel to start. There was no doubt in her mind that other bad actors would shake free from Dixon’s coat tails the longer they looked.

  “Do you really think you can protect me from...?” Santiago glanced around the room.

  “From Dixon? Or Skilton?” She knew the real boogeyman here was Skilton.

  Santiago leaned toward her and whispered, “Skilton.”

  “This isn’t a children’s story. Saying his name won’t summon him.” Honestly, the more she saw how Dixon and Santiago acted about this Skilton character, the more disgusted she got.

  “How much do you trust him?” Santiago nodded at Evan’s empty chair. “What if Skilton’s got his hooks in that one?”

  Kelsey merely smiled. She wasn’t fond of how close to the mark Santiago was coming. She could trust Evan, but there were far more she couldn’t.

  The door opened, admitting the topic of their conversation.

  “Mr. Fernández?” Evan laid the agreement in front of Santiago. “If you will please sign these pages, we’ll get started lining up proper protection for you.”

  Santiago snatched up the pen and began signing without reading.

  His fear was very real.

  She sat back and watched.

  Santiago paused after the first signature and skimmed a few paragraphs before signing the other page.

  Either he was naïve, or had been through this before.

  Neither would surprise her.

  “Kelsey?” Evan muttered.

  “Hm?” she didn’t take her eyes off Santiago.

  Evan placed his hand on her shoulder.

  She glanced up at him and he nodded at the door.

  Damn it, what now?

  “Give us one moment, please?” She picked up her faux files and followed Evan out into the hall.

  He pushed the door shut and rubbed at his brow.

  “What?” she snapped.

  Evan lifted his eyes and looked at her. “Robert’s dead.”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped, and she stared at him.

  The last she’d seen of Robert, he’d been pale and breathing hard, but he was hanging in there. The doctors said he had a long road to recovery.


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