Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5)

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Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5) Page 36

by Sidney Bristol

  The shot went wide.

  The man rushed Logan, rage in his eyes.

  Logan dropped his shoulder right as the man reached him and bent, hitting his attacker at the waist. The man screeched as Logan stood, rolling the man off his back and into the cockpit squarely between Skilton and the pilot.

  This was the chance. The opening he needed.

  Logan reached out and grabbed Skilton by his pristine, baby blue sweater and pressed his gun to the man’s temple.

  “Stop the plane now,” he growled.

  Skilton stared back at Logan with calm, blue eyes.

  “What’s your heart’s desire?” he asked, as if Logan wasn’t holding a gun to his head.

  “You in prison,” he snarled.

  The plane lurched and slowed to a crawl.

  Ahead of them, a utility vehicle swerved in their path, and on the back of it were a few familiar faces.

  He was doing this for them. So that this job could finally be over and they’d all get to have normal lives again. Or about as normal as any of them got. But mostly, for Kelsey. His heart. His love.


  Wednesday. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Washington, DC.

  Kelsey vaulted over the side of the truck. This time her legs held her.

  That stupid, wonderful man. She was going to skin him alive. Who jumped onto a moving plane? Who did that?

  If airport security hadn’t arrived as Logan made his mad dash, everything would be so much worse. He could be in the air for all she knew.

  Two of the police cruisers zoomed up, screeching to a stop and creating a half circle in front of the plane. It wasn’t getting away fast or easily considering how cumbersome the bird was on the ground.

  “Logan? Logan,” Harper bellowed.

  He sprinted past her and got a hand on the hatch door, flinging it open. He aimed up into the plane, but it was nothing but shadows.

  “Boost me up,” she called out.

  Harper turned and blinked, then gave a nod of his head and cupped his hands. She didn’t slow her pace. Breathing in time to her steps, she shortened her stride. Her right foot landed in the cradle of Harper’s hand. She jumped, and he hefted her up.

  Kelsey grabbed the opening and hauled herself into her former prison.

  “Logan? Logan!”

  She scrambled to her feet and yanked her stolen gun out again.

  “I’m here. I’m fine,” he called out from the cockpit.

  Kelsey backed toward him, eyeing the body that hadn’t moved from the arm chair.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” she snapped.

  Her heart ached. God, she’d seen him dive in and she’d been so fucking scared. This man was her heart and soul. She didn’t know how she’d live without him.

  “Don’t you ever do anything like that again.” Her hands were shaking as she drew alongside him.

  Logan glanced at her, so fast she almost missed it out of the corner of her eye. “I missed you, too.”

  “You...” Too many words tried to come out of her mouth at once.

  God, she’d been so scared, thinking he was still buried alive or something. She hadn’t let herself think about that. It was too scary to consider.

  “Hand over the weapons,” he barked.

  She turned and aimed her gun at Skilton’s head while Logan began confiscating two of the three men’s firearms. The poor pilot looked to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He likely had no idea what he’d gotten himself into. If the man hadn’t walked past her several times, she might have felt some pity for him.

  “Put these on.” Logan shoved a pair of FlexiCuffs at one after the other. Including the pilot.

  “Jesus, TL. What the fuck?” Harper appeared in the doorway behind them.

  “Harper, take over,” Kelsey said.

  Tucker appeared behind Harper. “Actually, both of you need to sit the fuck down.”

  Logan inclined his head. “I’d like to catch my breath.”

  Once more Kelsey’s heart began to race. “What? What happened?”

  Logan backed away, smoothly trading spots with Tucker.

  Harper caught her eye and nodded.

  She flattened herself to the wall and allowed Harper to squeeze in. The two began searching the guard. Kelsey slithered along the wall back to the cabin and found Logan perched on the same padded bench she’d hidden alongside rubbing his chest.

  “What did you do?” she demanded.

  He grimaced. “Took a shot. I’m fine.”

  She gaped at him, torn between demanding to see the gunshot and wanting to shake the man. He always used himself as a shield. “You got shot and you’re fine? Just fine?”

  “My vest—”

  Memory kicked her hard. “Dixon.”

  She spun and rushed to the back of the plane.

  Dixon was where she’d left him.

  Was it her imagination, or was his breathing more labored?

  Kelsey had dropped to her knees, wishing she still had her knife, but she’d dropped it in the hangar and hadn’t paused to grab it in the scuffle.

  “Here.” Logan knelt next to her, pocket knife in hand, and sliced through the senator’s bonds.

  “They cut out his tongue. He seemed like he was in shock.”


  “Police. Anyone hurt?” someone called out.

  Kelsey straightened. “Back here. Yes.”

  Three officers rushed toward them. Logan grabbed her upper arm and pulled her away. He didn’t let go of her. Instead his thumb worked soothing circles on her bicep. They sidestepped toward the front of the plane, putting the partition between themselves and the officers assisting Dixon. There was nothing Kelsey or Logan or the others could do for him now.

  Kelsey glanced up at Logan, who was still surveying the plane. His hold was gentle and comforting, but he wasn’t looking at her. Because he couldn’t stand to? Because she’d been an utter, overreacting ass?

  Emotion clogged her throat. The whole time she’d been here she’d thought about all her regrets. How she’d feared she might be wired like her father. And then she went and let her fears drive her away from him. This wasn’t who she wanted to be. Not at all.

  “Logan?” Her voice wavered as she said his name.


  She tilted her chin to look up at him.

  His face seemed sharper today. He still hadn’t shaved. His hair was down. He was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. And she most definitely didn’t deserve him, but she wanted him. She wanted to change for the better. For herself and him. Though she couldn’t blame him if it was too late for them. She wasn’t the easiest person to be with.

  He looked down at her. His brow furrowed, likely worrying over some detail or another.

  She opened her mouth to say something. Maybe apologize for how poorly she’d treated him yesterday in her panic, but words wouldn’t come.

  Kelsey grabbed the front of his Kevlar vest and pulled him down. Her mouth crashed into his in a sudden, hard kiss. Logan responded quickly, as always. Her man had fast reflexes, that was for damn sure. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up off her feet. Probably because he thought he was funny. She didn’t care. She dug her hands into his hair and kissed him.

  They were still alive.

  She’d made it through this.

  And they’d gotten the bad guy.

  “Well then.” Harper laughed.

  She ignored it, focusing on Logan. She knew she had a lot to say to him, and even more to make up for, but that started now. Even if they could only work together, she couldn’t remain the same as she’d always been.

  “Pay up,” Harper demanded.

  “What?” Jamie yelped. “What’s going on?”

  Logan eased her back down to the ground and looked back at his men. “Will you be quiet?”

  Kelsey swallowed and glanced at the guys.

  Harper was grinning at them while Jamie stared with wide eye
s. Harper hauled back and smacked Jamie’s shoulder.

  “You didn’t know? You really didn’t know?” Harper asked.

  Jamie gaped at them, then Harper. “You did?”

  Harper lifted a shoulder. “Well, yeah. Not officially, but I figured...”

  Tucker and Evan entered through the hatch again.

  “What are you two moaning about?” Tucker asked.

  “Uh...” Jamie glanced from Logan to Harper.

  “I knew,” Evan said. “I told TL that if he screwed up, I’d have to kick his ass.”

  Kelsey winced and glanced up at Logan. “I’m sorry—”

  “Sh.” He squeezed her.

  “Did you know?” Jamie asked Tucker.

  Tucker nodded.

  “Well, fuck,” Jamie said.

  Kelsey hid her surprise a little better. Evan had obviously picked up on it. And she’d feared Harper’s assumption. How was it they’d all known? Had she been falling for him all along and missed it until she was already in it?

  “Let’s clear the scene,” Logan ordered.

  “Yes, sir, TL, sir,” Harper said in a mocking tone.

  Some things just wouldn’t change.

  Logan took her hand. She glanced back at Dixon and hoped he would be okay.

  They emerged onto a set of stairs someone had brought to the plane. There were more vehicles around it. A few DC cruisers. An ambulance and fire truck.

  This was going to delay flights all day.

  But, they’d caught Skilton.

  They’d actually caught the bastard.

  The case was over. Zora and the other agents still on it would head up the investigation. But her part? That was done. As was Logan’s.

  What would happen next? When he decided where he was going?

  Kelsey squeezed his hand to remind herself that they were both still here right now.

  They reached the tarmac and moved out of the way of other responders heading in.

  “Where’s Skilton?” Logan asked.

  Tucker thumbed over his shoulder. “Zora put him in a car and left. Said they were going to do x-rays or something to make sure he’s not hiding anything sub-dermally.”

  Logan nodded then turned to her. He lifted a hand and brushed his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

  “Get a room you two,” Harper snickered.

  Kelsey’s cheeks burned. Instead of erecting her defenses and pushing Logan away, as would be her instinct, she stepped closer to him.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” she said.

  After all, she had a lot to say to him. And only him.


  Skilton clasped his bound hands around his knee and waited.

  The room was chilly and bland, giving nothing away. Most people might find the stark surroundings unsettling. He saw it as a blank canvas.

  He hadn’t been in custody in quite some time. It would be interesting to find out if there were any new tricks of the trade.

  The minutes dragged on.

  He should have dealt with the Task Force the moment he heard about it. Ignoring them left him blind to their attacks.

  His second mistake was dividing his attention once he’d come to the US. He’d been prepared to handle one thing, not two. Dividing his efforts like he had spread his resources too thin.

  What could he have done better? How could he have changed actions for a better outcome?

  Skilton wasn’t sure he could have. The pressure on him was immense.

  He stared at the gleaming metal table.

  They hadn’t read him his rights or offered him a lawyer. This must be a black site then. CIA? FBI? They all blended together as far as he was concerned.

  One thing was for certain.

  The final chapter of his life had begun.

  Skilton had always wondered what his end might be like. He’d imagined assassination by his replacement was most likely. Men like him didn’t get to retire to a beach and drink fruity cocktails while pouring over all the books he’d wanted to read but never got the chance to. It was disappointing to realize his end would be this. Confined to a metal box, watched and prodded.

  The door opened without warning.

  A black woman stepped in carrying several files with her.

  He wondered how much blank paper was in there?

  Nadine had sent him everything she had concerning what the Take Force knew about him. It hadn’t been much. He doubted they’d had time to find more.

  The woman didn’t speak. She placed her stack of paper on the desk and pulled out the chair without so much as a good morning.

  This would be the assistant director, Zora Clark. She was a NSA agent of some kind. From the way Nadine talked, this woman was the one who was the real power behind the Task Force. His file on her was considerably more impressive.

  She sank into the chair across from him. “Karl Weber. Or do you prefer to be called Skilton?”

  He lifted his shoulders by way of a reply. They were both his name. It didn’t matter to him what she called him.

  Was he supposed to be surprised they’d unearthed his identity?

  Honestly, that was child’s play. And so much easier for them given how well different intelligence agencies could play together when they wanted the same thing.

  “Why did you try and have an American senator killed?” she asked.

  Skilton smiled and didn’t say a word.

  She arched a brow at him. “Nothing?”

  He didn’t intend to say anything of substance to her.

  “Your old friend Obran had a lot of interesting things to say about you earlier today.” Zora picked up a pen and clicked it a few times.

  Skilton wasn’t sure about that. If Obran were to spill secrets, he’d have done it already. When it might benefit him most. Not now. No, that logic didn’t hold up.

  “And Valentino? That hacker chick you had killed?”

  Skilton barely contained his grimace. He’d been certain he knew who Valentino was. The idea that the little bastard had kept the truth from him was frustrating.

  Zora continued to throw small details at him and each time he said nothing. There was no reason to cooperate with her. None at all. A more comfortable room would not motivate him. Being released was merely hastening his death. No, the moment they’d stopped his plane and arrested him he’d died. He simply hadn’t stopped breathing yet.

  One thing became abundantly clear to him.

  Zora and this Task Force had no idea the scope and breadth of what Skilton did and what he’d been part of.

  She had no idea.

  “You have nothing to say? Nothing at all?” she asked after nearly a half-hour of questions with no answers.

  Again he smiled and lifted his shoulders. Inwardly he was laughing at the absurdity of it all.

  Her eyes grew cold. “You do realize that this is the nice way we get information? If you don’t talk to me, there are other ways to make you talk.”

  Skilton knew her methods. He’d done them to others and on occasion had them done to himself. It was the nature of the work they did. Only, she didn’t scare him. He already knew his fate, but she was clueless.

  Maybe it was the devil inside of him, but Skilton leaned forward. He’d only say one thing to her, and one thing alone. Maybe it was best if he didn’t and she was caught unaware. Or maybe it was that his loyalty was now worth nothing more than a bullet in his skull. Then again, sometimes he just liked to watch the world burn.

  “Your problem, Ms. Clark, is that you have it in your mind that I am somehow in control of all of this. That I am a mastermind. In truth, I’m merely executing the orders I was given.”

  She thought he was the entity pulling all of the strings. In reality, he merely maintained those strings. He wasn’t in charge. Never had been. At most, he was a glorified assistant. Easily replaced.

  When her words failed her, Zora got up, grabbed the files and left.

  Oh to watch the world bu
rn down.

  WEDNESDAY. AEGIS GROUP Safe House. Washington, DC.

  Kelsey sank down on the padded bench pushed up to the foot of the bed and stared out of the windows. She was both exhausted and wired somehow.

  It hadn’t been possible to get a room directly following Skilton’s arrest. There was too much to do. A scene to process. Paperwork. It wasn’t until hours later that their team got to retire to the Aegis Group safe house. At least, most of them had retired there.

  Logan had to go to the hospital. The paramedics had insisted on it since he’d popped several stitches and the guys ratted him out about not getting properly looked at following the incident yesterday. Kelsey had waffled too long on if she should go with him and the ambulance had left without her.

  Jamie and his girlfriend were off to stay with her family. Given that she ran a company that made bombs, her family knew a few things about security.

  Harper, Evan and Felecia were in the living room with pizza and a movie last she heard.

  And unsurprisingly, Tucker had vanished without a word, no doubt to go to Zora’s side.

  Which left Kelsey here. Where she was now. Alone in the same room she’d stayed in before her abduction.

  A single tap on the door was her only warning before it opened.

  Logan entered, balancing a pizza box in one hand and juggling what looked to be two bottles of beer under an arm.

  “You’re back.” She stood, unsure what she should do. “How was it? Are you okay?”

  The relief she felt seeing him was swift. He hadn’t been more than a few feet from her all throughout the morning. Being apart from him the last hour and a half had left her anxious.

  “Just fine. Tidied up my stitches. Did an x-ray. I’m fine. Diha also called for an update and to let us know everything has been moved to yet another secure site,” he said.

  “Oh. Yeah.”

  One corner of his mouth quirked up. “And, she mentioned wanting to talk to you. I guess Harper’s already spoken to her?”

  Kelsey’s eyes widened.

  She’d never mustered the courage to tell the girls.

  Harper would tell them for the shock value alone.


  He stopped a few feet away from her. “Are you hungry? Do you, um, want a shower?”


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