Girl Trouble

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by Dyhouse, Carol

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  abortion, 97, 166, 167, 182, 184, 189–91, 192, 193, 194, 196, 205, 246, 252; back-street, 168; rights, 234

  Abortion Law Reform Act (1967), 168, 189, 191

  Abortion Law Reform Association, 167, 181

  Abrams, Mark, 161

  abstinence, for girls, 226

  Adam, Noëlle, 137

  Adler, Bill, Love Letters to the Beatles, 158

  adolescence, of girls, 65, 66

  adulthood: definition of, 6–7; age of transition to, 169, 171, 223, 246

  age of consent, 18, 106

  agency of women, 253

  Aitkenhead, Decca, 230

  alcohol, drinking of, 76, 228 see also binge drinking

  Allen, Grant, The Woman Who Did, 51

  Allen, Mary, 92

  Allen, Ricky see Hulten, Karl

  Amis, Kingsley, Lucky Jim, 135

  Amos, Sarah, 43

  Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 23, 56

  Anderson, Jim, 182

  Anglican White Cross Society, 28

  Anka, Paul, 157

  anorexia nervosa, 215, 217–21, 231

  anxieties about bodily appearance, 216, 250

  appetite, distortions of, 221

  approved schools, 105–6, 113–14, 116, 121

  Arnot, Madeleine, with Miriam David and Gaby Weiner, Closing the Gender Gap, 235–6

  Ashton, Winifred, Regiment of Women, 81

  Ashworth, Andrea, 207

  Asian women in Britain, 201–2

  Astor, Lord, 147, 149

  autonomy, 187, 196

  aviators, women as, 86–9

use of term, 71

  Baden-Powell, Agnes, 73, 77–8

  Baden-Powell, Olave, née St Clair Soames, 73

  Baden-Powell, Robert, 72–3

  Bailey, Reg, Letting Children be Children, 226

  Baker, Carroll, 126

  Bakewell, Joan, 226–7

  Ball, Zoe, 229

  Barber, Lynn, 130–1

  Barker, Lilian, 116

  Barlow, James, Term of Trial, 164

  Barnard, A. B., The Girl’s Book about Herself, 68

  Bashkirtseff, Marie, 53–4

  battered wives, shelters for, 208

  Baxter, Miss, 200

  Beale, Dorothea, 47

  Beale, Lionel, 57

  Beat Girl, 245

  beat girls, 137–74

  Beatlemania, 157–60, 246

  Beatles: MBE awards, 157–8; Please Please Me, 157

  Beatnik Beauty, 154

  beauty, idealised standards of, 212

  beauty pornography, 232, 250

  Beauvoir, Simone de: Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome, 127; Le Deuxième Sexe, 197

  ‘Because I am a Girl’ campaign, 253

  Bedford College, 46–7

  Bell, Ernest A., 27; Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls …, 21

  Bennett, Arnold, 97; Our Women, 98

  Billington-Greig, Teresa, 23, 38; ‘The Truth about White Slavery’, 23–4

  binge drinking, 223

  birth control, 166, 189

  bisexuality, 187, 240

  Black, Cilla, 173–4

  Black American servicemen, 108

  Black women, 145

  Blakely, David, 119

  Blanchard, Phyllis, 69

  blogging, 239

  Blume, Judy, Forever, 203–4

  Blunkett, David, 229

  Board of Education, 83

  bodies of women, 55–6

  body obsessions, 2, 213–21, 250

  Boer War, 64

  Bondfield, Margaret, 23

  Boone, Pat, 152

  Booth, General Bramwell, 22

  Booth, Mrs Bramwell, 23

  Boston Women’s Health Collective, Our Bodies, Ourselves, 194, 195

  Bourne, Aleck, 167

  Box, Muriel, Too Young to Love, 178

  Box, Sidney, 113–16

  Boy Scouts, 72–3

  boys: failure of, 236–7; licence of, 2

  Brailsford, Jane, 62

  Brighton, 113, 140, 151; as holiday town, 108

  Bristow, Edward, 22


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