Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita, 126, 165
naming and shaming, 231
National Association of Schoolmasters, 82
National Council of Public Morals, 92
National Secular Society, 186–7
National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association, 180
National Vigilance Association, 19, 27
National Women’s Liberation Movement, 193
Nationwide Festival of Light, 180–1
Neville, Richard, 182
New Look, 224
New Woman, 42, 50, 51
Newman, Andrea, A Share of the World, 134
Newnes, George, Miss Modern, 103–4
Newnham College, 47, 48, 52, 57, 65
Newsom, John: The Education of Girls, 127; Half Our Future, 128
Nightingale, Florence, 43–4, 45; ‘Cassandra’, 44
Notting Hill riots, 141
Nuts magazine, 232
obesity, 216, 220
occupational prospects of girls, 237–8
O’Connor, Sinead, 238
‘odd women’, 97–8, 243
Oldham, Andrew Loog, 175
Olivier, Laurence, 164
Ollerenshaw, Kathleen, 125
opium dens, 21
Orbach, Susie: Bodies, 214; Fat is a Feminist Issue, 214
Orwell, George, 93, 97, 111; ‘Decline of the English murder’, 108
Outen, Denise van, 229
Outram, Miss, 35–6
Oxford, University of, admission of women students, 247–8
Oz trials, 182
page three models, 215, 230
Pakistani men, 151
Pankhurst, Adela, 62
Pankhurst, Christabel, 40, 58, 62; The Great Scourge and How to End It, 13
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 58, 59, 62
Pankhurst, Sylvia, 15, 62
Papadopoulos, Lina, 226
Parkin, Jill, 225
Parliamentary Commission on the Age of Majority, 171–2
Passport to Shame, 120, 139
Patmore, Coventry, 250
patrol committees, 72
Pearsall Smith, Alys, 43
Penny, Laurie, 197, 220, 225
permissiveness, 6, 175–210 passim
Perry, Pauline, Your Guide to the Opposite Sex, 185–6
Petticoat, 162
Phillips, Angela, 194
Phillips, Melanie, 240
physical exercise, in education curricula, 58
Piccadilly Flat case, 14–18, 22
Picture Post, 121–3
Picturegoer, 91
Pilditch, David, 228
pink colour, critique of, 233–4
Pinkstinks group, 233
Pipher, Mary, Reviving Ophelia …, 213
Plan International, 253
pole-dancing kits, 224, 232
Pomeroy, W. B.: Boys and Sex, 186; Girls and Sex, 186
pornography, 2, 181, 182, 184, 209, 210, 249
postfeminism, 3, 239
poverty, 1, 39
Powell, Dilys, 115–16, 171
pregnancy, 2, 100, 133–4, 136, 140, 163, 166, 167, 170, 183, 188, 190; of working-class girls, 132; outside marriage, 178; premarital, 245–6; teenage, 191–2, 223
Presley, Elvis, 5, 152, 157
Price, Henry, 158
Price, Katie (Jordan), 230, 232
Priestley, J. B., 93
Primark, 224, 225
Pringle, Alexandra, 162
Private Eye, 209
procurers, 39; female, 22–3 see also flogging of male procurers
Profumo, John, 146–50
promiscuity, as research, 204
Proops, Marjorie, 150, 178
property qualification for voting, 70
property rights of married women, 44
prostitution, 11–12, 37–8, 71, 106–7, 119, 142, 145, 147–8, 232
punks, 211
purity, 33; of men, 40, 244; of women, 31, 53; racial, 79; workers for, 34
‘purple hearts’ (Drinamyl), 150
Pussycat Dolls, 224
pyjamas, 127, 139
Queen’s College, 46–7
race relations, 141
racism, 207
Radford, Elizabeth, 179
Radway, Janice, 203
Rakusen, Jill, 194
Ramsay, Agnata Frances, 48
Ramsay, Edith, 121, 142–5, 146
Rank Organisation, 113–16
Rantzen, Esther, 209
rape, 4, 240
Rational Dress, 52
raunch culture, 213–14, 232
Ravensdale, Baroness, 144
Ray, Johnny, 139
Raymond, Alwyn, 112
rebel women, 58
record players, 153, 159
Redfern, Catherine, 239
Reed, Oliver, 137
Regan, Simon, 179–80
Reid, Elizabeth, 46–7
Reid Banks, Lynne, The L-Shaped Room, 135
Reisz, Karel and Tony Richardson, Momma Don’t Allow, 152
reproductive rights of women, 194
Responsible Society, The, 181, 184
revolting daughters, 43–4
Rice-Davies, Marilyn (Mandy), 147–50, 245; The Mandy Report, 149
Richard, Cliff, 181
Richards, Dick, 177
Richards, Keith, 176
Richardson, Sue, 208
Riches, Valerie, 181, 184, 187
Riot Grrrl bands, 211
Roberts, Amy, 158
Roberts, Edith, 96–7
Roberts, Madeleine, 99
Roberts, Miss, 133
Robins, Elizabeth, 23; Where are you going to…?, 11–12, 35
Robson, Flora, 115
Ronettes, 155
Ross, Dorothy, 68
Rowbotham, Sheila, 154
Royal College of Psychiatrists, 219
Royal Free Hospital, 56
Royden, Maude, 36–9
Ruskin, John, 30–1, 42, 66, 73, 241, 250; Sesame and Lilies, 30, 241–2
Russell, Bertrand, 43
Russell, Rachel, 233–4
Ryle, Anthony, 166
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 175
Sage, Lorna, 151–2; Bad Blood, 132–4
Sage, Sharon, 134
Sage, Vic, 133–4
Salvation Army, 22, 23, 26, 36, 106
Sapphire, 141
Savage, Inspector, 99
Schofield, Michael, 183, 188; The Sexual Behaviour of Young People, 163–4, 183
school leaving age, 124–5, 191
Schoolgirls Against Sexism, 201
science, girls’ involvement in, 235
Scotland Yard, White Slavery Suppression branch, 16, 24
Seaman, Owen, 51
Searle, Ronald, 164
Second World War, effects of, 5
Seear, Baroness, 198
Seebohm, Winnie, 52
self-sacrifice, as feminine virtue, 243
self-starvation, 217, 218
Sex and the City, 160, 233
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 197, 198–9
sex education, 106, 127, 183–7
sexism in education system, 198–200
sexual abuse, 208
sexual knowledge, seen as corrupting, 35
sexual morality, standards of, 44
sexual revolution, 159–60, 168, 179, 196
sexualisation, 2, 233, 250; use of term, 223–8
sexuality, 71, 93, 96, 106, 134, 156, 164, 165–6, 175, 178, 185–6; in girls’ magazines, 203; initiative in, 37; male, 185; outside marriage, 100–1; pre-marital experiences, 36, 163–4, 189; self-expression, 2; sexual hibernation, 126
sexually transmitted diseases, 12–13, 182–3, 244; in armed forces, 107; medical examination for, 27
Sharpe, Sue, 206; Just Like a Girl …, 201–2
Shaw, George Bernard, 54; Mrs Warren’s Profession, 50
Shocking Pink, 204
Short, Don, 177
Shute, Nerina, We Mixed Our Drinks, 102
> Sibly, Franklin, 92
Sicilian men, 120
Sidgwick, Henry, 47
Sidgwick, Mrs, 57
Signoret, Simone, 164
Simms, Madeleine, 192
Simon, Jocelyn, 170
single-sex groupings, 213
Slutwalk, 240
Smith, Christopher, 192
‘Smith, Mary’, 85–6, 215–16
Smith, Tony, 217
smoking, by women, 76, 77, 83, 231
Snagge, Thomas, 18
Snowdrop, The, 30
Snowdrop Bands, 29–30
Soames, Olave St Clair, Training Girls as Guides, 73
Social Purity Alliance, 31
social workers, 26
soldiers, girls’ flirting with, 72
Somerville College, 47
Spare Rib, 194, 201, 204
Spencer, Herbert, 241
Spencer, Victoria, 218
Spice Girls, 211
Spilsbury, Bernard, 97
sporting activities, gendered, 199
Springfield, Dusty, 155
St Trinian’s, 164
Starbuck, Winifred, 63
Stead, W. T., 18, 27, 53–4; ‘The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon’, 40
Steele, David, 168
Steele, Tommy, 157
Steinem, Gloria, 196
Stepney, London, 142–4
Stevenson, Betsey, with Justin Wolfers, ‘The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness’, 222
Stonham, Lord, 144
Stopes, Marie, 103; Married Love, 100; Wise Parenthood, 100
Strachey, Ray, 87; The Cause, 44
Street Offences Act (1959), 142, 146
Strindberg, August, 50
strip shows, 144, 145, 165
students, as adults, 173
suffrage movement, 33, 39, 41, 42, 58–64, 82, 243; Coronation 1911 demonstration, 59, 62; hunger strikes, 59 see also forced feeding, of women
Sweeting, Helen, 221
swimming, 91–2; mixed bathing, 91–2
Tait, Robert Lawson, 55
teacher training colleges, 236
teaching, as job for women, 131
Teather, Sarah, 226
teenage slang, 140
television, 153
Telfer, Elizabeth (‘Nurse Betty’), 14
Tennant, Emma, Girlitude, 129
Terrot, Charles, 40
Tesco’s, pole-dancing kits, 223–4, 232
Thatcher, Margaret, 184, 198, 199
Thewlis, Dora, 61
thinness, 232
Thomas, M. Carey, 67
Thompson, Edith, 94–6
Thompson, J. Lee, As Long as They’re Happy, 139
Thompson, Percy, 94–6
Thorburn, John, 55
Tinkler, Penny, 227
Touche, Rose la, 30
Townsend, Mrs, 28
Toynbee, Polly, 233
Traffic in Souls, 19
trafficking of women, 11, 17; urban myths of, 23–5
travelling alone, 173
Tushingham, Rita, 136
Tweedie, Jill, 129–30, 131
Tweedie, Mrs Alec, 71–2
Tyler, Melissa, 233–4
UK Feminista organisation, 239, 239
unisex fashions, 182
University College, 85
University of London, 47
unmarried women, 45
Valenti, Jessica, 239, 240
Valentino, Rudolph, 90, 159
vampire women, 81
venereal disease see sexually transmitted diseases
Veness, Thelma, 123
Veuille, Reggie de, 80
victimhood, 227, 232, 253–4; refusal of, 238
violence: against women and girls, 208, 226, 239, 249; sexual, 1, 2
virginity, 102, 103, 164, 179–80; loss of, 28, 34, 165
Viz, 209
votes for women, 4, 40, 44, 58–64, 70–1, 242, 244, 252 see also suffragette movement
vulnerability of women, 40–1, 97
wages for housework, 253
Walkerdine, Valerie, 200, 202
Walter, Natasha, 234; Living Dolls, 214, 232–3
war work of women, 70
Ward, Stephen, 147, 149
wards of court, 169–70, 246
Waugh, Benjamin, 18
Webb, Beatrice, 23
Weiner, Gaby, 235
West, Patrick, with Helen Sweeting, ‘Fifteen, Female and Stressed’, 221
West, Rebecca, 59, 254
Weston, Kathleen, 99
‘Wharton, Jane’ see Lytton, Constance
Whedon, Joss, 238
White, James, 191, 194
White, Pearl, 89
White Crusade, 33
white flowers, symbolism of, 29
White Ribbon Bands, 29–30
white slavery, 4, 11–41, 67, 80, 120, 151, 254; use of term, 23 see also trafficking of women
Whitehorn, Katharine, 172; Cooking in a Bedsitter, 161
Whitehouse, Mary, 180–1, 183, 184, 187, 227
Whiteread, Rachel, 238
Whiting, Audrey, 189
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 30
Wilkins, Leslie, 123
Wilkinson, Helen, No Turning Back …, 249
Willcocks, H. D., 118
Williams, Tennessee, Baby Doll, 126
Williamson, Reverend, 142–3, 151
Willis, W. N., 16–17; with Olive C. Malvery, White Slaves in a Piccadilly Flat, 16, 20–1
Wilson, Amrit, Finding a Voice, 201–2
Windeyer, Brian, 188
Withers-Moore, Dr, 55
Wolf, Naomi, 216, 218, 232, 250; The Beauty Myth, 212
Wolfenden Report, 145–6
Wolfers, Justin, 222
Women and Education Group (WedG), 201
Women’s Employment Federation, 87
Women’s League of Health and Beauty, 91
women’s liberation, 175–210
women’s liberation movement, 7, 8, 193, 196, 205, 210, 247
Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), 58, 61, 63, 70, 244
Woolworth, 225
working-class women and girls, 89, 93, 112, 122–4, 132, 152–3, 164, 168, 242; and education, 59, 64, 207; employment of, 84; in suffrage movement, 60–1, 239, 239
Yellow Peril, 80
Yellow Teddy Bears (Gutter Girls), 165
Young, Phyllis, 120–1
young women: representation of, 2–3 (as victims, 4; as innocent, 8)
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