House Of Treason: The Rise And Fall Of A Tudor Dynasty

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House Of Treason: The Rise And Fall Of A Tudor Dynasty Page 42

by Hutchinson, Robert

  SP 1/227/129 - Memoranda relating to the case of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, written by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Lord Chancellor, 1546.

  SP 1/245/145 - Chequer roll of the household of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, at Kenninghall, Norfolk, [14 December] 1546.

  SP 4 - Documents issued under Henry VIII’s ‘dry stamp’, 1545-7.

  SP 12/211/50 - Letter from Charles Howard, Lord High Admiral to Elizabeth I; 23 June 1588.

  SP 30/28/209 - Sixteenth-century copy of the Act of Attainder against the Duke of Buckingham.

  SP 46/1/154 - Warrant under sign manual to Sir Ralph Sadler, Master of the Great Wardrobe, to deliver clothing and bedding to the Tower of London for the use of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and Edward Courtney; Westminster, 3 March 1548.

  SP 46/2/78-81 - Draft warrant to the Treasurer of the Exchequer to pay Sir John Markham, Lieutenant of the Tower, an annual sum for ‘the apparel’ of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and £80 ‘as his spending money’ so long as he remains his prisoner; 1548.

  SP 46/5/190 - Ottwell Johnson reports the trial of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey; London, 15 January 1547.

  SP 60/1/65 - Letter from Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, begging to be recalled from Ireland; Dublin, 16 September 1521.


  BL [Bradfer Lawrence Collection] IIc/14 - Court Book for diverse manors, 1545- 6 and 1554-5.

  COL 13/53 - Seventeenth-century copy of an account, with list of dishes served, of William Mingay, Mayor of Norwich and Registrar to the Bishop of Norwich, for entertainment during one week, in which he entertained the [fourth] Duke of Norfolk and the lords and knights, 156[2].

  DN/INV 39/82 - Probate inventory of James Hills of Norwich, tennis court keeper at the Duke of Norfolk’s palace in Norwich, 1634.

  HOW 152/342X6 - Copy from Patent Roll of a royal grant ‘in consideration of good services’ to Thomas, Lord Howard of Walden, and Henry Howard, brother of Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk, and son of Henry, late Earl of Surrey, 1603.

  MC 67/35, 511X9 - Copy of a grant by Henry VIII to Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, of possessions in Thetford, Norfolk, including the Cluniac Priory of Our Lady of Thetford, dated 9 July 1540.

  MC 146/24, 624X5 - File on the Ducal Palace, Norwich.

  MS 21509/4 and 5 - Bill of Lawrence Banister for the late [fourth] Duke of

  Norfolk’s charges during his imprisonment in the Tower, 1570/1 and 157/8.

  - Account of money owed to William Dix, receiver to Thomas Howard, fourth

  Duke of Norfolk, and William Cantrell from the late duke’s estate, Michaelmas

  1571 to Michaelmas 1578.

  MS 21509/368 - Letter from William Dix, receiver to Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, and William Cantrell to Robert Buxton about sureties for a flock of 2,800 sheep belonging to the Duke, 30 July 1576.

  NAS 1/1/10/19 - Copy of a ninety-nine-year lease by Sir John Holland, chaplain to the ‘right high and mighty’ Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and parson of Feltwell St Mary, to George Holland, gentleman, of the rectory and parsonage of Feltwell St Mary, 1545.

  NRS 2292 11 C 5 - Copy of Settlement of Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, 31 July 1569.

  NRS 27260 - Account of ‘suche castles, honores, Mann[or]s and other hereytamentes as Thom[a]s late [Third] Duke of Norff. and Earle Marshall of Inglond was [seized] on the daie of his deathe’, 30 August 1554.

  Phi 606/3 - View of account of John Goldingham esquire, receiver of the Earl of Surrey [later second Duke of Norfolk] from Michaelmas 17 Henry VII to Michaelmas 18 Henry VII.

  Phi 606/4 - View of account of John Goldingham esquire, Receiver of the Earl of Surrey, 150⅔.

  T/NS 33 - Letters Patent of Henry VIII granting Richard Fulmerston and his wife Alice the site of the Friary at Thetford with its estate, including Foulden manor and the rectory of Holy Trinity, Thetford; 20 March 1539.

  WAR 55 - Bressingham, Norfolk, court roll, 1545-60, (misdated 1587-94).


  Portland of Welbeck Papers

  DD/P/6/1/31/10 - Proclamation of Thomas Howard, [second] Duke of Norfolk, Lieutenant General of the King’s Army, forbidding soldiers playing games such as dice or cards, but permitting noblemen and captains to ‘play at their pleasures within their own tents’; [no date, but early sixteenth century].


  Tanner MS 78, fol. 12 - Letter from Francis Mills, secretary to Francis Walsingham, to William Davison, Secretary of State, about communication between the outside world of the Earl of Arundel; 9 October 1586.


  Papers of Sir Thomas Cawarden, Steward of Crown manors (died 1559)

  LM/COR/2/2 - Letter from John Mason and Richard Goodricke to [?Henry Foyce of Horsham] enclosing a copy of the Privy Council’s letter of 2 April 1547 from Westminster authorising Sir Thomas Seymour, Lord High Admiral, to take charge of the house of Chesworth, Horsham, Sussex, belonging to the late attainted [Thomas Howard, third] Duke of Norfolk, and requesting the recipients to hand over to John Tochet, Seymour’s servant, ‘all the stuff’ remaining in the house.

  LM/COR/2/3 - Receipt addressed to Henry Foyce of Horsham by John Tochet, servant to Sir Edward Seymour, for household stuff at Chesworth, parcel of the late Duke of Norfolk’s goods; 5 April 1547.

  LM/1890 - Inventories of tapestries, bedding, carpets and cloth delivered into Sir Thomas Cawarden’s charge by Edward Pigeon, some belonging to the attainted Duke of Norfolk, to be kept to the king’s use at Nonsuch Palace, Surrey; 28 September 1547.

  Papers of Sir William More (1520-1600)

  LM/COR/3/239 - Letter from Robert Balam to William More in Blackfriars, London, describing the Norfolk floods of 5 October 1570 and recalling the three occasions when he wept as an adult, including the arrests ‘of the old Duke of Norfolk and his son, the Earl of Surrey’; no date, but ?October 1570.


  Allen, P. S., and H. M., Letters of Richard Fox 1486-1527, London, 1929.

  APC - Acts of the Privy Council, (new series).

  Vol. 1 (1542-7), ed. John Roche Dasent, London, 1890.

  Vol. 2 (1547-50), ed. John Roche Dasent, London, 1890.

  Vol. 3 (1550-52), ed. John Roche Dasent, London, 1891.

  Byrne, Muriel St Clare (ed.), Letters of Henry VIII, London, 1936.

  ——The Lisle Letters, six vols, Chicago, 1981.

  Cal. Scot. - Calendar of Scottish Papers, vol. 9 (1586-8), ed. William K. Boyd, London, 1915.

  Cavendish - Life of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, his Gentleman Usher, ed.

  Samuel Singer, London, 1827.

  Close Rolls - Calendar of the Close Rolls, Henry VII, vol. II, 1500-1509, ed. R. E. Latham, London, 1963.

  CDP Spanish - Calendars, Despatches and State Papers, Spanish

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  Vol. 5, pt i (1534-5), and pt ii (1536-8), ed. Pascual de Gayangos, London,


  Vol. 6, pt i (1538-42), and pt ii (1542-3), ed. Pascual de Gayangos, London,


  Vol. 8 (1545-6), ed. Martin A. S. Hume, London, 1904.

  Crapelet, G. A., Lettres de Henry VIII à Anne Boleyn, Paris, 1835.

  CRS - publications of the Catholic Record Society. Vol. 21, Ven. Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, ed. John Hungerford Pollen SJ and William MacMahon SJ, London, 1919.

  CSP Milan - Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts in the Archives of Milan, vol. 1, ed. Allen B. Hinds, London, 1912.

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  Vol. 21 (1546), pts i and ii, eds James Gairdner and R. H. Brodie, London,


  Addenda, vol. 1, pts i and ii, eds James Gairdner, R. H. Brodie and A. C.

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  Muller, James, Letters of Stephen Gardiner, Cambridge, 1933.

  Nicols, John, The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth ... , four vols, London, 1788-1821.

  Nicols, John Gough (ed.), Chronicles of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary (from BL Harleian MS 94), July 1553-October 1554, London (Camden Society), 1850.

  Nicols, John Gough (ed.), Chronicles of Greyfriars of London, London (Camden

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  ——(with John Brill), Wills of Eminent Persons Proved in the Prerogative Court of

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  ——The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 1550-63,

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  ——Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, London (Camden Society), 1859.

  Patent Rolls - Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VII; vol. 1 (1485-1494), London, 1914;

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  Plumpton Correspondence - The Plumpton Correspondence: A Series of Letters written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII, ed. Thomas Stapleton (Camden old series, vol. 4), London, 1839.

  Rot. Parl. - Rotuli Parliamentorium, ut et Petitiones et Placito in Parliamento, six vols, London, 1771-83.

  Rutland Papers - Original Documents illustrative of the courts and times of Henry VII and Henry VIII selected from the private archives of . . . the Duke of Rutland, ed. William Jerdan, London, 1862.

  Sadler Papers - State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, ed. A. Clifford, two vols, London, 1809.

  SPD - Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary & Elizabeth, 1547-80, ed. Robert Lemon, London, 1856. Elizabeth 1581-90, ed. Robert Lemon, London, 1865.

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  Wriothesley, Charles, A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, 1485- 1559, ed. William Douglas Hamilton, two vols, London (Camden Society), 1875 and 1877.


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  See: URL:

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