All Mine: The Complete Series Box Set

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All Mine: The Complete Series Box Set Page 34

by Lauren Wood

  He chuckled and told me that he could take a hint. I hope so, because the last thing I was in the mood for was a guy like him trying to hit on me. I needed to stay clear of men with tattoos and leather jackets, the ones that made my heart race faster in my chest. Those guys were bad news. The bikers in the city were no better than the men like Cass. It was obvious to me that the two men were one in the same, at least as far as drugs and crime went. He was one of those bad boys that I knew I had to stay away from, even if my body responded as soon as I saw him.

  “I think I will have the western omelet and hash browns.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I will have it out to you in no time at all. Did you want some coffee or juice to go with it?”

  “No, but I would like to get your number. It seems a shame that we were right next door to each other and never got to know each other any better.”

  I just smiled and pretended like I didn’t hear the request about the number. This guy was really laying it on thick. I wanted to curse my body’s response like it was an invitation to more. I wasn’t worried about men right now, certainly not one like him. I wasn’t looking and even if was, I would never pick another bad boy like Cass. Lucas was certainly a bad boy, even if his words were as smooth as butter.

  Lucas was handsome. I had admired him from afar before when I had seen him shirtless in the front yard working on his bike. He was blonde and blue-eyed, though that was about the only two features that were normal on him. Everything else was hard to ignore and I couldn’t. His thick arms were muscled and covered in tattoos that bore naked women and what I was sure was gang symbols.

  The man wore full black, even when the weather was rather fair outside and that kind of jacket wasn’t needed. It must have burned him up, but he didn’t seem to mind it at all. I didn’t mind looking at him, but that was as far as it was going to go. I wasn’t supposed to even do that. Men like Lucas and Caspien were the ones that seemed to always get me into trouble. I had enough trouble for a while.

  When I brought back his food, he tried a few more lines on me, but I had heard them before. I had to wonder why he would flirt with me, knowing what I looked like. Maybe he was just trying to be nice. That thought made me a little nicer to him, but it wasn’t enough to take what he was peddling. It didn’t matter that I could feel wetness where I shouldn’t and that my nipples were hard with some of the suggestions that he made.

  As he was handed his check, he stopped me with his words and I finally really looked at him. “I am glad you are okay Fran. It would have been a shame if something would have happened to you. I haven’t seen someone jump out a window like that in a long time. Didn’t seem to be the first time around for you.”

  I smiled and for a minute it was real. “It wasn’t. We all do that kind of thing when we are young and a little wild.”

  “You still have a bit of wild in you Fran. I can see it in your eyes.”

  Lucas stood up and it was then that I got a full idea of how big he was. Before I hadn’t been so close and it hadn’t really occurred to me that he was huge. Now he towered over me and I had to crane my neck upwards to see his face. “Why do I take it that you are saying it as a compliment?”

  “Because I am. Most girls would have just cowered, but you did something. I respect that.”

  “I did scream, as I am sure that you heard.” God, how embarrassing was this? I wish no one would have seen or heard me then. It was one of the worst nights of my life and I was going to make sure that it was the last one that I had like that. I didn’t want people to remember me that way and I certainly didn’t like that I had to walk around with this crap on my face. It made it hard to forget and everyone had something to say. Though I didn’t really like his comment, it was better than telling me I deserved better.

  “Yes, but you got out and saved yourself from being a victim. There is nothing wrong with that and that is to be commended.”

  “Why were you leaving?”

  The grin faded a little and I would have laughed if it wouldn’t have been such a pain to do so. He didn’t like that question. I had a good feeling that it was because he didn’t want the cops to find out what he was doing that was no doubt illegal. I knew enough about Lucas through rumors and conjectures to know that he was not a law abiding citizen by any stretch of the imagination.

  “I didn’t think it was good to stay. The neighborhood was going to be swamped and that would have made it impossible to leave.”

  “Uh huh. I think you and my ex-boyfriend have a lot in common. More than you think.”

  I turned to walk away. I didn’t have the energy for mental sparring with a man that I had never even really met before. Yesterday was a long night and I hadn’t had enough sleep for all of this. His hand went to my arm to stop me from leaving and I turned back around to face him.

  “I would never put my hands on a woman, ever.”

  I looked down at where he had me. “Yet here you are, with your hands on me.”

  He immediately moved it. “You know that is not what I meant Fran.”

  “I know, but I don’t know you Lucas and you are getting a bit too friendly for my liking.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped. “I am holding back a whole lot Fran. If I had it my way, I would have already pulled you into that bathroom.”

  I looked to the bathroom that he was talking about and I could feel my face getting red. Why could I already feel his hands and lips on me?

  “Well that is classy. You couldn’t spring for a by-the-hour motel, huh?”

  “Anywhere we went would be classy. You don’t think I could change your mind?”

  There was a big part of me that knew he could, that if he had pulled me into the bathroom and kissed me, I would have kissed him back. I hated to think what else I would do. That was why I had to stay away from men like him. They were bad news in every way possible.

  “Maybe you could, but today is not the day.”

  “I am a patient man when it comes to many things Fran, with you I can see that won’t apply.”

  I didn’t really believe him, but I did like the idea of it. It didn’t take much to realize that I wasn’t in the mood at the moment, but if today would have been any other day, I was sure that the ending would have been much different. Talk about bad timing.

  Watching him leave, for a moment I wondered if I had made a mistake turning him away. More than likely I had, but I was staying away from those types. I hadn’t even broken up with Cass, though that little tidbit didn’t bother me that much. It was a fact that I had to deal with my last relationship before I got tangled up into another one. I had to find out what was going on with Caspien and a guy like Lucas would just complicate everything. The last thing I needed right now was complications.

  “Who was that?” Steph was behind me and pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Oh, a neighbor.”

  “He is cute. Kind of looks like Caspien in a way, don’t you think?”

  The only thing they had in common was hair color and choice of dress. They were both covered in tattoos and they both had an aura of danger around them. I had been drawn to Lucas, just as I had been drawn to Caspien. Look where that had gotten me? Obviously my heart and mind were idiots and I was going to have to help them shut up at some point. I had picked the wrong guy so many times, I didn’t trust the radar anymore and I was sure that Lucas would be no better. Maybe it was time to just take a break from it all. It would be easier and I was due a break.

  “Not really. You should go for him if he comes in here again.”

  She looked away. “If he is interested in you, there is going to be no way that he is interested in me.”


  “Because you are like a hundred pounds soaking wet. Guys like that. They don’t like fuller women like me.”

  “You are not that much bigger than me Stephanie. I think you worry about it more than guys do. They like that big bootie thing nowadays. Girls my size are now the ones
getting work done to look more like you, butt implants, all of that nonsense.”

  She scoffed and told me that I was full of it. I didn’t feel like I was and I meant every word of it. I had always admired her physique, even as she herself hated it so much. It was a constant problem for her and I just didn’t see it. Maybe it was true that no one was really ever happy with themselves.

  “Well anyways, no matter what you think, you are hot and if you are into that sort of guy, then you should say something to him about it.”

  “Those kinds of guys don’t like girls like me. That is your type and you know it. I saw the way he was looking at you. I bet he asked you out, didn’t he?”

  “Not in so many words, but I turned him down. I am still with Caspien.”

  “You can’t be serious Fran. After everything that happened between the two of you!?”

  “It’s not like I am going back to him, not hardly, but it was just last night. A bit too soon to be going down that road again, don’t you think?”

  She looked to the door that Lucas had left out of and I had a feeling that she didn’t agree with me. Steph went to the table and picked up a hundred. “It seems like he really likes you Fran. No sense in waiting around forever. Guys like that don’t come in here that often.”

  I took the money and was thankful. I did need it since all of my money was at Cass’ house. I had to go over there today and get the rest of my things, but I didn’t know what kind of situation that I was walking into. There really was no telling.

  “It doesn’t matter if he does. I am not trying to get caught up with another man right now.” I really wanted to get off of this subject. “So are you going to come with me?”

  I asked her earlier and Steph had agreed. I just wanted to make sure and then more than that, I wanted to get her off of talking about Lucas. I shouldn’t have felt anything for him, but he had made me smile on a day where that was a near impossible feat. If nothing else, he had done that. I hadn’t thought about it, but maybe I should have asked him if he could tell me anything about Cass and what happened. I wanted a heads up, but I knew that I was going to have to go in there blind now. There hadn’t even been anything on the news about it yet. I didn’t know anything about what we were going to be walking into.

  “Yeah, I am going with you. You don’t need to be alone with him if he is there. I hope he isn’t though. They should have shot him or carted him off to jail. I am sorry Fran, but it is what he deserves.”

  I didn’t think that he would be there, but I was thankful that she was willing to go. She was the one that had warned me about him. Said there was something off about Cass. Now I know that Steph was right and I was even more grateful that she hadn’t rubbed my nose in it. It would have just been insult to injury and I was happy that she wasn’t that type of friend.


  There were yellow caution lines cordoning off the house. I didn’t know what to think or expect, but it hadn’t been this. I was thinking that I would have to worry about Cass, but the blood in the house made me wonder what happened. Whose was it?

  I wasn’t supposed to be here, I knew that, but I had to at least get a few things. I found the stash of money and grabbed a bag full of clothes before going back over the yellow caution tape that was stretched across the door and front yard. Looking around, I noticed there was a lot of activity at Lucas’ house. I didn’t mention to Stephanie that is where he lived, though she did ask as we were driving back to her place who the guy was that I was talking to at the restaurant. It seemed as though Lucas had made himself an admirer. As far as I was concerned, she could have him.

  “So what do you think you are going to do next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “For a place to stay. You know that you are always welcome with me, but that studio is barely big enough for one person and I know how you like your space.”

  “I don’t know. It was hard enough to find that place with Cass and he ended up paying cash for it through a lawyer because he hasn’t ever had a real job in his life. With what I make at the diner, I just don’t know. It is all just a mess and I haven’t even thought that far ahead to be honest. Cash is low because Caspien always took care of the money. I just gave what I made to him.”

  “No rush Fran, really. You know that, but if you want me to help you ask around, I will. I don’t know of anywhere off hand, but I will look around and see if anything pops up.”

  I thanked her and stared off out the window. My life was always constant motion, but this time, I hadn’t seen this coming. I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t expect to be in this position again, staying with a friend and trying to figure out what it was that I was going to do next. It was exhausting and I wanted to push it all from my mind.

  Tomorrow was going to be a better day. It just had to be.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up in a hospital bed and all I could think about was the overwhelming pain. It felt like it was everywhere, but when I finally managed to sit up, I realized that it was because I had been shot. I started to remember everything that happened and as it came to me, I looked down to the wrist that I couldn’t move from the side of the bed.

  It wasn’t an enemy that had shot me, or even the crazy bitch that I was dating, it was the cops. I had shot a couple of them, though I think I got the worst of it. I was hyped up and didn’t remember much, but I remembered the pressure and pain in my chest. The only thing good that I could make out of everything around me was the fact that at least I wasn’t hooked up to a bunch of wires and tubes. However bad it hurt, it didn’t seem like I was messed up too bad.

  “Don’t move Caspein. It is good to see you awake. You have been asleep for a couple of days now.”

  The nurse was short and round. She had a nametag that said Judy and a short, black bob that flipped under that fit her name. She was smiling at me, but I could tell at the same time she was worried about being alone with me. I could see her eyes flicking to the clock and then Judy made sure not to get close enough on one side to let me touch her. It was clear that my crimes were already known and it was going to make it a lot harder to get out of here.

  Never once did I think that it wasn’t possible though. It wasn’t the first time that I had found myself in a jam before. It was half the reason that I had to get out of here. This wasn’t my first offense and I was not going to go down for this.

  It was all Fran’s fault. She was the one that had called the cops. I wasn’t sure why, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I was going to find her and she was going to pay. It had all started with her telling me about a customer that was getting fresh with her. It had escalated quickly from there and I would be the first to admit that the drugs coursing through my system had something to do with it. But she shouldn’t have called the police. She knows better than to do something like that and I was going to make sure that she knew what it was wrong that she had done.

  “I want to speak to the doctor, find out what all is wrong in here.”

  I motioned to my chest and the nurse nodded her head that she would do it. I knew that she didn’t want to come any closer to me, so she just kind of checked me from a distance. I couldn’t blame her because if she did get close enough, I would use her to get out of here.

  “And do you think I can get something for the pain? This hurts like a son of a bitch.”

  “You can talk to the doctor about it. He will be in here in just a minute.”

  The nurse was gone and I was left to look around the room. I was looking for any kind of opportunity that I could find. I needed to know what kind of security the place had, but first I had to find out what the damage was. Guys in my line of work get shot on a regular basis. This wasn’t the first time I had been bitten by a bullet and sad enough, I doubted it would be the last. The only way that was going to happen was if I was sent to prison for shooting the cops. Those were charges that kept you in jail for a while. It was not something I was pre
pared to do.

  I was guilty as sin and unless I got out of there before I was transferred to a hospital, I wasn’t going to be able to get out. After this place, the next one would be locked up for guys like me trying to escape. A hospital was a little more trustworthy and if nothing else, I may just have a real shot of tasting some freedom.

  Closing my eyes, I waited patiently for the doctor to get to the room. It took well over a couple of minutes, but when he came in he wasn’t alone. He had a police officer with him that wanted to ask questions. I feigned like I was in massive pain and wasn’t able to talk. I wanted to stay out of the cop’s clutches for as long as possible. Once he started asking questions and I was well enough to get transferred, I would be in a cell instead of at the hospital in a warm bed with a TV.

  “Officer, this man is not in any condition to answer questions right now. You will have to try back tomorrow or even a little later in the week. I will not jeopardize his recovery on pressing him into a stressful interview. He is not going anywhere, so this can wait.”

  The cop was pissed and gave me a look that could have melted plastic. I knew that I was in for it once they got their hands on me. I needed to make sure that it didn’t happen and I waited for the uniformed man to leave the room before I said anything else.

  “Thanks Doc.”

  “Don’t thank me Cass. You have some very persuasive friends that are hard to say no to. I can only do that for so long. You have no real life-threatening injuries. It went in and it went out. You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

  It was good to know that I had more time. I didn’t think that I could run tonight, just not yet. I needed a little more time and now I had it.

  “How much is this going to cost me?”

  “Does it matter?”

  I shook my head that it didn’t. If it was too much I would come back and get it from him. People never did make good deals when it wasn’t their money and I had to know who it was that had made it all possible.


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