All Mine: The Complete Series Box Set

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All Mine: The Complete Series Box Set Page 88

by Lauren Wood

  “Of course I’ll be your best man.” Jake said.

  Rico made a few calls and shortly there was a priest in the room.

  Lalena couldn’t believe this was happening; she pinched herself during the ceremony.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The priest said.

  Rico kissed Lalena and whispered, “We’ll have to wait for our honeymoon celebration until you’re out of here.”

  She shivered in anticipation of that day. “When will I be allowed to leave?” She asked.

  “We’ll ask your doctors a little later on today when they stop in.” Rico told her.


  “I’m so happy to be home.” Lalena smiled as they walked in the door. “I wish it would have been sooner though.” She admitted.

  “I was lucky to get it cut down to 4 more days stay. They wanted to keep you at least a week.” Rico laughed. “Don’t worry; the first place we are going is to the bedroom. I’m going to enjoy making love to my wife.” He said seductively.

  “I’m looking forward to it too.” She smiled.

  He picked her up and carried her over the threshold. He didn’t stop and headed straight up the stairs and stopped in the bedroom. “My lovely wife, I would now like to ravish you for the rest of the day!” Rico stated.

  She looked into his eyes and saw the passion that sparked in them. She sighed and took her clothes off.

  He watched her the whole time she undressed. He smiled at her, you are so beautiful.

  “Even with these scars, you still think I’m beautiful?” She asked, looking down at the scars from the car door that had hit her on the side.

  “Your beauty is here.” He said and pointed to her heart. “I love you Lalena.” He kissed her.

  She stuck her tongue into his mouth and attacked his tongue with hers. She moaned as he pushed her back onto the bed.

  Rico looked at her body and then lowered his head to her sex. He smelled her juices and lightly ran his finger up her slit. Lalena arched her back with pleasure.

  He pushed his finger into her slowly and licked her clit lightly. She moaned loudly. He sucked her clit into his mouth and nibbled on it. She screamed out as a climax shot through her.

  Rico licked up the juices that flowed from her pussy from her orgasm. He came up and kissed her on the mouth. His cock spread her lips and entered her love cave. They moved together slowly.

  “I love you Mrs. Zess.” He said as he pushed into her again.

  “I love you too Mr. Zess.” Lalena purred.

  He kept good on his promise of making love to her for hours. They fell apart exhausted and spent hours later. Rico pulled her close to him. “I never want you away from me. I really thought I lost you.”

  “I’m here baby, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.” She kissed his chest and ran her fingers through his chest hair.

  Chapter 10

  The trial for Raymond Stock and Chad Browning was starting today. Lalena sat in the courtroom. Raymond Stock had almost killed her and she wanted to see him go to jail.

  Jake was on the stand testifying right now. She listened intently as he told the story that Raymond had shared with him that one night. Lalena couldn’t believe that this man had killed his wife and fed her to the pigs.

  He was a big man in town, a man who had it all. He could have easily found another wife.

  Stock got up on the stand, even though his attorney had suggested he not go up.

  The story he weaved was completely different from Rico’s story, that he had told Lalena the day before. He claimed that Rico had slept with his wife. Stock said that because of Rico he wasn’t able to be with his wife, who he loved very much.

  The DA got up and questioned Stock who stuck to his story. But there was far too much evidence against stock, when Chad Browning testified. He had been given a deal to roll on his child hood friend. If he told the truth he wouldn’t have to go to jail.

  Browning had been a cop for years now and had put several men in jail. It would be the jail he would be sent to if he was convicted.

  “Please state your name for the jury.” The lawyer said.

  “I’m Chad David Browning.” Chad said.

  “What is your relationship with Raymond Stock?” The lawyer questioned.

  “I’ve known Ray for all my life; we grew up beside one another.” Chad answered.

  “Did you help hide the fact that Raymond Stock killed his wife four years ago?”

  “Yes I did. I made up a story about talking to her in Florida, but I knew he had beaten her to death. He had a problem with hitting her; I would always suppress any reports that came in about it.” Chad stated.

  “Do you know if Raymond Stock was driving the car that hit the mayor’s car on February 13, of this year?”

  “Yes it was his car. There was a report that came in from an eye witness. I didn’t report it.” Chad said.

  “Thank you Mr. Browning that will be all.”

  “Judge I’d like to approach the bench.” Stock’s attorney stood up and said.

  “Please come up.” The Judge said.

  The two attorneys walked up to the bench. “Sir we’d like to plea bargain.” Stock’s attorney said.

  “No we got him convicted I’m not offering any deal.” The DA answered.

  “You heard his answer.” The Judge said. “Go back to your seats.”

  “The state rests.” The DA said when he got back to the table.

  “Do you have any more witnesses?” The Judge asked Stock’s attorney.

  “No sir.” He shook his head.

  The orders were given to the jury, who only took ten minutes with their decision.

  “How do you find Mr. Stock on the charges of attempted murder?” The Judge asked.

  “Guilty.” The foreman of the jury answered.

  “How do you find Mr. Stock on the charges of first degree murder in the death of Shelly Stock?”


  “Mr. Stock I hereby sentence you to life in prison. With an added 20 years for the attempted murder charge.” The Judge announced and slammed the gavel on the bench.

  Lalena hugged Rico in the gallery. “Oh thank goodness. You know that Sally had a feeling that it was him the whole time. I should have listened to her.” She told him.

  “It is okay honey, I didn’t think it was him either. Even with the story I knew about him.” Rico answered.




  Chapter One

  “I don’t know why you think this is a good idea. I get death threats all the time. It comes with the territory when my business is about tearing down other businesses and selling off the parts. I've never taken any of them seriously. What makes these ones any different than all the rest?” Henry was the head of my security. He had some misgivings about letters. They gave him the idea somebody was out to hurt me.

  “I don’t normally prescribe to screaming the sky is falling when it isn’t. I know criminals like the back of my hand. This one has designs on making you pay.” Henry was dressed to impress, cleanly shaven with a suit made to accentuate the positives. We had a torrid love affair, but we realized we were better off in a professional capacity.

  “I still haven’t heard any reason why I should take these extreme measures. I don’t want somebody shadowing my every move. It’s an invasion of my personal space. I take exception to your suggestion.” I had gone over the letters personally and nothing jumped out at me.

  My penthouse office was the crown jewel of my real estate holdings. I sometimes lost track of what my money could buy. There was a cost and some people lost their jobs. I did my best to mitigate the loss, but it wasn’t always easy. It probably didn’t help I was 26-years-old.

  I was wearing one of many tailored pantsuits with the prerequisite suspenders over my buttoned-up red blouse. The legs were flared for style. The clothing was custom made and made me feel confident in my own sk
in. I was wearing white pants.

  “I’m going to have to put my foot down. When you hired me, you gave me a license to look after you in any way I deemed necessary. It could turn out to be nothing, but I don’t want to take any chances. Your safety is my business and I take it seriously.” His expression was cold and calculating.

  It was one of the other reasons why we couldn’t make it work in a relationship. He had no joy in his life. Sex was like going through the motions. I didn’t have anything to complain about considering his stamina was above reproach.

  “Henry, are you sure you really wanna take this stance with me? You only get one per year and this seems rather trivial. I’m going to give you this one chance to take it back. It’s rare for me to make any kind of allowance.” He hovered over me by a couple of inches, but no man had ever intimidated me. It was always the other way around.

  The power I had in my little pinky could ruin him. My employees knew never to cross me unless they were prepared to go to war. I could be a vindictive bitch. It was something that I was working on. I was always about self-improvement. It was something I stressed to those who worked for me.

  “Lila, I have a bad feeling. It has something to do with the wording of the letters. I consulted with a friend and he agrees with my findings. He’s freelance and he’s willing to provide you with his services. I would seriously consider giving him a chance.” It was in his contract and there was no wiggle room. If I was going to have to have a bodyguard then I was going to have to vet him personally.

  “I still think you are overreacting. There has been no indication of a physical altercation. My home hasn’t been broken into and none of my personal belongings have been disturbed or damaged. If you really think this is necessary then I will bow to your expertise. It’s not like you are giving me any choice.” I was a little perturbed and the very idea of somebody standing in close proximity watching my every move was causing my skin to crawl.

  “I would never mention it unless I thought it was necessary. Morgan Childs is waiting outside to speak with you. It might seem like an ambush, but I can assure you this is for your own good. I value my job and my position at your right hand. We work well together, but I can’t be with you 24 hours a day. The whole company is under the purview of my protective umbrella. There are many fires I have to put out on a daily basis.” I didn’t need to know the details. He had proven to be a valuable asset and one that I was hard-pressed to find anybody suitable to fit in his shoes.

  “I have a few minutes before my next meeting downtown. I will talk to him, but I’m not promising anything. I respect you more than anyone. I wouldn’t have slept with you otherwise. You know how selective I can be when it comes to inviting anybody into the inner sanctum of my bedroom.” The last one to have the fortune to feel the Egyptian cotton wrapped around them was him.

  It wasn’t the last time I had been with a man, but every other encounter happened anonymously under the cover of darkness.

  “There is one thing I should mention about him. He’s not much for conversation. Blending into his surroundings is necessary for his business. Don’t take it personally if he doesn’t want to interact with you. He has learned to separate business from pleasure.” Henry was able to convince me to take unnecessary precautions. This was the one time I felt like he wasn’t telling me the whole story.

  “I’m not looking for his friendship or to become his lover. I will listen to what he has to say and then I will make an informed decision. By all means, go and fetch the young man. Waiting doesn’t seem like something he’s used to.” California sprawled out in front of me. I could see the ocean in the distance and I wondered when the last time I sank my toes into the sand.

  “He has a military background. I have known him to do the impossible without even flinching. He has escaped death too many times to count. It’s as if he snubs his nose at anything remotely dangerous.” I found it interesting, but I was still not convinced of his ability to stay quiet.

  “You don’t talk about your time in the service. When you mentioned he was freelance, I’m assuming you mean he’s between jobs. Is there a reason I should be concerned about taking him into my employment? Be perfectly honest with me.” I didn’t mean to put him on the spot, but there wasn’t many I trusted to have my back.

  “He has had a tough time finding his place in civilian life. He has changed dramatically and is the reason why he is no longer with his wife. It’s a good thing they didn’t have any kids before he shipped out five years ago. Morgan was devastated, but you couldn’t see it in his outward appearance.” His commitment to his country gave me a reason to give him a moment of my time.

  “I can’t believe you would even consider making him responsible for my safety. It seems unconscionable for you to even make the suggestion. I don’t need a man like that dealing with his own personal issues to be distracted.” I felt his true purpose for coming here wasn’t necessarily about the undertone of the letters.

  “I admit that I’m a little biased when it comes to Morgan. He’s my best friend and he deserves a chance to get his life back. This will give him something to concentrate on. You don’t know how many times I’ve had to watch him take assignments nobody in their right mind would take. The brass calls him out of the blue and he grabs his bag and is out the door on the first flight to some war-torn country. I’m worried he’s going to get himself killed because he has nothing to live for.” He sounded dangerous and I felt compelled to show him a bit of mercy.

  “I know you mean well. Having a good heart sometimes gets you into trouble. Look what happened when you fell into the lair of my depravity. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into until I had you handcuffed to the bedpost. Edging is one of my favorite pastimes with a potential conquest. The expression on your face when I got you right there and then stopped was priceless.” It would be nice to revisit the past and see that same expression again.

  “I don’t really want to talk about the past. In the present, Morgan is waiting outside those doors. I will give you the proper incentive to look past his appearance. You give him one week and I will… I will let you do whatever you want to me over the weekend.” It was an interesting proposal and one I was inclined to accept with certain conditions to be named later.

  I gave Henry an imperceptible nod.

  He went and opened the door with Morgan stepping in with his hands behind his back. I could see the reflection of him in the glass window in front of me. My legs trembled and there was the telltale sign of arousal with a bit of moisture in my panties.

  Chapter two

  I couldn’t seem to move from my current location. Morgan wasn’t dressed for an interview unless the interview was being conducted at a homeless shelter. The green army jacket and the threadbare jeans gave him the air of somebody who didn’t give a damn. His strong work ethic aside, there was something there making me ready to throw caution to the wind with my panties hanging from the chandelier in my bedroom.

  I swallowed hard and steeled my nerves for what was to come. Getting closer, I was able to smell his natural scent like an animal behind cage doors.

  “Henry has told me a lot about you.” He abruptly turned and zeroed his eyes like a laser beam in Henry’s general direction.

  “My life has always been classified with a need to know basis. My service is redacted and not many know the true purpose of my missions. I’m on a furlough from the service. Henry consulted me on your problem and I see the reason why he has raised a red flag. I’ve done my due diligence on you, Lila Robards. I would say you have the unnecessary ability to get under the skin of others.” He was standing at attention with a regal bearing, but I could tell he was wired tight and ready to fight whenever the need arose.

  “I don’t necessarily agree with your assessment of the situation. Henry has problems and he can take things personally when it comes to my safety. I expect this is going to be boring for you. Standing and looking menacing doesn’t seem the correct way to use you
r unusual skills.” I wanted to shake his hand, but feeling him touch me was going to make for an awkward moment.

  “To be completely honest, I really don’t care what you think of me. My business is to make sure nothing happens to you. Henry would never let me live it down. We don’t have to like each other to work together. I am at your disposal in whatever capacity you desire to use me.” I heard the last few words and it brought to mind my feet in the air with my high heels punching holes in the upholstery of the ceiling of my expensive sports car.

  “I’m afraid this may not work considering my independence. I like to do things my way. It’s nothing personal and maybe we should reconsider having you work for me.” I wanted there to be no mistake about his position. There were several positions I was thinking about making good use of his body.

  “I will stand quietly and only answer when spoken to. If I suspect there is a threat then I will act with extreme measures. That is when you will do what you are told without hesitation. I don’t need you second guessing my decisions. Do we understand each other?” It wasn’t so much a question than it was a declaration. I had never had anybody talk to me with such impudence. It was refreshing to not feel his mouth kissing my high heels to climb the ladder of success.

  “I will give this one shot to make this work or we will amicably separate at the end of the week.” I remembered what Henry said, but the face I was seeing riding to completion wasn’t his. Morgan had replaced him.

  “There is no time like the present to get started. These walls are thin enough for me to hear about your meeting downtown. I’ve taken the liberty of having the car brought around to the back of the building. We will be leaving by the stairs.” It was dirty in the stairwell, but being with him made me feel like a dirty girl. It was fitting and somewhat erotic to think of him touching me with his rough and ready hands.

  “I have agreed to this on a provisional basis. When it comes to my safety, I will allow you to guide me with your helping hand. Don’t make the mistake of overstepping your bounds. If I feel you are trying to embarrass me and usurping my authority then we will have to revisit this arrangement.” I grabbed my purple leather jacket from the back of the door. It didn’t fit with the ensemble, but it was the only jacket I owned which made me look like a million bucks.


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