by Max Mosley
Stuck, Hans-Joachim ref1, ref2
Sumption, Jonathan ref1
Sun ref1, ref2, ref3
super licences ref1
Surtees, John ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Swedish Grand Prix 1978 ref1 , ref1
Symonds, Pat ref1
Tasman Series ref1
Tauranac, Rob ref1
Taylor, Gordon ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Taylor, Simon ref1
technological devices, new, legality of ref1, ref2
Territorial Army Parachute Regiment ref1
Thatcher, Margaret ref1
Thieme, David ref1
Thompson, John ref1
Thruxton ref1
Thurlbeck, Neville ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Tingvall, Claes ref1
tobacco sponsorship ref1, ref2
Todt, Jean ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18
Toivonen, Henri ref1
Tomlinson, Hugh ref1, ref2
Torres, César ref1
Toyota ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
traffic management ref1, ref2, ref3
Treaty of Rome ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Treu, Henri ref1
Troodos Mountains ref1
truck racing ref1
Trulli, Jarno ref1, ref2
tyre controversies ref1, ref2
tyre grip ref1
Tyrrell, Ken ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Tyrrell team ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Ugeux, Pierre ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
United Nations ref1, ref2, ref3
United States Grand Prix
1973 ref1
2001 ref1
2005 ref1
Van Miert, Karel ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Van Rappard, Rolly ref1
Vatanen, Ari ref1
Verstappen, Jos ref1
vertical wings ref1, ref2
Villeneuve, Jacques ref1, ref2
‘Vision Zero’ road safety concept ref1, ref2
Wagner, Winifred ref1
Walker, Rob ref1
Walters, Martin ref1, ref2
Warby, Mark ref1, ref2, ref3
Ward, David ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18
Wardell, Ray ref1
Warr, Peter ref1
water tank appeal ref1
water-cooled brakes ref1, ref2
Watkins, Professor Sid ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Watkins Glen ref1
Watson, John ref1
Watson, Tom ref1, ref2, ref3
Weinberger, Billy ref1
Wendlinger, Karl ref1
Werring, Luc ref1
Wheatcroft, Tom ref1
Wheeler, Sir John ref1
Whitehead, Phillip ref1, ref2
Whiting, Charlie ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Whitmarsh, Martin ref1, ref2
Williams, Frank ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Williams, Jonathan ref1
Williams team ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
Williamson, Roger ref1, ref2, ref3
Wilson, Colin ref1
Windsor, Duke and Duchess of ref1
Wirth, Nick ref1, ref2
Wolf, Walter ref1
Wolf team ref1
Woods, Richard ref1
Woodward-Hill, Sasha ref1
World Championship Racing (WCR) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17
World Endurance Championship ref1
World Federation of Motor Sport ref1, ref2
World Forum for Motor Vehicle Harmonisation ref1
World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
World Professional Drivers’ Championship ref1, ref2
World Rally Championship (WRC) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Wright, Peter ref1, ref2, ref3
Yasukawa, Hiroshi ref1
Young, John ref1
Young, Mike ref1
Zandevoort ref1, ref2
Zanon, Count ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Zelkowitz, David ref1
Zerbi, Francesco ref1
Zhuhai ref1
Zimbabwe ref1
Zolder ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
1. Aged about two, with my older brother Alexander. [Associated Press]
2. With my parents in 1962.
3. With Jean in our London flat, 1963. [Rex Features]
4. With other members of the 44 Independent Parachute Brigade Group platoon. I’m just visible at the back.
5. The Meadspeed workshop. David Reeves is ‘The Thinker’, Colin Gardner is on the left at the back and my partially dismantled U2 is in the foreground. [Courtesy of David Reeves]
6. Formula 2 at Zandvoort, 1968, leading Mike Beckwith and Brian Hart. [Ferdi Kräling]
7. Monza, 1968, as reported in Le Notizie dello Sport. The race carried on around the burning car. I’m in car number 11.
8. The four March founders with the original March 701 Formula One car. [Corbis]
9. The March six-wheeler with Martin Walters and Robin Herd. [Corbis]
10. Immediately after the 1969 British GP. Henrietta Guinness is in the centre at the front, Robin Herd is behind her and Jochen Rindt is on the right at the back
11. Chatting to Niki Lauda (left) and James Hunt in 1971. [Jutta Fausel]
12. Ronnie Peterson struggling with our unsuccessful 1972 F1 car. [Ferdi Kräling]
13. Plotting with Bernie at the 1975 Spanish GP. [Ferdi Kräling]
14. More than 30 years later, no longer plotting but still much to discuss. [Ferdi Kräling]
15. FOCA in 1975. I’m kneeling with Peter Macintosh. Standing, from the left: Bubbles Horsley (who ran the Hesketh team), Ken Tyrrell, Colin Chapman, Frank Williams, Luca di Montezemolo, Graham Hill, Teddy Mayer. Behind are Bernie and Alan Rees. [Ferdi Kräling]
16. With Huschke von Hanstein, head of German motor sport and leading FIA figure during the FOCA–FISA war. [Ferdi Kräling]
17. Hôtel de Crillon, Paris, 1980: Frank Williams, Colin Chapman, me, Bernie, Ken Tyrrell and Emerson Fittipaldi announce the World Federation of Motor Sport right next door to the FIA headquarters.
18. Madrid 1980: Telling the FISA ‘observer’ he had to observe from outside our caravan.
19. With Bernie and Marco Piccinini, the Ferrari team manager. [Ferdi Kräling]
20. Jean-Marie Balestre on the podium in 1985 with Alain Prost, Niki Lauda and Ayrton Senna. [Rex Features]
21. In front of the FIA headquarters in the Place de la Concorde (complete with flag) on the evening after my election as president of FISA in 1991.
1. Aged about two, with my older brother Alexander. [Associated Press]
2. With my parents in 1962.
3. With Jean in our London flat, 1963. [Rex Features]
4. With other members of the 44 Independent Parachute Brigade Group platoon. I’m just visible at the back.
5. The Meadspeed workshop. David Reeves is ‘The Thinker’, Colin Gardner is on the left at the back and my partially dismantled U2 is in the foreground. [Courtesy of David Reeves]
6. Formula 2 at Zandvoort, 1968, leading Mike Beckwith and Brian Hart. [Ferdi Kräling]
7. Monza, 1968, as reported in Le Notizie dello Sport. The race carried on around the burning car. I’m in car number 11.
8. The four March founders with the original March 701 Formula One car. [Corbis]
9. The March six-wheeler with Martin Walters and Robin Herd. [Corbis]
10. Immediately after the 1969 British GP. Henrietta Guinness is in the centre at the front, Robin Herd is behind her and Jochen Rindt is on the right at the back
r /> 11. Chatting to Niki Lauda (left) and James Hunt in 1971. [Jutta Fausel]
12. Ronnie Peterson struggling with our unsuccessful 1972 F1 car. [Ferdi Kräling]
13. Plotting with Bernie at the 1975 Spanish GP. [Ferdi Kräling]
14. More than 30 years later, no longer plotting but still much to discuss. [Ferdi Kräling]
15. FOCA in 1975. I’m kneeling with Peter Macintosh. Standing, from the left: Bubbles Horsley (who ran the Hesketh team), Ken Tyrrell, Colin Chapman, Frank Williams, Luca di Montezemolo, Graham Hill, Teddy Mayer. Behind are Bernie and Alan Rees. [Ferdi Kräling]
16. With Huschke von Hanstein, head of German motor sport and leading FIA figure during the FOCA–FISA war. [Ferdi Kräling]
17. Hôtel de Crillon, Paris, 1980: Frank Williams, Colin Chapman, me, Bernie, Ken Tyrrell and Emerson Fittipaldi announce the World Federation of Motor Sport right next door to the FIA headquarters.
18. Madrid 1980: Telling the FISA ‘observer’ he had to observe from outside our caravan.
19. With Bernie and Marco Piccinini, the Ferrari team manager. [Ferdi Kräling]
20. Jean-Marie Balestre on the podium in 1985 with Alain Prost, Niki Lauda and Ayrton Senna. [Rex Features]
21. In front of the FIA headquarters in the Place de la Concorde (complete with flag) on the evening after my election as president of FISA in 1991.