Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5)

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Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5) Page 5

by Dee Benson

  Katie wondered who on earth would be able to fight Prince Dresden if the king couldn't. Michael? She wondered.

  Yes! That would make sense. Michael was a powerful Super, and formidable in his military prowess. And being so close to Prince Dresden, he would know all his weak points.

  "No," Aeric said. "Not Michael. You."

  Katie looked up. His skin was still glowing so brightly that she couldn't look at him. "Me?" she squeaked.


  "I'm…not all that powerful."

  "I rarely call the strong. I prefer to use the weak to confound the mighty."

  "He's a F-firemaster. All I have is remote touch."

  "I will equip you."

  Katie shook her head. He didn't understand. She'd honed her remote touch power to the point that she could punch to five times her physical strength using her remote touch, but that still wouldn't be enough.

  "I will be with you, and I will enable you to succeed."

  "What about my father?" Katie asked. Her father would definitely be against her fighting Prince Dresden. She'd been brought up to be agreeable and submissive. Not to fight with people, especially not royalty. He might not mind if she ultimately succeeded, as the whole nation would probably consider her a hero. But if she failed, it would bring disgrace upon them.

  "Will you allow the opinions of others, including your father, stop you from becoming all you ought to be? From fulfilling your destiny?"

  Tears pricked Katie's eyes. She would do it if she could guarantee that she would succeed, but she wasn't sure that she had what it took. She sighed. "Are you sure you want me? Are you sure I can do this?"

  "I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't."

  "Don't you want to choose, like, a guy? Are you sure you want a woman?"

  "I have worked with many women through the ages. Women have served me well."

  Katie shook her head. "I would like to do it—be a hero…But I can't."

  "You're the only one who can. You have thirsted for freedom since you became aware of the restrictions upon your life. If you do not stop Prince Dresden, you won't be the only one in need of freedom. The whole Land of the Supers will be subjected to servitude to Prince Dresden if he succeeds. He will rule with an iron fist. He will be a dictator, not a king. The battle will be tough, but I will help you."

  Katie thought about how strong Prince Dresden was. He was so distinguished militarily that he'd been promoted to Commander of the Armies at the age of sixteen. He'd overcome dozens of the best Netherling armies.

  She was no match for him.

  She couldn't do it.

  She knew Aeric was always right, but maybe he was wrong this time. Maybe he hadn't completely thought this one through.

  She bowed her head, shame filling her, and tears streaming from her eyes. "I d-don't think I can do it. I'm s-sorry. Please choose somebody else. I could even support the next person you choose financially, and in other ways. Please choose somebody else."


  Katie waited for his response, holding her breath.

  When the silence continued, she looked up. Aeric had gone.

  Chapter 6

  THE NEXT EVENING, KATIE slipped into a form-fitting, black dress after applying her makeup and removing the rollers from her hair. Her hair hung in waves around her shoulders—exactly how she wanted it.

  All day, she'd been unable to get her encounter with Aeric Regle out of her mind. In school, as a child, they'd learned about him. He was powerful, benevolent; the origin of the Gifts and Graces that endowed select Supers with special abilities. Abilities far superior to those endowed by the Omends and Philimnes. He governed the affairs of mortals from behind the scenes.

  Only chosen people in each generation encountered him. She'd been desperate to tell Brett about it, but from the various stories she'd heard of people who'd had encounters with him, Aeric always instructed them not to tell anybody about it. Indeed, she'd dreamed, overnight, of Aeric telling her not to tell anybody that he'd visited her.

  He came to me.

  He gave me an assignment.

  Katie's heart squeezed in her chest.

  And I said no.

  The thought had dominated her mind all day. She'd replayed the encounter over and over in her mind.

  After the encounter last night, she'd returned home and switched on the TV in her bedroom to see that Prince Dresden had killed all the interpreters of the law, and a judge. He'd also attempted to kill the king. Prince Dresden was as ruthless as they came. Sure, someone needed to stop him, but that somebody probably wasn't her.

  I will be with you, and I will enable you to succeed. Aeric's words echoed in her ears.

  Katie shook her head. Why me?

  She spritzed on some perfume and then left the room.

  She descended the stairs slowly, not wanting to trip on her heels. She'd almost tied an orange scarf in her window this evening, but she hadn't.

  Downstairs, the click of her heeled shoes on the marble floor drew her father from the library. "Where are you going?" he asked.

  "Out with friends," Katie replied, not looking at him. She hadn't seen him since their disagreement yesterday evening.

  He gave her dress a disapproving look, and then disappeared back into the library. The door shut behind him with a resounding click.

  Katie made her way out, and then jumped into her car. She hadn't seen Michael at all today, again. And he hadn't answered any of her calls. She just hoped he was okay. She used her car phone to call Brett as she drove.

  "Yo," Brett answered. "Are you on your way?"

  "Yup. Have you heard from Michael? Is he coming?"

  "Yeah. I managed to get hold of him. He's going to sneak out of training to hang out with us for about an hour. That's as long as he can stay before they start missing him."

  Katie sighed silently. Michael was coming. She couldn't wait to see him again, and make sure he was okay. It did rankle a bit that he'd spoken to Brett, but hadn't answered any of her calls. But at least he was well. That was all that mattered.

  "Have you dressed up nice?" Brett asked.

  Katie rolled her eyes. "Yes, I have. See you soon." She hung up.

  Brett had been on her case, saying she shouldn't come in jeans and a T-shirt, just because she was only meeting with him and Michael. She'd been planning to dress up, but had thought that might be a bit embarrassing. But Brett had given her an excuse. If Michael showed up and was surprised at how much effort she'd put into her appearance, she'd blame it on Brett.

  The restaurant that Brett had booked was a twenty-minute drive away. When she arrived, she parked her car and then walked over to the entrance.

  She'd never felt nervous meeting up with Brett and Michael before, but now, jitters began to jangle in her chest.

  Would Michael notice her? He'd always seem to look right through her, seeing her as just a friend. She wondered if he would see her differently tonight.

  What does it matter if he notices me tonight? It wasn't like they could be together.

  She had to go to the palace tomorrow morning for the king's selection ceremony. If the courtiers even knew she was meeting with Brett and Michael tonight for a Valentine's dinner, they wouldn't be impressed.

  As she neared the entrance to the restaurant, she noticed a big, dark figure standing outside, leaning against one of the pillars. Michael. Katie's steps slowed.

  Michael straightened, pushing away from the pillar.

  Katie gave him a small wave, instantly feeling ridiculous in her sexy dress and high heels. He was wearing faded jeans and a T-shirt.

  He didn't wave back. He seemed to be staring at her. Katie felt even more ridiculous.

  "Hey," she said, forcing a smile when she reached him.

  His gaze flitted over her. "You look…nice."

  Heat rushed into Katie's cheeks. "Brett told me to dress up."

  Michael looked down at her, a slight frown on his face. "Just accept the compliment, okay?"

  "Oh. Thanks."

  "He told me to dress up too, but I didn't have time."

  "Thanks for coming. Brett told me you had to sneak out."

  Michael nodded. "I'll stay for an hour, then I'll have to go."

  "What's been going on?"

  "Training." A muscle worked in Michael's jaw. "And killing."

  Katie stared at him. Being a general in the army, she knew he'd shed blood. It was part of his duty. But, in the past, it'd always been Netherling blood. She'd been okay with that—kind of. She wasn't okay with him fighting a treasonous battle with Prince Dresden and shedding Super blood.

  He looked away from her.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" Katie asked gently.

  Michael raked a hand through his dark hair. "I hate it." He swallowed and his Adam's apple bobbed.

  Katie touched his arm. "I know you do. You're nothing like him."

  Michael looked at her then.

  Katie snatched her hand away from his arm.

  He was still looking at her. "Thanks."

  Katie nodded toward the door. "Let's go inside." They'd have more privacy inside.

  Michael opened the door to the restaurant and waited for her to enter first.

  Katie smiled her thanks.

  A maître d sauntered over. "Do you have a reservation?"

  "Yes," Michael said.

  Katie peeked into the restaurant. It was all dim and shadowy—an overtly romantic atmosphere. Candlelight flickered in the centerpeice of each table. Violin music swirled in the air. The place looked packed full to the brim. It was just as well that Brett had reserved a table for them.

  "What name?" the maître d asked.

  "Brett," Michael replied.

  She checked her clipboard and then nodded. "Follow me."

  Katie and Michael followed her to a secluded table by a window with an ocean view. The sun was setting into the water.

  Michael frowned. "We need a table for three."

  The maître d looked at her clipboard. "I apologize. Let me check your reservation notes." She frowned at her clipboard. "No, you booked a table for two. You said you wanted the most romantic table in the room. And you paid extra for the ocean view."

  Katie's eyes widened.

  "There must be a mistake," Michael said. "Our friend Brett booked. He's on his way. We need a table for three."

  "All the other tables are taken. Sorry."

  "Then just get us another chair. He'll be here soon."

  "Okay." The maître d hurried off to find a chair.

  Michael pulled out a chair for Katie.

  "Thanks," she said, sitting. Her cell phone chimed from her purse. At the same time, Michael's cell phone pinged.

  "That must be Brett messaging us both," Michael said. He sat down and took out his phone.

  Katie took hers out too. "What's he saying?" She read Brett's message: Sorry, guys. I can't make it. Something's come up.

  Katie frowned at her cell phone screen, a cold feeling washing over her.

  She had an inkling that Brett had done this on purpose. He'd set her up. Got her to get all dressed up to meet with him and Michael at a super romantic restaurant, and then backed out so that she'd be alone with Michael. She was going to kill him when she got her hands on him.

  She looked at Michael, hoping her face wasn't bright red.

  Michael was holding his cell phone to his ear, a scowl on his face.

  Why was he scowling? Did he not like the idea of being alone with her? They were supposed to be friends. She tried to think whether they'd ever been alone together, and realized such occasions had been very rare. She was often alone with Brett but rarely alone with Michael.

  "What do you mean, 'Something's come up'?" Michael asked.

  He paused, listening to whatever Brett was saying. Then, he glanced at Katie, a weird, almost shy look, in his eyes.

  "I can't believe you," he said quietly, turning his gaze to the view outside the window. He squinted out at the ocean.

  Katie could hear the faint tinny sound of Brett's voice from the cell phone but couldn't make out what he was saying.

  Michael shook his head. "Save your breath." He hung up, and sighed heavily.

  "What's his excuse?" Katie asked.

  Michael was quiet.

  Katie's cell phone buzzed with another text message from Brett: I know this is so low of me, but I think you guys need to talk. Tell him how you feel.

  Katie fired back a quick message: I hate you!

  He replied with a smiley face.

  Katie looked at Michael. She caught him watching her. He quickly snapped his gaze away.

  Silence wrapped around them. His quietness concerned her. As did the way he was avoiding her gaze. Had Brett told him?

  Fear filled Katie's heart. She texted Brett: Have you told him?

  No, it's for you to tell him, he replied.

  Katie began to relax. Then another scary thought hit her. What if Michael had worked it out?

  Katie cleared her throat. "What do you want to do?" she asked him.

  He looked at her. His direct gaze trained on her had always made her feel slightly wobbly inside, and right now was no different.

  "You should leave," he said.

  Katie's heart froze. Pain sliced through her chest. He wasn't the slightest bit interested in her. He didn't care to be in her company.

  "Your reputation," he continued. "All the rules for aristocrat women...I don't want you to get into trouble. Especially since the king is interested in you."

  "How do you know?" Katie asked.

  "Brett told me."

  Once again, Katie felt excluded. Michael and Brett had been talking while Michael had been supposedly been 'unavailable'.

  Michael was watching her. "Are you leaving?"

  She should. But tomorrow, she might lose what little freedom she had, forever.

  She looked at Michael.

  He held her gaze for a moment and then looked away. He was embarrassed. Why?

  If someone had done this to her and Brett, they'd both laugh it off. But neither she nor Michael was laughing or finding the situation remotely funny.

  Was she straining for a deeper meaning where there was none, or was something more going on here?

  A reckless air took her over and she lifted her chin. "No. I'm not leaving."

  MICHAEL WANTED TO ASK why, but he didn't want all his hopes to be dashed when, rather than desiring to spend time with him, she said something like: 'I put so much effort into getting dressed so I'm staying out.'

  Just then, the maître d returned with an extra chair.

  Katie smiled up at her. Her smile was as pretty as the dawn. "There's no need," she told the maître d. "The third person is unable to make it."

  "Oh. Right." The maître d retreated with the chair.

  Katie tossed her long, blond waves over her shoulder and then smiled at Michael. Her smile was uncertain, hesitant. Something tightened in his gut.

  Brett had done this to get him to confess how he felt, but he didn't think that would be wise. There was no point. Even if she told him that she returned his feelings—which Michael knew she didn't—there was nothing they could do about it. She was going to the king's selection ceremony tomorrow.

  "Maybe we should order food, but take it somewhere more private," Michael suggested. He didn't want anyone to see her out with him at a romantic restaurant on Valentine's night and report her.

  Katie's lips parted slightly. Lips that were glossy and shiny and begging to be kissed.

  Michael thought over what he'd just said. Had it sounded like a come on. "I'm just thinking of your reputation," he said quickly.

  Katie pressed her lips together. "Right."

  Was it his imagination or did she sound disappointed?

  He didn't have time to read her expression because she picked up a menu and lowered her gaze.

  Michael was about to ask if she was okay when a sudden weightless feeling took him over. The restaurant became
a blur, and there was a rush of wind against his face.

  A moment later, he landed on his backside in a forest clearing. He jumped to his feet, removing his gun from his pocket. He was about to rip off his clothes to reveal his combat suit when Katie landed on the ground beside him from thin air. The skirt of her dress rode up high on her thighs. She quickly smoothed it down and then jumped to her feet.

  "What happened?" she sounded panicked. She looked at his gun in alarm. "Someone's kidnapped us." She spun around and then her jaw dropped.

  Michael turned to see what she'd seen. The tension in his chest melted away at the sight of the table set up in the middle of the clearing. A bottle of wine stood on the table, along with covered dishes.

  Michael cursed under his breath. "Brett."

  "Yeah. Must be Brett behind this, but I'll call just in case it's, you know, a trap."

  Before she could call, both their cell phones chimed. Michael tapped on the message from Brett: Sorry. I paid someone to teleport you to somewhere more private. Enjoy.

  Michael couldn't look up when he finished reading the message. Katie must be wondering why on earth Brett was doing this. Michael couldn't believe she hadn't already worked it out.

  But this was so obvious, there was no way she wouldn't work it out now.

  I'm going to kill Brett.

  He waited for her to say something. She was silent. Eventually, he looked at her.

  She was staring at the table, a slight frown on her face. She must be putting two and two together.

  "I'm sorry about this, Katie."

  She tucked a handful of her golden hair behind her ear. "It's not your fault. We're going to make Brett pay for this. I don't get why he's doing this. It's just…awkward."

  Michael laughed shortly. "I know."

  "But we're supposed to be best friends," Katie said, slowly. "So it shouldn't be awkward. I wouldn't find it awkward if it was Brett. In fact, we'd find it funny."

  She'd guessed.

  Michael wanted to die. Suddenly, he felt like the air was a hundred degrees hotter.

  He was glad she was still staring at the table. The blood had probably drained from his face. He must look guilty as charged.

  Michael considered his options. He could deny it, but what if she asked Brett later and he—traitor that he was—told her about how Michael had been in love with her since the day they'd started college four years ago? His other option was to just confess, be a man about it, and try to leave with some of his dignity intact.


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