The Contract: Sunshine

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by McCarver, Shiree

  The Contract:


  Shiree McCarver

  Copyright© 2011 by Shiree McCarver

  Published by

  All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, locations, events and incidents (in either a contemporary and/or historical setting) are products of the author’s imagination and are being used in an imaginative manner as part of this work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, settings or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  First Edition

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Cover Design by Shiree McCarver

  Proofing: E. Gail Flowers

  Don’t miss these exciting Interracial Romances written by Shiree McCarver now available from author website

  Shifter Series:




  African Warrior Women Series:



  Mary Christmas series:








  Obsidian Opus Vampire Series:


  Musicians in Love:





  This book is dedicated to all the lovers with unconventional beginnings.

  Also, much appreciation to all those fans that told me over the past years how much you appreciate my one-of-a-kind—okay, wordy and sometimes outlandish—stories. I have also been paying attention to those of you who asked me to keep the Asian leading men coming and I hope I do not disappoint you in the future. I also have not forgotten those who have asked for continuations of certain characters or books. It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but I promise I have not forgotten those wonderful characters waiting for their stories to be told.

  I am extremely touched by those who have written to me and told me how one of my books has affected a change in some way. There is no greater compliment to my work, I assure you, and know that I am equally influenced by all of you and the decisions I make in starting the next book. Thank you.

  This is what I say to all of you: thank you for reading my stories; for investing in my dreams of being a published author and for your continued support.

  Here’s to wishing we all become the heroines and heroes of our own romances!


  Shiree McCarver

  Dear Readers:

  Welcome to my new Contract series.

  This series of books will be about leading characters whose romances didn’t start out in the most ideal ways. Most would like to believe that the day they met the love of their life, the day was sunny, the birds were chirping and the moment you saw each other, you just knew right from the start you were going to spend the rest of your lives together.

  Okay, now that you’ve finished rewriting your romantic history with your partner into an ideal scene, it’s time to tell me how you really met and fell in love. Could it be you met your special other jogging and the smell you’ve come to love wasn’t so lovingly present when they accidentally plowed you over on the sidewalk and shot a bird at you as the form of an apology you were expecting? Yeah, you’re remembering now, aren’t you?

  The Contract: Sunshine is the first book in the series. It’s important to note that each book in this series is a stand alone with one common theme. Therefore, it’s not necessary to read them in any particular order.

  Wishing you happiness and joy always!

  Shiree McCarver

  [email protected]


  Mothers know best and sometimes fate needs a mother’s hand...

  The Red Hat Society Charity Tea Party


  “Well what?” The expensively dressed woman peered over the delicate herringbone china tea cup in her hand.

  “Aren’t you glad I recommended my son’s investment firm?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I read in the financial news section that your corporation was close to getting the approval for an expansion into the Asian market,” the more petite in stature of the two elegantly clad ladies in red suits with their matching red and purple hats remarked.

  “Yes, things seem to be going a lot quicker since I entrusted your son with the transaction.”

  “Did you meet with him in person?”

  “I did.”

  “He’s a handsome boy, is he not?”

  “He is indeed, but I was more impressed with his astute mind and great patience. I spoke of everything but business and not once did he steer things back to business. Actually, he seemed to be very interested in my family and our beginnings.” The darker of the two smiled and chuckled.

  “Did you speak of your granddaughter to him?”

  “Indeed I did,” she nodded.

  “Did he get to see a picture of her?”

  “Yes. However, I made sure it was one of her most unbecoming pictures.”

  “What?” The other woman’s eyes narrowed. “Are you deliberately trying to sabotage this? I thought we both wanted the same thing? Have you changed your mind about getting your granddaughter to settle down?”

  “I have not. However, I want my heir to be loved for who she is not because of her family and our wealth.”

  Offended, the other woman said, “I assure you my son is by no means a pauper.” In a softer tone, she added, “His father and I made the mistake by forcing him to marry a woman that he did not love for all the wrong reasons. When it ended unhappily, it jaded my son of the idea of marriage.”

  “I must say I was a little concerned seeing how he has been married before.”

  “As I said, that was not his fault. He was being an obedient son, but unfortunately he also feels he’s done his duty to us by marrying the first girl. I can’t well order him to do so again with your granddaughter.”

  “I wouldn’t ask it of you,” the woman said haughtily. “My granddaughter is a treasure. She’s not the prettiest in our lineage. However, she is good natured and tries hard to please.”

  “Still, as much as I would like for my son to find someone to settle down with, it has to be the children’s decision. We can set up the chance meeting, but we can’t force them to notice each other.”

  “True,” the woman sighed. She took another sip of tea and swallowed. “However, let’s do what we can and decide on the rest as it comes along.”


  “Be warned, I will not make it easy for your son. I must know he can think on his feet and not give up when things get tough. I have a few tests that I will be putting him through. Not only do I need a grandson-in-law that is good in business, I need to know my granddaughter’s happiness will be just as important to him as his own business.”

  “That goes without a doubt,” she replied smoothing the hem of her silk dress over her knee
s as she crossed one pale slender leg over the over. “As long as you know I first must see it with my own eyes that your granddaughter can make my son happy. If she cannot, I will not allow this to go any further.”

  “That girl has had her heart broken so many times because of her momma’s scheming. She almost married this man that was in it for a pay off.”

  “It is difficult when your wealth is so obvious,” the woman sympathized.

  “Since I paid him to get loss before she stupidly married him, she has been obsessed on learning every ‘wifely and motherly’ skill there is to know. I was hoping she would use all her energy learning the business but the girl just doesn’t have it in her.”

  “I will give Leslie a call. With her in the picture, it will get my son feeling motivated and hopefully thinking about marriage,” the woman laughed softly.

  “What if he falls for this Leslie person?”

  “Her family and I are good friends but the girl is much younger than he is and he sees her as a little sister. She’s always fancy marrying him someday but I think she is too spineless for my son. If he makes it clear enough, she will not be a problem in the future,” she assured her.

  “Good, we don’t need a stalker on hand interfering in any progress we’re making. Are you positive your son is the heroic type you say he is? I don’t want victimize my granddaughter and have her humiliated for nothing.”

  “You make your granddaughter a damsel in distress and I guarantee my son will be there to save her. However there is always a margin for error in these things.”

  “I’ve made things hard on her but I’m hoping she knows that no matter what she is going through, she can call me if she needs me. But I would like to see how she gets out of this mess without family money or help.

  “I guess we will soon find out, but if for some reason they aren’t drawn together like we think they will be, we will take it as a sign that they aren’t meant to be and let it go.”

  “Of course,” she murmured placing the empty tea cup down on the matching saucer.

  “Okay, what’s next?”

  “My granddaughter’s rent is due soon. I called her mother and told her what I wanted her to do to assure she would use her rent money and be unable to pay her bill.”

  “Her mother actually went along with it?”

  “She’s in between marriages and need money desperately. She would probably sell her to the highest bidder if they offer the right amount.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  “The woman is quite shameful. You make sure your son is at that restaurant. The manager will make sure they are sitting side by side and hopefully your son will notice her.”

  “What about the picture he saw of her.”

  “Looks nothing like she looks today,” the woman laughed with a wink and a smile. “Lord, she was a homely child.”

  “This all feels so risky and if we somehow succeed in helping them to discover each other and they were to every find out...” The woman suppressed a shudder at the thought. “Let’s just say I would like to be able to see my grandchildren one day.”

  “They won’t if I can help it.” She looked the other woman in the eyes. “But sometimes fate needs a motherly hand; and speaking of grandchildren, do you think your son would change his last name to my family name if they were to marry?”

  “Goodness, I hope not. It would devastate his father. He’s our only son.”

  “You know I will try and sway him to take my family name.”

  “I wouldn’t have expected any less from you,” the woman gave her a serene smile. “However, my son is an honorable man. He is as proud of our family name as you are of yours.”

  “Everyone has a price, chèrie.”

  “Mianhae, sorry,” she shook a “no-no” finger as she spoke to her friend with a grin. “”

  “It’s been awhile since I felt excited about a challenge.” The other woman laughed.”

  “As long as you remember I will not allow my son be scarred by this in any way, Sophia,” she said firmly. Leaning forward in her seat she added, “I will not have Min Yoon in a second failed marriage. Until him, no one in my family had ever divorced. However, girls these days do not work at anything. She gave up after a couple of years, leaving my son feeling like a failure. He had never failed at anything and since then he swore to never marry again, thinking he’s not ‘husband’ material.”

  “All good husbands think that until an even better woman prove them differently,” Sophia nodded.

  “You think your granddaughter can be that woman?”

  “Oh please, Hye Da,” Sophia stared down her regal nose. “My granddaughter, Sunshine, has many centuries worth of strong women of color flowing through her veins.”

  “Don’t give me that ‘Grand Madam’ stare you like to use on weaker individuals. You don’t intimidate me. I’ve come to know you too well,” Ha Da snorted on a laugh. “Min Yoon has the Korean blood of great warriors running through his veins. You better be glad I like you or I would not ever have considered allowing my son to marry a non-Korean girl.”

  “Oh yeah, friendship,” Sophia said sarcastically. “I’m sure your son obtaining stock in a multi-billion dollar grocery chain after being married to my granddaughter a year is not motivational enough.”

  “Well, I already take a lot of flack, from family, when I visit Korea because I have the only divorced son in the Young and Park families. If my son marries your granddaughter, that will be a first also,” she fretted.

  Sophia rolled her eyes, “Just tell them your son is laughing all the way to the bank; that will shut them up.”

  “It’s not always about money,” Ha Da released a long sigh. “My son’s heart will not be an easy win. He refuses to even consider marrying again.”

  “You want to bet on it?” An excited gleam appeared in Sophia’s stare. “Sunshine is a Dupree woman. Men find us irresistible.”

  “You’re starting to buy into your own publicity stunt after all these years,” the Asian woman chuckled with a shake of her head.

  “However,” Sophia continued choosing to ignore her friend’s interruption. “Because Sunshine was born the most unattractive one in our family, I’m afraid she has yet to realize even a small dose of an ‘average’ from her mother’s side, I assure you, doesn’t take away the poised charm that comes from my side.”

  “Oh my,” the younger woman groaned.

  “What say you? How about a small wager that my granddaughter makes your son fall head over heels in love with her?”

  “I don’t see it happening. I just want him to be happy enough with his choice to settle down and give me grandbabies,” Ha Da reasoned.

  “A passionless marriage,” Sophia shuddered, “how boring.”

  “It worked for me and Yoon’s father. Our marriage was arranged and we grew to mutually respect one another. Our ambitions in life were so similar, we grew to love one another.”

  “How’s the sex?”

  “” Ha Da sputtered fanning herself with the cloth napkin she held in her fist.

  “Hell’s bells! Calm down woman before you embarrass us both by actually swooning on the sofa.” Sophia leaned forward and hissed, “I swear if you faint Ha Da I will pretend to not know you. I hope your son is not as prudish as you are. Dupree women need hot kinky sex from time to time to keep the blood flowing. It’s why I look so young.”

  “I do not care to hear these things,” Ha Da said recovering quickly. Her Asian eyes narrowed on Sophia’s face. “You would do that? You would actually leave your best friend passed out on the sofa without helping?”

  “I don’t have any best friends. Especially with a female,” Sophia muttered. “Women are only acquaintances and potential competition, mind you.”

  “I know you don’t have any friends. This is why I felt sorry for you and became your friend; your only friend, which makes me your best friend.”

  “Peasant Korean stock cow,” Sophia i

  “Snooty American Bijou Bitch,” Ha Da insulted back.

  “Are we playing poker tomorrow with the ladies?”

  “Yes, we are playing bridge tomorrow.”

  “Bridge is an old lady’s game!” Sophia’s aging but still quite stunning face screwed up in a frown. “There is no money to be had.”

  “I will give you a hundred dollars to shut up right now.”

  Chapter 1

  The Contract...

  Yoon Young, the only son of the South Korea’s Ambassador to the United States dropped down into a chair across from the eldest daughter of the Lee Group, a large import export company well known in South Korea. She was extremely attractive; her body was a bit thinner than he had grown accustomed to since living in America for the past six years, but her smile and intelligence made up for any physical attributes he found lacking.

  His mother had done well this time. He could see this woman elegantly hosting a room of potential investors and he knew she was from a good home and a prestigious family. Their fathers were also friends and business associates. Out of the last twelve arranged meetings his mother had setup for him in the past two months this one had taken the most of his time.

  Not because he was actually interested but because she refused to allow him to end the evening like a gentleman. Leslie Lee knew he didn’t want to displease her father and she was taking full advantage.

  Yoon knew if he didn’t choose a bride soon, the Seons—arranged meetings for marriage—would continue forever and frankly he was too busy to continue along this vein. Being a loving and accommodating son to a determined stubborn Korean mother was not working for him. He was going to have to sternly tell his mother this date was the last one she would be allowed to set up for him.


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