The Contract: Sunshine

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The Contract: Sunshine Page 8

by McCarver, Shiree

  Yoon remembered it so well because the elderly woman had not only been still physically lovely—considering she was well into her eighties—she also had a very sharp mind and a keen sense of business. Any savvy business wordage he had planned to use on her was quickly dashed as she started out the meeting telling him to sit down, shut up and let her do all the talking.

  He had been prepared to get down to business only to have been brought up short when she started to talk about her family and the strong stock she came from...

  “Mr. Young, being born an immigrant of this country, I will assume you are familiar with whom the ‘American Dream’ was formulated for.” Sophia Dupree had said to him with a soft southern drawl that belittled the stern businesswoman he’d read her to be.

  Respecting her wish for him to remain silent, he simply had nodded at her. She had given him a serene smile and for a moment he wondered if she had been sitting next to him instead of across from him if she would have patted him on the head like an obedient little boy.

  “You and I don’t fit the mold and I for one am glad of it.” She had a laugh as soft as her speaking voice. “It makes being stinking rich and successful all the more sweet.”

  Yoon had chuckled at that. He had never thought of it that way before, but he was pretty smug about all he managed to accomplish. However, he had always heard of the success that could be gained in America, so he wasn’t surprised at all by his success even though he was South Korean.

  It would have surprised him more if he had failed; but he and Sophia Dupree were from different places in time. He knew enough of American history to realize all her family had accomplished over the years was truly something to be proud of.

  “For people of color to be able to trace their family history after the bad record keeping during slavery makes it almost impossible for you to know the stock we come from.”

  Her paper thin honey colored hand had brushed unseen mussed hair behind her ear; unseen only because the woman didn’t have one hair out of place. As a matter-of-fact, her expertly applied makeup and expensive vintage forties tea length skirt suit was as immaculate as the coifed knot at the nape of her elongated neck.

  Yoon knew Mrs. Dupree had wanted to keep the upper hand of the meeting by dominating the conversation and choosing a topic that had nothing to do with the reason for his visit. If Yoon wasn’t anything else, he was patient.

  He had done his homework before the meeting and if Sophia Dupree had wanted to talk about any frivolous subject matter, he was going to sit there and listen to her. It meant closing the deal at the end of that meeting.

  “Mr.Young, my family has had only one slave owning family and even after they became emancipated, they still chose to remain on the Dupree plantation. Mostly, because of the blood ties, but also because the Duprees were good to their slaves. Of course my great Grand’Mere couldn’t ever marry Jean Claude Dupree. She was mighty proud to be his chatelaine and bear him three healthy children.”

  That was when she stood and motioned for him to follow her over to the piano where she sat and started to play a classical piece he’d heard before. Chopin’s Prélude op 28 nr 24. It wasn’t one of his favorites but she played it very well considering she was able to continue ordering him about.

  “Don’t just stand there gawking at me, son. I didn’t bring you over here for my musical abilities; they’re only passing at best. What I’m doing is setting some mood music for you to go down my picture memory lane.”

  Yoon had laughed. Thinking upon it now, he continued to find the time with Mrs. Dupree humorous and insightful into his own neglectful life.

  He was so busy getting a thrill from the game of making money he had become full of himself. Yoon realized he had come to a stall in his career because his own ego was getting in the way. After just one session of afternoon tea with this woman, he’d learned more about himself than about her.

  She taught him success wasn’t about becoming wealthy and selfish. It was about becoming wealthy and making a difference in the lives of his own culture first because charity begins at home. Then he could expand to other countries.

  He had failed to consider the hardships his own Korean ancestors had gone through to give him a decent life. There was always plenty of money for his education. Yoon had never known what it felt like to go hungry or live without a roof over his head.

  All he had to do was focus on his dreams and study hard. His father’s reputation gave him the startup he needed and he used all that he learned to come to the United States and build a new life for himself. Yoon was embarrassed to say he had all but laid all things Korean aside.

  Yoon had gotten to the point he rarely spoke to his family and Korean friends in his native tongue. He had found himself replying in English even when they spoke to him in Korean. Easily, he had forgotten about where he came from as he conformed to American society to “fit” in with his Caucasion American business associates.

  By the end of that meeting, Yoon failed to lock Mrs. Dupree into a signed contract with his investment company, but he went away from the meeting feeling as if it had been the most successful venture he’d ever embarked upon.

  Yoon reached behind his head for the white fur throw that had been thrown over the back of the sofa. It actually belong folded in the woven basket at the corner of the fireplace hearth but of course Sunshine wouldn’t have known this. He spread it, with one hand, over her bare legs and feet doing his best not to wake her.

  Once he had the cover over her, he scooted down and with his foot pulled the footrest closer. He then settled in, reluctant to move from his spot. It also settled the matter of if he should place her in his bed to sleep with him.

  He felt that was being too presumptuous since she wasn’t awake to approve or disapprove the idea. Just because she was up for a make out session didn’t mean she had intended to go all the way with him on their first night. He has slept with too many women to ever think he knew what a woman was thinking when it comes to sex and morality.

  Yoon most likely would have placed her in one of the guest bedrooms for the night but if the housekeeper hadn’t stayed around to clean the living room, she probably didn’t change the sheets on the beds. He had accommodated a few clients that were too drunk for the ride back to their hotels.

  Resting his head on the back of the sofa, he yawned. Closing his eyes, his thoughts went back to his visit with Sophia Dupree.

  In spite of the stories that surrounded her life, she had a shrewdness for business of which was told about in an unauthorized biography written about her.

  He found that he liked Mrs. Dupree and her bossy straightforward personality was refreshing.

  “Young man, those pictures are displayed there to remind me of where I come from. A reminder to be grateful for everything I have and for all that I am, because you see...several of those people you’re looking at died so that I could have all of this today.

  As she spoke, the piano music background changed into the more haunting Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata which was one of his favorites.

  “My family keeps me humble. They keep me grounded. All I have left of my immediate family is my granddaughter. Yes, that’s it, the frame you got your hand on. That’s my namesake. Sunshine Sophia Dupree. Not the best picture of her, but she hates taking portrait shots.”

  She laughed and gave him a saucy wink before leaning towards him on the piano bench—the Sunny girl to sit for a portrait on my deathbed. It’s the only way I’m going to get her to do it, because that picture is about twenty years old. That girl is too stubborn for her own good.”

  “I wonder where she gets it from,” Yoon had said.

  Mrs. Dupree’s hazel colored eyes had twinkled and her laughter reminded him of tinkling bells over shop doors in Chinatown.

  While she fell silent, she continued to play the piano easily moving from one tune into another. Yoon had found himself studying the small portrait he held in his hand.

  Yoon imagined that is why
he remembered really well what Mrs. Dupree’s granddaughter looked like. That little girl had not inherited any of her grandmother’s stunning features. Never had Yoon seen such a forlorn plain and a word short from just being ugly little girl. If it hadn’t been for her beautiful eyes, there would not have been any saving grace for the little girl. All he could think was it was good she was rich as sin because that would be the only way she would be able to get a husband.

  There was just no way the beautiful brown skin woman that was sleeping on his lap was that same little girl. Sunshine is vibrant and unique with a hot body, luscious mouth and eyes to die for.

  The real Dupree Food’s Heiress was plain, painfully frail looking with braces and bad acne. She could only dream about growing up to look like the Sunshine Dupree asleep on his lap. Still, could there be two parents that would scar their children forever by naming them “Sunshine?”

  His Sunshine looked too young to be Mrs. Dupree’s granddaughter, so most likely because of her last name, her parents named her after the heiress.

  Also, there was the fact Sunshine wouldn’t have known he would chase her and blackmail her to help him because until he did it, he wouldn’t have thought he would have the audacity to blackmail a misfortunate woman into doing his bidding.

  So that led him back to right here and right now. Who is Sunshine Dupree? What was her story? Would he still find her interesting once he found out more about her?

  He wouldn’t worry about it any longer. If he were still interested in seeing her again, he would search the Internet to see if he could find any recent pictures of the heiress. What if she was still camera shy and as elusive to the media’s prying as her evasive grandmother?

  Pop. Pop. Pop.

  Started, Yoon jumped and his eyes flew open at Sunshine’s hand coming over his. With eyes heavy with sleep, she moaned and turned on her other side facing him.

  “Sweetheart, don’t do that,” she muttered. “Your knuckles will become fat.” She secured his hand beneath her chin. “You have sexy hands.”

  Sexy hands? His eyebrows lifted and he stared at her hoping she was awake so they could fool around some more.

  A soft snore escaped her slightly smarted lips.

  “If you wake up, I will put my ‘sexy hands’ all over your sexier body.” He tugged to get his right hand loose so he could touch her but she was holding on to him as if he was a safety blanket.

  He’d rather be spending the rest of the night kissing and caressing her about now but he could be content with the view also. There was something very sexy about seeing her in something he’d worn. He could smell his aftershave scent on her. He didn’t know if it was left over from their make out session or if it was on his shirt.

  A woman wrapped in your scent was like a dog pissing to mark his territory.

  Hey guys, stay away. She’s mine. Can’t you smell me on her?!

  Huh? His mouth dropped open as he mulled over that unexpected thought. Sunshine was sexy and her kissing skills were marketable but was he seriously considering dating her?

  Why would he even consider it? He didn’t know her. They probably didn’t have anything in common other than a sexual attraction. She was very evasive about her life...well, that was unfair, he hadn’t really spent time past his jaji, dick, to find out about her life or if they had anything in common.

  I like her.

  He couldn’t think of a better reason to date her than that. He was also sexually attracted to her and that was an even better reason to date her and get to know her better.

  “No commitments,” he murmured. “I know you find me attractive and I know you are sexually attracted to me also. We’re both consenting adults.” A tingling excitement raced through him as he managed to thumb her finger as she cuddled against his hand. “I’m sure we can come to some...agreement to both our satisfaction.”

  With that in mind, Yoon smiled and leaned back against the sofa with an assured sigh. All-in-all this had been a good day after all.

  It was obvious she was down on her luck. He was a generous lover and she caught him in between mistresses. How could she not be pleased? If what he suspected about her was true, then she should see his offer to take care of her as the answer to her prayers.

  Yoon let out a resigned sigh. What great timing. If he felt any guilt about blackmailing Sunshine, it all fell to the way side because now he had the chance to be her hero and save her, he imagined, and her mother who set her up on that date from poverty.

  Feeling better about his decision, Yoon relaxed and his eyes closed into another yawn. If Sunshine continues pretending to be his fiancée, he would make it worth her while. Neither of them would have to go on another blind date again. There was no way she would turn him down.

  Chapter 6

  Because I am a man...

  “You want to be my what?” Yoon choked.

  The fork he held hovering over the half eaten plate of eggs benedict with its rich butter and lemon sauce, ham and English muffins hit the side of the plate with a clank.

  “I want to be your new live in housekeeper,” Sunshine repeated from her vigil next to the oven where she waited for a second batch of chocolate chips cookies. “It would be strictly professional of course. I promise no more of what happened between us yesterday. I don’t know what had come over me.” She looked away from him.

  “I didn’t mind,” he murmured but in his head he yelled: I want more of yesterday! His eyes feasted on her shapely legs peaking from beneath his oversized t-shirt that came to her knees.

  Yoon also noted she had well maintained feet and fire engine red toenails which he gave her extra points for. He had dated some of the most beautiful women in the world only to be disappointed to see they had very unattractive feet.

  “I wish I could blame it on too much wine at dinner,” she was saying when his eyes trailed back up to her face. “But that would be a lie.”

  Her lips turned up at the corners and he unconsciously smiled too. What is it about you that warms me, Sunshine? I wish it had been the wine then I could get you drunk again so we can finish where we left off yesterday in the car. He released a resigned sign as she continued to explain away her actions.

  “I’m afraid I was doing what I always do when I’m frustrated and upset. I turn to sex to make me feel better,” Sunshine was saying. “I promised myself I wouldn’t be like my mother and there I go behaving badly. This is why my grandmother wants nothing to do with me until I accept responsibility for my actions.”

  “Is that why you agreed to the date with the preacher last night?” Yoon asked.

  Sunshine picked up one of the chocolate chip cookies that had already cooled. “My mother’s bright idea.” Leaning against the kitchen island, she broke the cookie in half. “She thinks my dating a preacher will really please my grandmother.” She took a bite from one of the cookie halves.

  “What do you think?”

  She finished chewing and swallowed before she spoke. “I think my mother is an idiot and that preacher last night proved my point.”

  Yoon had to agree, but he wasn’t prepared to call her mother an idiot aloud. Sometimes people didn’t appreciate the opinions of others when it came to their family. Besides, he didn’t really know enough about her mother or her family to pass judgment.

  However, he did think they should be ashamed for not being the type of family Sunshine could call on when she found herself in trouble. If they were, he wouldn’t have been able to blackmail her into helping him.

  He watched in silence as she finished the cookie and brushed her palms together as if she was brushing away the crumbs. His eyes followed her movements as she opened the oven and peeped inside at the next batch of cookies that was baking.

  His eyes smoldered with fire. She shifted from foot to foot and her toes wiggled against the temperature controlled tiled flooring. It was as if she was hearing a tune in her head that he wasn’t privy to that caused her sexy round bottom to wiggle from side to side. The lon
g t-shirt rode up but not enough to see the sexy lace etched lavender panties he spotted last night while she was sleeping on the couch.

  “Hmm. Almost done,” she murmured.

  So I am, he thought. “I’m done with all this talking.”

  “You like yours while they’re hot?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He nodded with a big grin.

  “I will give it to you, but you really should let it cool at least a little bit or the chocolate will burn your tongue.”

  He only got the words “chocolate” and “tongue.” Both sounded very sexy to him. Sunshine’s chocolate and his tongue. What a heady thought. The crotch of his jeans tightened and he shifted from one butt cheek to the other on the bench of the breakfast nook where he sat.

  She stood and placed her hand on her lower back and stretched backwards until her naked nipples beneath his t-shirt blossomed large and succulent. His mouth watered.

  Her feet padded softly to the refrigerator and she removed a carton of milk. Moving to the cabinet where he kept the glasses, she rose on her tiptoes and the t-shirt rode high. This time he caught a glimpse of all her thighs and the beginning swell of her butt cheeks where her undies had ridden up.

  Yoon found himself drifting to the side as if doing so would allow him to see more than what was logically possible in her current position.

  His chin practically kissed the corner of the table when he was saved from making a complete fool of himself by the shirt falling back down into place. The sound of the two glass tumblers softly being placed on the counter next to the milk carton was heard in the quiet room. It was so quiet he was surprised she didn’t hear his heavy breathing.

  Clearing his throat, he picked up his fork and jabbed at what was left of the eggs and shoved a bite into his mouth. It wasn’t nearly as appealing now that it was cold.

  Ding! Yoon jumped as the stove’s oven timer sounded. He was strung so tight he was going to have to go and take a very cold shower and pray that it helped.


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