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Hostile Contact Page 16

by Tamala Callaway

  “That may be true, but I'm on some serious medication right now,” she grunted.

  Time was of the essence and she was not able to hold on much longer. Trevor scooped her up and took her to the bathroom and helped her to get situated and stood right there while she moaned with embarrassment and laughed at other moments as he raised eyebrows and laughed at her too. Once she was done, she made him leave the bathroom while she cleaned herself and washed her hands. She had made it to the door when he realized that she was walking on her own. He came to rescue her and put her back in the bed.

  “Are you sure that you want to do this, Trevor?” she asked timidly.

  “Do what?”

  “Marry me?”

  “Without a doubt. Love has no limitations or stipulations. I take you with everything you come with and vice versa,” he vowed.

  The nurse came in and asked Symóne if she was ready for dinner. She nodded and waited to see what surprise they would bring her this time. A dinner tray was on the table and placed in front of her. There was a bowl of what looked to be egg drop soup, a cup of jello, a cup of pudding, and a cup of apple juice. The nurse left out and left Symóne to her dinner and Trevor watched as she bit her lip and frowned at what was placed in front of her.

  “Dig in babe,” he chuckled at the look on her face.

  “Not to sound ungrateful, but…what the hell is this?”

  “I'm guessing because of your meds, that you can't have anything solid or heavy?” he shrugged in thought.

  “If that's the case, I'd rather have a giant bowl of applesauce and hot chocolate,” she pushed the table away from her. Trevor was sending a text, then got up to move the table away from Symóne's bed.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said. “I'll be right outside the room for a minute. I need to call Faye to come here when she's finished so that I can go home to shower and change, and also bring you some clothes to go home in tomorrow. Is there anything in particular that you want?” he asked as he stood.

  “Yes, my pink pair of loose fitting sweats, a tee shirt, my hairbrush and a pink hair clip. Oh and bring my sketch pad and the blue box of pencils. Are you staying tonight?” she questioned with hope.

  “Of course. I won't be able to sleep if I'm worried about your safety. I'd rather be here with you,” he assured her. She sighed and let him go make his call.

  He was in luck, Faye was already on her way back to check up on Symóne with Alex accompanying her. He'd asked her to stop for applesauce and hot cocoa.

  Trevor waited with her and continued to talk wedding plans. They discussed colors, themes, menus, and locations until they arrived, then he headed home to their condo.


  Chapter 14

  A month had gone by and Symóne was getting around much better without the bandages around her upper body. Now able to bend, she returned to her normal routines. The grand opening of her store and business was a huge success, thanks to all the promotional marketing she, Faye, and Trevor put forth. Sales at the store were off the charts and Symóne had already contracted out her interior design services for the next seven months.

  Everyone was beginning to believe that the guy that had attacked them had to have been the only one involved. There were no more messages or calls, and things at Symóne's store and Trevor's firm had been uninterrupted by menacing events so far.

  Even with there being no problems at the moment, Trevor still had his guard up when it came to Symóne. He kept security on her at all times, and with another new high profile case brewing, he became more cautious. His hours at the firm were late and he had much more work that he actually had to be involved in, so he had no choice but to work at his own office. He hired full time around the clock security at the store, and a bodyguard for Symóne.

  * * *

  It was an early Thursday morning, and Symóne was up with Trevor while he got ready for work. Her store didn't open until ten, so she had an extra hour before she needed to get ready to go into the store.

  “Here's your coffee, have a great day Mr. Harrison!” she called out to him as he was headed out of the door. He stopped abruptly and turned to face her.

  “Did you just call me Mr. Harrison?” he questioned her.

  She nodded and let go of her robe that she held closed with her fingers. She was bare underneath, and he exhaled slowly as he set his coffee on the entry table and kicked the door closed with the back of his shoe. He placed his briefcase and laptop bag down by the door and made sure the door was locked. He stepped toward her, his eyes tracing her body up and down as she took unsteady steps backwards.

  “Don't run now. You knew what you were asking for when you called me Mr. Harrison,” he glared at her.

  She had reached the sofa and couldn't go any further. He was in her space—towering over her. Placing his fingers at the collar of her robe, he pulled it back off of her shoulders. He leaned in, kissing her neck, then began to nibble under her chin then her lips. Trevor pulled off his suit jacket and began to unbutton his shirt with her help. Once stripped down, he pulled her upright and lifted her where her legs wrapped around his waist. As he undid his belt, button, and zipper, Symóne continued to kiss him feverishly. When his pants hit the floor, he pulled her down to him and worked her until he couldn't stand any longer. He knelt to the floor and lay her on her back and continued from there.

  “Now look what you made me do,” he whispered breathlessly.

  “I don't know what you mean,” she replied between kisses.

  “I'm going to be late for work, and…we didn't use protection,” he panted as he continued to thrust himself inside of her. He was swelling, his heart pounding, her legs gripping his body to hers. He moaned, as he clenched his arms around her body, shivering with every release of fluid until he was emptied. His breaths were broken as he spoke.

  “I'll never be able to resist you. Of course you already know this and it's why you take advantage of my weakness,” he shook his head at himself.

  “I would never take advantage of you Trevor. I can't help it if you have no will power,” she grinned devilishly.

  He finally regained enough energy to pull himself from her and get to his feet, pulling her from the floor, then headed to the shower with her following.

  “Well, I guess time will tell if we will be getting you a maternity wedding dress or not,” he shrugged.

  “Will that bother you?” she asked.

  “Not if it doesn't bother you. Things have gone extremely well for your business and the firm is definitely booked for many cases, so we're both doing very well,” he confirmed, stepping into the shower with Symóne joining him.

  “I talked to Drew last night, before you got home. He called for you, but you didn't get home early enough to call him back. He wants us to come for a visit to go on his school band trip to Disney World,” she breathed.

  “When is the trip?” asked Trevor.

  “March twenty-seventh.”

  “That's two weeks before the wedding. Are you okay with that?”

  “Of course. I already told him that we would be there. Gloria said that if the Spencer case wrapped up in your usual allotted time, you should be free a week prior to that. Then your schedule is clear up until two weeks after the honeymoon,” she smiled.

  “Why do I get the feeling that you have something up your sleeve?” he glared at her, pulling her wet body to his.

  “I don't know what you're talking about. Paranoia doesn't suit you Trevor,” she turned away from his accusing glare. He stepped up behind her, pressing his body against hers.

  “I know you better than you think I do. You have an agenda Symóne, and I want to know what it is,” he spoke softly into her ear. She shivered and almost broke. They both heard his phone going off, assuming it was his office. He turned off the shower and they both got out and dried off.

  “This conversation isn't over,” he told her, wrapping his towel around his waist, rushing to his phone. It was a missed called from Gloria, so he
called her back.

  “Gloria, what's up?” he asked when she answered.

  “Mr. Harrison, I have an emergency. My son's school called and said that his bus was in an accident…”

  “Go see about your son, Gloria. Let me know if there is anything I can help with,” he interrupted her explanation. He ended the call and went back to continue to dress. He really needed to get going now that Gloria would be out of the office.

  “What happened?” asked Symóne.

  “Gloria's son was in a school bus accident. She needed to go check on him,” he explained, rushing to get dressed.

  “Oh, I hope it's not serious. You'll let me know when you know something, right?” she questioned him while getting dressed herself.

  “Of course,” he answered. “We still have our conversation to get back to as well. Don't think that I've forgotten,” he told her.

  Symóne sighed with a light chuckle. Trevor was an attorney through and through. There was no hiding anything from him, or getting past his interrogations once he's on a trail to something. She began packing her things for work, then called for her driver and bodyguard.

  Symóne walked with Trevor down to the lobby. After a parting kiss, they went their separate ways until their lunch date.

  At Harrison and Moore, Vince was handling six different cases on his own with a team in place for them, while Trevor was handling another six cases with a team of his own. Their firm's popularity for getting justice every time, was bringing them clients from all over the state of Texas.

  While multitasking on one particular case, Trevor received a call from an opposing attorney wanting to settle out of court. As always, Trevor informed him that anything less than what his client was asking for was a waste of everyone's time, because he knows he'll win either way. Ultimately, the client didn't want the embarrassment of going against his wife with Harrison and Moore, and agreed to all conditions and terms.

  “One down, five more to go,” Trevor breathed. He called in a team member assigned to that case and had the paperwork drawn up, then had a messenger to take it over to the opposing attorney's office to be signed by the spouse, and that was that.

  “Mr. Harrison?” a team member that was sitting in for Gloria in her absence came in.

  “Yes?” he looked up.

  “There's a Mr. Walters here to see you, but I don't see him in Gloria's appointment book,” she informed him.

  “Did he say what he wanted?”

  “He's here to speak with you about his case,” she relayed.

  “I don't have a case for a Mr. Walters,” he frowned in confusion, but the man entered in behind the team member to introduce himself.

  “Mr. Harrison, I'm Greg Walters. My apologies for barging in like this, and I'll make it short, I promise,” he said with his hands held out in a surrendering manner. He was a medium height, heavy set man, with salt and pepper colored hair tapered around his ears and neckline. He wore a very expensive business suit, along with shoes that must have set him back four hundred dollars.

  “Mr. Walters, I'm a very busy man. It's why we set up appointments for meetings. I don't appreciate this interruption to my—”

  “Excuse me, please. You're my wife's attorney and I would like to offer you a deal. I'm sure it will be worth your time,” he stated.

  Thinking this man wanted to settle out of court, Trevor took a less defensive stand. “Who is your wife?” he asked the man.

  “Jennifer Langley Walters,” he answered.

  Trevor recognized the name, now that he heard her full name added with her husband's. She came in as Jennifer Langley.

  “Okay, what's the deal you offer?” asked Trevor.

  “I want to offer you thirty-five percent more of your fee, to represent me instead of her,” he said with a victorious smile.

  “And…why would I want to do that?” asked Trevor.

  “Because I can pay you more than she's paying you. Besides…I want to win.”

  “Well Mr. Walters, I'm afraid your offer will have to be denied. You see, I take cases based on their nature and ethics. All of my clients go through strenuous questionnaires and background checks. I have to believe that my client is worthy of what we fight for, and you Sir, do not fit that bill. So you see, throwing your money at me will not get me to drop your wife and pick you up. It would be best that you take that extra thirty-five percent that you're offering me, and put it towards the settlement you are about to pay to your wife. Because as you clearly understand, since you're here right now, this case is already a done deal. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do,” Trevor dismissed the man. He left hesitantly, but sighed at what seemed to be an admittance of defeat.

  The team member came to the door, her face apologetic. “I am so sorry Mr. Harrison. I didn't know that he would just walk in here. I asked him to wait in the waiting area,” she worried about her job.

  “It's not your fault Kristen. Just use the intercom the next time. It's the blue button on the phone, when I answer, press it again to give me a message—okay?” he replied politely, but she could tell that he was slightly irritated.

  “Yes Sir. I'll do better next time,” she turned and closed the door behind her as she left.

  Not two minutes later, the intercom chimed. “Mr. Harrison? He's back,” she squawked, practically in a panic.

  Trevor got up and went to the door and met the man at Gloria's desk.

  “Security!” he called out, and three guards rushed toward the man aggressively.

  “Wait! Please!” Mr. Walters begged. “I need to discuss something important with you!” he tried.

  Trevor nodded for security to remove the man from the building. As they escorted him to the elevator, Trevor made an announcement to the man. “Call and set up an appointment, then we can talk.”

  The elevator doors closed behind the man and two of the security guards, then Trevor returned to his office. He had tons of work to get done before his lunch date with Symóne.

  As he pecked away on the keys of his computer and scrolled through many pages, he lost track of time. The intercom chimed, “Mr. Harrison, you have a call on line three,” said Kristen.

  He picked up, “This is Trevor.”

  “Mr. Harrison, is it okay if I take the rest of the day off? My son had to get stitches and is on pain meds. I don't want him home alone right now,” Gloria pleaded unnecessarily.

  “Of course. Do whatever you need to do, Gloria. Family is always a priority in this firm. Do you need anything?” he asked her.

  “No, not at the moment. Thanks for asking. I promise to be in tomorrow morning,” she told him.

  “That's fine, I'll leave that up to you. Let me know if I can help in any way,” he suggested with sincerity.

  The Harrison and Moore firm treated it's team members very well. That included everyone that worked for them.

  “Thank you Mr. Harrison. See you tomorrow,” she sounded exhausted. They ended the call and he got back to work. Thirty minutes later, his cell phone went off with a text message.

  Symóne- Are you on your way?

  Trevor- Running a few minutes behind. Be right there.

  Symóne- Hurry.

  He saved his documents, closed his laptop, shut down his computer, grabbed his phone and keys, then rushed out to the elevator. On the way down, he thought about how six months ago, he would work through lunch and stay late. He had nothing to rush home to, nor did he have a reason to go out to lunch. He was the typical workaholic bachelor. The doors opened and he headed out to his car to go pick Symóne up for lunch. When he got there, she was anxiously awaiting his arrival, her face flushed with distress.

  “What's wrong babe?” he worried, holding his arms open for her.

  “It's Faye,” she shook her head against his chest.

  “What happened, is she okay?”

  “Yep. I would say so,” she giggled and pulled at him to leave. Her rushed behavior had him concerned until he heard evidence for himself.

/>   “What in the hell is that?” he asked, starting toward the back of the store, but Symóne restrained him.

  “You don't want to know. Let's just get out of here,” she pulled him out of the door and locked up the store.

  A little earlier, she had to turn up the music in the store because there were still customers inside when Alex stopped by for an early lunch, but apparently had other appetizers on his mind. Once the last customer left, Symóne put out a sign that said Closed for an emergency, will return after lunch. She had been sitting there for almost thirty minutes trying to drown out Faye and Alex's play time.

  “Okay babe, you and Faye are going to have to stick to some rules. I don't think that's such a good idea, especially since you're still establishing yourself,” Trevor warned, opening the door to his car for her, then went around to get in and continued to discuss the situation at hand.

  “I was planning on getting to that the last time, but when he shows up in his uniform, that does something to Faye. She loses her mind and she's like a lioness pouncing on her prey,” Symóne explained.

  “How often has this happened?” he was curious.

  “This was the first time during open hours. Usually, he comes before we open or after we close. I think that they get an adrenaline rush out of getting it on somewhere they're not supposed to be,” Symóne confessed with a smile.

  “You almost sound envious?” Trevor looked at her. Symóne bit her lip, then looked out of the window.

  “Well…is that something that interests you?” he pressed.

  She shrugged and he took her hand and kissed her palm. She looked at him, the thirst in her eyes said it all. He drove back to his office and boarded the elevator with her. He pressed the button to the thirtieth floor.

  “Why did you do that? Aren't we going up to your office?” she asked, assuming that was their destination since they were at his building.


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