Just One Taste

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Just One Taste Page 8

by Julia Bright

  “Relax, no one is watching.”

  “I feel so dirty doing this.”

  He laughed and took the cake from her hands. “We had sex outside and you feel dirty doing this?”

  “Okay, maybe not dirty.”

  “Come on. I’ll pay.”

  “No, this is product research. I can write it off.”

  He rolled his eyes and led her to the checkout stand. She paid, feeling like she was betraying herself. All the way home, she felt off. Her nerves were bunched tight. What if she failed in the new location. So much could go wrong.

  Once home, she set the boxes on the counter and decided she needed tea and coffee to taste them properly.

  “What are you doing?” Brent asked when she started heating water for tea.

  “I need to get the flavor profile correct on these. I want to make sure I’m positioning them in the best light. You know, if someone buys a cake, they’ll pair it with beverages, so I’m doing that.” She turned back to her coffee maker and Brent opened the refrigerator.

  “We need wine too. I think I saw a bottle of dessert wine in here.”

  “At the back, left side. Also, ice cream. I have a little vanilla left.”

  Brent chuckled, and she glanced at him, loving his warm smile. He winked before he spoke. “Okay, we’ll do this up right.”

  She finished with the tea as the coffee brewed. They set out the cake and cookies, then the beverages. It looked like an extravagant set up, but she needed to make sure her stuff could stand up against the competition of the in-store bakery.

  “How should we do this?” Brent asked.

  “Cake first, by itself. Then we’ll taste with drinks.”

  Brent nodded and took a bite of the cake. His brows pinched together, and he took another bite but didn’t swallow. She chanced a bite and could immediately taste the difference.

  “What is that taste?” Brent asked.

  She swallowed her bite and grimaced. “It’s a chemical they used to preserve the powdered eggs and milk they put into the mix.”

  “I haven’t been eating many sweets lately, and only yours when I do, but that is very overpowering and gross.”

  “Try a bite with a sip of coffee,” Jen said.

  They both tried another mouthful and Brent spit his out on the plate. “I can’t.”

  “It’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s not just me being overly proud of my baking skills?”

  He shook his head. “No, love, it’s not.”

  She stilled at his words, but he didn’t seem to notice he’d said anything out of the ordinary. Maybe he hadn’t meant love in that way.

  “Dare we try the cookie?” Brent asked.

  “I guess so.”

  They both grabbed a cookie, and she took a bite. It was dry and crumbly, and the flavor wasn’t there. Brent chewed and swallowed then shook his head.

  “It’s not worth it. Honestly, if your bakery goes in there, you’ll probably increase your traffic.”

  She wasn’t sure of his assessment, but she guessed it wouldn’t be terrible if she opened her bakery at that storefront. Neither one of them wanted to eat the cake or cookies. Her treats were so much better.

  After the cake and cookie tasting, she felt a little better. Brent made her feel even better when they showered. His support meant so much to her. After they dried, she lay in bed, staring at him as he slept. She was falling for him, no doubt. She only prayed he didn’t wake up one day and leave because he found someone better.

  The next few days were spent trying to secure the location. When she first inquired about the shop next to the grocery store, the owner said he didn’t want to lease to her. Disappointment wove through her, leaving her depressed. The other area she liked had already been leased. So it was down to the other two storefronts.

  A full week had gone by and no decisions had been made as to where she would go. People still came into her shop though she noticed the walk by traffic decreased when the nail place closed. Brent was still looking, but rents were too high everywhere in the area.

  It was Friday afternoon, and she was about to close the shop when the door opened, the ding echoing through her empty store. She glanced up to find Brent looking better than ever.

  “Hey, it’s good to see you," she said.

  “Well, your day is about to get better.”

  She dried her hands and moved to stand next to her man. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why is my day about to get better?”

  “Because, I talked to the owner of the building with the storefront you really want.”

  “The grocery store one?”

  “Yes, that one.”

  She bounced on the balls of her feet as anticipation rose. “And?”

  “He was afraid you’d bring too much competition for the store, but they talked and the manager is happy you will open a bakery. They said it could actually bring in business for them.”

  “So they think it would be good for them?”

  “Yeah, something about people only making one stop. They know their bakery isn’t great, but it’s inexpensive and people will still buy the cakes and cookies. But, with you in the parking lot, people will drop by your place for their morning coffee or afternoon treat and then go shopping at their store. They see it as a plus.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, you got it. You'll have a store front soon.”

  She couldn’t believe she’d have a place for her business. “When can I sign the lease?”

  “Tomorrow morning. And I know a few people who can help you get up and running fast.”

  “Oh God, Brent, you saved me.”

  He chuckled and leaned in, brushing his lips over hers. “Any time, love.”

  This time she couldn’t ignore the use of that word. “Love?”

  His lips twitched up even more. “Yes, love. I’ve fallen for you over the last few weeks. You’re amazing. I love you.”

  She swallowed over the lump that had formed in her throat. “You really love me?”

  He nodded and cupped her cheeks. “Yes. You’re amazing and wonderful.”

  “Brent,” she blew out a breath and shook her head. “I feel the same way. The last few weeks I've grown closer to you. I love you.”

  He brushed his lips over hers, sending a thrill through her. So much could have gone wrong, but Brent had been there to help her with everything. Maybe one day she’d be able to show him how grateful she was. Life was getting better and better, now she had to figure out how to decorate the new store.


  Exhausted, Jen finished with a cake she was decorating then went out front, relieving Mia. She bagged the tips in the jar and put Mia’s name and the time on the bag before dropping it into the safe.

  Usually, Jen didn’t stay late, but Mia had a cake class she wanted to take so she was leaving early. The store was quiet at this time in the afternoon, so she had time to think about the new place. She’d inked the contract, and there was a crew over there now, adding a new waterline for her extra sink. The new store would be bigger, which would allow her to add a comfy couch seating group.

  There would be a week of down time. She’d told her loyal customers about the move. They were sad and angry for her, but she told them not to worry, she’d found a great solution not too far from here. She knew she’d lose a few customers, but hopefully with the new location she’d gain some.

  Last night Brent spent time with his sister since she was moving to London. Tonight, Brent had a late meeting. She wanted to see him, but they were both busy.

  The bell over the door dinged, and she looked up, seeing the woman who’d had a thing for Brent come in. What was her name? She wracked her brain, trying to come up with her name.

  The woman waved and giggled. “Hello, just stopping in for a pick-me-up. Oh goodness, last night was hot.” Her voice triggered Jen’s memory and the name came to her. Marci.

  “Hello, so what can I get you?”

  “I’ll have an iced tea. That was
so good last time.”

  “Sure. Which size?”


  She poured the tea and the door dinged again. Another woman stepped through and Jen sighed. Maybe with another customer Marci would leave fast. It wasn't that she disliked the woman, she just couldn’t make small talk at the moment.

  “Oh my God, Marci, what are you doing here?”

  “Lena, hey girl, what’s up?”

  “The gym killed me, I need something to refresh.”

  “I totally get that,” Marci said.

  “Here you go,” Jen said. “That’s two-twenty.”

  Marci handed over exact change then turned back to the other woman. “I went out with that hottie from the gym.”

  Jen froze. What hottie was she talking about?

  “I’ll have a tea and a blueberry muffin,” Lena said.

  “A muffin? Wow, you’re brave,” Marci said.

  “I love the food here,” Lena said.

  Jen felt pride bubble up, but Marci’s comments still bugged her. She poured up the tea and warmed the muffin. Lena handed over her money after Jen rang her up. She was fighting to ignore Marci’s conversation, but the woman kept talking about her date.

  “What’s his name again?” Lena asked.

  Marci giggled then her gaze locked with Jen’s and her lips twisted up in a cruel smirk. “Brent.” Marci turned back to Lena, talking about all the fun they had.

  Jen wanted to tell Marci she was a liar, but she and Brent hadn’t been together the night before. Maybe he’d lied about spending time with his sister. What if Brent hadn’t been helping her pack the last of her things before she left?

  “Oh, bye,” Marci called out before she opened the door to leave. “I’ll tell Brent you said hi.”

  The last little bit made her blood boil. She wanted to rush out and force Marci to tell her exactly what had happened. Had Brent cheated on her?

  She had twenty minutes before the store closed and she had to deal with a rush of customers coming in for last minute treats. She sold out of all but one cake in her display. Tomorrow would be filled with baking, but tonight, she wanted answers from Brent. Then she remembered he had a meeting. Was this just another excuse to get with Marci?

  After she closed, she leaned against the huge refrigerator in her kitchen and slid down to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees. How had life gotten so complicated? Her store was being moved, she’d found Brent but now Marci had claimed they were dating. It was too much.

  Tears fell, and she didn’t stop them. After about twenty minutes she heard someone knocking on the door. They weren’t giving up. She stepped out into the main room, prepared to tell the person they were closed when she realized it was Brent standing there. For a half second, she thought about not letting him in. But she needed the truth.

  “Hey, I didn’t think I’d finish this early, but my last meeting canceled.” He paused and cocked his head to the side. “Jen, are you okay?”

  Anger spun out of control and yelling seemed like a good idea, but she wasn’t that way. She shrugged and closed her eyes as pain circled her heart.

  “Jen, what is it?”

  “I…earlier Marci came in.”


  Her eyes popped open and she studied his face, looking for any deception. Did he not know who she was talking about?

  “Marci, the woman from your gym.”

  He shook his head then a light went off and her jealousy ramped up even more.

  “Oh, her. God, she’s been hounding me for weeks. I finally told her I was dating someone. Actually, I think I told Marci I was dating you and that she wasn’t my type.”

  “You told her we were dating?”

  “Yeah. She’s annoying. So what happened? You said she came in?”

  Now she didn’t know what to think. Had Marci been lying? She wasn’t a regular, and Jen hadn’t seen her since that one time Marci had been all handsy with Brent.

  Brent narrowed his gaze. “Did she try to stir up trouble?”

  Jen threw her hands up in the air. “Ugh, she said you two went on a date.”

  “Well, that’s a lie,” Brent spit back.

  She met his gaze, guilt filling her. Why had she believed Marci and her lies? Why had she doubted Brent? Maybe it was because she doubted herself.

  “Wait, you didn’t believe her, did you?” Brent asked.

  The crushing weight of doubt almost made her buckle. “I didn’t want to.”

  “Listen to me, babe, that woman isn’t anyone I would ever want. And even if she offered me sex or came at me naked, I wouldn’t want her. You’re the only one I want. I really was with my sister last night, which she wants to meet you before she takes off so we’re all going to dinner.”

  “I need to do more stuff at the new store.”

  “We’ll get that taken care of, but I want you to get to know my sister because…” He trailed off and I stared up at him, wondering what he’d been about to say.

  “I’m sorry I thought for one minute you and Marci went out.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Marci just wanted to cause trouble. She’s the jealous type. I guess she’s been trying to get me to go out with her for a while.”

  “Why you?”

  He shrugged. “I basically ignore her at the gym. She tries to position herself in front of me while I’m doing sets or jogging. It's annoying. I don’t know why she does it, but it’s stupid. I’m not interested in her.”

  Guilt filled her. “God, I’m so stupid for believing her.”

  Brent placed his hands on her shoulders. “No, you’re not stupid. She was just trying to get to you. I promise you this, I’ll always be truthful to you. If I’m going to date someone else, which I don’t see that happening ever, I’ll tell you up front. I won’t sneak around behind your back.”

  Her lips twisted up, and she narrowed her gaze. “Okay, I trust you.”

  “Good. I’m glad we got that settled because Melissa really wants to meet you.”

  “I want to meet her too. Thank you, Brent.”

  “For what?”

  “Just everything. I’m awful, and you’re so perfect.”

  “Oh, babe, I’m not. I just want you to understand I’ll always be truthful with you.”

  Brent pulled her close and held her. She shouldn’t have believed Marci. The woman was trying to get to her. Next time, she’d know not to trust her.


  Brent was happy Melissa liked Jen. He had little doubt she would, but it was nice knowing they got along. His sister had decided to sublet her home for the year she’d be gone. Then she’d have a place to come home to once her tour in London was finished.

  He hated games some women played. Jen wasn’t like that. She hadn’t once used anything to manipulate him. He didn't like that she’d been caught in Marci’s game playing. He wanted to tell Marci to leave him alone, but he felt that giving her any attention would just make her more persistent.

  Jen’s stress levels were off the charts. With the new store being pieced together, decisions that had to be made, and maintaining her old place her life was chaotic. He helped as much as he could, but he still had work. He was two weeks out from his half-ironman, and Jen had one week left in her current store. They were racing the clock on the new place, and Jen worried she wouldn’t have any customers transfer to her new place. He understood why she was upset, now he just needed to help her succeed.

  At noon, he took a break and stopped by her store. She was in the middle of a huge cupcake order and she looked a mess with green icing smeared on one cheek. He chuckled as he stood off to the side watching her move through the motions of decorating the cupcakes.

  “I would help you, but I don’t think I could do what you’re doing. My little icing dollops would look terrible.”

  She laughed and kept on moving. "I’m close to finishing this. I have a few more to do.”

  It looked like she had about a hundred more to do. “Okay. So I have
some good news.”

  “What?” Jen moved to the next row of cupcakes to decorate.”

  “I have a buddy who can get you the lights for half the cost.”

  She paused in her decorating quest and looked up. “Oh wow, that’s amazing. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I think everything will come together.”

  She nodded and went back to decorating. “I’m just nervous.”

  “I totally understand.”

  “Do you want to come to my place after you get off work?”

  Her offer was too good to pass up. “Sure. I’m headed to the gym for a pre-race registration deal.”

  “You can register this early?”

  “Yes, it’s just all the information gathered and stuff. I’ll have to go in the day before and get my bib, but it will only take me a few minutes to do that.”

  “Okay, stop by after you’re done. I’ll be home at about two, after I finish decorating this last batch.”

  He moved closer to her, and she stood tall, rolling her shoulders. “I’ll rub your back tonight.”

  She flashed a huge smile. “Sounds good.”

  He brushed a quick kiss over her lips then stepped away. His gaze stayed on her as she bent to continue decorating the cupcakes. He grew hard just thinking of rubbing her shoulders later. Desire spiked, and he had to force himself to walk away.

  “Later,” he said.

  She gave him a quick smile before she turned back to her cupcakes. She was dedicated to her shop, and he admired that in her. The pride she took in her creations bled over into her life. She was an amazing woman. He was falling for her, hard, and he never wanted her to think he’d leave. Maybe he needed to take them to the next level, but with the race, her store, everything, it seemed premature.

  When he stepped into the gym, he heard Dan’s voice and he headed over. “Hey, it’s Brent,” Dan called out.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “You ready?” Dan asked.

  “Well, I do have a few more weeks.”

  “Not long though.”

  “You should be set to go. From here on out, it’s just about maintaining your strength and endurance. I think you can see in your planned workouts you’re tapering off.”


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