Radclyffe - Love's Masquerade

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Radclyffe - Love's Masquerade Page 26

by Love's Masquerade (lit)

  "If you make me feel any better, you're not getting any dinner." Gayle couldn't believe how quickly Thane could make her hot.

  "What I'd like to do," Thane murmured, drawing her fingers up the inside of Gayle's leg, stopping just short of the vee between her thighs, "is watch a video, eat pizza, and make love to you until you scream."

  Gayle moaned softly, pressed Thane's hand against the heat between her legs, and moved her lips softly over Thane's ear. "Would you mind very much if we reversed the order?"

  Thane shifted until Gayle was beneath her on the couch and deftly opened the button on Gayle's jeans. "Not in the least."

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  G ayle opened her eyes and realized that she was alone. For one heart-stopping instant, she thought that Teddy had left her in the night. The aching disappointment was frightening, because she couldn't remember ever having cared that much about a woman before. She took a deep breath to steady herself and peered at the bedside clock, amazed to see that it was almost eight. Sitting up, she took rapid stock of her surroundings. Teddy's pants were lying over the arm of a chair across the room, and her overnight bag was standing open on the floor. She's still here.

  Quickly, she climbed from the bed and pulled on the first thing she found, an oversized flannel shirt. She didn't bother with anything else. Dashing into the living room, she became aware of several things at once—the enticing smell of coffee emanating from the kitchen and, even better than that, the sight of Teddy, wearing a T-shirt, sweatpants, and no shoes, sitting in front of the computer. The simplicity of the moment was exquisitely sweet. Plus, just seeing Teddy the first thing in the morning was enormously exciting.

  "Hey, baby. What are you up to?"

  Thane turned from the computer, blushing. "I'm sorry. I usually wake up really early, and I knew I'd probably disturb you if I tossed and turned. I didn't think you'd mind if I—"

  Gayle stopped her with a kiss. "I don't mind. Well, I missed you when I woke up, but I forgive you because you made coffee."

  "Good," Thane said as she stood, threading her arms around Gayle's waist and pulling her close. "Because I certainly don't want you to be upset with me." She slid her hands down Gayle's back, over her buttocks, and underneath the tail of the shirt. When her palms met flesh, she drew a sharp breath. "Oh, man. Jesus...the minute I touch you, all I can think about is getting naked with you."

  "You'll get no complaints from me," Gayle replied, pressing against Thane as she nuzzled her ear. "Are you working?"

  "Uh-huh." Thane's attention at that moment, however, was totally focused on the subtle contractions of the muscles under her hands as Gayle gently thrust her hips. The combination of Gayle's body moving slowly along the length of her own and the heat of Gayle's skin against her fingers was intensely arousing. "Writing."

  "I like that. I think it's sexy that you're writing here."

  "Sexy, huh? How about we get sexy in the bedroom?" Thane was breathing heavily and caressing the back of Gayle's leg. She moved around to the front, intent on drawing her fingers up the inside of Gayle's thigh.

  Gayie worked her hands under Thane's T-shirt, then upward to her breasts. As she rubbed her palms over the instantly hardening nipples, she groaned softly. "Oh yeah. Good idea."

  Before they could reach the bedroom, a knock sounded on Gayle's door. Gayle groaned again, this time with frustration. "It's either Mrs, T about Shylock or it's Auden. Do you mind?"

  "No," Thane said hoarsely, although already her body was pulsating with need. "Go ahead." She settled her hips against the back of the couch as Gayle went to the door. Watching Gayle walk, enjoying the line of her long legs and the incredibly rich color of her coffee and cream skin, was almost as good as touching her.

  When Gayle pulled open the door, Auden took a step inside, saying "Hi," then stopped abruptly when she saw Thane, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot—"

  "It's okay," Gayle said. "We were just on our way back to the bedroom,"

  Thane laughed, and Auden blushed.

  "Sorry, sorry to both of you. Gayle, call me...later...or sometime."

  As Auden started to back out the door, Gayle caught her hand. "Hey, no you don't. I haven't seen you all week." She turned and looked at Thane over her shoulder. "Do you think, you can keep things warm for a while?"

  "I'll just set the burner to simmer." Then Thane grinned her enchanting grin. "Go ahead. I've got some things to work on."

  "Let me put some sweatpants on and then we'll go down to your apartment, okay?" Gayle was already heading to her bedroom closet.

  Auden nodded, and five minutes later she was pouring coffee for them in her kitchen. "I'm really sorry about interrupting you two. I've totally lost track of time."

  "I've been looking for you all week, but your apartment has always been dark." Gayle reached for the coffee Auden offered. "Thanks."

  "Things have been really hectic at work," Auden explained. "I think I told you that we're pushing to get Margo Elliot's book published for the convention next weekend. And of course, we're doing it with an entirely new team of people, not to mention that a lot of this is new to me as well."

  "Mmm, you mentioned it." Gayle observed her friend intently, wondering at Auden's faint agitation. "Problems?"

  "Nothing that doesn't happen fairly routinely, apparently. "Auden crossed her legs beneath her on the chair and rested her elbows on the kitchen table, her chin in her hand. "I think we broke some kind of speed record getting the galleys back, but when I overnighted them to Margo Wednesday, she decided that she hated the cover. Now, mind you, this was a cover based on the design that she sent us from an artist she's been working with. And suddenly, at the eleventh hour, she decides it doesn't fit the tone of the book."

  "Can't you just tell her she has to accept the cover?" Gayle pulled a banana out of a basket on the table and started to peel it. "After all, you are the big boss now."

  Auden lifted a shoulder and made a face. "I could. But it would piss Margo off, and since I'm the one who stepped up the timetable and put a rush on things, I'm trying not to be too much of a dictator at this point."

  "So what's going to happen?"

  "I spent most of Thursday night and yesterday baby-sitting graphics and making sure that they were getting the revisions to her for her input. Somewhere around midnight last night, we finally got a consensus."

  "So the book will be ready?"

  Auden blew out a breath. "Well, assuming that Margo doesn't want any substantial changes to the text after she reviews the galleys this weekend, and assuming there are no delays with the printers, it should be a go."

  "Cool. This is so exciting. I'm really looking forward to the convention."

  "I imagine your excitement has a bit more to do with the fact that you'll be spending the weekend with Thane as opposed to looking at books for three days."

  "Well, there is that." Gayle grinned, then eyed Auden speculatively, wondering what had really prompted the early-morning visit. "And what about you? I suppose you've been doing nothing all week except working? Which is why you're never here?"

  Smiling softly, Auden ran a finger around the rim of her coffee cup, unused to talking about something so intimate. Because I never had anything to talk about before. "I've been at Hays's every night this week."

  "Now, why aren't I surprised?" Gayle reached across the table and took Auden's hand. "Is it fabulous? Are you happy?"

  Auden met Gayle's eyes, and she didn't even try to hide the tears. "It's...she's...everything is incredibly wonderful. It's just that..."

  "What, honey? What?"

  "Is it normal that I can't stand to be away from her? I'm not sure if I feel this way because that's what being in love feels like, or if it's because I'm afraid..." Her voice broke and she looked away. After a few seconds she finished, "Or if I'm just afraid of losing her."

  "Oh, Aud. Sweetie. No." Gayle felt like weeping. It was unbearable to think that something which should be so joyous could be accompani
ed by such pain. "What you're feeling for her is absolutely, perfectly normal. At this point, you shouldn't be able to think of much more than getting her clothes off every time you see her. In a few weeks, you'll probably be able to have a conversation. It will take at least a few months before you can actually make it through dinner and a movie without wanting to rush home early and jump into bed." Gayle squeezed Auden's hand, "What you're experiencing is the good stuff, honey."

  "Listening to you, I feel tired already." But Auden laughed, and her heart lifted. She refused to think about time and whether she and Hays would have enough of it for Gayle's predictions to come true.

  "So how's Hays?" Gayle hoped that her tone sounded normal. Just an ordinary question.

  "She's good. She's...unbelievable." Gayle smirked and Auden smacked her on the arm. "Stop."


  Auden drew a long breath, knowing what the real question was. "Her health seems fine. Her color is good, she doesn't appear to get fatigued, and there's been no bleeding."

  "That's great."

  Frowning, Auden confessed, "But I'm afraid that she won't tell me if she doesn't feel well."

  "It's probably going to take a while for her to be able to do that, Aud," Gayle suggested carefully. "I'm sure that she wants to have as normal a relationship with you as possible and not dwell on her disease. Conditions like hers often lead to secrecy and poor communication. Just make sure she knows that you can handle the truth. Then you've got to give her some time."

  "I never used to think about the future much before this. Now it seems to be all I think about."

  "You've got to give yourself some time, too."

  Auden sighed. "I'm trying."

  "I think you're doing great. I'm so proud of you." Gayle made a conscious effort to lighten the conversation. "So, when are you heading up to New York?"

  "The convention officially starts on Friday. Destiny is going to have a booth, and I plan on going up Thursday to make sure everything is in order."

  "Are you staying with Hays?"

  "Hays isn't going,"


  Auden shook her head, grinning. "Rune Dyre is going to be there, though."

  "Oh my God. That's like— big news,"

  "Believe me, I know. Rune—Hays—announced it on her website three days ago, and the e-mail response has been astonishing. I think a lot of people are coming because she's going to be there."

  "You jealous?"

  "A little," Auden admitted, "I'm not even used to the fact that we're...together yet, and I'm definitely not ready to share her. Still, her personal appearance is good marketing. She's going to do a book signing, even though her published books aren't Palmer's. But it's a great opportunity to push the release of Dark Passions , and I think I've talked her into doing a reading."

  "Holy God! If she reads anything from that, you're going to have to put a bodyguard on your hotel room door."

  "I suggested that we stay in separate rooms." Auden looked troubled. "It's a business trip, and the first time that Rune will be making a public appearance. I just thought it would be better."

  "Is she okay with that?"

  "I think so. It just seemed better for Rune to be Rune and not confuse the issue."

  "Who's confused? Haydon Palmer is this gorgeous young publisher and Rune Dyre is probably the sexiest, most romantic lesbian author on the planet—with the exception of Thane Cutlass, of course—and you're sleeping with both of them. It's perfectly clear to me."

  "That's kind of how I think of it, too," Auden agreed, smiling. "Now I need to shower, change, and meet one of them at the office."

  "Actually, I've got an author of my own upstairs who needs some tending."

  "That's right. You're in that 'can't get out of bed' stage, too. You have to tell me all about that next time we get together." Auden stood, her expression affectionate. "Things okay there, though?"

  "If they were any better, I'd run screaming." Gayle grinned sheepishly. "She's too good to be true."

  "No, she's just what you deserve. If I don't catch up with you again in the next few days, I'll see you in New York."

  Gayle stood as well and put an arm around her friend's shoulders. "You can count on it. And until then, don't do anything except enjoy her."

  When Gayle let herself into the apartment, Thane was still at the computer. Quietly, Gayle headed for the kitchen and another cup of coffee. She stopped at the sound of the voice behind her.

  "I missed you."

  Gayle's heart swelled. Turning, she raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? I thought you were working."

  "I was. But I was thinking about you."

  "Oh." For a moment, Gayle wasn't certain what to say. She wasn't exactly sure what the ground rules were, or where the boundaries lay. She adored Thane's fiction, but it was Teddy she was sleeping with. She wasn't entirely certain if Thane Cutlass's writing was part of their new relationship.

  "What?" Thane noted the small line that creased the smooth skin between Gayle's brows. Worriedly, she asked, "Does it bother you that I was working during our time together?"

  "No, of course not. I think your work is amazing. I'm really happy that you were able to do it here. It's just..."

  "What?" Thane rose and crossed the room. Leaning close, she rested her hands on Gayle's hips.

  Gayle sighed and shrugged shyly. "I'm curious."

  "Ah." Thane kissed her. "Wanna read it?"

  "Oh, yeah. Big time." She hesitated. "You sure you don't mind?"

  "Gayle, babe, I'm a writer. I want everyone to read what I write." Laughing, Thane took Gayle's hand and led the way to the computer. Then she sat and patted her lap. "Sit here and have a look."

  Private Pleasures - Innocence Abounds

  It's not what you think. I'm innocent. I swear.

  At least, a minute ago, I was. We started out naked together, turning about each other in the warm spray—fighting over who would get the shampoo first. I hadn't intended anything-really—I just wanted to run my soapy hands over your body, to wash your back. Ten seconds ago, even, I was innocent. Then...I reached around you for the bath gel and our bodies collided.

  Now, maybe I'm not so innocent.

  Thane was very still, her cheek pressed against Gayle's breast, her eyes closed. She could hear Gayle's heart beating. In her mind, she saw the words she had written and waited for judgment.

  Absently, Gayle stroked Thane's arm as she read, settling her hips more comfortably between Thane's spread legs, one arm around her lover's shoulder, toying with her hair. With the other hand, she scrolled.

  Our skin touches lightly, belly to belly, thigh to thigh, the silken hair between our lsgs blending gently in the warm streams of water coursing over our bodies. When I slip my arms around you to reach your back, our breasts meet. My nipples, instantly erect, slide over yours, sending pulsating shocks of pleasure straight down my spine. The flickering contact teases me, starts a tingling between my legs, but the fleeting pressure on the aching tips of my breasts is not hard enough, not long enough, for what I need.

  Gayle's nipples tightened and the muscles in her thighs clenched. She was very aware of Thane's mouth a breath away from her skin. She threaded her fingers into Thane's hair more tightly and unconsciously pressed her breast against her lover's face.

  I secret a hand between us, find your nipple and squeeze—once, twice—before circling your breasts with my soapy fingers. The soft weight of you in my palm is an invitation to feast. My mouth is watering. Lifting both breasts so the warm cascade rinses the soap away, I bend my head, lick the clear drops from the tight, hard tips, and drink your passion.

  You close your eyes and grasp my hips, pulling me tighter. Moaning, you push a muscled thigh between mine, arching your back as my teeth claim flesh. We reach for one another at the same time; I find your clitoris just as you touch mine. You stroke...

  "I don't think I can read this with you so close to me," Gayle said, her voice husky and low. "It's wonderful, but all
I can feel is you."

  Eyes closed, Thane nuzzled a nipple, found it hard and tight, and sucked on it through the soft, worn flannel. "Too late. Keep going."

  Struggling to focus, Gayle tried to follow the words.

  You stroke me steadily as I roll the length of you lightly between my thumb and finger. Legs spread, hips pushing slowly forward, our soft sighs mingle. We mirror one another's movements, speeding up, pressing harder—each bringing the other closer with every stroke, moaning now on trembling legs. I search for your lips, clinging to you, and our mouths meet, tongues joining, sucking hard on swollen lips. I'm so hard now...

  Gayle moaned and fumbled for Thane's hand, drawing it beneath the waistband of her sweatpants, pushing it between her thighs. "Feel what you've done to me."

  Very lightly, Thane ran a single finger over Gayle's clitoris. Gayle gave a strangled cry and pressed her own hand over Thane's. "Oh, don't stop."

  With her free hand, Thane opened a button on the flannel shirt, then two, then drew a nipple between her lips. Her mouth to Gayle's breast, Thane whispered, "Don't come until the end."

  I'm circling my hips on your hand—it feels...

  "So good."

  ...I can't bear it. You turn me away from the stream of water, kneeling quickly, both hands opening me for your lips. I'm so full, so hard, so close to exploding—so ready to come. Your tongue presses into me, warm and sweet...

  "Oh, yes, right there. Yes. That's so good."

  . . .pulling the pleasure from me on a flood of arousal. My back is against the shower wall as you lean into me, sweeping your tongue up the length of my clitoris. . .

  "I'll come if you keep touching me there."

  . . .making my head light and my stomach twist. I can feel you moving against my leg, wet and hard, and you make me want...

  "Oh baby, I want..."

  ...to come. You are rocking against me as you suck me now, both of us moaning.


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