Julia's Journey (A Coming Home Again Novel Book 2)

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Julia's Journey (A Coming Home Again Novel Book 2) Page 24

by Lowe, T. I.

  This beautiful man pulls me close and kisses me. When it’s evident that he has no plans on ending it, JP jolts both of us as he punches him in the arm.

  “Dude, that part is supposed to come later.” Our guests laugh at this, and I hear Crowley whistle out. We part sheepishly and applause breaks out.

  “May we begin now?” the pastor asks after clearing his throat, and we agree.

  The pastor begins with 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

  He then leads us in a prayer and I can’t help but think back over the last few years of my unexpected life. I clearly understand now that God was trying to prepare me for a future during that road trip. If I didn’t see for myself that I could survive all that I survived, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I never would have been able to appreciate the sanctity of marriage as I can now. I know I can handle whatever this world brings my way with God leading me…

  “I take you as my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”


  Greyson’s Journal Entry – Savannah, Georgia Stop

  Savannah, Georgia is one tight town. I really dig the atmosphere. Julia and I have had a blast in this city between the ghosts and sharks.

  This trip has been the best time of my life and I thank God for allowing me to share it with this extraordinary woman. I feel like He’s been preparing us for something, but I’m not certain on what that something is just yet. I know God will reveal it in His time. So I’m gonna leave Him to it.

  He has made so much clear to me though. I know beyond knowing that this trip was a divine appointment. Cancer even played its part too because without it, there would have never been a road trip. I would live those two years of sickness all over again for this time God has blessed me with.

  I’m trying not to worry about what’s to come. I know that whatever it is, God will take care of it.

  I’ve not told Julia or my parents, but I went ahead and took care of my affairs before we left Bay Creek – just to be on the safe side. I just have a nagging feeling that something might be up. I wanted everything covered. I even purchased a plot at Oceanfront Chapel. I want to be close to Julia. I have a feeling she’s heading back home to South Carolina soon.

  According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. ~Philippians 1:20

  I have no regrets…


  Julia’s Journal Entry – Back to Bay Creek – Finally…

  I’m back to Bay Creek, but only for a short while until I get everything sorted out. I put my apartment in New York up for sale just last week and I already have an offer. So I have to head back and get packed up.

  I’ve spent a good bit of my time trying to get acquainted with my sweet nephews. I’m totally in love with them. The two oldest have volunteered to go to New York with me to pack up. It took some convincing, but Savannah has finally agreed. She’s such a mother hen. I would have never guessed it! And the baby! Oh my, is he the most perfect baby I have ever seen and I find it hard to let him go. I told Savannah she should just let me have him, but she keeps refusing my request.

  This last month of my life has been a trial like no other. When that doctor walked out, I thought my life stopped on that very page of this journey. I was ready to go find Greyson and lie right next to him and die also. I knew I was in love with him, but the depth of it really sunk in during that frantic moment.

  Come to find out, after I regained consciousness, the doctor was only trying to tell me Greyson couldn’t have any visitors due to the infection that was ravaging him with fever. They believed the infection had begun around his port and ended up in his bloodstream.

  It was touch and go for a few long days, but I found myself not facing it alone. JP arrived right after Greyson’s parents. And then Crowley and Lulu came in. None of them would leave me and Greyson. I had another revelation during this time. I wasn’t alone. Greyson told me on repeat during our road trip that God didn’t make me so I would be an island. And all the people supporting us during this trial confirmed his point. I was so thankful to have their support. I sit here now pondering all of the important lessons I’ve learned along this journey and am overwhelmed with emotion.

  My honey was so sick we had to wear masks when we were allowed short visits, until they were able to calm the infection with massive doses of antibiotics. I was so scared for him. A bleeding ulcer was another side effect of some medication he was taking and so they had to cauterize it. My poor guy’s beautiful body had been through a tremendous battle. The port was removed and when he was strong enough, they performed more scans. And those slides have got to be the most beautiful sights I had seen the entire trip. They were crystal-clear with no hotspots.

  Greyson eventually recovered, but I don’t think I will ever recover from this. I refused to leave him. I wanted him to know I was strong enough to stand by him no matter what. I slept in a chair by his hospital bed until he was well enough. Then I moved right onto the bed with him. One night, after he had finished some gloppy Jell-O saying he needed some real food, I knew he would be just fine. And when he started bickering with me about me not eating and demanding his mom feed me, I knew we would be just fine too.

  The hospital visit was the most significant stop of the entire trip. I realized I had no desire to live a day without Greyson Stone. I wanted nothing more than to keep him forever. A few days before they discharged him, I worked up enough bravery to ask him to marry me and he had enough nerve to tell me no! I remember storming out of the room, yelling that I was sick and tired of him telling me NO! I felt awkward after that, but Greyson acted as though nothing was wrong as he always does. Mr. No Worries…

  Four long weeks after arriving to Florida in an RV, we departed in an airplane. Lulu had stayed a week until she flew back home to help Leah out in Crowley’s absence. Him and my brother refused to leave us. Crowley and JP gladly took on the challenge of getting the RV back to South Carolina. I can only imagine what the two of them had gotten into together on the way back. The RV is parked at JP’s house now and I’ve noticed a slight scrape along the backside of it that wasn’t there until they got ahold of it.

  JP just had his grand opening of his brand new art gallery in Charleston last week, right on the cusp of the holiday season. Greyson felt strong enough to attend so we did. JP snagged a space near the Battery in the historic downtown area and it is a beautiful gallery. We celebrated with friends and family.

  In the midst of rustic brick walls lined with breathtaking photographs and a joyous crowd, Greyson knelt before me and said, “Your brother agrees with me and thinks you should marry me.”

  “Well, I got a good mind to tell you no,” I snapped, thinking about him turning me down. He just grinned up at me with humor dancing in those gorgeous green eyes. Some of the guests had gasped at me in response. “But I want to marry you too much.”

  “Great day, Julia. Just tell the dude yes or no. Why’s women always gotta be so complicated?” JP had fussed, causing everyone to laugh. He’s always carrying on about women being nothing but drama. I pray one will come along and knock him on his backside from falling so hard for her.

  “Yes, Greyson Stone. I want nothing more than to be your wife.”

p; Greyson presented me with an elegant princess-cut diamond solitaire. And that significance didn’t get by me unnoticed. I know Greyson has always mocked me by calling me Princess. But that’s okay because this princess finally got her prince!

  And here’s praying we live happily ever after…

  “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11.

  Julia’s Journey Playlist

  “Girls Chase Boys” by Ingrid Michaelson

  “Human” by Christina Perri

  “Lego House” by Ed Sheeran

  “I Could Sing of Your Love Forever” by Hillsong

  “Jungle” by Jamie N Commons & X Ambassadors

  “Follow Me” by Uncle Kracker

  “100 Years” by Five for Fighting

  “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” by The Script

  “Come With Me Now” by KONGOS

  “Live Like We’re Dying” by Kris Allen

  “No Man is an Island” by Tenth Avenue North

  “I Choose You” by Sara Bareilles

  “Live Like You’re Loved” by Hawk Nelson

  “How Can It Be” by Lauren Daigle - To all of the Julias – I know we all have struggles as she did although they may be in different forms. I hope you will listen to this beautiful song and understand the price Jesus paid for all of us to live a free life.

  A Discovery of Hope

  Do you believe in angels?

  Willow Carter certainly did not, until Hope showed up and refused to leave. This insistent angel opens Willow’s eyes to a world filled with incredible people in many forms—a purpled-headed artist with a heart lined in pure gold, an autistic young guy who sees the world through different eyes, a homeless woman trying to survive. As if they weren’t enough, JP Thorton enters Willow’s life and turns it upside down and around and round. The surfboard-riding photographer needs to understand how to claim hope, too.

  Join Willow and JP go on a journey for something we all need and it leads them to a discovery of hope. Such a powerful thing hope can be, and an endless journey of wonder when truly discovered. Hope can change everything. You only need a spark of it to lead to a blazing wonder.

  To be released early 2016.


  Always a big thank you is needed for my readers. Without your enthusiastic cheering, I may not continue to be brave enough. You make me brave.

  My Lowe and Stevens Bunch for putting up with my daydreaming. Love you all.

  To my author sister, Christina Coryell. Thanks for helping me clean Julia’s story up a bit! And thanks for being so supportive and generous with your abundant advice.

  My beta readers—Sally Anderson, Trina Cooke, Lynn Edge, and Jennifer Strickland. Thanks for having this ole girl’s back. Your input and support are beyond appreciated.

  My heavenly Father, you get all the credit for these stories. Thank you for allowing me to share you and your incredible love through these stories.

  About the Author

  T.I. Lowe is the bestselling author who piddles around a small farm in South Carolina. She is addicted to telling stories and can often be caught daydreaming, but her family doesn’t hold it against her.

  She would love to hear from you.

  [email protected]

  You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.




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