Blame it on Texas

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Blame it on Texas Page 4

by Allie Standifer

  But Serena didn’t want to be one of those women—the women she’d always felt sorry for and secretly slightly superior to—females who made a man the center of their universe and looked at him with their heart in their eyes for everyone to see.

  If she didn’t close down her emotions then she’d be no better than them. She refused to be emotionally vulnerable to anyone. She’d give her body and time, but no one would be allowed into her heart. Certainly not this singing cowboy with eyes green enough to put emeralds to shame and a body that belonged to a soldier more than it did a country music star.

  Yeah, she’d keep her vagina filled and her heart closed because if any man could sweet talk his way around her defenses, it would be Kale Winters. And she couldn’t live with loving a man for the rest of her life who’d never return the emotion.

  “Take me to bed, Kale, and keep my pussy busy. I’ve got big plans for you tonight and none of them involve talking.”

  “Whatever the lady wants,” he agreed after a slight pause.

  Oh, if only, her stupid heart cried out.

  Chapter Four

  The earlier release all but liquefied his bones, and he should be thinking of nothing but spooning Serena’s sexy body and a nap to recoup. Instead, his cock thickened in her honey slick pussy. The renewed sensation shocked them as their eyes met, and he changed his path. Regardless of her sexy teasing a few minutes earlier, he had thought both of them would cuddle, talk, and make plans.

  When he stopped in the bathroom and set her sexy plush ass on the cold counter, she squealed and tried to climb him like a monkey.

  “What the heck, Kale?” She stared, her brown eyes shadowed with accusation.

  He winced, forgetting how cold the marble must feel against her hot ass. He’d detoured from the next round of sex, but he couldn’t take her again without doing something first.

  He pressed a quick kiss to the tip of her nose before pulling away. They both groaned at the loss of the connection, but he wanted something from his new lover before they went any further.

  “Take out the contacts for me…please.”

  The tilt of her head and slight frown had him worried for a minute, until a small smile parted her lips. “I forget I have them until I see them in a mirror.”

  She shrugged, which did wonderful things to her full breasts, and he sent a prayer heavenward in thanks. Most other women he’d been with had spent more time checking out their reflections or trying to cover some imaginary flaw, rather than paying attention to the horny man in front of them.

  While she returned her eyes to their beautiful lavender color, Kale took the opportunity to remove the condom and clean up. While he’d love nothing more than to take her bareback, he didn’t think his lover would take his word about the clean bill of his health. Still, if he could keep his feet out of his mouth, hopefully soon he’d be able to slide into that paradise of wet, slick heat with nothing between them, not even the thin barrier of latex.

  “I’ll go grab us something to drink from the bar. What’s your craving?” Not wanting to leave, but understanding she might need a little privacy, he made the offer for refreshments.

  “Water’s fine, thanks.” She shot him a wide smile before shutting the door.

  He stared at it for a moment. Damn, he was feeling rejected because the woman wanted the door shut while she peed. He’d offered her privacy, and now he was turning into an angst ridden teenager? She simply needed a few minutes alone which he, in the functioning part of his brain, understood. He rapped his head lightly against the wall of the living room. For a man known for his smooth lyrics and even smoother way with ladies, this fumbling nature was nothing like him.

  Half the problem, he knew, rested solely on Serena’s silky shoulders. She meant more than a casual fling or quick fuck. What he’d felt from the first had only grown every time he spoke to her.

  Despite her fame, beauty and money, she came across as a charming, down to earth woman, genuine in her thoughts and actions. Her loyalty, once given, was fierce in its devotion. The relationship she shared with Delia was proof enough. He just wanted a chance to claim some of her passion, loyalty, and love for himself.

  Saying too much would freak her out. Say too little and she’d think he only wanted in her pants. The tight wire he balanced on wobbled like crazy. Unfortunately, he only had his instincts and Delia’s somewhat cryptic advice.

  “Hey, rock star, did you get lost with the drinks?” Her cheerful voice made him chuckle. No one, besides his family, teased him anymore. The nickname was silly, and he liked the intimacy of it. Whether she understood or not, she was opening up to him.

  Feeling hopeful, he grabbed two water bottles from the room’s small fridge and headed back to bed and the amazing sex goddess waiting for him.

  He set the bottles on the nightstand and stared at her graceful beauty illuminated by the dim glow of the bathroom light. Her face shone with satisfaction, filling him with manly caveman pride. His heart skipped a beat at the trust and emotion there. Sinking onto the bed, he drifted a fingertip up her satin soft cheekbone. Gently, he traced the angles of her face before sliding his hands into her black curls. He dropped down, unable to resist her kiss-swollen lips as he caressed her back, then down her thighs. Drawing her nearer to him, a groan rumbled through his chest when his growing erection brushed against her smooth skin. She gasped at the contact then curved closer to him.

  “Oh, the things I want to do to you, Kale,” she whispered before pushing him on his back. She slung a long pale leg over his hips and straddled him, her actions an open invitation for him to touch, kiss and caress. “But we need more condoms.”

  Without breaking the connection from her beautiful face, he leaned over, jerked open the bedside drawer and yanked out a handful of colorfully wrapped condoms.

  Sabrina’s eyes shot wide open at the sight of the rainbow colored protection. “Where the hell did those come from? And why so many?” A tinge of color washed her over cheeks and a tiny frown line marred her brows. He reached a finger up to smooth it away.

  “Confession might be good for the soul,” he teased lightly while a kernel of fear settled in his chest. Would she think he was a sex freak or worse? “But I don’t want it kicking me out of your bed. Let me assure you I don’t walk around with dozens of flavored condoms in my back pocket. I had a little help getting these in here.”

  When she didn’t say anything for several moments, Kale grew more nervous with each ticking of the ancient grandfather clock. Finally she nodded, rested her chin on her fist and drilled him with a serious expression.

  “Delia? Right?”

  Hell. Of course she’d know her agent would assure her safety. He focused his attention back to the temptress in his arms. “How did you guess?”

  The graceful shrug of her shoulders and smirk lightened his mood. “Who else would have access to my room and leave a year’s supply of rubbers? My best friend has been singing your praises for months. When I saw you in the bar, I knew something was up, but prayed I was wrong.”


  “No breathing female on this planet wants the man she’s interested in to see her imitating a frumpy suburban soccer mom.”

  “You wanted to be all dolled up for me, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “I wanted you to see what you were missing,” she returned.

  “I’ve known exactly what I’ve been missing out on, darlin’. Trust me on that one.”

  With the conversation hitting a little too close to his emotional vulnerabilities, Kale changed the topic and pressed his lips to hers, careful to keep the kiss gentle even while demanding her submission.

  He carefully slid his hands up her inner thighs. The feel of her skin beneath his callused hands, made him want to treasure the incredible woman in his arms.

  Their mouths met again in another tangle of tongues and lips.

  “I can’t believe I nee—want you again.” Serena gasped. No sense in telling the country crooner
that he was steadily becoming her favorite addiction.

  He rolled her under him on the huge bed, swallowing her squeal of surprise. Resting most of his weight off her, he still kept the lower half of his rock hard body flush against her. The sheer force of his personality amused, aroused, and baffled her, all the while leaving her with a sense of peace and security. He pushed his hard cock to the wetness between her thighs and every emotion faded but arousal.

  She dropped her head back on the feather pillow and gasped at the feel of his broad girth moving against her. How the hell had Kale fit that monster inside her? Even with her previous inspection, the size and width of him impressed and intimidated her

  “You look like someone jolted you with a cattle prod,” he whispered while nibbling along the sensitive side of her neck.

  Swallowing past the bewildering emotions rising within, Serena went with the light teasing. “More like a giant Kale prod.”

  A puzzled expression crossed his face before he broke into laughter. “Darlin’, you had no problem taking my cock earlier. We’ll fit even better now that you’ve come a few times. And I’m dying for another taste of you.”

  Surprised, she met his green eyes. “You want to do that with me again?” None of the men she’d dated had ever been interested in oral sex with her, unless it involved her going down on them. This couldn’t possibly be something that turned him on, could it? Or was this his way of getting her mouth on his cock without coming right out and asking for it?

  “Want my mouth on you. Need you on my tongue.”

  At his words, more arousal coated her pussy. Damn, had she ever wanted a man this badly? So soon after coming hard enough to leave spots dancing before her eyes?

  Indecision ran through her as he lowered his lips to press soft kisses from her shoulder to wrist before turning to start all over.

  She stiffened as he lightly traced her bellybutton with a finger. Through the thick length of his long lashes, Kale glanced up at her with desire, acceptance, and a deeper emotion she couldn’t—wouldn’t—accept.

  “I can go slow, stopping if you need or want me to. This is all you in the saddle. You just pull the reins to send me wherever you want me.”

  “For some stupid reason, I’m tense.” Yeah, telling him the truth ruined any hope she had of maintaining her cool woman-of-the-world attitude, but lying wasn’t an option.

  “You’re beautiful, Serena, inside and out. Physically, you’re a priceless work of art I want to worship and pay homage to. I love your stomach—”

  She rested her hand over it and did her best to suck in her not-so-flat tummy. “It’s not exactly a six pack.”

  Gently removing her hand, he spread his palm over her abdomen and sighed. “Darlin, you’re body is soft, sweet, and a heaven of delights any man would be lucky to get lost in. Here’s a hint in case you’re wondering; men, real men, don’t like fuckin’ a bag of bones. Tends to leave bruises on us the next day.” He shot her a wink. “There’s nothing better than a soft woman to sink into as she cradles a man in the treasure of her body.”

  Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Finally she managed to clear her throat. “Kale…I…you…well, shit.”

  He touched a finger to her lips. She was vulnerable right then, with her barriers down, showing him a side others rarely saw. “Trust me?”

  She nodded against his work-roughened hands. “Yeah, I do.”

  To avoid additional emotional crap she couldn’t handle, Serena sucked his finger into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, igniting a pleasant flurry of contractions in her lower belly.

  “My turn for a little taste-testing.” He breathed heavily before pulling his finger out and made an indistinct, guttural sound, as if the situation had become too primitive for speech. His hand slipped down until he cupped the very seat of her want and desire.

  Then he rimmed the tender edge of her vulva with the tip of a finger before pushing the thick digit up into her dripping core. She clamped down wonderfully hard, desperate to get more of him inside her empty body.

  “Darlin,” he groaned, his long finger flexing, pumping and sliding as her body sucked him in and rippled with building arousal. “How can you feel this good? So tight and wet…can’t wait to get my mouth between your legs.”

  The naughty sex words hit her like a bolt of fresh need warming her from the inside out. A second finger teased her flesh with a searing, electrical shock of carnal ecstasy.

  “Oh, shit.” She thrust against the pressure of his very talented hands. He thrust three fingers deeper within her pulsing slit, parting her walls, her tender tissues stretched to the point of pleasure/pain, cream trickling as her muscles seized down in an impossible attempt to grasp him tighter. She tried to hold the orgasm back, to bask in the indescribable and unbelievable bliss, but it was unstoppable, rushing over her like a wave of addicting bliss.

  She came hard, the raw carnality of having him ready to replace his thick fingers with his mouth sent another shiver through her that was too much to resist. The roaring climax ripped from a hidden, unknown part of her soul, exploding over her.

  Hours, minutes, or years might have passed before she regained enough control to stop her dog-like panting. Raising her lids, she stared at the man responsible for rocking her universe and a few of the planets next to it.

  She hadn’t been expecting so much…of this thing that defied words all from one man’s hand. Never before had a male’s touch between her thighs done more than irritate the fragile flesh.

  Someone had finally come in and flipped on the lights. She knew, actually knew, what women talked about when they giggled over the talents of some man’s hands.

  Before her newfound discoveries could be explored much less discussed, moist warmth dragged away her attention. She canted her core upward toward his mouth blowing against her flesh.

  And then she heard it, that single word that reverberated within her lust-drugged brain as her body climbed the plateau of pleasure once more.

  “Again.” Kale growled low and deep. Hot desire scorched through her veins, ramping her desire to even higher planes, while her pussy rippled in aftershocks around the thickness of his fingers.

  “Hmmm, so wet, hot, and ready for me, Serena,” he murmured. “Is this what you want, darlin’? What your body is telling you it needs? I’m going to lick you until you come, and then I’m going to sink into your pussy and pound us to heaven and back.”

  “Kale…oh shit…yes, please.” She blushed at her passionate response.

  Instead of descending on her, he didn’t move, just kept her thighs open wide.

  “What do you want from me?” she cried out while her legs trembled with desire.

  “I want to hear the words.” He kissed her inner thigh. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.”

  That’s all he wanted? “Lick me, Kale,” she demanded between shallow breaths. “Lick me, eat me, suck me, tongue-fuck me. I don’t care so long as your mouth is between my thighs and I’m coming.”

  There she was again, that mouthy sex vixen, but she hoped the tramp wouldn’t leave until all her desires had been sated.

  “Hell, yes!”

  Chapter Five

  Kale watched her while he lapped her clit. Nothing was sweeter than the music of her orgasm as he ate out her lovely body. He teased her with slow brushes through her wet entrance and up to her clit, laving it before dipping into her pussy again. With her arousal already at a fevered height, it didn’t take him long to have her panting and sobbing for release. A release he was more than ready to give her. He didn’t hold back, greedily licking and pulling her clit between his lips. He shoved her over the edge until she cried out his name, her screams rocking his eardrums. He gloried to hear the astonishment and feminine satisfaction shouting from this woman’s lips.

  Lovingly he nipped her heavy breast and soothed her with his hand on her abdomen before moving up to drop a tender kiss to her damp temple. Once she’d caug
ht her breath, he claimed her in a kiss, responding to her seeking tongue.

  “I want to make love to you now, Serena.” Did she know what he was asking?

  “Please,” she agreed eagerly, her voice husky with arousal. “I want to feel you sinking into me again and again.” She reached out to draw him down to the cradle of her soft thighs.

  He knelt there, parting them and laying her legs over his, then sat back on his heels. With a few quick motions, he suited up. One hand balanced at her side, he brushed his cock against her wet pussy and then slid through her burning heat.

  “Kale, please.” The soft entreaty echoed in the room.

  “I’m here, Serena.” He settled over her, bracing his weight on his arms. Closing his eyes, he flexed gently, keeping a tight rein on the urge to plunge in.

  “You’re huge.”

  The complaint—compliment—had him swallowing a dose of laughter. Something he’d never done before. Humor had never found its way into the bedroom, but he liked sharing and exploring every aspect of lovemaking with this particular female.

  “I’m the perfect size for you,” he corrected, then fingered a lock of her hair, feeling like his heart tumbled straight from his chest into hers.

  The need to fuck overrode his desperation to declare his love. It was not the time to confess his feelings, so he concentrated on the stunning woman giving herself so passionately to him. He plunged into her.

  She moaned and clasped his hips with her legs, and he slammed deep within her greedy pussy. “Yes, do that. I love the way you feel, you pushing so hard in me.”

  His gaze slid down where they were joined, at the sight of her pussy swallowing his length. He slid slowly into her cunt, then back out, drenched in her honey. With every forward thrust, her tight walls clenched around him, fisting tight, resisting his withdrawal.

  He stroked her G spot and she cried, clutching his shoulders. “Kale, Yes! More…I need…please!”


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