Broken Desires (Broken Series)

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Broken Desires (Broken Series) Page 3

by Boone, Azure

  “If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?”

  “I’ve always wanted to be a professional baker.”

  The sweet topic brought distaste toward her. He sat back, deciding he’d better pounce on the feeling if he was going to defuse his dangerous desire to eat her pussy right where she sat. “I bet you didn’t know that most Americans consume a hundred and fifty pounds of refined sugar a year. Most health issues stem from bad sugars. It’s unfortunate that you’re so bent on destroying your body along with other people’s.”

  The few seconds that followed changed the entire playing field in a way that Daniel would’ve never predicted. For one, he’d never seen so many sparks flying from a woman’s eyes. It transformed her. Truly. And he got terribly aroused, perhaps interpreting the strength for the maturity he mentally wished upon her.

  “Is that so?” Calm and collected. “Well I think it’s unfortunate that you seem to totally enjoy standing between women’s legs all day long. By the way, what on earth possessed you to become a gynecologist?”

  Holy hell, look at her. He suddenly wanted to explore the unnamed and odd emotion her fiery behavior evoked in him. “Possessed? It’s a respectable profession.”

  “For a man?”

  “Why not a man? It’s the female body to me, nothing more. Strictly anatomical. If it weren’t, I wouldn’t be in the profession.” The lie came out silky smooth.

  She regarded him like a strange anomaly. “Are you gay?”

  He barked a laugh, having a hard time playing angry victim. “So, because I have self-control with my body and mind where women are concerned, I’m gay?”

  “You’re a man, men have chemicals and instincts--not something you can help.”

  “Well this man can help it. Does that bother you?”

  “No, it doesn’t bother me that you can control yourself, it’s just…uncommon.” Seemed like she wanted to say unheard of. “So, you’re saying you never have any sexual reaction? Ever?”

  “God, no.” He pasted a convincing disgust on his face.

  “Do you date?”

  With every word he was convincing himself that he could manipulate this strength to serve his need. “Do you?”

  “I asked you first.”

  “When I want to, yes.”

  “Are you a virgin?” He gasped a laugh at the ballsy question. Then she smiled, a saccharin smile. “Come on doc, you talk about this kind of stuff all the time with women. Not a big deal?”

  He stared at her, completely thrilled that he was back in the game. But how to answer? Maybe irked honesty. “Okay, fine. Yes, I am a virgin.” Aside from the disgusting sex forced on him.

  Watching her attempt to hide her shock was kind of priceless.

  “And I’m not a virgin,” was her flustered comeback that made as much sense as his need to continue fighting. He was not a fighter. But with her, it felt more like…an erotic rubbing up against.

  He put a hand on his chest in all sincerity. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I didn’t mean it like it’s such a great thing. I was just…I just thought it only fair you know what I was. Or wasn’t.”

  “I don’t judge people by their sexual activity, Sofia.”

  “Neither do I, Daniel.”

  “So, why did you ask mine?”

  “Just…curious. You’re different. I just wanted to know--”

  What was wrong with me?”

  “No, that’s not what I said.”

  “You didn’t really need to.” He liked the way her eyes looked when angry. Clear and sparkly. How would they look sedated with pleasure? Panic stirred inside him at the idea he wouldn’t get a chance to find that out.

  “Look, I just wanted to know, that’s all. Not what was wrong with you, or right with you that you--”

  “Aren’t normal. Like other men.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, stop finishing my sentences.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Okay, fine, I wanted to know just how different you were. I don’t give a flip that you’re a virgin any more than you care I’m not. But not being a virgin doesn’t make you a slut.”

  “I never said it did.”

  “I never said you said it did.”

  Three seconds of silence and challenging stares ensued and Daniel was rock hard. “Fair enough Miss Sofia.”

  Her eye lids lowered to pissed half-mast. “You don’t believe me. Just say it.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  She huffed and shook her head, staring at the space before her. “And why the hell should that bother me so much?” she asked no one in particular.

  He had to smile. “Maybe because you care about what I think?”

  “Or maybe I don’t like being called a liar.”

  He gave an indifferent nod and shrug. “Or that.”

  “So what about these sex classes? When do you start them?”

  The change of subject threw him. He leaned forward then back, switching tracks. “As…soon as possible.”

  “And do you still want me a part of that?”

  Shit. His sweet vixen officially had him clueless. “Why wouldn’t I, yes, of course I do. If you want to.”

  “So, what can I do to help you with that?”

  He stared into her gaze, debating her angle. “Well if you have friends that you think might need something like that, you could—”

  “Be your calling card.” She eyed him with you’re so busted squinty eyes.

  He didn’t think he’d ever made one of his females angry on a first date. Hell, ever. By this point he had them begging him for more pleasure. But here she was, pissed enough to throw down on his front lawn and him dying to have her. She was fabulously adorable. “Calling card?”

  “Oh don’t play dumb doc. We know that’s what this whole dinner thing is about.”

  Time for a little return fire. “Is that what the fuck you think?”

  Dropping the “f” bomb in his silky cool tone was supposed to gain him a little control but instead she set her lemonade on the table and shot up to tower over him, accusing finger jabbing. “You think those sexy good looks will just get you any damn thing you want.” She actually gave him a once over and he held his breath due to his engorged cock. “Well I’m here to inform you doctor that you’re not… all that and a… and a…whatever, I’ve lost my appetite, I need to go.”

  What she’d lost was her train of thought when her eyes snagged on his arousal. She hurried for the door and he shot up and latched his fingers onto her upper arm before she could open it. “Don’t leave,” he pleaded tenderly at her ear.

  “I have to. I’m sorry.”

  His jaw hardened with the rest of his body at what he heard in her tone. It was pure emotion and he felt it to the very core if his arousal, making him throb with a vicious agony. He’d fucking gone without for too long. Emotions were like refined sugar…addictive and deadly.

  He jerked his hand off and stepped back, allowing her to leave. All while his cock lamented every step she took away from him. He wouldn’t force it. But without a doubt…he would find a way to seduce her into being his next fix.

  Chapter Four

  Sofia wanted to sprint home. What the eff had just happened? Her emotions and body were so wound up, she couldn’t even trace where their conversation had begun to go wrong. And her body. Like a backstabbing friend, it was ready to pounce on the man while she was insulting him. And why in God’s name was his dick hard during all that? Bastard.

  She was pissed about a lot of things and didn’t care to rationalize them. Likely when she did, she’d have a hard time facing herself in the damn mirror. She could definitely take a rain check on that.

  Hell, she didn’t even have the courage to call Dara. Tomorrow. Everything tomorrow.


  Two hours later, Sofia’s doorbell rang. Still reeling from her almost dinner date with the hottest guy on the planet, she shuffled to the door and opened it, not even clear headed enough to look and se
e who it was.

  She froze at seeing the doc getting in his car and leaving. She looked down. A covered dish was on her door step with a note. She picked it up and brought it inside. Shutting the door, she opened the note.

  Sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken negatively about your dream to be a baker. Please let me try this again.


  Don’t forget to reschedule.

  Tears blurred Sofia’s vision. Well, she’d wondered what had bothered her so much and there it was. He’d hit the nail on the head in one simple sentence. Him being disgusted with the only thing she had left of her father had hurt like a bitch.

  He wanted to try again. Her stomach fluttered as images of his body tormented her. Why did he have to be so goddamn fine? His hard on had really affected her whoremones. And what on earth did he want to try again? Where was he headed with all his sexy trying?

  She opened the dish and her stomach rumbled. Taking the plate to her room, she sat in the bed and ate all of it slowly and reverently. Not only did the man look like a god, he cooked like one too. She’d never eaten anything that delicious in her life and couldn’t even begin to know what it was. She’d have to ask him. Maybe when she saw him at the appointment she’d schedule tomorrow.


  Sofi hit end on her phone and turned on the washing machine. The deed was done, appointment rescheduled.


  “Coming Gammie.” She raced to her grandmother’s room before she tried to get up on her own. “Wow, the queen has wakened from her beauty rest.”

  “I’m about to pee on myself and that won’t be none too pretty.” Her words bobbed as much as her head did.

  Sofia took the trembling outstretched hand and helped her to the bathroom. “I want to go out today,” her grandmother announced while she pottied.

  “Is that so? Where to?”

  “I wanna get my hair done. Saw my reflection yesterday and thought I was getting a visit from that hideous Albert Einstein.”

  Sofia laughed, loving her grandmother’s humor. “Consider it done. Heck, we may as well both get our hair done, what do you think?” She helped her back in the bed and her grandmother looked at her as she lay back against the pillow. “Don’t be silly Mary, you look beautiful enough.”

  Sofia’s heart dropped. “Thank you Gammie. You always mistake me for Aunt Mary.” She straightened her covers and patted her frail legs. “I’ll take that as a compliment, she is very beautiful.”

  It was hard to watch her grandmother process her words. Watch as she fumbled through the cloud of confusion. “Yall damn well do look like twins.”

  The good thing about her Alzheimer’s was it seemed to only flash on and off. But then again, it was like a caution light on the road to the afterlife. A constant dreadful reminder of what was just up ahead.

  Sofia went to her room to dress, dialing Dara. On the second ring, her friend’s panicked high pitch voice blasted, “Where the hell have you been?”

  She sighed. “Moping. Sorry.”

  “Moping? And you didn’t call me? What happened?”

  “I don’t have time to rehash the whole thing. I’m taking Gammie to get her hair done. But I did get a second date even though the first one was screwed up.”

  “Shit, tell me while you get ready!”

  “Oh God, Dara, I’m really not sure what happened, all I know is our conversation went wonk over the stupidest…” she paused, “Oh my God, the good doc is a virgin.”

  Dara sucked in a long breath. “No fucking way! And he wants to conduct sex how to classes? Hello?”

  “I know. He’s a strange, strange man Dara. And too sexy for his own good. No, for my own good. And he’s like really into food. I mean when I asked why he took a profession that had him between the legs of women, he was all like disgusted with the idea he would be sexually interested. I mean seriously disgusted. But on the other hand, when I was eating his appetizers, the man looked like he was on the verge of orgasm.”

  Dara sucked in another long breath. “Well then that’s your angle. Food. You bake—”

  “Ha! Don’t even go there, the man is anti-fucking-sweets all the way. He lectured me when I told him I’d dreamed of becoming a baker, then topped it off with calling me a murderer.”


  “Said I was killing myself and everybody else!” she cried, holding the phone with her shoulder and lacing up her sneakers. “God I was so pissed. Ended up leaving right after.”

  “For what? That’s not something to leave over!”

  “Well, it was to me. He insulted me. And my father.” Sofia stood and closed her eyes. “But then…”

  “Ohhh, but then, yes?”

  “Then he dropped a plate of food off at my door a few hours later with a sorry note. Asked if he could try again and reminded me to reschedule my appointment. So. He seems to want to see me again, even if it’s in the stirrups.”

  “Did you reschedule?”

  “Tomorrow morning at ten o-clock.”

  “Hihihi, yes. This is so good!”

  “Shit, now I have to shave my pussy again. The damn hair on it is just long enough to make me look like half gorilla.”

  “Shave? No no no, use a hair removal!”

  She’d never considered that. “Seriously? Wouldn’t that burn?”

  “I know women who do it all the time. It’s fine, your coochie will be smooth as a babies butt.”

  “Well shit, that sounds a hell of a lot easier than shaving the damn thing. If you’d seen the positions I had to get in to be sure every hair was accounted for. Looked like a perverted contortionist. Gotta go, Gammie’s calling.”

  “You fucking call me, don’t leave me hanging!”

  “Sorry, I promise.”


  Daniel considered taking a Valium just to steady his hands. She’d rescheduled. His cock throbbed painfully every time he thought of touching her. What would her breasts look like? Feel like? Was she as nervous as he was? How would he ask her out again? And when? He’d no doubt have that answer after the exam. It all hinged on that, how she responded to his touch. He’d know everything after. And he could hardly stand the wait.


  Sofia tried to calm her nerves but nothing helped. If anything, the second time around after meeting Dr. Fletcher was harder. She’d thought it’d be easier now that they were acquainted. Wrong. Much worse. More intimate.


  “Miss Parsons?”

  Sofia got up and went through the same piss routine without a hitch and headed to the torture chamber. She decided to put the backward gown on backwards, putting the opening at the front. Just made more sense. She climbed up on the table, glad to not have her bare ass on the crinkly paper. Ohhh the deja vu!

  How would he act with her? How should she act with him?

  Like no big deal, like this is a disgusting, boring profession for him. Treat him like a horse, don’t panic and he should be normal.

  The door opened all too soon and she was hit with his smile. The thing was like a tornado in her mind, blasting all composure and planned greetings to smithereens. “Sofia, how are you?”

  The question was as genuine as they came. Like he literally wanted to know. “I’m…I’m fine thank you.”

  “You enjoyed the food?”

  “Every bit of it.” She gave a gaspy laugh. “I ate it slow. Savored it.”

  He paused and looked at her. “Thank you.”

  She pursed her lips nervously then remembered it made her look like a silly child. If she wasn’t losing her mind, there was a flicker of something hot in his eyes before he took his seat before her. He was such a contradiction. Acting like he didn’t like women while sporting a hard on. What was his game? Hard to get? He had the hard part down.

  “So, we’re going to do this today?” he asked, meeting her gaze, his dark denim blue eyes back to professional.

  “Looks like it.”

  “Are you nervous?”

nbsp; “Nah.” She smoothed her gown. “Yeah, a little.”

  “Please, don’t be. I’ll be quick but gentle.”

  Ooookay, that didn’t help her heart rate. Not the gentle part.

  “Did you need to discuss anything with me? Any new problems since we last talked?”

  Assuming he meant last they talked in his office. She shook her head. “Nothing gynological… that I’m aware of.” Shiiiiit she’d said that stupid ass word, and by the way he grinned told her it was so not a word.

  “Okay then. I’ll get the nurse in here and we’ll begin.”

  She nodded her affirmative, gnawing her lower lip off. A few seconds later and they were back to where they left off on her first visit.

  He came and stood on her right side. “Can you put your feet in the stirrups for me?”

  Ohhhh shit. She nodded and complied, willing the tremble out of her damn body.

  He ran his fingers along her forearm in a petting motion. “Good, you’re doing fine. I’m going to open your gown and check your breasts now.”


  His began at the lower left side of her breast, pressing warm fingers into the mounds with circular motions. She stared straight up at the ceiling, keeping him in her vision while her toes wiggled like they were on fire.

  “How’s your grandmother?” His voice was soft like his touch that slowly circled in toward her nipple.

  “She’s fine. Called me Mary today. We’re getting her hair done cause she looks like Albert Einstein.” The words flew out all chirpy and in half ass order. She made the mistake of focusing on his warm fingers and heat shot to her belly.

  “That breast is fine. Moving to the other side now.” Professional colored his words this time. “You’re doing good,” he soothed. “But go easy on that lip.”

  Nothing like somebody rubbing your tits and knowing how much it affected you. She cleared her throat when the need to hum became almost unbearable. Why did she have to be so weird? Her thoughts raced as the breast exam came to an end. Would he be able to tell she was aroused when he did the vulva thing? Oh God, what would he think of her vagina? Damn. Wished she could’ve washed just one more time.

  “That one’s fine too.” He moved to her lower abdomen and began pressing in various places. “Let me know if there’s any discomfort,” he muttered, staring into the air at nothing while he did his thing all I’m so not into you looking. He leaned and looked her in the eyes as he shut her gown. “Everything seems fine, sweetie.”


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