The Brothers Next Door (A Striker Brothers Romance #1)

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The Brothers Next Door (A Striker Brothers Romance #1) Page 35

by Terry Towers

  But I regress. continuing my search, I found I was as lucky now as I was when I checked a couple of months ago. I saw more than my fair share of boobies and brothels dedicated to men seeking men, but nothing for women searching men. Guess I would have to resort to plan B.

  After taking an hour to shower, ensuring every part that needed shaving was done to perfection, I carefully applied my make-up and picked out the perfect outfit for the night. Once ready, I peered at myself in the mirror behind the bathroom door. The dress was simple and unassuming. Considering what I was about to do, did it really matter that I looked good? Wasn’t the whole point of coming here to indulge in things I’d always been curious about but never brave enough to ask for? So did it really matter whether I looked my best? The man would get paid either way.

  God, this was a crazy, and perhaps the stupidest idea I’d ever had. But I was going to do it anyhow.

  Satisfied I looked as good as I was going to, I grabbed my handbag and left my room. First thing was first, pulling the concierge aside and finding out where I could get what I wanted. I suspected that would be the most embarrassing part of the whole thing. Of course, I doubted I was the only one to request this type of information, and I probably wouldn’t be the last.

  Entering the reception area, I released a sigh of relief to see that not only was the reception empty aside from the front desk clerk and the concierge, but as luck would have it, the concierge was at the opposite end of the room. Unfortunately, the concierge was male. I would have felt better had they been a female.

  The concierge lifted his head from the book he’d been reading as he heard the soft click-clack of my heels as I walked across the black marble floor. Why did the main part of the hotel and the outside look impeccable while my room looked like shit? False advertising, if you asked me. It made me angry all over again.

  I gave him a hesitant smile as I approached.

  “What can I help you with, Miss? And may I say, you look fantastic.”

  Smiling at the compliment, I didn’t answer until I was within whispering distance of him. “Thank you. I need to know where I can go to get something.”

  “Oh course, Miss. What are you looking for?”

  Chewing at my lower lip, I attempted to figure a delicate way of phrasing it. I’d been mulling it over on the elevator ride down and come to the conclusion that there was no polite way. “I’m looking for…” Oh damn, this was hard.

  “For…” He prompted. And shit, why did the man before me have to be young and attractive? Not that an old, ugly guy would have made me feel any less embarrassed.

  “Some. Mmmm. Male companionship.”

  The man’s lips twitched as he forced himself not to smile. But I could see the amusement in his dark eyes. “I get off in two hours…” he trailed off.

  Was he serious? I truly wasn’t sure. But this was getting even more awkward than originally anticipated. “I, ummm. Thank you? I...I appreciate the offer, but… as far as ‘establishments’ would go, I meant.”

  Seemingly not put off by my rejection, the concierge allowed himself to smile. “In that case, then you’ll want to head to the Pulse in the red light district. It’s—”

  “That’s okay.” I held my hand up to him wanting to get out as quickly as possible. “I’ll find it. Thanks.”

  “Alright, then. But if you change your mind, you’ll know where to find me. We aim to please, here.”

  Indeed. Still wasn’t sure whether he was joking. I nodded and gave him a smile before scurrying away from him as quickly as my heels could take me, making a mental note to avoid him for the rest of my stay. As I exited the hotel, the warmth of the night air greeted me. Such a beautiful night! I took a moment to stand outside the front entrance of the hotel and survey the scenery before me. The canal was lit up, illuminating the darkened sky. Across the canal was the train station. While busy during the day, it seemed now relatively quiet now.

  As I turned right, I was assaulted by the smell of pot. God, I hated that smell. Well, I’d better get used to it, I supposed. As I walked towards the red light district, the GPS on my smartphone leading me towards the club called the Pulse, I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of Amsterdam. Everything appeared so clean and quaint. Instead of the sheets of concrete I was used to back in New York, the sidewalks here were made of cobblestone. That said, they were much harder to walk on than New York’s sidewalks, and I had to take care not to trip each time my spiked heel slipped between a crack.

  As I crossed the street, my eyes landed on a red cylinder light coming up from the middle of the road, signalling the entrance to the red light district. Call me naive, but I hadn’t expected to see it actually marked off with red lights. I paused before crossing the red light, as if crossing that line would mean no turning back. It was a silly way to think, but I couldn’t help thinking it.

  I walked past the red light marker and slowly made my way further into the district, noticing the abundance of police officers in the district. Sex shops lined each side of the red glowing street, and I took in everything. It was such a laid-back area, just being here actually mellowed me out. People were lounging around on the streets, chatting and drinking as if they didn’t have a care in the world. I guess a part of me expected to be shocked by the outrageousness of naked women, soliciting customers and perhaps other forms of debauchery going on, but that wasn’t the case at all. Sure, there were some women in display windows, but hardly anything distasteful. Though some would say I had a slightly skewed view on what counted as tasteful.

  Turning left, it wasn’t long before the Pulse came into view. No one was in the window or soliciting outside. The two front windows on either side of the steel door were mirrored with The Pulse, written on each. I paused a second time as I grasped the door handle. Was I seriously going through with this? When the idea to experience the things I wrote about firsthand came to mind, it had excited me, but now, I was as nervous as hell. ‘Terrified’ would be a better word, to be honest.

  This is why I came here in the first place, I coached myself, pulling open the door and stepping into the club.

  Again, I was surprised. The interior reminded me of an upscale night club. Techno music played in the background, but it was hardly intrusive. Just loud enough to set a sort of mood. Not sure what to do or where to go, I made my way to the bar and asked the bartender for a cocktail.

  Now what? I asked myself as I leaned over the bar and swirled my stir stick in my drink. Too bad there wasn’t a Wiki-How page on how to get yourself a male prostitute.

  “Well, well, well… Erotica author, Monica Evans. What brings you here?” a male voice said from behind me.

  My entire body froze, I mean fucking froze as still as a statue. I knew that voice. What would be the chances that someone I knew was actually here? Of course, it would just be my luck.

  “It was Monica, right?”

  Taking a deep breath in, I slowly released it and turned, attempting to come up with an excuse, any explanation that might sound feasible.

  Contact Information

  Email: [email protected]


  Facebook Fan Page:

  Twitter: TerryTowersXXX

  ~*~ TT ~*~

  Terry Towers Book List

  Kindle Unlimited Amazon Exclusive Titles


  Melting Point

  The Instructor

  Seeking Prince Charming

  Forbidden Indulgences


  Failure To Stop


  Her Stepbrother’s Secret Desire Boxed Set

  Strictly Research

  Her Twin Stepbrothers


  The Hitman’s Secret Love Child

  Watching Over Her

  The Brother’s Next Door

  All Retailers Book List

  Coffee Shop Series />
  The Cop and the Girl From the Coffee Shop

  The Politician and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The Bounty Hunter and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The Assassin and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop 2: The Pleasure In Surrender

  The Rock Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The Rock Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop 2: Under Pressure

  The Firefighter and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The Porn Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  The Tattoo Artist and the Girl from the Coffee Shop

  Taboo Reads

  His Special Christmas Gift

  Seducing Blake

  Her Stepbrother, Her Hero


  Behind The Mask

  The Inheritance: Anything He Craves

  Desperately Seeking a Co-Star

  The Seduction Plan

  Her Stepbrother’s Secret Desire

  The Rivalry

  The Rivalry 2: Never Say Never

  The Rivalry 3: In It Together

  Forbidden series (books 1)

  Please note, the Forbidden series was formally the Moan for Uncle/Moan for Him series


  Taken By The Team

  Taken By The Marines

  What Happens In Vegas… Doesn’t Always Stay There

  Frat Party Partner Swap

  Forbidden Indulgences

  Strictly Research

  Her Twin Stepbrothers


  The Billionaires’ Club: Deceiving Him

  The Billionaires’ Club 2: Surrendering To Him

  An Heir For The Billionaire

  Her ‘What If’ Guy

  Dark Romance/Romantic Suspense


  Taming A Dark Heart


  Romantic Comedy/Rom-Com

  Tamed By The Cowboy

  Anything He Desires (Milk Money)

  Strong/Independent Women Romance

  Bought And Paid For

  Hers To Command: Blackmailed and Dominated

  Hitching A Ride

  Hitching A Ride 2: To Trust A Con

  Misc Romance

  Seduced While She Sleeps

  Game of Love: House of Sex, Lies and Sexy Singles

  The Marine’s Naughty Neighbour

  Doing Her For The Boss

  Conjugal Visits: Good Girls With Bad Boys

  Conjugal Visits 2: New Beginnings

  Terry Towers Boxed Set

  Behind Closed Doors

  Alpha Male Romance

  Men In Uniform

  Crossing the Line

  Naughty But Nice

  The Rivalry (the Rivalry books 1-3)

  Moan For Him (Moan For Him books 1-6)

  Multi-Author Boxed Sets

  Alpha Men In Authority

  Pushing Boundaries Dominant Men

  Our Little Secret

  His To Control

  Forbidden And Taboo

  Red Hot and Taboo




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