Fenella J. Miller

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Fenella J. Miller Page 7

by A Debt of Honour

  Eliza felt her smile reaching from ear to ear at his praise. ‘I was will taught, sir, we all were. My father was famous in the neighbourhood for his horsemanship.’

  The two horses walked side by side happy to amble along and recover from their wild gallop. This gave the riders the opportunity to confer more intimately.

  ‘Miss Fox, I’m glad to see you fully recovered from your swoon of yesterday.’

  She had the grace to blush. ‘I’m in rude health, as you can see, Mr Reed. And I have had most amazing news this morning. My lawyer brought the documents I was waiting for and it appears that I own around twenty-five thousand pounds’ worth of shares in various manufactories. He is at this very moment on his way to London to arrange their sale.’

  ‘Shall we dismount, Miss Fox. There are matters I wish to discuss with you and it is hard to do so when one cannot speak directly.’

  Laughing she agreed. ‘You see, just over there, there’s a grand folly? It has seats inside and at the rear there is somewhere to tether the horses. Often a groom leaves water and fodder, but it’s so long since I have been down here, I’m not sure if that’s the case today.’

  They urged the horses into a trot and soon arrived at the building that looked like a Greek temple from a distance and the marble walls reflected pink ripples in the surface of the water.

  Eliza barely had time to rein in before her companion vaulted from his horse and tossing the reins over the animal’s ears stepped round and lifted her from the saddle. Her heart skittered and her pulse raced. She felt his warm gloved hands around her waist as he held her close to his chest for considerably longer than was necessary.

  His mouth curved as her feet are placed on the ground. ‘I don’t suppose your animal will stand if you toss his reins over his head?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, I’m certain he will not, in fact I’m sure he would take himself home.’

  Eliza reached up and taking hold off her chestnut gelding led him round to the rear of the building and, as she had predicted, warm stalls were waiting. Quickly she tied Sultan to a metal ring and loosened his girth a few holes.

  Mr Reed attached the rope to his horse’s bridle and ran his hand down its neck. ‘They are cool enough to leave, I doubt they’ll come to any harm standing about whilst we talk.’

  Eliza led the way round to the front of building and up the ornate marble staircase and into the glazed room.

  ‘I know what you’re thinking, sir, this is ridiculous architecture. I can honestly say it’s the only folly of any sort in which my father was involved. It was my mother’s idea, she had seen picture of something similar and wanted one exactly the same.’

  He chuckled. ‘It’s fortunate, my dear, that it’s so far away from the house it’s barely discernible. The lake holds the eye, this marble monstrosity is but a shimmering shape in the background.’

  Politely he opened the door and waited for her to enter. It did not occur to her to protest that they were going to be closeted alone totally unchaperoned. The time for such niceties had passed: she knew she was safe with him.

  Inside the building were marble benches on which cushions had been placed. She walked over and looking about sat down. She carefully peeled off her gloves and removed the pins from her hat. Eliza was aware that as she did so he was watching her every move with an undue amount of interest. Flustered she dropped a pin.

  ‘Leave it, Miss Fox. If you’re quite finished fiddling about I wish to tell you something. I am on my way to visit General Rebow at Wivenhoe Park and I have left an invitation for you and your family to attend an informal supper and dance tomorrow evening? You will come, won’t you?’

  Eliza was unsure. ‘I am not used to attending such functions any more. Shall there be dancing? I hate dancing, it is most lowering being obliged to stare at the top of a man’s head for minutes on end.’

  ‘Don’t be a goose, my dear Miss Fox, you shall be dancing with me and I defy you to look at the top of my head without the use of a large box.’

  It was some time before her giggling was under control. ‘Is that why you wished to come in here? Could you not have mentioned this as we rode?’ Looking up she saw something so powerful reflected in his eyes she was almost afraid. He had obviously more than conversation on his mind. She knew she should be outraged, but instead she tilted her head to receive his kiss.

  His firm lips covered hers and she felt her bones soften. Her lips parted of their own volition. Never had she felt this way, not even when Dickon had kissed her. She felt strange, restless and overheated, and wanted to press herself closer. He responded by crushing her against his chest.

  Several delightful minutes later he released her and stepping away with a rueful smile murmured softly. ‘I have just treated you with total disrespect. Only betrothed couples are permitted to exchange such kisses.’ He cleared his throat and turned to her his face sincere.

  ‘I know it is far too soon, but as soon as I saw you two days ago I knew I had found the woman I have been searching for all my life. I thank God that a tragedy prevented you from marrying your captain. Do you wish me to go down on one knee and propose or may I ask you to do me the honour of being my wife from here?’

  His eyes were laughing, but she could feel in spite of his jesting that he was tense, not sure how she would reply.

  ‘Thank you, Mr Reed, you have no need to kneel at my feet. I am delighted to accept your kind offer.’ She saw the relief flash across his face. How could such a man as this have fallen so quickly in love with a plain Jane like her? ‘However, sir, there are certain things you need to know before our betrothal can be made official.’

  She saw the shock cross his face and schooled her features to remain stern, not wishing him to know that she was joking. ‘I require any man that I marry to be able to spread a ten acre field with manure within a day; to plant a field of turnips on the next, and repair three thatched roofs and two chimneys on the third.’

  Before she could move he closed the distance between them and gathered her back into his arms. ‘You are a nonsensical baggage, my darling:, and I’m going to love every moment I spend in your company.’

  Eliza sighed with pleasure. ‘But, you have not answered me, sir, I have asked you a question, I must have satisfaction on all counts if I am to marry you.’

  His answer was more growl than speech. ‘Sweetheart, I assure you that I shall satisfy you, and I’m not referring to agriculture.’ She heard him clear his throat. ‘My given name is Fletcher, from now on you shall be Eliza to me. I imagine that after what has taken place between us, and it’s permissible for us to use given names.’

  ‘As we have only known each other two days, I think it might be wise not to mention this arrangement until we have been acquainted a little longer – which means we must preserve the formalities as well.’

  For answer he scooped her up and headed back to the bench settling her comfortably on his lap. ‘If you insist, my love, but I promise you I am an impatient man. Once I have made up my mind on a matter I do not take kindly to delay.’

  ‘A June wedding would be most acceptable, sir. That is scarcely two months away.’

  ‘Excellent. When am I to be permitted to speak to your family?’

  ‘Let me think. If we spend tomorrow evening in each other’s company and then you come here to us again, that should be enough to satisfy the proprieties. Speak to Mama after that.’

  They sealed their agreement with a further blissful few minutes. Then, to her astonishment and dismay, she found herself placed firmly back on to the cushions. Fletcher retreated to stare out across the lake, his back firmly to her.

  ‘Whatever is wrong? Have I offended you in some way?’

  ‘No, my darling, you have not.’

  Delighted, she jumped to her feet and was preparing to run towards him. He gestured with one arm. ‘No, stay where you are for the moment. I need to recover.’ Still with his back to her said, his voice affectionate. ‘I believe there is still a
lot you need to know about what happens between a man and woman when they’re in love. Were you not on intimate terms with your fiancé?’

  Startled, Eliza shook her head. ‘Whatever can you mean? Intimate terms? Of course we were not, he was an absolute gentleman. I do not believe we kissed more than three times and never in the way we have just done.’

  ‘That explains it, my darling. Certain things happen to a man when he, how shall I put it, finds a woman desirable.’ Curious she crept closer, wishing to know exactly what he was referring to. He continued in a conversational tone. ‘Have you never seen animals mate?’

  She froze. Surely he could not mean that? She had indeed seen Princess, eleven months ago, being served by a stallion. She clutched her chest in shock. She sensed he had turned towards her but didn’t know where to look, certain she would glance down at his unmentionables, and nervous at what she might see there.

  ‘Darling girl, I see you understand to what I’m referring. The same thing happens to all species. Creation could not take place without it.’

  Feeling decidedly uncomfortable at the indelicate turn of the conversation, but pleased Fletcher had explained matters to her, she looked shyly at him. ‘I apologize for causing you discomfort, I shall keep my distance in future.’

  ‘I shall have something to say if you do! I intend to kiss you at every opportunity, and I shall have no argument on that score.’

  ‘Shall we sit down again, there’s something I wish to ask you about, your friend Lord Wydale. Do you think he would take less than we owe? We don’t have the whole amount just now.’

  ‘I have not the slightest notion, sweetheart, but the money is no longer an issue. As your unofficial fiancé, I shall take care of everything.’

  He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed each finger tenderly. She forgot what she had asked as she swayed back into his arms.

  It was a considerable while later when he finally released her. Too breathless to speak she rested her head against his chest listening to the pounding of his heart. She could hardly believe that it was she who caused this passion. Finally she had found someone to

  share her life with. She would never be lonely again. And maybe in a year or so she would be holding a baby in her arms. Eliza realized she too had fallen in love in less than three days.

  ‘All my life, my love, I have felt awkward, as if I was missing something, and then three days ago I met you and knew I had found the other half of myself. Apart we were two lonely people, together we make the perfect match.’

  Eliza rested her head on his shoulder. ‘I know exactly what you mean, Mr… err…Fletcher. I’ve always felt awkward in company too; I’ve never quite understood what was going on or felt that I could join in. I prefer to be out of doors, or busy doing something useful.’

  His arms tightened sending another thrill of excitement around her already overheated body. ‘Also, my love, it’s a great relief to be able to a kiss a woman without being obliged to bend my knees.’

  She giggled at his outrageous statement. ‘It is a great relief to me also, my dear, that I am not obliged bend mine when kissing you.’

  At his delighted chuckle, she turned her head to smile at him and saw love shining in his eyes. ‘I suppose we had better be making our way back to the house and try and pretend that nothing out of the ordinary has happened.’

  Chapter Nine

  The expected invitation from Wivenhoe Park duly arrived later that evening. Eliza had already informed her mother and Edmund and they were eagerly anticipating attending the informal supper party and dance.

  ‘I have written that we are delighted to accept General Rebow’s request for our company tomorrow night,’ Mrs Fox told Eliza when they met for afternoon tea. ‘It’s so kind of Lord Wydale and Mr Reed to think of us. I cannot remember the last time I attended such an occasion.’

  ‘Well, I don’t believe we have ever been invited to quite such a grand event. I’m so glad you persuaded me to refurbish my wardrobe in the latest fashions. I would hate to look a country dowd in such illustrious company.’

  Her mother understood her perfectly. ‘We shall both look quite the thing, I’m sure, my dear. It is a great shame your hair is so short, but I believe wearing it cropped is also all the rage.’

  ‘What time do we need to set off if we are to reach Wivenhoe by eight o’clock?’

  ‘I have no idea, Eliza, but I’m sure that Edmund will know exactly. He’s forever

  riding to Colchester and that is much further.’ Her mother pursed her mouth in thought. ‘At least I think it is. Where is Edmund, have you any idea?’

  Eliza shook her head, she hadn’t spoken to her brother since she had met him on his way out just after breakfast. ‘We can ask him at dinner tonight. I shall go out now and arrange for the carriage to be ready tomorrow afternoon.’

  The entire family gathered in the drawing-room after dinner. Eliza turned to her brother as he flopped down beside her on the well worn sofa.

  ‘Edmund, at what time do we need to leave for the party tomorrow?’

  ‘The roads are dry so it shouldn’t take us more than an hour to get to Wivenhoe Park even in the dark. Of course, if it rains it will take considerably longer.’

  Sarah had heard the word party and scrambled up from her game of spillikins. ‘ I want to come too. I never go to parties, I want to wear a pretty dress and be a princess.’

  ‘Please do not be tiresome, Sarah, you know you do not go to grown-up parties.’ Mrs Fox frowned at her daughter who scowled.

  ‘Perhaps we could have an informal supper party and dance here in a few days time? Obviously we would need to invite our nearest neighbours as well as Edmund’s London friends.’

  ‘That is an excellent notion, Eliza. There, Sarah, it’s quite permissible for you to attend a party in your own home, but you will have to promise to behave yourself and to retire when you’re told to.’

  ‘ ‘Course I will, Mama. I shall be ever so good and Jane can look after me like she

  always does.’

  The matter being settled to everyone’s satisfaction Sarah went happily to bed leaving

  Eliza and her mother to begin the task of compiling a list of suitable guests for their own soiree. Mrs Dean had stomped off to bed declaring that she had no intention of attending a party at her time of life and she would have a tray in her room on the night in question.

  ‘Do you think Mr Reed and Lord Wydale will still be in the vicinity next week, Eliza? There’s no point in holding this event if they are not able to attend.’

  ‘Mr Reed will be obliged to stay a few days with his godfather at Wivenhoe Park and I assume that Lord Wydale will remain with him. If we make the date, let me see, next Friday, I believe that will give everyone sufficient notice.’

  ‘Five days? Yes, that will be ideal. I shall ask Miss Browning and her sister to attend and then they can play for the dancing. I should hate you to be forced to sit out at the pianoforte all evening, Eliza.’

  ‘Thank you, Mama. It’s a kind thought, but I should much prefer not to be obliged to stand up in a country set.’ Her eyes shone at the thought of the new dance that was sweeping the ball rooms of the country. ‘However, I should certainly like to waltz.’ She did not add with whom she wished to dance, there was no need.

  Wydale and Fletcher decided to ride from Dedham to Wivenhoe leaving their menservants to follow with their baggage in the carriage. On the journey Fletcher made it quite clear to his lordship that no mention was to be made about the money he was owed by Edmund Fox.

  He had decided not to discuss the fact that Eliza now had most of the funds needed to pay off the debt. Although they were only unofficially betrothed he considered it was his responsibility to take care of his new family. Wydale would know, as soon as the engagement was announced, that he would have no choice but to accept payment. For some reason he suspected that Wydale would far prefer to ruin the family.

  Fletcher already knew that Wivenhoe Park had a d
ozen members in its house party. The season was still in full swing, but many of the ton preferred not to spend the whole time in Town. A few days away at a country house made a welcome break from the noise and smoke of London.

  However he had been horrified to discover John Constable was also in residence. The artist was painting a series of commissions for the general and it seemed was often there. He had no choice but to approach the man, Mrs Fox would be bound to mention when she met him that he was intending to ask him to paint Henley Manor. He was thankful to discover that Constable had no time in his busy schedule this year, but agreed to contact him at a later date.

  He had already been obliged to hide from two predatory matrons with marriageable daughters in tow. He had scarcely set foot in the door the previous day before he was pounced upon with glee. He grimaced at the thought of enduring several more days playing cat and mouse in this manner.

  He glanced at the tall clock in the drawing-room see it was almost a quarter to eight. Dinner was over and the resident guests would soon be filling the reception rooms; then the coaches and carriages would start to arrive. He bowed and smiled and nodded when required but kept his gaze fixed firmly on the hall.

  The clock struck the hour and the procession of local aristocracy and landowners made their way past the general and his wife and through into the spacious drawing room to join those already enjoying a string quartet and liberally flowing champagne.

  He saw Eliza before she saw him. Edmund was escorting his mother and she was walking one pace behind. His breath constricted and he felt and uncomfortable tightness in his closely fitting evening trousers. She was so beautiful - and she was his.

  Tonight she was wearing an emerald green gown with a gauze overdress that sparkled in the candlelight. It was cut square across her magnificent bosom, the bodice covered with the same sparkling material. He was not au fait with the latest trends in feminine fashions, but even he knew she looked an incomparable.

  Her height allowed her to look over the assembled crowd and meet his eyes. The smile she gave him made his head spin. He was not the only one to notice her arrival. A buzz of appreciation and interest ran round the room. Everyone wanted to know the identity of the beautiful fair-haired young woman.


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