Sector Seven

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Sector Seven Page 21

by Kaden Sinclair

  The dreams continued, and he awoke several times in a cold sweat. Waves of uncomfortable feelings coursed through him as his body made changes he couldn’t quite follow, and he tossed and turned restlessly.

  When he woke again, Eve sat on the edge of the bed, watching him.

  Jason did a quick self-analysis and then, seeking to reassure Eve, he said, “I’m good. Not feeling murderous or in any way violent.” He felt a pang of affection for her bravery in the face of his potential madness. “As a matter of fact, I feel phenomenal.” He stretched languidly, his body still excited. With some surprise, he noted that he felt absolutely no tiredness from his release earlier, another sign his body had adapted. This constant arousal could become a problem. Apparently, he had both the libido and staying power of a teenager. “Uh, so how long did I sleep?”

  She stared at him with a curious look on her face.

  “Uh, Eve? You okay?”

  She watched him another long moment, making him fear something might be wrong. He didn’t feel anything was wrong.

  Finally, she spoke. “I think you’d better go look in the mirror.”

  Panicked, he jumped out of bed and darted to the bathroom. When he reached the mirror, he gasped. He’d become gorgeous overnight. Not just handsome, but stunning. He’d always been rather average. Maybe a little more than average, but he had always wished to be one of the good-looking guys he envied. Clearly, his body reacted to Jason’s desire to be beautiful and his new nannies had modified his physical appearance accordingly.

  He’d grown slightly taller, too, though he wasn’t quite sure how much. Maybe two inches. His face had lost all traces of aging and looked almost as if he had been air-brushed. He leaned forward, putting his face close to the mirror. His skin appeared flawless and he had the bone structure of a male model. After staring at his reflection for a while, he drew back and looked at his body. His musculature had changed, too.

  He’d always been an athletic guy, but now his appearance was idealized. While not overly large, the muscles of his shoulders, chest, and arms were shaped to perfection and the small amount of chest hair had disappeared, leaving him completely smooth. His arms were still covered in fine hair, which had grown soft, and he still had some slight stubble on his face, but both his upper arms and the rest of his body were without hair. His leg hair, too, had grown finer, silkier. A curious change, since he’d never minded his body hair. Actually, he preferred a little hair on some of the men he’d mooned after. Why this change?

  His obvious preference for more endowed men had translated to drastic and absurd changes. His penis had grown significantly, hanging so low he now wondered if the organ was even functional. Physiologically, male organs of any great size were typically incapable of erection. Considering how massive his penis had become, possibly he would be unable to perform. Of course, it might also be that any future partners could not physically accommodate him.

  The moment he observed himself and his thoughts started to turn toward sexual excitement, he began to get hard again. The sound of Eve behind him made him clamp down on these thoughts immediately and, surprisingly, he had more direct control over his erections than he would have thought possible. Not quite “on and off”, but capable of shutting things down.

  Embarrassed by his massive organ, he avoided turning around. “Wow. So, I guess some self-control is lost during sleep.”

  “Yeah, obviously. I know you said you were fine, and you seem like that might still be the case, but are you really? I mean, Jason, you look completely different. Would you really know if you had changed in other ways?” As one of the original staff on the project, along with Jenn and Ephrom, she knew all about the failed experiments and what had led the test subjects to kill each other and themselves.

  She echoed a fear he had. Would he? This worried him.

  He realized he could sense a complex set of emotions flitting through her, some of which were fear and wariness. His ability to sense her every emotion, almost her thoughts, had sharpened. She admired his butt and Jason blushed. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist in a ludicrous attempt to conceal his male anatomy.

  Keeping his back partially to her, he strode over to his bed and picked up his suit.

  “I really think I’d know if anything else had changed. I mean, I am stunned by the changes too, and I don’t know what to say. I had a lot of dreams last night, so maybe they had something to do with it—a kind of visualization made real.” He tried to sense his body to read the changes. To his surprise, he actually got small glimpses of the instructions the nannies were using to make the changes. More progress toward direct communication so he could consciously control the changes.

  “What kind of dreams?”

  He tried to struggle into his suit but realized he wouldn’t be able to tuck his penis in easily. It would clearly bulge absurdly no matter how he positioned it. For once, he wished for baggy clothes and not the skin-tight suit. His fetish over size started to irritate him. Still, he had no other choice but to tuck it in as best he could. The suit would stretch, but the enormous equipment would be obvious. “Well, just a lot of random dreams, some of which were of me being really good looking.”

  “Okay.” She waited, and when he didn’t explain further, she said, “Look, I know this will sound paranoid, but did you get up last night? The laundry indicated it had completed and I wasn’t sure if our other residents snuck out last night.”

  Realizing he’d better tell her everything to keep her from being afraid, he reluctantly explained. She sensed his embarrassment and gave his midsection a couple of glances with clinical detachment. Finally, she nodded. “It makes sense, Jason. Your body is changing to the point to where you are, effectively, at the height of your health. Sexual function is one of the things directly related to health, so it’s natural to have this reaction. Same thing you’d have issues with when you were a teenager.” She smiled wryly. “And it seems you are a size queen, since your body is accommodating your desire for larger genitalia.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, well as a teenager I couldn’t control how my . . . uh, body parts grew or changed. This is worse, unfortunately. I feel no fatigue and, even now, most of my thoughts are erotic. It’s going to mean a sharply divided attention span, unless I can get it under control.”

  “We had the same issues with our test subjects, remember? Before they . . .” she trailed off.

  “Yeah, I remember. They changed to become physically attractive before they got all weird. The first stage, it seems.” He couldn’t help but look her over and he registered a mild shock at his desire for her. Far worse than the day before. Having always been a gay man, it was strange to be so strongly attracted to a woman. This overflow of hormones distracted him too much, so he sternly cancelled his desires. Not entirely, but his conscious control seemed to help.

  “I’m really hungry again. I could go for some breakfast.”

  “You slept for ten hours.”

  “Ten hours? Really? Wow. How long have you been awake?”

  She seemed to loosen up. “About an hour and a half. I wanted to check to see if the others had been out, just in case they got it in their mind to sneak out and try to harm us preemptively. There’s no sign they’ve left their rooms, but they don’t have food in there, so they’ll have to come out at some point.”

  He nodded and led her to the dining area. Jason keyed in simple things, but in large quantities for himself. They ate in silence, Eve staring at him throughout the meal, her gaze disconcerting since he could read her emotions like an open book now. He knew she held her fear in check. He knew she wanted to leave. Jason sensed her attraction, too.

  He found himself studying her, noting her athleticism and catching himself fantasizing about her. She scowled at him when she noticed he had started looking her over, quickly surmising the thoughts going through his brain. “Don’t even think about it. You’d try to sleep with a goat right now. Pay attention to what else is going on with your body. Ca
n you get specifics about the changes? Think you could, for example, willfully change something? Like making your fingernails grow?”

  Her lips were full, and the curve of her breast had him breathing hard, but he listened to what she said. Fighting his desires had become increasingly hard. He could control some of his body with his thoughts, but if his thoughts began to betray him . . . “I’m not sure. I’ll try. Focusing on anything right now is rough.” He tried to think about his fingernails. Instead, thoughts of her manicured hands flickered through his head. Her hands caressing his body. He gritted his teeth and stared at his fingers, refusing to allow himself to fall into that line of thought.

  He thought of his nails growing, getting longer, but he could only send a vague command, just an order they should be longer without any details or specifics. He wasn’t sure how long it should take, but nothing seemed to be happening and, after a moment, he thought of his fingers sliding down her buttocks, her thighs, putting them inside her. Having lost control of his thoughts, his erection strained against the fabric of his suit. Only because he sat on the opposite side of the counter could he hide this fact from her.

  He threw his hands over his head. “This is ridiculous! I’m sorry, but I need to go do something about my uncontrolled libido or I won’t be able to function.”

  She gave him an exasperated look. She finished her food and the units took it away. “Really, Jason? You can’t even control your hormones?”

  “I’m trying! But it’s no use. Everything I see and anything we talk about is turning me on. I’m sorry, but when you mentioned a goat a minute ago, I actually had a thought—” He cut off his words. “Anyway, the best cure for this is usually to go take care of it. Then I can focus on other things more easily.”

  He could sense her annoyance, her frustration at being helpless to figure out a way to stop the changes. “Oh geez. Fine, little boy. Go play with your new oversized toy and hurry back. I’m going to take a quick shower.” She stabbed a finger at him. “Don’t even THINK about it. I’m not going to bother to lock the bathroom door, but if you even consider trying to get in there with me, I’ll rip your absurd boy parts off and throw them in the garbage disposal.”

  “Tell me more. Garbage disposals are so hot.” He grinned. “Just kidding. I won’t try to get in there with you . . . unless you offer, of course. Hey, I’m just saying—”

  She stormed out of the room.

  He grimaced, then got up with some discomfort. At least he knew the size of it wasn’t limiting his ability to use it. A bit crazed, he ran to his bathroom and tore off his suit, pulling the monstrous thing out and quickly finding release. The feeling was incredible, better than anything his normal body had been able to experience. He threw his head back and a wave of pleasure brought him to his knees. His muscles tensed, and he stared in the bathroom mirror, enthralled with the eroticism of his own reflection. Beautiful and foreign, like seeing someone else through a window. He ran his hands over his skin, stunned. It felt like silk. So soft.

  With a groan, he realized he wasn’t sated. Still turned on, he stayed on his knees and kneeled back and let the full length and weight of his organ thrust forward. Now more sensitive, each small touch felt more incredible. Taking his time, enjoying it more, he found release a second time. Without realizing he was losing control, he also lost track of time. Insisting to himself that he needed to be sated so he could concentrate, he allowed himself to continue far beyond what was normal. He wasn’t getting tired. This should have alarmed him, but the reward centers clouded his thinking.

  He wasn’t sure how long he kneeled there, letting himself go, forgetting himself, having orgasm after orgasm, vaguely realizing he wasn’t going to tire. He felt thirsty, hungry, but his muscles still felt no strain, and the desire was too overpowering to ignore. His body wanted more. The mindlessness of release became a compulsion almost too strong for him to resist.

  With a frustrated yell, trying to break the cycle he knew he’d fallen into, he got up. He’d made a huge mess. He spent some time cleaning everything up, emptying a roll of toilet paper and flushing the remains down the toilet. He then drank a bunch of water and jumped in the shower to rinse off the sweat from his marathon exertions.

  The second he stepped into the water, without thinking about it, he found release again. And again. And again. Mindlessly thrashing his head back and forth as he climaxed repeatedly, his orgasms grew stronger, more all-encompassing, as his brain rewired for more reward and his nerves allowed for more sensation. He forgot his surroundings, forgot the dangers of being enslaved to the feeling.

  Finally, he became aware of someone banging on the door, yelling at him. He detected Eve and her concern through the door.

  “I’m getting out. Just a second. Sorry, I lost track of time.”

  “Yeah! Like an hour! Just do it already and get out here! Jesus, you’d think it would take you like five minutes.” With exasperation in her voice, she said, “I’ll replicate you some more food, since you’re eating like a horse. Maybe some tea or coffee. Just get out here so we can work on this. It’s making me anxious.”

  He mumbled something and she left. With herculean effort, and every ounce of his willpower, he shut down his desire. Resisting his urge felt like moving a boulder, but he finally managed to focus his thoughts on something else. Mainly food. His hunger could be used to negate his lust. The need for nutrition overrode his desire to remain in the bathroom. He noted that he now craved specific vitamins and minerals that had been depleted.

  Realizing he also had to pee, he finally stepped out of the shower, avoiding looking at the mirror. Thinking more clearly, he understood what had just happened. This loss of control frightened him. He thought of the test subjects and he feared he had begun slipping. They had probably fought to control themselves, too. A whole team was there to help them along the way, and those who’d been subjects had still lost the battle.

  After he dressed, Jason padded down the hall to the kitchen. Eve practically threw a plate of food at him. He forced himself to eat slowly.

  “Some teenager. That ridiculous thing of yours seems to have lost function.”

  Trying not to talk about it, since he feared it would trigger lustful thoughts again, he just nodded dumbly.

  “What’s with all the food?” she asked. “Do you know? I mean, specifically. Obviously, you are burning through energy quickly with all the changes. Can you tell what and how your system is converting? Where it’s going? Can you specifically direct any of it?’

  He felt surprise at this line of questioning. “I guess I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “You should be analyzing everything you can. Not just playing with your—you know. The more specific your knowledge, the better chances you have at controlling your changes. We know you ARE hungry, but what exactly is the energy going toward? You’ve grown slightly taller and changed physically in other ways. Is that all?”

  With a dark warning glance at the reference to his male anatomy, he settled back into his chair and thought about his food, about his stomach and his organs. Surprisingly, he got useful feedback from his nannies. It wasn’t specific, like the name of specific chemicals or the exact process, but the information did tell him quite a lot.

  He learned his limitations were due to a lack of specific scientific data. If he had encyclopedic knowledge of chemistry and biology, he would then be able to specifically control every molecule in his body without harming himself. As it stood, he simply didn’t know enough to do anything useful. The information was there, but he didn’t understand it. He expressed as much to Eve.“It’s so complicated. I can, for example, get the molecular makeup of various things, but I don’t know what the molecules are.”

  She nodded. “Okay, so even incomplete, this knowledge is great! I mean, probably there is a way to use a computer to reference things. Eventually, with enough study, you would gain sufficient understanding to be able to control your own chemistry.”

  Jason suddenly noticed his fingernails. They were longer—quite a bit longer. He held them up for Eve to see. “Wow! It worked. I ordered my nails to grow and they did.”

  She looked at his hands. “When? Do you know how?”

  He didn’t. He’d been so busy in the bathroom that all thought had disappeared. Even now, he shied away from thinking about it.

  “I’m sorry, Eve. I don’t know.”

  “Well, no big deal. Try something else. Try making them shrink.” She glanced down at his waist. “Try making your junk shrink, while you’re at it. Seriously, Jason. You look worse than some Tom of Finland drawing. No offense, since you obviously have a fetish for size, but it’s obnoxious.”

  He groaned. “Stop talking about it! It’s not any better. I spent the whole time in there having repeated . . . well, you know. And it didn’t wear out at all! If I don’t stop thinking about it, I’ll just go back in there.”

  He could tell she was trying not to laugh. “Wow, that’s a problem most guys would kill for. I’ll not mention it.” She grinned. “Baseball, pain, whatever it takes. Think of stuff you hate or are bored by.”

  He shuddered and nodded. “Baseball, right. I fucking hate baseball. It’s the most boring sport on the planet.” He thought of his fingernails shrinking, again trying to order them smaller, but nothing happened. “I’m trying to make my fingernails smaller.” Then, after a moment of staring and hoping, he decided to wait. “Seems to be automated after I issue the command. I forget about it and some background process in my brain must take care of the instructions. I guess we’ll see if it works and how long it takes.”

  They spent the next several hours trying to change things about him. His skin color, his eye color, even breaking objects and having him analyze how he managed to put them back together. He stared at a salt shaker for over an hour, trying to memorize everything about it, all the information his nannies could process. His nails never shrank. His eyes remained the same brown color. His skin stayed deeply tanned. He almost screamed in frustration before he realized screaming might be a lack of emotional control, which could be a risk. Not to mention it would scare Eve half to death.


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