SHERIFF: His Town. His Laws. His Justice.

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SHERIFF: His Town. His Laws. His Justice. Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I'd like to get you a new bedspread, but I think that looks nice for the moment."

  "I cannot believe what you've done. I swear I don't know what to say. Thank you, Violet, and what's that smell?"

  "I made us some apple cinnamon pie."

  "How? I had nothin' in the house."

  "Yes you did. In the little pantry you had flour and some eggs, and a small packet of cinnamon. Didn't you know that? I picked the apples from the tree in the backyard."

  "Dang. That's right! Someone brought it over at Christmas."

  "I'd better check on it. I don't know how hot your oven gets."

  "Where did you learn to cook?"

  "Life," she said with a wink. "My room didn't have an oven, but I'd use one of the kitchens in the neighborhood to make treats for the children. I also spent some time with Earl's cook. She was a lovely lady."

  "What a shame," he said, following her through to the kitchen.

  "What's that?"

  "You've done such a wonderful thing, and I have to spank you."

  She paused her step, and turning around she tilted her head to the side.

  "But of course you do. The two things are separate. I didn't do all this to try to wheedle out of being punished. I did it because I wanted to do something special for you. Something to say thank you for everything you've done. I was going to buy you a present but I couldn't leave the house, and then it occurred to me I could do something even better."

  "You, Violet Parker," he said softly, moving up to her and taking her into his arms, "are special, real special. Your heart is so dang big, and even after goin' through so much, you're so—so—I can't find the word. Grace. That's what you have—grace."

  Leaning in, he began drifting his lips over hers, then softly sucked in her lower lip, and as he gently broke away, he gazed into her sparkling green eyes.

  "You're gonna think I'm crazy and I probably am, but sometimes…"

  "Sometimes what?" she asked, a strange feeling moving through her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Marry me— tomorrow—just the two of us. No big fancy weddin', just you and me, Charlie can stand up for me, and Ruby can stand up for you. Whatta ya say?"

  "But we've only—"

  "If you're gonna say we've only just met, don't bother. You know we're meant for each other, and you know how quick life can be snatched away. If Earl hadn't taken so long to ask you to marry him…"

  "I've thought about that more often than you can imagine," she murmured. "I think he only waited to pacify his daughter."

  "Violet, meetin' each other is a blessin', and I don't wanna miss a single day bein' with you. Come on, darlin'! You've always taken chances. Do it again. Take my hand and let's jump off the cliff together. I swear I'll break your fall."

  "YES! YES! YES, YES, YES," she suddenly exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, then she suddenly pulled back and stared at him with a worried frown. "What will we do about rings?"

  "Good question," he said with a knowing grin. "When my pa died my mother took his weddin' band, and told me when she passed I should take hers too. She was worried about grave robbers."

  "Grave robbers?"

  "Folks who dig up graves to steal what the dead are buried with."

  "That's horrible."

  "She didn't want those precious pieces of gold that meant so much to her, endin' up in the hands of thieves."

  "Cooper. That makes me sad and happy at the same time."

  "Yeah, me too."

  "So, uh, are we really going to do this?"

  "Yep, Violet, you bet, except…"


  "I just remembered. The preacher's gonna be buryin' old man Flint in the afternoon, so I reckon it'll have to be in the mornin'."

  "Oh, my goodness," she said with a giggle, "My mother is probably laughing in heaven about all this, but my poor father will be horrified. I remember him being very proper."

  "I expect he's pleased you found someone to keep you in line," Cooper said with a wink. "You haven't told me much about your folks, and I want you to."

  "I know, and I will, but if we're doing this in the morning, don't we need to see Ruby and let her know?"

  "Yep, I reckon we do, but we've got some unfinished business. There's no better way to start our lives together than with a good spankin'. Go into the bedroom, pull up that dress, pull down your drawers, and bend over the bed. I'll be in shortly."

  As her tummy tumbled, and she felt the familiar heat flame across her face, she stared at him wondering why God was blessing her so richly after all her misdeeds.

  "I love you Cooper Dalton," she said softly, then fervently kissing him, she turned and hurried away.

  Standing alone in his kitchen, he remembered how he used to feel when he'd see his mother so sad. For the first time he understood.

  He was a risk-taker, but loving Violet and marrying her was the biggest risk of his life.


  Stretched over the bed and waiting for Cooper to walk in and administer her punishment, Violet didn't know if her heart was pounding from his unexpected proposal or the spanking she was about to receive, then decided it was probably both. Hearing him enter she took a deep breath to settle her nerves, but when she looked over her shoulder she saw he was carrying a wooden spoon.

  "Not your hand?"

  "Not this time. It'll be quick and it'll sting. It'll be both a punishment and a warnin'. I'm not gonna spank you real hard cos I know you were driven to say your piece, but you've gotta learn to do as I ask. I'm the sheriff in this town. If people see my wife doin' whatever she pleases it's not gonna go down well for either of us."

  "Your wife," she repeated, smiling in spite of her ungainly position.

  "Yep," he said, grinning back. "You ready?"


  Gazing at her naked backside, he wanted to drop his trousers, thrust inside her, and ravage her mercilessly, but sitting on the edge of the bed, he began smoothing the wooden paddle across her bottom.

  "I'll ask again. Are you ready?"

  "If you insist."

  "Say, what?"

  "Sorry. Sometimes I can't help myself."

  "That's the sassy devil in you, and I'm gonna take it as a yes."

  He began lightly tapping the hard spoon against her skin, watching the pink imprint bloom to life. When the blush was evenly spread across her cheeks he interspersed hard swats every few seconds.

  "OW! That one hurt."

  "You mean like this?" he said, landing another.

  "YES, OUCH! Will you be done soon? OW."

  "Ask me again and I'll add a few more. I'll be done when I'm done. You don't listen, you get spanked. It's not difficult. Now hush up."

  Burying her face in the soft blanket, as the swats continued and the sting increased, she began to experience an unfamiliar sense of satisfaction, but she could also feel a hot flood between her legs. When the spanking spoon paused, and his fingers slipped into her sex, she arched her back and wriggled lewdly.

  "Whatta you beggin' for?" he asked huskily. "You want me inside you?"

  "Yes, please, so much."

  "Are you listenin'?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Next time you do somethin' reckless I'll bring out the spoon, but I'll leave you like this. You understand?"

  "I understand, and that would be worse than the spanking."

  "Yep. Remember that. No puttin' yourself in danger. Those days are over."

  Her pussy was glistening with its slick wetness, and Cooper was aching to slide inside her. Dropping his trousers he placed himself at her entrance and slowly thrust forward, relishing the succulence of her drenched channel. Delighting in the sight of her red backside, he grabbed her hips, slowly withdrew, then plunged back in. She let out a wail, and he repeated the slow but ardent attack, continuing until she was begging him to move faster. He was happy to oblige, and pummeling her pussy he brought her to the brink, then to the mewling o
f her frustration and disappointment, he carefully pulled out.

  "Why did you stop?"

  "Climb on the bed and take off the rest of your clothes."

  He stripped as he watched her, then laying on top of her naked body, he reached underneath her and cupped her hot cheeks.


  "You complainin'?"

  "A bit," she mumbled, "but not really."

  "You wanna come, darlin'?"

  "Yes, yes, so much."

  Sliding his cock home, he closed his eyes and focused on her responses, accelerating and slowing each time she was about to climax.

  "Please, Cooper," she finally panted, "I can't stand it another minute. Please won't you let me have my orgasm?"

  He answered by moving his lips to her nipples, and staying buried inside her, he sucked each in turn, taking his time as she wriggled beneath him until his cock was aching to explode.

  "You gonna be a good girl?" he purred, traveling his mouth to her neck.

  "I swear."

  "The Sheriff giveth, and the sheriff can withhold. You gonna remember that when you're my wife?"

  "I will, I promise."

  "You throw a tantrum you know what could happen," he warned, his voice a hot whisper as he began to pump, "but I've got other bullets in my gun. Anytime you wanna find out what they are, you just let me know. I'll be happy to give you a taste."

  "Please, I'm there, I'm there…" she wailed, his words sending her over the edge. "Please…"

  Pressing his mouth on hers with a crushing kiss, he muffled her euphoric wails, and a moment later it also served to cloak his own deep groans of release.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The sun was low in the sky when they set off to speak to the preacher. The church was just outside of town near McTavish's Boarding House. If they were able to arrange the ceremony, they'd stop in and see Ruby and Charlie on their way back, but as they passed Al's Mercantile they found him closing up for the day, and Violet tugged at Cooper's arm pulling him to a stop.

  "Please, I want him at the wedding," Violet said in a hushed whisper. "He's been so kind to me."

  "Then let's ask him, and you can officially introduce yourself. He still thinks you're Rose Hamilton."

  Al was overjoyed with the news, surprised to hear Rose's name was actually Violet, and upset that she'd had to hide out because of a dastardly detective.

  "Sheriff, I gotta say, I never thought I'd see you get hitched," he chuckled. "It'll be a real honor for the missus and me to be there."

  "I never thought I would be either," Cooper replied, laughing along with him, "but I can't wait. I just hope the preacher doesn't have anything else to do."

  "If he does I reckon he'll be happy to put it off. What time?"

  "Ten o'clock, but if that changes I'll come by in the mornin' and let you know, and Al, keep it under your hat. We just want a quiet affair."

  "Sure thing, but my wife will have a hard time keepin' it to herself."

  "Don't tell her until the last minute," Violet suggested, "and I think we'd better get to the church, don't you, Cooper? That sun is setting fast!"

  "Yep, I agree. Bye, Al, and thanks."

  "I couldn't be happier," Al beamed. "See you in the mornin'."

  They continued on, but a moment later they were interrupted by the clerk from the telegraph office.

  "Sheriff, I was just on my way to see you. I've got some telegrams here. Two for you, and one for a man named Detective Connelly. Isn't that the fella you've got locked up?"

  "Sure is. Thanks, Jeremiah. I'll make sure he gets it."

  "Do you know who the telegrams are from?" Violet asked as they continued walking and he ripped open the first.

  "This one's from the sheriff in Peabody. He's sending his deputies over tomorrow to pick up our rustler turned bank robber, and this one," he continued, opening the second, "I'm hopin' is gonna make you real happy. Yep. This is about the best weddin' present you could get."


  "I'll tell you as we walk, but get ready for a surprise."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Inside the Sheriff's office, Charlie was finishing up a hearty meal. His mother had been missing her youngest son, and worried he wasn't eating properly she'd sent George into town with a care package. Charlie had found himself with enough food to last him several days, including a freshly baked cake. It had been a wonderful surprise, and as he wiped his dish clean with a piece of bread and popped it in his mouth, he let out a contented sigh.

  Life was good.

  He loved his new job, he was much happier living away from his annoying older brothers, and he was totally smitten with Hannah.

  Packing away the plate, he made sure everything was sealed so it wouldn't attract the vile vermin, then fetching the broom he swept out the office and carried it into the back to clean around the cells.

  "How long am I gonna be in here," the foiled bank robber asked as Charlie worked.

  "Not sure. I reckon the deputies from Peabody will be here tomorrow afternoon, but I can't be sure. At least you have some company now."

  "Company? You call that company?"

  Connelly had left his cot and was sprawled out on the floor. With his lanky arms and legs wide apart he covered almost the entire area.

  "Better than a rat," Charlie muttered. "Are you finished with your bowl?"

  "Yeah, thanks. It was pretty good. The saloon must have the women cookin'."

  "You can have his if you want," Charlie offered. "I'm not leavin' it."

  "Nah, I'm good."

  Leaning the broom against the wall, he collected the bowls and carried them out to the office just as Cooper and Violet walked in.

  "This is a surprise. Isn't it gettin' a bit chilly out there for a sunset walk?"

  "Yep, so we can't stay long, but we have some news. I'll tell you the borin' part first. A deputy will be here to pick up our robber tomorrow afternoon."

  "I'll tell him. He was just askin' about that."

  "Are you busy at around ten in the mornin'?"

  "Uh, no, but I'm thinkin' maybe I will be," he replied with a grin. "What's happenin'?"

  "How would you like to stand up for me at my weddin'? Violet and I are gettin' wed at the church."

  "Are you jokin'?" he exclaimed, totally stunned by the unexpected news. "Dang. Heck yeah, I'm honored, real honored, and, uh, I dunno what else to say. Hey, I've got a cake. You need a cake? Ma sent it over. I want you to have it. Who else is comin'? Dang."

  "Thank you, Charlie," Violet giggled, delighted by his enthusiastic reaction. "We'd love to share your cake."

  "I'll ride to the ranch first thing to get my good clothes. No! I'll ride over there now. I reckon I'll have just enough time before it gets dark."

  "If you're gonna do that, why don't you pick up Connelly's bag and bring it back with you. I think your ma would appreciate that."

  "Sure will, and thanks again, Sheriff."

  "You've more than proven yourself over these last few days, Charlie, and you're gonna be my deputy real soon. We're a team now."


  "Sure, but we've gotta mosey on to see Mrs. Elwood. Make sure you lock up if you're gonna take off."

  "Sure will, Sheriff. See you in the mornin'. Dang! I can't believe it!"

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later, sitting in the parlor at Ruby Elwood's boarding house, it was Violet who delivered the joyous news. Ruby was just as excited as Charlie, but after hugging them both she nodded her head knowingly.

  "I knew it. Sheriff, the day you brought this lovely young lady to my door, I knew the two of you were meant for each other. You looked like a couple even then. Now, let's see, I'll bake you a cake, and we'll come back here for a celebration lunch."

  "Millicent Johnson baked a cake for Charlie and he wants us to have it, so I think the cake is taken care of," Cooper said, "but I sure appreciate the offer. "

  "Then I'll make a meat pie and some other things. You
can't have a wedding without a little party. You say Al and his wife are coming, and Charlie too? Anyone else?"

  "You know, I just had a thought. We'll need some good wine. I don't wanna be messin' with that in the mornin'. I'm gonna run over to the saloon and arrange for it to be delivered here first thing. Is that all right with you, Ruby?"

  "Of course."

  "I'll be real quick," he said, and pecking Violet on the cheek, he hurried away.

  "Now, Violet," Ruby began with a happy smile, "I'd like to come over in the morning and help you get ready."

  "That would be wonderful. Thank you. The dress I'm wearing needs a corset and I can't handle that alone."

  "I've got quite a talent for styling hair as well, and yours is so beautiful I simply have to fix it for you."

  "Ruby. I would love that."

  "Tell me, have you had a chance to tell the Sheriff about your parents?"

  "I plan to when we get home."

  "I've been thinking. It's possible your father's family has no idea he's passed away. Maybe they think his silence is deliberate. Time has a way of healing wounds. Words said in haste can be regretted. In any event, you should think about tracking them down. It's unlikely they'll hold a grudge against you, and you have a right to know your history."

  "Where would I even start?"

  "I'll bet the sheriff will be able to help. He's been out in the world and he knows more than most. He was once a professional gunslinger."

  "Yes, he told me."

  "It was said he could draw faster than the eye could see."

  "He always wears that holster. He's never without it."

  "He's the Sheriff, he has to, but someday you should ask him to show you how he can shoot."

  The sound of the front door interrupted their conversation, and a moment later Cooper walked in wearing an odd expression.



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