Distler, Elisabeth (1769–89) 500
Distler, Johann Georg (1760–99) 500 n.10
Dolfin, Daniele Andrea 533
Döll, Johann Baptist (c. 1742–?) 198, 386
Donaueschingen 56, 58, 65, 370, 372, 516
Donisi dei SS Fermo e Rustico al Ponte, Gabriele Melchiore Zeno, Marchese 86
Dover 33, 36, 45, 47
Dresden ix, xvii, xxiv, xxv, xxxv, 12 72 131, 150 353, 536, 537, 538–41, 543
concerts xvii, 538, 539
Hôtel de Pologne 538
Dufraisne, Franz Ignaz von 150, 164
Duni, Egidio (1708–75)
Les deux chasseurs et la laitière 301
Dunkirk 45, 47
Dürnitz, Franz Thaddäus, Baron von (1756–1807) 222
Durst, Frau von 146, 150, 163
Duschek, Franz Xaver (1731–99) xxv, 167, 431, 537, 562, 563
Duschek, Josepha née Hambacher (1754–1824) xxv, 167, 169, 317 393, 431, 537, 538–9, 540, 562, 563
Düsseldorf 201
Dyk, Johann Gottfried
Wie man sich die Sache denkt! 389 n.8
Eberardi, Teresa 70
Eberl, Franz Dominik (c. 1727–78) 481
Eberlin, Johann Ernst (1702–62) 148 448
IX Toccate e fughe per l’Organo 448
Tenebrae 461
Eberlin, Maria Barbara Gertrudis (‘Waberl’) (1740–1806) 148, 287
Ebner, Therese (‘Thresel’) 487 Eck, Friedrich Johannes Gerhard (1767–1838) 392
Eck, Georg (1745–1808) 392
Eckard, Johann Gottfried (1735–1809) 26, 27
Edlenbach, Benedikt Schlossgängl von (1744 or 1748–1819) 140
Efferding 551
Egedacher, Johann Rochus (1714–85) 276, 511
Eger (Cheb) 295, 319, 353
Ehrenbreitstein am Rhein 177
Eibl, Joseph Heinz (1905–82) xviii
Eisen, Cliff (b. 1952)
New Mozart Documents xx
Eisenstadt xxvii Eleonora Carolina Josepha, Countess of Bretzenheim (1770–82) 198, 199, 225
Elisabeth Maria Aloysia Auguste, Electress of Bavaria (1721–94) 193, 195, 197, 198, 321, 363, 381, 519
Elisabeth Wilhelmine Louise, Princess of Württemberg (1767–90) 439–40, 500
Ellwangen 201
Eltz, Count 493
Emilei, Giovanni Carlo, Conte (1705–after 1772) 86, 91
Engl von und zu Wagrain, Polyxena Elisabeth née Grienthal, Countess 494
Enns 498
Épinay, Louise-Florence-Pétronille Tardieu d’Esclavelles, Marquise de (1726–83) 244 270–71, 280, 312, 317, 332, 334, 361, 362–3
Erasmus, Desiderius (1466–1536) 49
Erfurt 539
Erthal, Friedrich Karl Joseph, Archbishop-Elector of Mainz (1719–1802) 201
Esser, Karl Michael (1737–c. 1795) 392
Este, Ercole III Rainaldo d’, Duke of Modena (1727–1803) 92 96, 97 127
Este, Francesco III d’, Duke of Modena (1698–1780) 92, 96, 97 n.2
Este, Maria Beatrice Ricciarda d’ (1750–1829) 96, 97 127, 130, 136, 137
Esterházy, Johann Nepomuk, Count (1754–1840) 462, 477–8, 533, 536
Esterházy, Karl Anton, Count (1725–99) 5
Esterházy, Nikolaus (1765–1833) xxvii
Esterházy, Nikolaus (Joseph) (‘the Magnificent’) (1714–90) 539 n.4
Esterházy, Paul Anton (1711–62) xxvii
Esterházy, (Paul) Anton (1738–94) xxvii
Estlinger, Joseph Richard (c. 1720–91) 51, 65
Eszterháza xxvii
Ettore, Guglielmo d’ (c. 1740–71) 120 n.1, 3
Eyck, Maria Anna Felicitas van, Countess (1741–64) xxiii, 27–8, 29
Eyck, Maximilian Emanuel Franz van, Count (1743–1830) xxiii, 27 28, 29, 243
Eyweck, Joseph (1732–1810) 513
Fechenbach zu Laudenbach am Main, Georg (1749–1808) 493
Feigele, Karl Bernhard von 384, 385, 386, 387
Feiner, Joseph 386, 489
Félix, Monsieur 32
Fénélon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-(1651–1715) 53
Télémaque 53 n.7
Ferdinand IV, King of Naples (1751–1825) 60, 61 112
Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria (1754–1806) 7, 127, 128, 130, 136, 137
Ferdinand August, Duke of Württemberg (1763–1834) 439
Ferlendis, Giuseppe (1755–1810) 162, 168
Ferney 57
Ferrarese del Bene, Adriana (1759–after 1803) 540
Ferrari, Antonio Maria (c. 1743–89) 168, 386
Fesemayr, Maria Anna see Adlgasser, Maria Anna
Festi, Signor 85
Feyerl, Maria Othilia née Gailler (c. 1731–86) 518
Fiala, Joseph (1748–1816) 176, 377, 386, 388, 402, 489, 527
Fiala, Josepha née Prohaska 377, 388
Fiat, Monsieur 392
Fichtl, Gerhart Christoph Isaias (1760–80) 170
Fichtl, Johann Baptist von 467
Fichtl, Maria Katharina née von Gerlichs 170
Fichtl, Nidgar (1748–1817) 188
Finck, Joseph (c. 1762–84) 384
Fingerlin, Johann Conrad von 159, 180
Fioroni, Giovanni Andrea (1715/ 16–78) 122
Firmian, Franz Alphons Georg (1686–1756) xxv
Firmian, Franz Lactanz, Count (1712–86) xxv, xxvi, 98, 99, 126, 178, 313, 345
Firmian, Karl Joseph, Count (1718–82) xxv, 92, 96, 97–8, 99, 121, 125, 136
Firmian, Leopold Anton Eleutherius (1679–1744) xxv, xxxi
Firmian, Leopold Ernst, Count, Bishop of Passau (1708–83) xxv, 253 344–5, 378 n.7
Firmian, Maximiliane née Lodron, Countess (1717–93) 178
Fischer, Anna Maria Barbara (1724–?) 139, 502
Fischer, Anna Maria Barbara (1743–?) 139, 502
Fischer, Felizian (Felicianus) 88
Fischer, Gottfried Friedrich (?–1793) 139
Fischer, Johann Christian (1733–1800) 526–7
oboe concerto no. 1 526 n.2
Fischer, (Johann Ignaz) Ludwig (1745–1825) 429, 435, 451, 461, 526
Fischietti, Domenico (c. 1725–c. 1810) 150
Flamm, Franz Xaver (1739–1811) 565
Flavis, Signora 233
Florence xxxiii, 40, 46 93, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 105, 107, 115, 116 n.2
concerts 102, 116 n.2
Folard, Hubert, Chevalier de 366
Folard, Mme de 366, 370
Fortini, Francesco 463 n.2
Frabertsham 156, 157
Fracassini, Aloisio Lodovico (1733–98) 177
Fracassini, Anna Catharina née Bayer 177
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (1708–65) vii, xxviii, xxx, 5 7, 19, 50, 61 62 67 n.2
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (1768–1835) xxx, 500 549
Frank brothers 374
Frank, Thomas (c. 1700–78) 245
Frankenberg und Schellendorf, Johann Heinrich, Count (1726–1804) 53
Frankfurt am Main ix, xvii, 12, 17, 19, 31, 55, 64, 160, 201, 204, 207, 208, 216, 218, 252, 263, 550–4; concerts 19, 552–4
Barfüsserkirche 55 n.9
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90) 45 n.6
Franz, Archduke of Austria see Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Franz Friedrich Anton, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (1750–1806) 203
Fränzl, Ignaz (1736–1811) 206
Frederick II (‘the Great’), King of Prussia (1712–86) 281, 286, 290, 319, 337, 343, 353, 537 n.3
Frederick Louis, Duke of York (1744–97) 38
Frederick William, King of Prussia (1744–97)537, 543, 545, 552 n.1
Freyhold, Johann Philipp 475
Freysauff von Neudegg, Herr and Frau 245–6
Freysauff von Neudegg, Maria Theresia (1712–57) 20, 25
Freysinger, Franziskus Erasmus 195 n.3
Freysinger, Josepha 195–6
Freysinger, Juliana 195–6
Freystädtler, Franz Jakob (1761–1841) 522
/> Friederike Charlotte Ulrike Katherine, Princess of Prussia (1767–1820) 545
Friederike Dorothea, Duchess of Württemberg (1736–98) 439
Friederike Louise, Queen of Prussia (1751–1805) 542
Friedrich August III, Elector of Saxony (1750–1827) 538
Friedrich Christian, Elector of Saxony (1722–63) 23, 146 n.1
Friedrich Eugen, Duke of Württemberg (1732–97) 439, 444 n.6
Fries, Johann von, Baron (1719–85) 249
Fulda 218
Fürstenberg, Joseph Maria Benedikt, Prince of (1758–96) 515–16
Fürstenberg, Joseph Wenzeslaus, Prince of (1728–83) 56, 58, 65, 370
Fux, Johann Joseph (1660–1741) 299
Gradus ad Parnassum 300 n.30
Gabrielli, Catarina (1730–96) 100, 249, 258–9
Galitzin, Dmitri Alekseevich (1738–1803) 34
Galitzin, Dmitri Michailovich (1721–93) 399–400, 403, 477–8
Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–85) 124
Garibaldi, Giacchino (1743–after 1792) 70, 77, 79, 362
Gasparini, Quirino (1721–78) 120
Mitridate 120 n.1
Gasser, Rosina Josepha née Büchler (?–1777) 187
Gasser, Valentin Alois 160, 187
Gatti, Luigi (1740–1817) 298, 479
Gavard des Pivets, Giuseppe Maria 116
Gazzaniga, Giuseppe (1743–1818)
La locanda 134 n.3
Gazzetta di Mantova 91 n.6
Gazzetta di Milano 126 n.4
Gebler, Tobias Philipp, Baron (1726–86)
Thamos, König in Ägypten 151
Geissling 15, 16
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott (1715–69) 94
Gemmingen-Hornburg, Otto von, Baron (1755–1836) 266–7, 336, 351
Geneva 56, 57
Genoa 115
George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland (1738–1820) vii, 35–6, 38
Gerbl, Philipp (1719–1804) 187
Gerl, Franz Xaver (1764–1827)
Der dumme Gärtner aus dem Gebirge oder Die zween Anton 550
Gerlichs, Anna Maria Gertrud von Gerlichs née Edlinger von Edlhofen (?–1785) 194, 224, 496
Germani, Fer(di)nando 96, 121
Germani, Therese 96
Gervasio, Signor 193
Gessner, Johannes (1709–90) 57–8
Gessner, Salomon (1730–88) 57–8,65
Geyer, Ferdinand von (1751–?) 138
Ghent 45, 48
Sint-Pieterskerk 48 n.7
Gienger, Baron 149
Gignoux, Anton Christoph (1720–95) 182
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Franz Anton (1708–70) xxvi
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Franz Xaver Wenzel (1757–1816) xxvi, 138, 399, 406, 437,454
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Johann Joseph Anton Ernst (1739–89) xxvi, 4, 51, 166
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Johann Wenzel Andreas (1716–99) xxvi
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Maria Anna Katharina (‘Katherl’) (1750–1802) xxvi, 159, 166, 169, 185, 194, 224, 234, 257, 275, 280, 344, 345, 384, 385, 386, 387, 394, 399, 402, 420, 489
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Maria Anna Katharina (1753–1809) xxvi
Gilowsky von Urazowa, Maria Josepha Johanna (1753–1814) 384
Giusti del Giardino, Ercole, Conte (1732–?) 86, 91
Giustiniani, Nicolò Antonio (1712–96) 87
Glatz 319
Glatz, Johann Christoph 159, 161
Gleichen, Heinrich Karl, Baron von 34
Gloucester, William Henry, Duke of (1743–1805) 38
Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87) 5 69, 72, 249, 352, 362 455, 456, 460, 462, 533
Alceste 70
Orfeo ed Euridice 511
Goeppingen 15
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832) 201 n.3
Gonzaga, Prince 231
Gossec, François-Joseph (1734–1829) 273, 280
Gotha 326 518 n.5
Graf, Christian Ernst (1723–1804) 52 180 n.2
Graf, Friedrich Hartmann (1727–95) 180, 182
Grafenegg 14
Gräffer, Rudolf (1734–1817) 88, 101
Grassi, Joseph (c. 1758–1838) 461
Grassl, Johann Martin (1725–78) 256
Graz 142
Grenier, Ludwig 166
Grenser, Carl Augustin (1720–1807) 131
Gres, Herr 220
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste (1741–1813) 301
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Baron von (1723–1807) xxvi, 33, 37, 54, 56, 132, 203, 211, 221, 223, 228, 241, 266, 269, 270 271, 272, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 287, 302, 306, 309, 312, 317, 320, 332, 333, 334, 346, 352, 353, 356, 357, 359, 361–4, 366–8, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376
Correspondance littéraire xxvi, 76 n.2
Grimmel, Johann von (1738–94) 156 173, 174
Grossmann, Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm (1744–96)
Henriette Or She’s Already Married 164 n.9
Gscheider, Herr 138
Gschwendtner, Johann Markus (1709–75) 51 194
Gschwendtner, Joseph Franz Xaver (1740–1800) 51, 145, 147, 148
Gschwendtner, Maria Anna (‘Nannerl’) (1746–82) 292
Gschwendtner, Vital (1751–1818) 51 271, 333, 363, 364, 368, 376
Guardasoni, Domenico (c. 1731–1806) 537, 561
Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro (1728–1804)
La sposa fedele 134 n.3
Guines, Mlle de (?–1780) 271, 286, 288–9, 296, 315, 334
Guines, Adrien-Louis Bonnières de Souastre, Duc de (1735–1806) 270, 286, 288, 334, 357, 363
Gummer, Anton von 89
Gundacker, Countess see Colloredo, Maria Isabella Anna Ludmilla
Günther, Johann Joseph (?–1787) 141
Günzburg 58
Gurk 132, 230
Gussetti, Giovanni Battista (1744–89) 275, 300, 380
Guttenberg, Josepha von 68
Haag (Austria) 46, 847
Haag (Bavaria) 46
Habsburg Empire xii, xx, xxx
Hafeneder, Joseph (1746–84) 181, 300, 318, 475, 479
Haffner, Eleonore née Mezger (1716–64) 402
Haffner, Maria Elisabeth see Späth, Maria Elisabeth
Haffner, Siegmund the elder (1699–1772) xxvi, 102, 122, 219 293, 367
Haffner, Siegmund the younger (1756–87) xxvii, 290, 293, 345, 451 471–2
Hagenauer, Cajetan Rupert (‘Dominicus’) (1746–1811) xxvii, 82, 84, 510
Hagenauer, Johann Baptist (1732–1811) 84, 100, 112, 141 n.4
Hagenauer, (Ignaz) Joseph (1743–80) 49, 50, 51, 65, 75, 84, 135, 144, 211
Hagenauer, Johann Georg (1748–1835) 230, 278
Hagenauer, (Johann) Lorenz (1712–92) xii, xxvii, 3 21, 49 50 54, 65 75 81, 84, 119 144, 206, 211, 224, 234, 262, 263, 280, 301, 488, 492, 510
Hagenauer, Johann Nepomuk Anton (1741–99) 50, 84, 86, 510, 512
Hagenauer, Maria née Hasenerl 293
Hagenauer, Maria Anna née Ränftl (1748–94) 510, 512
Hagenauer, Maria Martha (1751–70) 119
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