child prodigy xiii, xxxi, 3, 13, 27, 45, 56, 76 107
concerts in Salzburg 275–6, 278, 402
disenchantment with Mozart xxxii
early tours vii, xiii–xiv, xxvi, xxix, xxxi, xxxii, 3, 7, 10, 11–12, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 32, 37, 40, 44, 51, 58, 60, 209, 215, 224, 285
illnesses 30, 31, 49, 52, 65, 158
lessons in Salzburg 293, 349, 384–7, 446, 485
marriage 483, 502
musical accomplishments xxxii, 248
portraits 11, 132 n.5
scatological correspondence xix, 170
suitors 94, 345
‘Nannerl Notebook’ 3
Mozart, Raimund Leopold (1783–83) viii, xvi, 462, 468–9, 470–71
Mozart, Theresia Constanzia Adelheid (1787–8) ix, xvi, 533, 536
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91)
appointments in Vienna xxi, xxviii, xxxv, 447–8, 533, 536, 548, 549, 554–5, 570 n.2
baptismal names xxi 4 n.3
childhood in Salzburg xxvii, 3
child prodigy xii–xiv, xxx, xxxi, 3, 6, 26, 27, 107, 255
concern for health 106, 413
concern for honour xv, 212, 334, 363, 405, 407, 408, 410–11, 417, 426–8, 440, 453, 454, 460, 540–41
concerts see Amsterdam, Augsburg, Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Donaueschingen, Florence, Frankfurt, The Hague, Innsbruck, Koblenz, Linz, London, Mainz, Mantua, Milan, Naples, Paris, Prague, Rovereto, Strasbourg, Utrecht, Venice, Verona, Vienna
court performances see Dresden, The Hague, Kirchheimbolanden, London, Mannheim, Munich, Nymphenburg, Salzburg, Schönbrunn, Schwetzingen, Utrecht, Versailles, Vienna
daily routine in Vienna 446
death and burial xviii, xxx, xxxv, xxxvi, 568–70
desire to write serious Italian operas 240
dramatic values in opera 94–5, 172, 259, 388, 391, 472–3
early compositions vii, xiii, xiv, 3, 26, 32, 45, 52
early relationship with Constanze xvi, 426–7, 440–42, 443–4, 446, 447, 449–50
early tours vii, xiii–xiv, xxiv, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 3–60, 102, 209
facility of composition 72–3, 91 117–18, 127
first public appearance 3
first Salzburg appointment vii, 82, 132–3
finances ix, xvi–xvii, xxiv, xxxiii, xxxvi, 413, 414, 421, 459–60, 471–2, 481, 502, 514, 515–16, 533, 534, 536, 537, 542–3, 543–6, 551, 552, 553–4, 559–60
Freemasonry viii, xv, xxxiv, 497, 503, 509, 534
fugal compositions 100, 168, 199, 401, 402, 462
German nationalism 285, 292, 308, 316, 504–5
hatred of Salzburg 222, 258, 296, 313, 314, 340–42, 360, 381, 404–6, 413–14, 416, 418, 419, 469–70
high opinion of own abilities xv, 360
illnesses x, xi, xvii–xviii, 4, 30, 31, 46, 48, 49 52, 59, 60–65, 68, 102 144, 466, 544, 545
improvisations 11, 59, 91 190 199, 402, 418, 444, 462, 522 553 n.1
intolerance of philistinism 282–3, 413
invites Leopold to join him in Vienna 409, 412, 483
keyboard virtuoso xv, 5, 10, 11, 38, 91 178, 187–8, 355, 360, 365, 369, 400, 404, 417, 464
Knight of the Golden Spur xiv, 113, 124, 157, 160, 181–2
leaves Colloredo’s service in 1781 viii, xv, xxiii, xxiv, xxxvi, 407–20, 442
marriage to Constanze viii, xii, xvi, xxvi, xxix, xxxii, xxxv, 445, 454-5
musical standards and tastes in Paris 273–4, 279, 284–5, 305, 307, 308, 315, 333, 335, 364
naturalness in music 304, 388, 391, 435
offer of post at Versailles 289, 388, 391, 435
organist 4, 17–18, 30 38, 43, 48, 53, 86, 87, 160, 187–8, 237, 297, 309, 348, 358, 369, 539
organizes subscription concerts viii, xv, xvi, xxxv, 474, 477–8, 502, 543–4, 557 n.4
petitions Colloredo to leave Salzburg 153–4
pets 112, 522, 529–30
plans to go to Paris from Mannheim 202, 203, 204, 209–11, 220, 221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 230, 236, 238, 241, 243, 245, 250–57, 259–60, 262–4, 266
plans to write Alexandre et Roxane in Paris 271, 273, 279, 289, 296, 308, 315
portraits 87, 107, 132 157, 161, 195
possible appointment in Mannheim xxix, 213, 219–20, 225
publishers 427, 465, 476, 545, 551
publishing ventures by subscription 459, 533, 543–5, 552
reappointed in Salzburg viii, xxi, xxiii, xxx, 359 365, 369, 383–4
reluctance to return to Salzburg in 1778 359–60, 372–3, 374–7, 381, 382
resigns Salzburg post in 1777 viii, xiv, 153–6 salary in Salzburg xxi, 408 scatological correspondence xix, xxxii, 174, 192, 194, 195, 235–6
sense of confinement in Salzburg xv, xxiv, 146–7, 153, 200
sight-reading skills 27, 38, 69
singers and singing 94–5, 136–7, 172–3, 258–9, 303–5, 389, 391, 435–6
state of music in Salzburg 151–2 taste in Vienna 417, 422–3, 437, 463, 526
teacher xv, xxiii–xxiv, xxviii, xxix, xxxiv, xxxv, 111, 171, 179–80, 202, 220, 221, 226, 239, 255, 261, 262, 268, 271, 286, 288, 292, 296, 300, 334, 335, 354, 401 403, 405, 413, 417, 421, 427, 459 466–7, 470, 477, 509, 522, 524, 525, 552, 553
thoughts on death 527
tone painting 435–6
Viennese cabal against 68–9, 71–5, 78–80, 450
views on marriage 440–41, 453, 540–41, 346–7
violinist 4, 11, 38, 91 139, 178, 248, 355, 358, 360, 369
visits Italy vii, xiv, xxv, xxxiii, 82–137, 174
visits Salzburg with Constanze 463, 466, 467, 470–71
word games 94 96, 112–13, 135, 181, 184, 185, 193, 194–7, 235–6, 457–8, 522, 556, 560
Verzeichnüss aller meiner Werke 474–5
Müller, Herr 517
Müller, Johann Heinrich Friedrich (1738–1815) 462
Müller, Wenzel (1759–1835)
Kaspar der Fagottist 556 557
Mülln 45, 487
Münchendorf 429
Munich xxix, xxxvi, 46, 141, 162 179, 184, 190 196, 199, 204–5, 206, 222–3, 231, 277, 295, 321, 324, 326, 336, 337, 341 348, 351, 352, 355, 356, 357, 358, 364–5, 366, 369, 371, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379, 380, 406 412, 413, 425 429, 471, 484, 488, 490, 497, 498, 501, 519, 524, 525, 540 n.12
concerts 171, 175, 554; court performances vii, 3, 11; Mozart’s visits (1762) vii, xiv, 3; (1763) 10–13, 209, 212; (1766) 50–60; (1774–5) vii, 142–50, 151; (1777) xiv, 156–79, 187, 208, 216, 226, 227, 247–8, 299 xxix, 381–2; (1780–81) viii, xv, 387–98, 445 460; (1790) 554
Black Eagle Inn 148 n.3
Burggasse 392
Concert des Amateurs 490 n.7
Golden Deer Inn 12–13
Kaisersaal 149
Kiehmgarten 150
Redoutensaal 143
Residenz 231
Rindermarkt 145–6
St Peter’s Church 146
Spatzenreuther House 146
Thal 145
Theatine Church 231
Muratori, Ludovico Antonio (1672–1750) 523
Mysliveček, Josef (1737–81) 123, 133, 184, 276–7, 341
Nachod 319, 353
Nancy 371, 374, 375
Naples 96 97, 98, 102, 105, 106, 108–13, 115, 121, 128 n.3, 150, 263, 277
concert 108
San Giovanni a Carbonara 109
Teatro San Carlo 122 n.3
Vesuvius 108, 112
Nardini, Pietro (1722–93) 16, 102, 116
Nassau 216
Natorp, Barbara (‘Babette’) 532 533
Natorp, Marianne (‘Nanette’) 532, 533
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb (1741–1801) 538, 539
Néel & Fils 50
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount (1758–1805) 109 n.2
Neumann, Frau 538, 540
Neumann, Johann Leopold (1748–?) 538,
Neu-Ötting 287
Nicoladoni, Anton Nikolaus (c. 1733–1806) 292
Niderl von Aicheg
g, Franz Joseph (1719–73) 7 140
Niderl von Aichegg, Johann Anton (1722–74) 141
Niderl von Aichegg, Joseph Franz Karl (1758–1831) 142
Niderl von Aichegg, Maria Kunigunde née Hauk (1716–88) 7, 142
Niemes (Mimon) 353
Nieri, Pietro 134
Nieser, Madame 163
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus (1761–1826) xviii, xxx 562 n.11
Biographie W. A. Mozarts 247 n.1
Nocker & Schiedl 206, 211
Nogarola, Dinadauus Joseph, Count (1753–1827) 233
Novac, Monsieur 165,185
Noverre, Jean-Georges (1727–1810) 270,273, 280, 289, 315, 352, 361
Nuremberg 55, 551
Nymphenburg 10, 11, 164, 231 (1719–85) 104
Oberhaus 254
Öchser, Herr 471–2
Oesterling, Franziska 138
Oettingen-Wallerstein, Kraft Ernst von, Prince (1748–1802) 187 207 n.2
Olenschlager, Johann Nikolaus 263
Olmütz (Olomouc) 60–66, 67, 298, 302
Black Eagle Inn 62, 63
Oppenheim 19, 207
Orléans, Louis-Philippe, Duc d’ (1725–85) xxvi, 54, 282 n.3,
282n.3, 317 n.15 Orsini-Rosenberg, Prince Franz Xaver Wolf (1723–96) xxxii–xxxiii, 413, 421, 422, 443, 509
Ostein, Philipp Carl von, Count (1742–66) 19
Otto, David 55, 208
Pacchierotti, Gasparo (1740–1821) 490
Pachta von Rayhofen, Johann Joseph Philipp (c. 1723–1822) 537
Padua 127
Paisiello, Giovanni (1740–1816) 445, 462
Il barbiere di Siviglia 514
Le gare generose 521
Sismano nel Mogol 136
Palermo 100
Pálffy, Leopold III, Count 479
Pálffy-ErdÖd, Leopold, Count (1710–73) 5, 6 7
Pálffy-ErdÖd, Nikolaus, Count 6
Pallavicini, Lazaro Opizio(1719–85)104
Pallavicini-Centurioni, Giovanni Luca, Count (1697–1773) 98 99, 104 113–14, 115
Pallavicini-Centurioni, Giuseppe Maria (1756–73) 113–14
Pallavicini-Centurioni, Maria Caterina Fava, Countess 113, 115
Pänkhlin, Therese (‘Tresel’) (1738–?) 169, 174, 224, 288, 291, 300–301, 308, 345, 370, 394, 491, 493, 507, 510, 512, 518, 519, 525
Panter, Herr 100
Paradies, Maria Theresia (1759–1824) 500
Paris xxvi, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 55, 78 95, 121, 261, 270 277 299 461, 465, 476, 488, 490, 491, 514; cost of living 272, 291, 294; concerts 32–3; fashions xii, 21, 25, 30, 287, 290–91, 294; Mozart’s visit (1763–4) xxiii, xxvi, 19–33, 36, 37, 96 112, 227, 243; (1765) 51–6; (1778) viii, xiv–xv, xxiv, xxvi, xxxi, xxxii, 266–370, 372, 376, 379
Académie Royale de Musique 273 n.9
Barrière 332
Bastille 54 n.8
Boulevard Montmartre 302
Chaussée d’Antin 287, 317, 332
Concert des Amateurs 324
Concert Spirituel 245, 270, 272, 273, 283–4, 303, 305, 307, 315–16, 321, 324–5, 460
Faubourg St Honoré 26
Hôtel des Quatre Fils Aymon 274
Luxembourg Gardens 302
Palais Royal 32, 308
Place de Grève 31
Place des Victoires 37 n.6
Rue Cléry 302
Rue Gros Genêt 274
Rue Montmartre 302
Rue St Honoré 32
St Eustache 323 n.6
St Germain 366
Swiss Guards 22, 30
Treaty of Paris 47 n.6
Tuileries 32
Paris, Anton Ferdinand (1744–1809) 358, 385
Parma 93, 97, 98, 99, 116, 117
Passau xxv, 3, 8, 253–4
Passauer auf Hellenbrunn, Johann Ignaz Andreas 164
Pauernfeind, Herr 486
Paul, Grand Duke (later Tsar
Paul I) of Russia (1754–1801) 444 458
Paumgarten, Maria Josepha née Lerchenfeld-Siessbach, Countess (1762–1817) 393, 402
Peisser, Franz Xaver (1724–1807) 65, 75, 425, 471, 477, 479
Perchtl, Joseph 294
Perchtoldsdorf 566 567
Pergmayr, Johann Theophil (1709–87) 55, 224
Perinet, Maria Elisabeth (c. 1721–77) 13
Perinet, Joachim (1763–1816) 556 n.2
Peringer, Joseph Anton 229
Pernat, Johann Nepomuk Sebastian (1734–94) 143, 150, 163
Perschling 498
Pertl, Eva Rosina Barbara Euphrosina née Altmann (1681–1755) 242
Pertl, Wolfgang Nikolaus (1667–1724) xxxi
Petrazani, Signor 525
Pezzl, Johann (1756–1823) xxi
Pfeil, Leopold Heinrich (1725/6–92) 201, 208
Piacenza 98
Piazza, Gaetano 122
Piccinelli, Clementine (fl. 1761–70) 95–6
Piccinni, Niccolò (1728–1800) 96, 315, 352, 361–2
La buona figliuola maritata 79
La Cecchina ossia La buona figliuola 78, 79
Cesare in Egitto 96
Didone abbandonata 96 n.11
La pescatrice 173
Picq, Carlo de (1749–1806) 96, 101
Pierron, Therese (b. 1761) 262, 267
Pietragrua, Xaverio and wife 278–9
Pietschner, Anna Maria (‘Nandl’) (1732–1805) 81, 112, 290, 507, 519, 525
Pilati, Carlo Antonio (1733–1802) 85
Pindemonte, Marco Antonio (1694–1774) 87
Pinzger, Andreas (1740–1817) 168, 277, 294
Pirnau 353
Pizzini brothers 134
Pizzini, Gian Giulio, Baron (1719–79) 85–6, 91
Plaz, Joseph Anton, Count (1677–1767) 50
Plaz children 489
Ploching 15
Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph (1757–1831) 480
Ployer, Franz Kajetan von (1734–1803) 479 n.7
Ployer, Gottfried Ignaz von (c. 1743–97) 479, 501
Ployer, Maria Anna Barbara von (‘Babette’) (1765–c. 1811) 475, 476, 479
Podstatsky, Leopold Anton, Count (1717–76) 61, 63, 64
Poggi, Domenico (d. after 1790) 70, 77, 79
Polis von Moulin, Mlle 380
Polis von Moulin, Maria Margarethe (1746–79) 495
PÖllnitz, Louis Karl Wilhelm, Baron von (1724–1801) 14
Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de (1721–64) 19–20, 25–6
Pompeii 108
Pondicherry 54
Porta (former servant) 110
Portici 109, 110, 112
Potsdam ix, xvii, 541, 542
Pozzonbonelli, Giuseppe, Archbishop (1696–1783) 97
Prague xvi, xxv, xxxv, 70 167, 204, 295 298, 473, 536, 562
Mozart in Prague ix, xvii, xxv, 519–23, 525, 526, 531–3, 536–8, 541, 543, 561
concert 522
Canalgarten 520 n.4
Clementium Library 521
Mozart: A Life in Letters: A Life in Letters Page 78