Amber Eyes

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Amber Eyes Page 29

by S. D. Grimm

  “And he will have one.” Ruth stepped forward, her gaze landing on Jayden’s dagger. “I thought you meant to be a good witness to his character.”

  “I do. But you had no intention of giving me the chance, did you?”

  Ruth narrowed her eyes. “What would give you that impression, Child?”

  “Rochelle said you were going to punish him.”

  “Yes.” Ruth nodded. “He convinced us to let him take Rochelle’s punishment.”


  “She broke him out of his cell.”

  Her heart dropped into her stomach. Of course he had. That was her Ethan. She closed her eyes as tears crept out. “What’s the punishment?”

  Rain dotted her clothes. A small sprinkle. Ethan’s body brushed against her back as he leaned closer. “Jayden.” His breath touched her hair.

  She faced him. “Did you kill Miranda?”

  His eyebrows pinched together. “No.”

  She itched to hug him. “Did you harm her?”

  “Of course not.”

  She released a shaky breath and turned back to Ruth and the rest of the Circle. And her emotions started to lose control. Her talent wanted to feel. She had to finish this before she let anger take over. She breathed deep, trying to control her talent, and looked at Ruth. A pang of sorrow hit her heart. Sorrow? From Ruth? Not only sorrow, but guilt and confusion.

  Jayden squared her shoulders, sheathed her dagger, and spoke softly. Maybe her talent could help. “If he says he didn’t hurt her, he didn’t. Serena coached me on some things to say—true things. But what I want to say is that Ethan is my Protector. And I am yours. I’m a Deliverer. Sent to deliver you from an evil that would seek to destroy you. I trust this man with my life. And I think you can see why. I know Rochelle can. I know Mary can.” She turned toward him. “Ethan, you would give your life for mine.”

  A mix of emotions poured out of him, but the strongest was confidence. Confidence in the answer he was about to give. “I will protect you unto death.”

  She turned back to the Healers, tears wetting her cheeks. “See? What more proof do you need? This Belladonna is a threat to me. He’s not working with her.”

  Ruth breathed deep and stared at Jayden for what seemed like an eternity. But as her heart softened, Jayden’s hope rose. And the storm abated.

  Finally Ruth nodded. “Unbind his hands. The prisoner has not killed our sister.”

  Gasps filled the crowd. A Healer cut Ethan’s hands free.

  Jayden smiled at Ruth. “What changed your mind?”

  “Not my mind, Child. My heart.” She looked over Jayden’s shoulder at Ethan. “She has pulled the blinders from my eyes. Blinders created by the Sword of Black Malice. Its power is stronger than even I thought. But now I see we were about to make a grave mistake. Please accept my apologies. And take my allegiance. Your heart is the purest I’ve ever seen, Ethan. And Jayden, you have the ferocity and compassion of a true leader. If the two of you ever need the Healers of the Forest of Legends, we will follow you into battle.”

  Jayden bowed. “Thank you.”

  Ruth smiled. “The Circle grants your request to take Serena.”

  “Take?” Ethan crossed his arms and widened his stance. “No. Serena gets to choose.”

  “Of course.” Ruth turned, and Jayden followed her gaze to see Serena standing behind them. “Your choice, Child.” Serena nodded.

  As the crowd began to disperse, and Ruth with them, Serena’s voice stopped her. “The stone of Ishkar. Do you think it’s time to show someone where the Whisperer is?”

  Ruth stared for so long, Jayden feared they might have another strange custom to have to defeat, but Ruth finally nodded. “We’ve been guarding the stone for so long, it seems strange that the time has come to use it. Come with me.”

  She turned, but Serena walked up to Ethan. She kissed his cheek. “Thank you. For letting me choose. You have no idea what that means to me.” She squeezed his arm and walked after Ruth.

  Jayden tamped down a flicker of jealousy as she headed after the others, shaking her head and telling herself that Serena was doing nothing more than expressing gratitude, but a tug on her sleeve caused her to turn around.

  Ethan stood there, eyebrows pulled together. Slowly his crooked smile spread across his face. “That was extremely reckless.”

  “It’s not every day my Protector needs protecting.”

  His lips parted and his eyes widened. “I’m sorry. I—”

  “Don’t be.” She shook her head. “I needed to do that. I needed them to see what I see in you.”

  He seemed to gravitate closer. “And what do you see?”

  “Your heart.”

  Chapter 50

  Moment of Truth

  Ethan stood, facing Jayden as she watched him with her bright, blue

   eyes. His heart? Could she truly see it? Because the darkness in there would surely have scared her away.

  She blinked and looked at the ground.

  He closed the distance between them and smiled the way that always seemed to light up her face. “They’re going to show us where the Whisperer is. Logan will wake up soon. Serena is coming. Everything’s going right, but you’re frowning.”

  She glanced away, a blush coloring her cheeks, and a smile finally formed on her face. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’ve been through more tests here than ever in school, and I have a feeling they’re just getting started.”

  “Any advice?” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, and he realized he was standing much closer than intended.

  He swallowed. Took in every inch of her face. Every heartbeat seemed to propel him the tiniest bit closer to her, and with each rest a pang gripped his heart. A pang that reminded him Jayden was Ryan’s betrothed.

  “Ethan?” Her voice tremored.

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Yes. Don’t lie to them.” He smiled, but it felt different on his face.

  “Of course not.”

  Neither of them moved. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her.

  “Are you coming?” Rochelle’s voice broke the hold, and Ethan remembered to breathe.

  He motioned for Jayden to walk ahead of him. She did, but she watched him over her shoulder for a long time. Was she feeling his emotions? He buried them. Became a stone. Her eyes squinted, and she bit her lip.

  He’d have to be more careful, apparently.

  At last they’d caught up to Ruth and Serena.

  Ruth led them down below the tree and into the room beneath the canopy of roots. Ruth didn’t produce light in her hand like Serena had. She used a torch.

  The deep chill below ground reminded him of the little cell they’d kept him in.

  Ruth didn’t open any box or produce any key. Instead, she told them to look up. In the center of the tangle of tree roots nestled a sphere. Jayden cocked her head and peered into it. A shimmering light, not unlike the one Serena had created in her palm, shone in the center of the sphere. It widened until it filled the whole stone. As it dimmed, a scene was left in its center. So similar, yet so different from the seeing stone Connor had given him.

  The picture was of a young girl chained to a wall of blue rock. A slow burn overtook Ethan’s chest that had nothing to do with a threat. Quinn? “Is this the Whisperer?”

  “Yes,” Ruth said. “She is at Castlerock.”

  “She’s in the same location as the Mistress’s prison?” Serena asked, but Ethan barely heard her question. Quinn. This young girl was their Whisperer. The one his talent urged him to protect. Maybe he was supposed to be paying more attention to his talent that he had been.

  He clutched his hands into fists. “Who did this to her?”

  Jayden touched his shoulder, and some of her calm strength filtered into him. Heavens knew he needed it now.

  “I don’t know.” Ruth’s eyes held a trace of compassion. “Whoever took her there most certainly died unless they defeated t
he beast in the water.”

  “Beast in the water?” Ethan asked.

  Ruth nodded. “No one has touched the water and lived.”

  Then how were they supposed to rescue Quinn?

  Serena followed Jayden and Ethan as they walked back to the Tree of Wisdom.

  “We wait for Logan to wake, then we go find our Whisperer,” Ethan said. “And we leave as soon as possible. We aren’t the only ones looking.”

  That was apparent. Serena stopped walking. Her feet were like lead, her heart like a hummingbird’s wing.


  They were going to wait for Logan.

  So much had happened that she’d forgotten. She’d wanted to go with Jayden and Ethan, but now the fear crept right back into her veins and wrapped tentacles around her heart.

  Ethan took two steps back toward her. “You’re not coming with us, are you?”

  She had to, right? Yet he gave her a choice. Her freedom. “I . . .” She wanted to respond, but she’d lost the words.

  Jayden opened the door to the tree and three canines raced out. Westwind whined. He ran a tight circle around Jayden. Scout jumped up and pawed at Ethan’s shirt.

  Her heart dove off a cliff.

  Ethan motioned to Jayden. “Go. Someone should be with him.”

  Jayden cast one last look at Serena, then ran inside the tree, the canines with her.

  Serena wanted to follow. Couldn’t.

  Ethan held out his hand. “He won’t hurt you. If he tries to, I’ll put a stop to it.”


  Serena looked from Ethan’s hand to his face. “You’re either not a very good friend, or you’re certain.”

  He smiled. “I hope it’s the latter.”

  She took a deep breath, let it out slow, and slipped her hand into his.

  Together they entered the tree. She peeked from behind Ethan’s shoulder, unwilling to let Logan see her yet. Scout and the wolves were all trying to lick his face. He laughed and it sounded warm. Happy. Nothing like any father she’d known.

  Jayden raced to Ethan and hugged him so tight. “He’s all right!” She looked at Serena and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Serena’s throat constricted. “Did you tell him about me?” Even as a whisper, the words were hard to get out.

  “Of course not.”

  “Ethan.” Logan nodded. “Westwind tells me I owe you one.”

  “Let’s not go keeping track or I’ll be making too much debt to repay. It’s good to see you.” Ethan chuckled, yet seemed to hesitate—as if he wanted to hug Logan but wouldn’t for Serena’s sake. He stayed, blocking her from Logan’s view. “You ready?” he whispered.

  No. Never. And yes. She nodded.

  “Jayden says I’m in a tree.” Logan glanced around the room.

  “At the camp of the Healers. Serena healed you,” Ethan said.

  She hid behind him and Jayden, biting her lip.

  “The same Serena who healed you?” Logan’s voice seemed closer. Was he moving toward her? Her heart pounded like a wild horse fighting a bridle. Jayden touched her shoulder and a sensation of calm blanketed her. Hugged her tight. Serena breathed deep.

  “Yes.” Ethan stepped aside so she could see Logan and he could see her.

  His eyes were blue. Kind. She hadn’t expected that. They opened wide, then softened. Glistened. Slowly his arms braced against the bed and he started to stand. She fought hard to remain grounded.

  “Serena, you should have told me.” Dash’s thoughts reached out to her. Gave her courage.

  “I think I’m okay.”

  “This is Serena.” Ethan kept his body between them, though not directly. But his soft smile reassured her.

  Logan stared at her. “Of course it is.” He leaned against the bed.

  Serena dipped her head in a greeting. “Do you know who I am?”

  “In a sea of faces, I would recognize yours.”

  Truth. “Ethan says you’ll protect me.”

  “With every breath I have left.”

  Truth. Her hands shook. She stepped closer. “I’ve been told you’re dangerous.”

  Logan’s face sprouted a half smile, and it made him seem so human. So normal. Could the Healers be wrong about men?

  “Some would consider me dangerous.” Logan’s eyes scanned her face. “But to you, daughter, never.”


  Logan stared into his daughter’s eyes. Blue. Like his. She looked so like her mother, but her eyes were his. He wanted this moment to stop and wait for him to catch up. He needed to see her. Every detail about her. He wanted to hug her. The last time he’d held her . . . a burn shot through his nose. He sniffed and wiped his eyes. She didn’t seem to want him close to her now. He’d wait. He’d give her all the time she needed. All the time he’d stripped from her when he’d given her to someone else.

  He reached out to Westwind. “This is happening.”

  “She healed you. All of us. We would be dead if not for her,” Westwind said.

  Logan smiled. Of course she did. “Westwind says you saved us.” Uncertainty tinged her smile. What thoughts raced through her mind? Would she ever forgive him? “How did you get here?”

  She blinked rapidly. Then she breathed deep and glided over to him. She placed her fingers on his temples, and he held perfectly still. “That’s a long story.”

  “I have time for anything you want to tell me, daughter.”

  She stepped back, but this time her smile seemed warm. “You need rest and food. And I think Ethan and Jayden have much to tell you.”

  A cool breeze entered the room. Ethan turned, hand on his sword. Logan groped for his, but it was nowhere near him.

  A young girl, also dressed in white, entered. Her eyes met his and widened. “I thought you might need new candles and more food, but I didn’t expect to see Logan awake yet.”

  “Thank you, Rochelle.” Serena took the tray from her and handed it to Logan. He took it.

  “I didn’t bring enough.” Rochelle motioned toward the tray. “I’ll have to go get more. Later, so I can be discrete about it. Otherwise the Circle might suspect he’s awake.” She curtsied. Then she turned to Ethan. “I wanted to thank you for—” she broke off and threw her arms around his neck.

  He backed up a step before steadying himself. Slowly he hugged her back. “Hey, thank you for helping us from the beginning when no one else but Serena would.”

  She sniffed and let him go. “You’re welcome.” Her eyes were as bright as her smile when she ducked out the door.

  Serena turned to Logan. “You can trust Rochelle.”

  Logan’s eyes narrowed. “I thought all Healers were trustworthy.”

  Serena pursed her lips. “Truthful, yes. Pure in heart, certainly. But they aren’t all on your side, Logan.”

  He glanced at Ethan, who shrugged. “Some of them want to kill you, and the rest want to see you dead. Thankfully, they’re letting us leave as soon as you’re well enough.” He grinned.

  “You’re serious?”

  Westwind growled. “He is.”

  “Then let’s go.” He put down the tray. “We don’t have any time to lose; we’ve lost so much already.”

  “Wait.” Serena laughed and handed Logan the plate of food.

  “It’s night. You’re tired. Sleep in my home tonight, and we’ll leave first thing in the morning?”

  “Before sunrise.” Logan took a roll and offered the plate to the others.

  “All right.” Serena pushed it back toward him. “You should know that Rochelle wants to come with us, but I’ve asked her to stay here for now.”

  “Good.” Logan’s mouth was full and his plate half empty. “I’ve picked up enough strays already, and I don’t take anyone unless they can fight.”

  “Oh, she can fight.” Serena gave Logan a leveled look. “Healers can fight.”

  He’d heard that. “So you’re trained?”

  She nodded.

  “Strays, huh?” Ethan laughed.r />
  Logan chuckled. “Yes. Strays.”

  Serena went toward the small table near the cupboard and pulled out a charcoal stick and paper. “I’ll leave a note I know only Rochelle will find. Having an ally here will be better than not.”

  “I like the way you think, daughter.” The last word made her flinch, and his heart hurt. She didn’t forgive him. “Serena, I’m sorry.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes intense. “For what?”

  “I thought putting you in hiding would keep you safe from the queen.”

  “It did.”

  “I’m sorry I missed your whole life.”

  Her mouth opened, but she said nothing. Just stared deep into his eyes. He got up and moved toward her. She backed away one step. He stopped and put his hand up. “I won’t press you to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “I see that. You speak truth. That’s enough for now.”

  “Enough for what?”

  “I need to show you something.” She walked around the table, pulled a yellowed piece of parchment from a creased envelope, and carefully unfolded it. Then she handed it to him. “My mother wrote this.”

  Logan’s eyes scanned the page, and his jaw clenched.

  Please care for my child. She is one of the Deliverers and needs protection from the queen. Beware, her father Logan Laugnahagn will do everything in his power to take her to the queen. He must never find her.

  His hand shook and he crushed the corner of the paper.

  Serena placed her hand on his and lowered it, moving the letter farther from his eyes. “Jayden and Ethan tell me differently. I believe them. But I need to hear it from you.”

  She waited until he looked at her.

  “Your mother wrote this. She took your brother to the queen. I’ll get him back, and I’ll keep you safe. You have my word.” He prayed she heard the truth in his words. The love.

  She took the paper from him and crumpled it up. “I’m sorry.”

  He grabbed her wrists. “You have nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your fault. It’s mine. Mine alone. And I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you. I meant I feel sorry for you. You loved her, right? My mother?”


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