Beautiful Bridges (Bridges Brothers Book 3)

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Beautiful Bridges (Bridges Brothers Book 3) Page 15

by Lia Fairchild

  “Where you at?”

  “Had to come home. My dad’s in the hospital.”

  “I’m sorry. Is he going to be okay?” He’s on the move now, probably getting out of earshot from the workers.

  I explain my dad’s situation and let him know about Ari too. I try to keep it short so I don’t keep Kaylee hiding for too long. As I’m talking, I see a text come across the screen from Mason and lose my focus. I lower the screen to read it and mumble, “That’s Mason” causing Kaylee to flip the covers up to see.

  “Hey, girl. Fancy seeing you here.”

  Crap. I didn’t realize I’d put Kaylee in view when I lowered the phone. I look up and see Curtis is grinning, and I quickly raise the phone and turn it away from her. Sorry, I mouth to her.

  “It’s too late now,” she says, shaking her head.

  “Hey, you still there?” I hear him say.

  I lift the screen to me. “Yeah, man.”

  “Guess you got your hands full there, Justice.” He lifts his brows, and mouths the word nice because he knows Kaylee can’t see the screen.

  I roll my eyes. “Come on, man.”

  “You guys are working hard on the show, I see. Hope that means you’ve got things handled.”

  Thanks to Kaylee’s mom, we’ve got most of the models secured and the venue is set. “We’ve got our part under control. You’re the one with all the real responsibility.”

  “I got it all handled. Plus, you know my aunt did fundraisers all the time so things are all good.”

  “That’s great. Let’s catch up when I get back.”

  “Sounds good. Later, Justice. See ya, girl!”

  “Bye, Curtis,” Kaylee says back.

  I tap the app closed and go to my brother’s message. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Whatever. It’s not like it needs to be a secret.” She sits up and looks over my shoulder as I read the message.

  Mason: Ari’s at five centimeters. Doing great. Mollie says Dad is doing fine too.

  We both collapse onto our pillows. “Well that was a whole lot of excitement for nothing,” I say.

  “At least you have an update. Sounds like Ari has a few more hours to go, and your Dad is likely sleeping.”

  “Maybe we should get a little rest? I could set an alarm for two hours, then we could head back.”

  “Sounds good,” she says, turning to face away from me, my sexy spoon tucking close into my body. I rest my chin on her shoulder. It takes everything in me not to go for another round.

  My brain spinning, I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep, but I’ll lie here for her…so she can rest. Unfortunately, there’s one thing that keeps popping into my head. And since we do have this time alone together, I feel like I should take advantage of that.



  “You said we could talk about anything, and there’s been something I need to ask you?”

  “What is it?”

  “That night…in New York. You said some things to me.”

  I pause and she rubs my arm that’s around her waist. “I’m sorry for anything rude I said. You know I was hammered and with Elise—”

  “It wasn’t about that.”

  She turns her head slightly, but I hold her in place. “Oh, what’s it about then?”

  “Archie.” I feel her body tense and she doesn’t answer, so I continue. “I don’t know if you remember, but at the party, I found you arguing with him. Then that night, in bed, you said something about him being a liar and that he was going to hurt her.”

  “I said all that?”

  “Yeah. I don’t mean to be nosy, but…you sounded so upset and so sad, I just want to be there for you like you are for me.” I wait. Kiss her hair. Caress her arm. I shouldn’t make this about me, but if she’s not willing to open up, then what are we to each other? I let out a sigh. “Hey, it’s fine. I guess—”

  “I saw Archie with his hands on Mina, one of the new models.”

  What the— “Kay, I’m sorry. When did this happen?”

  “While we were in New York.”

  I scoot back and nudge her shoulder back, so she repositions facing me. “So he denied it?”

  “Yes. He said it was nothing.”

  “And you don’t believe him.” My tone is matter-of-fact, but the breath she forces out tells me I may have said the wrong thing.

  “No. And of course he would deny it. Then I tried to talk to Mina and she blew me off too.”

  This is one of those times that your words, your tone, are so significant you better damn well not make a mistake. Our eyes connect, though the room is dark with only a faint light shining in from the window. “Is it possible you misunderstood what happened?”

  Her lips purse as she slips her hands under her cheek to rest on them. “Not a chance.”

  “Okay. So, are you thinking it was mutual, which is wrong on its own, or are you thinking he…forced it?”

  “To me, it looked like she didn’t want it. And when I spoke to her, she seemed more concerned about her career and her place at the agency. I get it, but I have to know the truth. Not just for my mother but for the sake of the agency, the other girls.”

  I sigh out a breath because this situation is a lose-lose. I won’t say that to her, but there’s something else that has me worried. She seemed to hate Archie before this happened. She said it was in New York, so why the attitude with me when she saw me walk into the agency with Archie? “Kaylee, has this happened before?”

  Piercing me with her gaze, she doesn’t answer. We lie there, breathing and staring.

  “Come on, do you trust me?”

  “I do trust you, Justice. I just… Telling you makes it real. Makes me feel like a failure because yes, dammit, he’s done this before and I haven’t told my mom.”

  “Oh…how come? Are you afraid she won’t believe you?”

  “That’s part of it. Plus, look at the way Mina reacted. This is one of those situations where many lives are going to be affected, and when no one else will acknowledge what’s going on or stand with you, you start to feel like you can’t win.”

  I hate the strain in her voice, the crease in her brow as her eyes water. I take her by the waist and close the distance between us so our bodies are flush against each other. “Well, now you have me. I’m with you, and we’re going to take care of this shit. I could beat his ass into submission, but I’m guessing that’s not something you want?” I’m only half joking. I never liked Archie all that much, wondered how Gretchen ended up marrying him. Out of respect, I always treated him decently, even acting like we were friends, that son of a bitch.

  “Thank you.” She kisses my lips. “As appealing as that sounds, I don’t think it’s a good idea. And please don’t say anything to anyone until I figure out what to do.”

  “Okay, but let me help.”

  “I will. Now can we stop talking about Archie? I think we should get dressed and see if you have a new nephew yet.”

  “But you’re naked.”

  She giggles and I capture her open mouth with mine. Running my hand down her hip, I draw her leg over my waist. Holy crap, her skin is soft. “We have time,” I whisper into her mouth. My phone is inches from my head, and the last update said it would probably be a few more hours.

  “Justice Bridges, you’re insatiable…”

  “Only with you, baby.” I grind my hips into her, the friction making her move against me too.

  “Mmm. I guess we do have a little time.”

  We make slow, passionate love—yes, that’s exactly what it feels like—right there, facing each other, our bodies moving in sync, our mouths constantly touching, tasting, groans vibrating, long soft sighs passing between us. It’s the sweetest yet most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced in my life, my heart beating out of my fucking chest with emotion for this woman, and when we both reach that beautiful high together, we slow and eventually, stop moving, but we don’t disconnect. I want to live in this
moment forever. The euphoria takes hold of me, pulling me under to darkness. Somehow, I drift asleep inside my woman—yes, my woman—our limbs still tangled together.

  The sound of my phone wakes me and I grab it. Another update saying we are almost there. I wake Kaylee with a kiss, and she smiles. I’m the first damn thing she sees in the morning, and that makes her smile?

  We clean up as best we can and dress in our same clothes, more evidence of Kaylee’s true natural beauty because she never looked better. Maybe it’s the back-to-back orgasm.


  We arrive at the hospital with precision timing as Ari has just delivered, and they’re now cleaning the baby and doing all the things they do to a newborn. I didn’t expect to be this excited about being an uncle again, but I’m bursting. It feels like a second chance to do this thing right, since I was a complete ass when Maddie was born. Not only did I feel like shit, was probably still drunk—Turner had to bring me—but I was in a foul mood. Worst part was, everyone acted like they didn’t care. Maybe they just figured it was typical Justice. When my mom died, I sort of became this Jekyll & Hyde, where I was moody and difficult with my family but the life of the party with my friends and work people. I think it was easier to mask the pain in social settings; I just couldn’t do it with my family.

  Gramps greets us in the hallway to tell us the doctor is in with dad, so he came to see the baby.

  “I’m getting too old for this shit,” Gramps says to me, then turns to Kaylee. “Pardon my French.”

  She gives him a squinty smile. “Hey, you’ve earned it…Gramps.”

  “I like your style, and thank you.”

  A nurse comes out of Ari’s room and tells us we can go in. I didn’t see Mason in dad’s room before, and he greets me with a hug. “Thanks for coming, little brother.” I take a moment to look at him, his face tired but his smile bright, proud. Turning to Kaylee, he says, “Good to see you again, Kaylee.”

  She leans in, gives him a hug, as if she’s part of the family; I can’t help but smile. “Congratulations…to both of you,” she says, turning her attention to Ari, who’s just being handed a little burrito wrapped in a blue blanket. So small and perfect.

  Kaylee and I make our way over, and I lay my hand on Ari’s shoulder. “Lo hiciste bien, mama.”

  She grins. “Gracias, Justice.”

  When I glance to Kaylee, her eyes are wide, but she’s grinning too.

  “So, you want to hold your nephew?” Ari asks me.

  I held Maddie when she was little but not a newborn, and the thought makes my heart jackhammer. But I won’t let that stop me. “Sure.”

  Mason comes up behind me. I’ll believe it’s for the experience and not because he doesn’t trust me with his infant son. Ari guides him into my arms as Mason hovers. “Shi—I mean, wow, he’s so tiny.” I take two fingers and stroke his tiny head. “He has like three hairs.”

  Everyone laughs and I realize it’s more voices than I thought were here, but I’m afraid to look—even move. “What’s his name?”

  “Vincent Edward,” Ari says.

  “For her grandfather and—”

  “Dad…does he know?” I ask.

  “Not yet.”

  My heart constricts in my chest with all this hearts and flowers shit. I look at Ari. “Okay, I’m done. I don’t want to break him.”

  Instead, Mason takes him from my arms. When I turn, I see Logan, holding the hand of a very confused three-year-old Maddie, with Mollie behind them.

  Maddie lets go of Logan’s hand and comes to take mine. “Uncle Justice, ready go?”

  I narrow my eyes at her but smile too and bend down. “Go where?”

  “We going grandpa’s house.”

  “Oh, you are?” I hadn’t planned to go back there if that’s what everyone was doing. Kaylee and I needed to get back. We both had work, not to mention the show fitting and rehearsal are days away.

  Logan approaches, standing over me and looking down. “Yeah, dad babysits Maddie a few times a week, but since he’s not going home yet, we figured you could do it.”

  Chapter 18


  If there’s anything I learned about Justice’s family, it’s that you can’t judge a book by its cover. From the outside, they’re rough, bold, loud, and sarcastic, and yet they’re also sweet, intelligent, diverse, and so full of love it spills over and just makes you feel it being near them.

  As we arrive back at their family home, I feel so comfortable here and am grateful this emergency pulled me into their fold. Gramps and his girlfriend, Lou, follow us back and we take Maddie—after Logan secured the car seat—with us.

  The whole way there, Justice kept apologizing, but there was no place I’d rather be. Mom is checking in on Koko and most of my work is portable anyway, so I can log into my drive from his house if need be. At one point, after Justice apologized again, Maddie said from the back seat, “Did you say bad word, Uncle Justice?” Apparently that’s why her daddy says sorry.

  Gramps disappears into another room while I watch Lou in the kitchen, making a grocery list.

  “I knew I should have done this long ago. You men don’t know what’s good for you.”

  She has her back to us and Justice shrugs at me. He’s standing there with Maddie looking uncomfortable.

  Lou opens and closes a few cupboards and then writes things on a list. “Don’t worry, Justice. We’re going to get your dad in tip-top shape. Soon, he’ll be right as rain, fit as a fiddle, maybe even have a spring in his step.”

  “Gramps!” Maddie yells randomly.

  Justice kneels next to her. “What’s wrong?”

  Gramps appears in the doorway and Maddie points to him. “Lou needs a kiss.”

  Gramps puts his hands on his hips and laughs. “My goodness, you’re sharp as a tact, aren’t you?”

  I narrow my brows at Justice, and he shrugs once again, then his lips pull tight. I can almost sense his regret for not having his finger on the pulse of this family in the last few years.

  Gramps saunters over to Lou, puts his arm around her, and kisses her on the cheek. Blushing, Lou glances around the room. “Sure, make fun of me. But yes, you’re a smart little girl.” Lou looks between Justice and me. “Bud likes to shut me up with a kiss when I get to rambling.”

  I can’t help but laugh; Justice does too.

  Gramps and Lou head out to the store, and we take Maddie into the kids’ room to see if there’s something she usually does in there. We should’ve asked Logan or Mollie before we left, but everything happened so fast.

  There’s a small table in the corner with coloring books, but there’s only two kid-sized chairs, so Justice sits on the floor, and I sit on the bed. Maddie opens a plastic container that has crayons in it and starts attacking one of the pictures with a fat purple color.

  When Justice collapses back onto the carpet, it hits me that this whole thing is not as amusing and interesting to him as it is me. This is his family, his life.

  Maddie’s hand freezes and she looks to Justice. “Are you sick?”

  He lifts his head. “No, just a little tired, Maddie girl.”

  He props himself up on an elbow and watches her. I study his face because it changes so profoundly I know he must be thinking—or remembering—something significant. He almost looks sad. I want to reach out to him, hold him and ask what he’s going through.

  As if he senses me wondering, Justice gets up and comes to sit next to me on the bed. He takes my hand and places it on his lap.

  “I don’t know much about kids, but I’m guessing this won’t last long,” I say and let out a burst of air.

  “Yeah, I actually do know and you’re right.”

  “You do?”

  “Remember, I told you my uncle and his kids moved in here when my mom and aunt died?”

  I nod and he rubs the hand he’s holding.

  “Belle was three years old then.” He takes his gaze over to Maddie.

  “Are you oka
y? I’m guessing seeing her here sort of brings all that back?”

  He doesn’t say anything at first, just keeps watching her, so I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder. “I’m here if you want to talk about it.”

  He turns back to me, kisses the top of my head. “I’m okay. It’s…strange, actually. I sort of miss that time, as hard as it was. We really clung to each other, took care of each other. Seeing Maddie reminds me how much I love and miss my family.”

  “Oh, Justice…” Then, a zap of emotion strikes my heart, and my eyes flood. Where did that come from?

  He pulls back to look at my face. “Oh, crap, did I make you cry?” he whispers.

  I lift my head and dab at my eye. “No…I mean, not really. It’s just sweet and sad. But the good news is that you can change it anytime you want.”

  “You’re right.”

  “You only live an hour away, and now you have a new nephew.” I hook my hand under his arm. “And congratulations. Don’t know if I said that yet.”

  “Thanks,” he says, running a hand through his hair, and dammit if I don’t flash back to my own fingers doing that. Everything was such a whirlwind that I haven’t had a chance to think about the fact that we had amazing sex, and it was everything I thought it could be and more. “What are you thinking about?” he asks.

  I blink out of my haze. “Me? Nothing, uh, just what we were talking about.”

  One corner of his mouth kicks up a hint, then he sneaks a look at Maddie to see if she’s watching. “That’s BS,” he whispers. “You were thinking about last night”—he lifts his brows—”and this morning.” Dipping into my neck, he gives me a little nuzzle and I giggle.

  Maddie looks over her shoulder and giggles too. “Daddy does that too.”

  We pull away, looking guilty, but our eyes stay connected. The room suddenly feels stuffy and warm. I break from his stare and stand. Walking over to Maddie, I feel his gaze watching me. “Oh, you did such a good job on that, Maddie.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re supposed to say, ‘thank you,’” Justice says, getting up.


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