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Edge Page 19

by Anna Brooks






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  I have made the absolute best friends the past few years, and it wouldn’t be right to start my acknowledgments without thanking them for their support. In order to avoid me being my normal scatter-brained self and accidentally leaving someone out, I’m going to say this to those women I’m lucky enough to call my friends; thank you for being there for me. I know you have your own life, your own books, your own family, so when you take the time out of your busy schedule for me (or listen when I overload your inbox with voice messages), from the bottom of my heart, I love you and am forever grateful for your friendship.

  Thank you so much to Emily and the rest of the amazing team at Social Butterfly PR. Em, I am incredibly lucky to have you and am so appreciative of your friendship and all of your hard work.

  To my FABULOUS beta readers! Your input is invaluable. Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions! <3

  Huge shout out to my amazing team who helped me polish up this book, inside and out: Anna, Jenny, Kimberly, and Stacey. You are all the best and I am so grateful to be working with you guys again!

  To all of the readers, bloggers, and reviewers, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  And of course, to my husband and two boys. I love you guys.

  About the Author

  Anna began writing when she thought the world would want to hear her sick lyrics through song. Since then, she’s realized her childhood dream wasn’t so far-fetched, just misguided. Now she writes romance with real emotions and happy endings. If Anna isn’t writing or reading, she can be found by a space heater drinking a ridiculous amount of Diet Dr. Pepper. She also likes to hang out with her husband and two boys. If it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t ever leave the house. Anna was born in Wisconsin but now lives in the Evergreen State.

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