Employed by the Boss: Billionaire Obsession Dark Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 7)

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Employed by the Boss: Billionaire Obsession Dark Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 7) Page 1

by Lexy Timms

  Employed by the Boss

  Book 7

  Managing the Bosses Series


  Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B012CBKNC4

  UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B012CBKNC4

  The Boss Too

  US: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016LS6EDQ

  UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/ B016LS6EDQ

  Who’s The Boss Now

  US: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017TRA2RW

  UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B017TRA2RW

  Love The Boss

  US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018TBAAVU

  UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B018TBAAVU

  I Do The Boss


  Wife of the Boss


  Employed to the Boss


  Brother to the Boss


  Senior Advisor to the Boss


  Christmas Novella (3.5)


  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Hot n' Handsome, Rich & Single... how far are you willing to go?

  Meet Alex Reid, CEO of Reid Enterprise. Billionaire extra ordinaire, chiseled to perfection, panty-melter and currently single.

  Learn about Alex Reid before he began Managing the Bosses. Alex Reid sits down for an interview with R&S.

  His life style is like his handsome looks: hard, fast, breath-taking and out to play ball. He's risky, charming and determined.

  How close to the edge is Alex willing to go? Will he stop at nothing to get what he wants?

  Alex Reid is book 1 in the R&S Rich and Single Series. Fall in love with these hot and steamy men; all single, successful, and searching for love.

  Find Lexy Timms:

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  From Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, comes a billionaire romance that'll make you swoon and fall in love all over again.

  Book 1, THE BOSS, in this series is currently FREE!

  “We may fight and we may cry, but we’ll get back because you’re the reason I survive.”

  The face of Reid Enterprises is slowly changing. Alex has always been at the forefront but now with a family, his priorities are changing. However, the change isn’t instant and along with it come challenges and complications.

  Jamie and Alex try to focus on the positive, but eventually self-doubt bring on arguments and Jamie’s not sure how much their relationship can survive.

  Alex's brother, Mark is leaving the company and moving on. He’s starting his own business and desperately wants a love like Jamie and Alex’s. However, nothing seems to come easy these days and jealousy can turn the most beautiful things ugly.

  ** Employed by the Boss is book 7 in the Managing the Bosses series. **

  Managing the Bosses Series:

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  * Gift for the Boss (Christmas Novella)

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Employed to the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss

  This is steamy romance, NOT erotica.


  Managing the Bosses Series

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Find Lexy Timms:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Brother to the Boss Description:

  Note from the Author:

  Find Lexy Timms:

  Managing the Bosses Series

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  More by Lexy Timms:

  Chapter 1

  The twins were screaming again.

  “Alex!” Jamie called, rushing the last few steps into the nursery.

  Her head was pounding with the noise of their crying. She ignored it, and leaned down to lift Lilliana from her crib. “Alex!” she called again when she had her daughter cradled against her chest. How could two tiny things make so much noise?

  Footsteps sounded in the hall under the screaming from Benton, still in his crib, and then Alex was there, looking as frazzled as she felt.

  “Pick up Benton, would you?”

  He reached down and lifted Benton up, gathering the baby in close.

  The screaming finally stopped, and Jamie breathed a sigh of relief as it quieted into little whimpering hiccups. She gently bounced Lilliana on her hip, and looked across the space of the nursery at her husband. “Well, you can’t say our life isn’t exciting.”

  “I’m not sure exciting is the word I would use,” Alex said dryly.

  Exhausting might have been a better one, Jamie acknowledged. It seemed like lately the twins had nothing to do but cry. It seemed worse any time Jamie tried to get something done. At least this time Alex had been home. He was still working full time, though he cut back from some of his obsessive overworking after the twins were born. Except some for Alex was still a full workload with overtime for any normal man.

  She had hoped that he’d be willing to leave the company a little more in the hands of Zander, but four months in that still hadn’t happened to the extent that she wanted. He just couldn’t seem to let go. Reid Enterprises had been his baby before their babies were, and, as much as she knew he loved their children, he worried too much about the company to rely on someone else do most of the managing and running of the company. Jamie understood that. She’d known it when she married him. That didn’t make it any easier every time she had to deal with the screaming twins alone and trying to do just a little work.

  Idly, she considered telling him to
come home more or she’d cut him off.

  The problem was that it wasn’t a threat that she would actually be able to make herself go through with. Cutting him off would cut her off, and that wasn’t something she was really okay with. She was worse than him when it came to sex. A crazy, wanton woman. She nearly scoffed as she cradled Lilliana.

  Not that it would be that drastic a change. They hardly had time for anything more than the occasional quickie anymore, and when they did Jamie was too tired to enjoy the kind of all-night marathons that used to be a regular event. Or as regular as anything got when Alex insisted on working fourteen hours a day. And the kids wanted to scream their heads off.

  “How often do you have to deal with this when I’m not home?” Alex asked, rocking Benton soothingly.

  “Only every afternoon or so,” Jamie said. “With occasional encore performances and dress rehearsals in the evening and morning.” She smiled tiredly. “They like doing double encores sometimes, too.”

  Alex shook his head. “We’re going to have to do something about this, Jamie. It’s wearing on you too much, and you don’t have time for anything but the babies. I think we should get a nanny.”

  “No,” Jamie said instantly. “I’m not getting a nanny. They’re my children. I’m not leaving them to some stranger to take care of just so that I don’t feel inconvenienced. We have MacBane who cooks everything for us, and I won’t be surprised if he starts freezing fresh organic baby food into ice cube trays soon. We have a cleaning service to manage the house, pool guys to take care of the pool, lawn maintenance to mind—oh, you know what we have! I helped you run a billion-dollar company. I think I should be able to manage two little babies who are our own flesh and blood!”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Alex sighed. “I’m just… I’m worried about you, Jamie. You’re still working, and even one baby is a big job. Two are even harder. You wouldn’t have to hire someone full time. Just for a few hours a day so that you could have time to get a nap if you needed it, or get some other things done.”

  “I don’t need a nap. I’m doing just fine.” Actually, a nap sounded delicious, but she had pushed herself this hard before and been just fine. She could do it again. She wasn’t going to put more stress on Alex. But she sure as hell wasn’t getting a nanny. “And I don’t want to be one of those rich families where the parents are always working and just throw money at their kids in place of interaction.”

  “We’re not going to be that kind of family, Jamie,” Alex said. He crossed the nursery to stand beside her, Benton half-asleep in his arms, and bumped his shoulder against hers because his hands weren’t free.

  Jamie found a smile somewhere that probably looked as exhausted as she felt. “You’re right, sweetie. I’m sorry. I’m just tired,” she sighed. “It’s been nonstop since the twins were born, and I’m so happy that we have them. Both of them. But even though they try to tell you how tiring it’s going to be, I don’t think anyone who hasn’t had kids can actually understand.”

  She looked up at her husband, and felt a spark of the desire she’d been almost too tired to feel lately when her eyes moved over the handsome lines of his face. It had been way too long since they’d made love. But it wasn’t like the old days in the office, when they could sneak off for a little time together. You couldn’t sneak away from fussy babies. And that brought her right back to the worries that had been spinning in her head since she found out she was pregnant.

  Plus, why did she have to refer to it as the old days? It wasn’t that long ago! It just felt like decades had passed.

  She blinked, forcing back emotional tears that seemed to have no problem sprouting since having the babies. Emotions seemed to be part of the package that came with kids. “I guess I’m just afraid that I’m going to turn out like my mother. So… distant. And harsh. I don’t want my kids to grow up with that. I want them to be happy.”

  “You’re not going to be anything like your mother,” Alex said, as patiently and gently as he’d said it all the other times.

  She loved him for not getting frustrated with her insecurities. Loved him for being so understanding. Her eyes pricked with tears. He was such a good man. She blinked them back.

  “You couldn’t be like your mother,” he went on. “You’re too good, Jamie. And way too sweet. Our children have the best mother anyone could ask for, and they’re going to be happy. I promise.”

  She tipped her head against his shoulder, nodding. He was right. They had a good family. They were going to be okay together. It was hard now, but it would be worth it. She was sure of it.

  Jamie was even more sure of it by the time they’d gotten the babies fed and laid down for a nap. They sat down on the couch, and Jamie curled up against Alex’s side as he turned the TV to something that she didn’t really care about watching. She wasn’t sure he cared either. It was just white noise. His arm wrapped around her and held her close.

  For a few minutes they were silent like that, just sitting together. The television droned on about something inconsequential. Her eyelids dropped lower. Maybe sleeping for just a little bit wouldn’t be a bad plan. It was warm here, in Alex’s arms. The twins were tucked happily into bed. She let her eyes fall shut.

  “You know when I suggest a nanny I’m not saying you’re a bad mother, right?” Alex asked.

  Jamie lifted her head, dragging her eyes open. “What? No. I know. I just don’t want someone else to be the person they look up to. I want to raise them ourselves. They’re ours.”

  “It wouldn’t be someone else raising them, Jamie. It would just be a little bit of time every day. I know you said you don’t want a nap, but you’re exhausted. I can tell. And, to be honest, I… Well, I miss having you around the office. And I miss your help with the company. No one else can do quite what you do, Jamie.”

  “They should start sleeping more at night soon. Then I won’t be so tired during the day. I can work through their naps, or set them up with some toys in the same room. We can make it work.”

  “At what risk?” Alex asked. “I’m not going to have you working yourself to the bone.”

  Jamie sat up, pulling out of Alex’s embrace. “I don’t need a nanny. It will be fine.”

  Alex sighed, but he didn’t press the point any further. Jamie let herself sink back against the support of his shoulder.

  Everything would be fine.

  She could handle it. Really.

  Chapter 2

  Mark woke to the warmth of a body wrapped around his own. Camille was still sleeping, her head resting on his chest and her arm thrown across his stomach. He contemplated letting his eyes fall shut again and rejoining her. The room had that lazy sort of Saturday morning feeling that made a day in bed sound just about perfect.

  Camille stirred in his arms, and curled closer. Her eyelashes fluttered. “Morning,” she murmured, tipping her head back to look up at him.

  He ran a hand down the smooth curve of her spine, and smiled down at her. “Hell of a good one,” he answered.

  She laughed, low and soft. “Yeah, you could say that. A night like last night usually makes for a morning worth waking up to.”

  That was certainly the truth. Even just thinking about it had him wanting more. Camille wrapped closer around him like she knew what he was thinking, her thigh brushing against his cock.

  “I hope you had as good a time as I did,” she went on, her voice the kind of purr that was specifically designed to make a man hard in 0.2 seconds. “Because I had a really good time.”

  “Hell, yes.”

  And unless he was really mistaken, he was about to have another.

  “So I was thinking,” Camille said, fingers trailing up his chest. “We have the whole afternoon to spend in bed…”

  “Is that a question or an invitation?” Mark asked. His fingers curled around her wrist, thumb stroking over the arch of bone under thin skin.

  She looked up at him from under her lashes, lips curling into a smile. “Both? Eith
er?” She pressed against his side. “I don’t have anywhere to be if you don’t.”

  Mark laughed. “I think I can clear my schedule for the day.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted her with his lips pressed to her own, one of his hands curling around the back of her neck to draw her deeper into the kiss. There was nothing rushed about it. Like she’d said, they had all day. It was a long, slow, lazy kiss. The kind of kiss he thought he could really get used to sharing with someone who shared his bed more than once.

  Reluctantly, Mark pulled back to breathe. The he kissed her again. “I think,” he said when they broke apart, “that it’s my turn this time.”

  “Your turn for what?” Camille asked.

  Instead of answering, Mark untangled himself from her, pressing her gently down into the mattress before she could protest. He slid his hands up the curve of her waist, and leaned down to press his mouth to her throat, her belly. She sighed, sinking against the mattress, like every muscle in her body was remembering how to relax.

  Mark nipped at her inner thigh, just sharp enough to sting, and she gasped. His hands curled around her legs just above the knee, sliding them open wider on the sheets. She squirmed in his hold, but not like she wanted to get away. The motions were an attempt to get him to move up, put his mouth where she so obviously wanted it. He brushed another kiss against her thigh and listened to her longing moan.

  “Mark, come on,” she gasped when he kissed her inner thigh again. “Stop teasing.”

  He lifted his head enough to smile up at her. “We have all day, though. Why rush it?”

  “Because if you don't I'm going to spontaneously combust.”


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