Texas Wild

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Texas Wild Page 2

by Brenda Jackson

  “Yes, I’m positive. I’ll call you if I need you,” Megan said, forcing back a grin.

  “Oh, all right.”

  It was only when Grace had closed the door behind her that Megan glanced back at Rico to find him staring at her. A shiver of nervousness slithered down her spine. She shouldn’t feel uncomfortable around him. But she had discovered upon meeting Rico that she had a strong attraction to him, something she’d never had for a man before. For the past three months, out of sight had meant out of mind where he was concerned—on her good days. But with him standing in the middle of her office she was forced to remember why she’d been so taken with him at her cousin’s wedding.

  The man was hot.

  “Would you like to take a seat? This sounds important,” she said, returning to the chair behind her desk, eager to hear what he had to say and just as anxious to downplay the emotional reaction he was causing.

  A few years ago, her family had learned that her great-grandfather, Raphel Stern Westmoreland, who they’d assumed was an only child, had actually had a twin brother, Reginald Scott Westmoreland. It all started when an older man living in Atlanta by the name of James Westmoreland—a grandson of Reginald—began genealogy research on his family. His research revealed a connection to the Westmorelands living in Denver—her family. Once that information had been uncovered, her family had begun to wonder what else they didn’t know about their ancestor.

  They had discovered that Raphel, at twenty-two, had become the black sheep of the family after running off with the preacher’s wife, never to be heard from again. He had passed through various states, including Texas, Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska, before settling down in Colorado. It was found that he had taken up with a number of women along the way. Everyone was curious about what happened to those women, since it appeared he had been married to each one of them at some point. If that was true, there were possibly even more Westmorelands out there that Megan and her family didn’t know about. That was why her oldest cousin, Dillon, had taken it upon himself to investigate her great-grandfather’s other wives.

  Dillon’s investigation had led him to Gamble, Wyoming, where he’d not only met his future wife, but he’d also found out the first two women connected with Raphel hadn’t been the man’s wives, but were women he had helped out in some way. Since that first investigation, Dillon had married and was the father of one child, with another on the way. With a growing family, he was too busy to chase information about Raphel’s third and fourth wives. Megan had decided to resume the search, which was the reason she had hired Rico, who had, of course, come highly recommended by her brothers and cousins.

  Megan watched Rico take a seat, thinking the man was way too sexy for words. She was used to being surrounded by good-looking men. Case in point, her five brothers and slew of cousins were all gorgeous. But there was something about Rico that pulled at her in a way she found most troublesome.

  “I think it’s important, and it’s the first break I’ve had,” he responded. “I was finally able to find something on Clarice Riggins.”

  A glimmer of hope spread through Megan. Clarice was rumored to have been her great-grandfather’s third wife. Megan leaned forward in her chair. “How? Where?”

  “I was able to trace what I’ve pieced together to a small town in Texas, on the other side of Austin, called Forbes.”

  “Forbes, Texas?”

  “Yes. I plan to leave Thursday morning. I had thought of leaving later today, after this meeting, but your brothers and cousins talked me out of it. They want me to hang out with them for a couple of days.”

  Megan wasn’t surprised. Although the Westmorelands were mostly divided among four states—Colorado, Georgia, Montana and Texas—the males in the family usually got together often, either to go hunting, check on the various mutual business interests or just for a poker game getaway. Since Rico was the brother-in-law to two of her cousins, he often joined those trips.

  “So you haven’t been able to find out anything about her?” she asked.

  “No, not yet, but I did discover something interesting.”

  Megan lifted a brow. “What?”

  “It’s recorded that she gave birth to a child. We can’t say whether the baby was male or female, but it was a live birth.”

  Megan couldn’t stop the flow of excitement that seeped into her veins. If Clarice had given birth, that could mean more Westmoreland cousins out there somewhere. Anyone living in Denver knew how important family was to the Westmorelands.

  “That could be big. Really major,” she said, thinking. “Have you mentioned it to anyone else?”

  He shook his head, smiling. “No, you’re the one who hired me, so anything I discover I bring to you first.”

  She nodded. “Don’t say anything just yet. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. You can say you’re going to Texas on a lead, but nothing else for now.”

  Presently, there were fifteen Denver Westmorelands. Twelve males and three females. Megan’s parents, as well as her aunt and uncle, had been killed in a plane crash years ago, leaving Dillon and her oldest brother, Ramsey, in charge. It hadn’t been easy, but now all of the Westmorelands were self-supporting individuals. All of them had graduated from college except for the two youngest—Bane and Bailey. Bane was in the U.S. Navy, and Bailey, who’d fought the idea of any education past high school, was now in college with less than a year to go to get her degree.

  There had never been any doubt in Megan’s mind that she would go to college to become an anesthesiologist. She loved her job. She had known this was the career she wanted ever since she’d had her tonsils removed at six and had met the nice man who put her to sleep. He had come by to check on her after the surgery. He’d visited with her, ate ice cream with her and told her all about his job. At the time, she couldn’t even pronounce it, but she’d known that was her calling.

  Yet everyone needed a break from their job every once in a while, and she was getting burned out. Budget cuts required doing more with less, and she’d known for a while that it was time she went somewhere to chill. Bailey had left that morning for Charlotte to visit their cousin Quade, his wife Cheyenne and their triplets. Megan had been tempted to go with her, since she had a lot of vacation time that she rarely used. She also thought about going to Montana, where other Westmorelands lived. One nice thing about having a large family so spread out was that you always had somewhere to go.

  Suddenly, a thought popped into Megan’s head, and she glanced over at Rico again to find him staring at her. Their gazes held for a moment longer than necessary before she broke eye contact and looked down at the calendar on her desk while releasing a slow breath. For some reason she had a feeling he was on the verge of finding out something major. She wanted to be there when he did. More than anything she wanted to be present when he found out about Clarice’s child. If she was in Denver while he was in Texas, she would go nuts waiting for him to contact her with any information he discovered. Once she’d gotten her thoughts and plans together, she glanced back up at him.

  “You’re leaving for Texas in two days, right?”

  He lifted a brow. “Yes. That’s my plan.”

  Megan leaned back in her chair. “I’ve just made a decision about something.”

  “About what?”

  Megan smiled. “I’ve decided to go with you.”

  * * *

  Rico figured there were a lot of things in life he didn’t know. But the one thing he did know was that the
re was no way Megan Westmoreland was going anywhere with him. Being alone with her in this office was bad enough. The thought of them sitting together on a plane or in a car was too close for comfort. It was arousing him just thinking about it.

  He was attracted to her big-time and had been from the moment he’d seen her at Micah’s wedding. He had arrived late because of a case he’d been handling and had shown up at the reception just moments before the bride and groom were to leave for their honeymoon. Megan had hired him a month earlier, even though they’d never met in person. Because of that, the first thing Rico did when he arrived at the reception was to ask Zane to point her out.

  The moment his and Megan’s gazes locked he had felt desire rush through him to a degree that had never happened before. It had shocked the hell out of him. His gaze had moved over her, taking in every single thing he saw, every inch of what he’d liked. And he’d liked it all. Way too much. From the abundance of dark curls on her head to the creamy smoothness of her mahogany skin, from the shapely body in a bridesmaid gown to the pair of silver stilettos on her feet. She had looked totally beautiful.

  At the age of thirty-six, he’d figured he was way too old to be that attracted to any woman. After all, he’d dated quite a few women in his day. And by just looking at Megan, he could tell she was young, that she hadn’t turned thirty yet. But her age hadn’t stopped him from staring and staring and staring…until one of her cousins had reclaimed his attention. But still, he had thought about her more than he should have since then.

  “Well, with that settled, I’ll notify my superiors so they can find a replacement for me while I’m gone,” she said, breaking into his thoughts. “There are only a few surgeries scheduled for tomorrow, and I figure we’ll be back in a week or so.”

  Evidently she thought that since he hadn’t said anything, he was okay with the idea of her accompanying him to Texas. Boy, was she wrong. “Sorry, Megan, there’s no way I’ll let you come with me. I have a rule about working alone.”

  He could tell by the mutinous expression on her face that he was in for a fight. That didn’t bother him. He had two younger sisters to deal with so he knew well how to handle a stubborn female.

  “Surely you can break that rule this one time.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, I can’t.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Other than the fact that you prefer working alone, give me another reason I can’t go with you.”

  He crossed his arms over his own chest. “I don’t need another reason. Like I said, I work alone.” He did have a reason, but he wouldn’t be sharing it with her. All he had to do was recall what had almost happened the last time he’d worked a case with a woman.

  “Why are you being difficult?”

  “Why are you?” he countered.

  “I’m not,” she said, throwing her head back and gritting out her words. “This is my great-grandfather we’re talking about.”

  “I’m fully aware of who he was. You and I talked extensively before I agreed to take on this case, and I recall telling you that I would get you the information you wanted…doing things my way.”

  He watched as she began nibbling on her bottom lip. Okay, so now she was remembering. Good. For some reason, he couldn’t stop looking into her eyes, meeting her fiery gaze head on, thinking her eyes resembled two beautiful dark orbs.

  “As the client, I demand that you take me,” she said, sharply interrupting his thoughts.

  He narrowed his gaze. “You can demand all you want, but you’re not going to Texas with me.”

  “And why not?”

  “I’ve told you my reasons, now can we move on to something else, please?”

  She stood up. “No, we can’t move on to something else.”

  He stood, as well. “Now you’re acting like a spoiled child.”

  Megan’s jaw dropped. “A spoiled child? I’ve never acted like a spoiled child in my entire life. And as for going to Texas, I will be going since there’s no reason that I shouldn’t.”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. “Okay, there is another reason I won’t take you with me. One that you’d do well to consider,” he said in a calm, barely controlled tone. She had pushed him, and he didn’t like being pushed.

  “Fine, let’s hear it,” she snapped furiously.

  He placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, stood with his legs braced apart and leveled his gaze on her when he spoke in a deep, husky voice. “I want you, Megan. Bad. And if you go anywhere with me, I’m going to have you.”

  He then turned and walked out of her office.

  Shocked, Megan dropped back down in her chair. “Gracious!”

  * * *

  Three surgeries later, back in her office, Megan paced the floor. Although Rico’s parting statement had taken her by surprise, she was still furious. Typical man. Why did they think everything began and ended in the bedroom? So, he was attracted to her. Big deal. Little did he know, but she was attracted to him as well, and she had no qualms about going to Texas with him. For crying out loud, hadn’t he ever heard of self-control?

  She was sister to Zane and Derringer and cousin to Riley and Canyon—three were womanizers to the core. And before marrying Lucia, Derringer had all but worn his penis on his sleeve and Zane, Lord help him, wore his anywhere there was a free spot on his body. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d unexpectedly shown up at Zane’s place at the wrong time or how many pairs of panties she’d discovered left behind at Riley’s. And wasn’t it just yesterday she’d seen a woman leave Canyon’s place before dawn?

  Besides that, Rico Claiborne honestly thought all he had to do was decide he wanted her and he would have her? Wouldn’t she have some kind of say-so in the matter? Evidently he didn’t think so, which meant he really didn’t know whom he was dealing with. The doctors at the hospital, who thought she was cold and incapable of being seduced, called her “Iceberg Megan.”

  So, okay, Rico had thawed her out a little when she’d seen him at the wedding three months ago. And she would admit he’d made her heart flutter upon seeing him today. But he was definitely under a false assumption if he thought all he had to do was snap his fingers, strut that sexy walk and she would automatically fall into any bed with him.

  She scowled. The more she thought about it, the madder she got. He should know from all the conversations they’d shared over the phone that this investigation was important to her. Family was everything to her, and if there were other Westmorelands out there, she wanted to know about them. She wanted to be in the thick of things when he uncovered the truth as to where those Westmorelands were and how quickly they could be reached.

  Megan moved to the window and looked out. September clouds were settling in, and the forecasters had predicted the first snowfall of the year by the end of the week. But that was fine since she had no intention of being here in Denver when the snow started. Ignoring what Rico had said about her not going to Texas with him, she had cleared her calendar for not only the rest of the week, but also for the next month. She had the vacation time, and if she didn’t use it by the end of the year she would end up losing it anyway.

  First, she would go to Texas. And then, before returning to work, she would take off for Australia and spend time with her sister Gemma and her family. Megan enjoyed international travel and recalled the first time she’d left the country to visit her cousin Delaney in the Middle East. That had been quite an enjoyable experience.

ut remembering the trip to visit her cousin couldn’t keep her thoughts from shifting back to Rico, and she felt an unwelcoming jolt of desire as she recalled him standing in her office, right in this very spot, and saying what he’d said, without as much as blinking an eye.

  If he, for one minute, thought he had the ability to tell her what to do, he had another thought coming. If he was that attracted to her then he needed to put a cap on it. They were adults and would act accordingly. The mere thought that once alone they would tear each other’s clothes off in some sort of heated lust was total rubbish. Although she was attracted to him, she knew how to handle herself. It was going to be hard to keep her hands to herself.

  But no matter what, she would.

  * * *

  “You sure I’m not putting you out, Riley? I can certainly get a room at the hotel in town.”

  “I won’t hear of it,” Riley Westmoreland said, smiling. “Hell, you’re practically family.”

  Rico threw his luggage on the bed, thinking he certainly hadn’t felt like family earlier when he’d been alone with Megan. He still couldn’t get over her wanting to go to Texas with him. Surely she had felt the sexual tension that seemed to surround them whenever they were within a few feet of each other.

  “So how are things going with that investigation you’re doing for Megan?” Riley asked, breaking into Rico’s thoughts.

  “Fine. In fact, I’m on my way to Texas to poke around a new lead.”

  Riley’s brow lifted. “Really? Does Megan know yet?”

  “Yes. I met with her at the hospital earlier today.”

  Riley chuckled. “I bet she was happy about that. We’re all interested in uncovering the truth about Poppa Raphel, but I honestly think Megan is obsessed with it and has been ever since Dillon and Pam shared those journals with her. Now that Dillon has made Megan the keeper of the journals she is determined to uncover everything. She’s convinced we have more relatives out there somewhere.”


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