Texas Wild

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Texas Wild Page 14

by Brenda Jackson

  He shifted their bodies, pulling her beneath him with her back to him. “Let me get inside you this way, baby. I want to ride you from behind.”

  Pulling in as much energy as she could, she eased up on all fours, and no sooner had she done so than she felt the head of his erection slide into her. And then he began moving, slowly at first, taking long, leisurely strokes. Each one sent bristles of pleasure brushing over her. But then he increased the rhythm and made the strokes deeper, harder, a lot more provocative as he rode her from the back. She moved her hips against him, felt his stomach on the cheeks of her backside while his hand caressed her breasts.

  She glanced over her shoulder, their gazes connected, and she saw the heated look in his eyes. It fueled even more desire within her, making her moan and groan his name aloud.


  “That sounds good, baby. Now I want to hear you say ‘Ricardo.’”

  As spasms of pleasure ripped through her, she whispered in a low, sultry voice. “Ricardo.”

  Hearing her say his birth name made something savage inside of Rico snap. He grabbed her hips as unadulterated pleasure rammed through him, making him ride her harder, his testicles beating against her backside. The sound of flesh against flesh echoed loudly through the room and mingled with their moans and groans.

  And then it happened. The moment he felt her inner muscles clamp down on him, felt her come all over him, he exploded. He wouldn’t be surprised if the damn condom didn’t break from the load. But, at that moment, the only thing he wanted to do was fill her with his essence. Only her. No other woman.

  He continued to shudder, locked tight inside of her. He threw his head back and let out a fierce, primal growl. The same sound a male animal made when he found his true mate. As pleasure continued to rip through him, he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had found his.

  He lowered his head and slipped his tongue inside her mouth, needing the connection as waves of pleasure continued to pound into him. It seemed to take forever before the last spasm left his body. But he couldn’t move. Didn’t want to. He just wanted to lie there and stay intimately connected to her.

  But he knew being on all fours probably wasn’t a comfortable position for her, so he eased their bodies down in a way that spooned his body against hers but kept him locked inside of her. He needed this moment of just lying with her, being inside of her while holding her in his arms.

  She was so damn perfect. What they’d just shared had been so out-of-this-world right. He felt fulfilled in a way he had never felt before, in a way he hadn’t thought he was capable of feeling.

  “Anything else you think I ought to know?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her, liking the feel of her snuggled tightly to him.

  “There is this thing about you using a condom,”

  “Mmm, what about it?”

  “You can make it optional if you want. I take birth control injections, to stay regulated, so I’m good.”

  He had news for her. She was better than good. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “And I’m healthy so I’m safe that way, as well,” she added.

  “So am I,” he assured her softly, gently rubbing her stomach, liking the knowledge that the next time they made love they could be skin-to-skin.


  He looked down at her. She had tilted her head back to see him.


  “I like letting go with you. I like getting wild.”

  He lowered his head to brush a kiss across her lips. “And I like letting go and getting wild with you, too.”

  And he meant it in a way he wasn’t ready to explain quite yet. Right now, he wanted to do the job she had hired him to do. He hadn’t accepted everything Ms. Fanny and her daughter had said, although the newspapers and those documents somewhat supported their claims, especially the details of the fire and the train wreck. There was still a gut feeling that just wouldn’t go away.

  Something wasn’t adding up, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. He had been too concerned about the impact of their words on Megan to take the time to dissect everything. He hadn’t been on top of his A-game, which is one of the reasons he hadn’t wanted her here. He tended to focus more on her than on what he was supposed to be doing.

  But now, as he replayed everything that had transpired over the past fourteen hours in his mind, a lot of questions were beginning to form. In the morning, he would talk to Megan over breakfast. Right now, he just wanted to hold her in his arms for a while, catch a little sleep and then make love to her again.

  If he had thought he was addicted to her before, he knew he was even more so now.


  “I think Fanny Banks’s story isn’t true.”

  Megan peered across the breakfast table at Rico. It took a few seconds for his words to fully sink in. “You do?”

  “Yes. Someone is trying to hide something.”

  Serious doubt appeared in her gaze. “I don’t know, Rico. What could they be trying to hide? Besides, we saw the articles in the newspapers, which substantiated what she said.”

  “Did they?”

  Megan placed her fork down and leaned back in her chair. “Look, I admit I was upset by what I learned, and I wish more than anything that Fanny Banks might have gotten her information wrong or that at one hundred years old she couldn’t possible remember anything. But her memory is still sharp.”

  “Too sharp.”

  Megan leaned forward, wondering why he suddenly had a doubtful attitude. “Okay, why the change of heart? You seemed ready to accept what she said.”

  “Yes, I was too ready. I was too quick to believe it because, like you, I thought it made sense, especially after reading those newspaper articles. But last night while you slept, I lay there and put things together in my mind and there’s one thing that you and I can’t deny that we didn’t give much thought to.”

  She lifted a brow. “And what is that?”

  “It’s no coincidence that the Westmorelands of Atlanta and the Denver Westmorelands favor. And I don’t mean a little bit. If you put them in a room with a hundred other people and asked someone to pick out family members, I’d bet ninety-eight percent of all the Westmorelands in the room would get grouped together.”

  Megan opened her mouth to say something and then decided there was nothing she could say because he was right. The first time the two groups had gotten together, and Dare Westmoreland—one of the Atlanta Westmorelands who was a sheriff in the metro area—had walked into the room, every member of the Denver Westmorelands’ jaws had dropped. He and Dillon favored so much it was uncanny.

  “And that level of similarity in looks can only come from the same genes,” Rico added. “If push comes to shove, I’ll have DNA testing done.”

  She picked up her fork. “You still haven’t given me a reason for Ms. Banks to make up such a story.”

  Rico tossed down his napkin. “I don’t have a reason, Megan, just a gut feeling.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I saw yesterday that what she said took a toll on you and that became my main concern. I got caught up in your hurt and pain. I felt it, and I didn’t want that for you.”

  She understood what he meant. Last night, making love to him had been an eye opener. She had felt connected to him in a way she’d never been connected to a man. She was in tune to her emotions and a part of her felt in tune to his, as well.
Their time together had been so special that even now the memories gave her pause. “If your theory is true, how do we prove it?” she asked him.

  “We don’t. We visit them again and ask questions we didn’t ask yesterday when our minds were too numb to do so.”

  He gently tightened his hold on her hand. “I need you to trust me on this. Will you do that?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I will trust you.”

  * * *

  After making a call to the Banks ladies after breakfast, they discovered they would have to put their visit on hold for a while. Dorothy Banks’s daughter advised them that her mother and great-grandmother weren’t at home and had gone on a day trip to Brownwood and wouldn’t be returning until that evening.

  So Rico and Megan went back to their hotel. The moment they walked into the room he gently grabbed her wrist and tugged her to him. “You okay? How is the soreness?”

  He found it odd to ask her that since he’d never asked a woman that question before. But then he couldn’t recall ever being any woman’s first.

  She rested her palms on his chest and smiled up at him. “My body is fine. Remember, I do own a horse that I ride every day, and I think that might have helped some.” She paused and then asked, “What about you?”

  He raised a brow. “Me?”

  “Yes,” she said, smiling. “I rode you pretty darn hard.”

  Yes, she had. The memory of her doing so made his erection thicken against her. “Yes, but making love with you was amazing,” he said, already feeling the air crackling with sexual energy. “Simply incredible. I enjoyed it tremendously.”

  Her smile widened, as if she was pleased. “Did you?”

  “Yes. I can’t really put it into words.”

  She leaned closer and ran the tip of her tongue alongside his lips. Tempting him. Seducing him, slowly and deliberately. “Then show me, Rico. Show me how much you enjoyed it. Let’s get wild again.”

  He was already moving into action, tugging off his shirt and bending down to remove his shoes and socks. She wanted wild, he would give her wild. Texas wild. Following his lead, she began stripping off her clothes. He lowered his jeans and briefs while watching her ease her own jeans down her thighs. He discovered last night that she wore the cutest panties. Colorful. Sexy. No thongs or bikinis. They were hip-huggers, and she had the shapely hips for them. They looked great on her. Even better off her.

  He stood there totally nude while she eased her panties down. She was about to toss them aside when he said, “Give them to me.”

  She lifted a brow as she tossed them over to him. He caught them with one hand and then raised them to his nose. He inhaled her womanly scent. His erection throbbed and his mouth watered, making him groan. He tossed her panties aside and looked at her, watching her nipples harden before his eyes.

  He lowered his gaze to her sex. She kept things simple, natural. Some men liked bikini or Brazilian, but he preferred natural. She was beautiful there, her womanly core covered with dark curls.

  His tongue felt thick in his mouth, and he knew where he wanted it to be. He moved across the room and dropped to his knees in front of her. Grabbing her thighs he rested his head against her stomach and inhaled before he began kissing around her belly button and along her inner and outer thighs. He tasted her skin, licking it all over and branding it as his. And then he came face-to-face with the core of her and saw her glistening folds. With the tip of his tongue, he began lapping her up.

  She grabbed hold of his shoulders, dug her fingernails into the blades, but he didn’t feel any pain. He felt only pleasure as he continued to feast on her. Savoring every inch of her.


  He heard her whimper his name, but instead of letting up, he penetrated her with his tongue, tightened his hold on her hips and consumed her.

  He liked having his tongue in her sex, tasting her honeyed juices, sucking her and pushing her into the kind of pleasure only he had ever given her. Only him.


  She called out his name a little more forcefully this time, and he knew why. She removed her hands from his shoulders to dig into his hair as she released another high-pitched scream that almost shook the room. If hotel security came to investigate, it would be all her fault.

  Moments later, she finished off her orgasm with an intense moan and would have collapsed to the floor had he not been holding her thighs. He stood. “That was just an appetizer, baby. Now for the meal.”

  Picking her up in his arms he carried her to the bedroom, but instead of placing her on the bed, he grabbed one of the pillows and moved toward the huge chair. He sat and positioned her in his lap, facing him. Easing up he placed the pillows under his knees.

  “Now, this is going to work nicely. You want wild, I’m about to give you wild,” he whispered, adjusting her body so that she was straddling him with her legs raised all the way to his shoulders. He lifted her hips just enough so he could ease into her, liking the feel of being skin-to-skin with her. The wetness that welcomed him as he eased inside made him throb even more, and he knew he must be leaking already, mingling with her wetness.

  “You feel so good,” he said in a guttural tone. They were almost on eye level, and he saw the deep desire in the depths of her gaze. She moved, gyrating her hips in his lap. Her movement caused him to moan, and then he began moving, setting the rhythm, rocking in place, grasping her hips tightly to receive his upward thrusts. And she met his demands, tilting her hips and pushing forward to meet him.

  He could feel heat building between them, sensations overtaking them so intensely that he rocked harder, faster. His thrusts were longer, deeper, even more intense as they worked the chair and each other.

  He knew the moment she came. He felt it gush all around him, triggering his own orgasm. He shuddered uncontrollably, as his body did one hell of a blast inside of her. She stared into his face and the look in her eyes told him she had felt his hot release shooting inside of her. And he knew that was another new experience for her. The thought was arousing, and he could only groan raggedly. “Oh, baby, I love coming inside of you. It feels so good.”

  “You feel good,” she countered. And then she was kissing him with a passion that was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. No woman had ever put this much into her kiss. It was raw, but there was something else, something he couldn’t define at the moment. It was more than just tongues tangling and mating aggressively. There were emotions beneath their actions. He felt them in every part of his body.

  He would have given it further thought if she hadn’t moved her mouth away to scream out another orgasm. As she sobbed his name, he felt his body explode again, as well. He cried out her name over and over as he came, increasing the rocking of the chair until he was convinced it would collapse beneath them.

  But it didn’t. It held up. Probably better than they did, he thought, as they fought for air and the power to breathe again. Megan’s head fell to his chest and he rubbed her back gently. Passion had his vision so blurred he could barely see. But he could feel, and what he was feeling went beyond satisfying his lust for her. It was much deeper than that. With her naked body connected so tightly to his, he knew why they had been so in tune with each other from the first. He understood why the attraction had been so powerful that he hadn’t been able to sleep a single night since without dreaming of her.

  He loved her.

  There was no other way to explain what he was feeling, no other way to explain w
hy spending the rest of his life without her was something he couldn’t do. He pulled in a deep breath before kissing her shoulder blades. When he felt her shiver, his erection began hardening inside of her all over again.

  She felt it and lifted her head to stare at him with languid eyes, raising both brows. “You’re kidding, right? You’ve just got to be.”

  He smiled and combed his hands through the thick curls on her head. “You said you wanted wild,” he murmured softly.

  She smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck, touching her own legs, which were still on his shoulders. “I did say that, didn’t I?” she purred, beginning to rotate her hips in his lap.

  He eased out of the chair with their bodies still locked together. “Yes, and now I’m going to take you against the wall.”

  * * *

  “Hey, you awake over there?” Rico asked when he came to a traffic light. He glanced across the truck seat at Megan. She lifted her head and sighed. Never had she felt so satiated in her life. For a minute, she’d thought he would have to carry her out of the hotel room and down to the truck.

  They had made love a couple more times after the chair episode. First against the wall like he’d said, and then later, after their nap, they’d made out in the shower. Both times had indeed been wild, and such rewarding experiences. Now she was bone-tired. She knew she would have to perk up before they got to the Bankses’ place.

  “I’m awake, but barely.”

  “You wanted it wild,” he reminded her.

  She smiled drowsily. “Yes, and you definitely know how to deliver.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks. And that’s Texas wild. Wait until I make love to you in Denver and show you Colorado wild.”


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