Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas

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Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas Page 7

by Body, Heart

  She watched him look curiously over his shoulder and around the shrubbery for a minute then back at her. Thankfully, she managed to pull her mouth closed at the last second and smiled.

  “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something? I thought the lap pool would be safe.” He added under his breath. “Although, around here, I can’t imagine why.”

  She blinked, completely confused by his words.

  “Do you want me to leave?”


  His brows rose. He looked at her as if he thought she was on something. The fact that she had nothing to say and just stood there blinking at him probably wasn’t helping.

  “Maybe we should start over.” He walked to her lounge, hand extended. “I’m Darius Kiersen. Pleased to meet you.”

  “Kiersen?” She sat up quickly, adjusting her bikini top as she did. “Well, that explains it. I thought I was hallucinating or something. Are you Dev’s brother?”

  She slipped her hand in his large one and he graced her with a very sexy smile. “Dev told you about me?”

  Kira stood, fiddled with the bows on her bikini bottoms, then slipped her wrap over her head. “Well, no. Not exactly, anyway.”

  Darius mouth twisted as he made a disgruntled sound.

  “No. I don’t suppose he would. He doesn’t want me here. Refuses to speak with me since the day I arrived.”

  “That’s awful.”

  But Kira’s mind was busy making calculations. Was the arrival of his brother what had sent Dev to her room that day in such a state? She imagined it was a pretty good bet.

  Darius smiled down at her, a mix of mischief and sadness in his eyes that she thought were so like Dev’s. She smiled back. His smile broadened, and she got the impression she was missing something.

  “Is your name classified? Only invited guests allowed to know?”

  “Oh! No, It’s Kira, Kira Nestor and I’m not invited, either. I’m Barbara’s assistant.”

  A darkness moved over Darius’ face, just as if clouds had covered the sun and Kira found herself fidgeting nervously now in his presence.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  He pressed his mouth into a thin line, giving her a head-to-toe look that made her feel she wasn’t worthy of the air she breathed.

  “No. You’re just different than Barbara’s other…assistants.”

  She narrowed her eyes, confused by why it mattered.

  “That’s what your brother keeps saying.”

  Darius snorted and turned his back on her under the pretense of straightening his already-straightened towel.

  “Well, I guess he’d know, wouldn’t he?”

  “I…I guess.”

  She continued examining her fingers, wondering what had happened, until he came back to her. He grabbed her around the neck in a contradiction of brute strength, aggression, and gentleness, pressing himself nearly on top of her.

  “I won’t pretend I approve, but if you can get my brother to speak with me—”

  “Get your fucking hands off her!”

  There was no question in Kira’s mind this time as to whom the deep, menacing voice belonged to. She hadn’t been completely uncomfortable with Darius’ outburst, but felt overall that whatever troubled him had nothing to do with her. Now a hint of fear spread through her though as she didn’t want to give Dev any more reasons not to speak with his brother.

  Darius didn’t release Kira. With a slow smile, possibly for Dev’s benefit, he pulled her against his side, his fingers playing in the loose hair at her neck.

  “What business is it of yours whose hands are on her? I didn’t think it would matter, all things considered.” His hand slid down her back and Kira jumped when he grabbed her ass. “She’s just a body, just a little mind game you and that woman play. By summer’s end—”

  “Shut. Up.”

  Dev snarled like a rabid bear. Kira felt herself sliding a little closer to Darius in reaction to it. She didn’t understand what their discussion involved and didn’t appreciate being referred to as a game or just a body, but she knew enough to keep quiet. If she wanted to know what plagued Dev, this was probably her best shot at finding out.

  Dev ran his hand through his hair, releasing a sigh and dropping his head.

  “Don’t do this, Darius. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Darius walked away from Kira, closer to Dev, pointing back at her, easily matching his brother’s snarl in intensity.

  “I know you think you’re like him and you’ve been hell-bent to prove it for nearly fifteen years.” He thumped his hand against his chest as he said, “But I know you’re not. I know you, Dev. I know the man who fought for this family, the one who tried everything to save it.” He moved closer, putting his hands on Dev’s shoulders and lowering his voice. “I would have been lost without you.”

  Dev looked right through Darius to Kira, his gaze felt like molten steel burning through every layer of her heart.

  “Go back to the house, Kira.”

  “Why should she? Isn’t she supposed to know the real you, Dev? Is that part of the game?” Darius threw up his hands and turned towards the pool. “I suppose it is.” He sounded defeated and lost. “Why do you do this? Come here?”

  “Kira. Go.”

  Kira watched the awkward scene play out between the brothers. She felt tears rising as Dev appeared to be ignoring Darius’ every plea. Her gaze flitted over to Darius even as Dev moved towards her. He appeared to be watching the aqua, heavily-chlorinated water slosh along the sides of the Mediterranean tile as if it were the most important thing in the world, and all Kira could do was wonder what on earth had happened between these brothers to have them so alienated.

  Half mesmerized by Dev in his white pants, turquoise button-down shirt that wasn’t entirely buttoned and his sandals, she realized, it was the most relaxed she’d ever seen him and it simply took her breath away. The other half of her was wary. He had that jungle cat thing going again as he stalked towards her.

  If she only understood what the hell was going on, maybe she could have fought him, but when he grabbed her arms in a tender show of ownership, she blanched.

  When his lips came softly down on hers, she melted under the soft press of his lips. When he brushed her hair back again and asked softly, “Please go back to the house,” she did, almost without looking back.

  At the top of the steps, she did look back and the tension that rolled off the two of them almost knocked her off her feet.

  * * * *

  “Why are you still here, Darius?”

  Dev’s tone was softer now. The rage that had consumed him when he had first seen Kira in the arms of his brother had burnt itself out. He’d had mixed feelings about joining Kira at the pool, but from the second he’d seen her headed this way he hadn’t been able to put the thought out of his mind. Eventually, he’d given into the pull, was even finding himself rushing to be with her, almost happy as he came down the steps to the pool area, only to find her with his brother.

  “Because I miss you. And I miss Drake, but since no one ever seems to know where he is, I thought I’d at least try and reach you.”

  Dev put his hand on Darius’ shoulder, both stood staring at the pool blue water.

  “Maybe it’s because I’m the youngest, but I feel gypped. I lost my parents and Alexa, that was bad enough, but to lose you and Drake as well, it’s too much and I don’t understand why it has to be like this.”

  Dev sighed, moving a few steps away and pulling the bloom from a tropical tree planted at the edge of the pool courtyard, he twisted it mindlessly between his fingers.

  “Why can’t we still be a family?”

  Dev turned, some of the fury back because it was what he wanted too, only he was smart enough to accept the inevitable.

  “Because we can’t.” Darius walked closer, bracing both hands on Dev’s arms. “I’m glad you got away unscathed. I’m glad you have a normal life. Friends, people who admire you
and like you, but what do you think would happen to that life if they found out about me and Drake?

  “Keep away from us, Darius. We’ll taint your precious life like the poison we are.”

  “What about her?” Darius tossed his head in the direction Kira left. “Not worried about tainting her? Or is she already tainted?”

  Dev dropped the bloom into the pool, slowly releasing the pain and fear that was building inside him.

  “I’m not sure yet. I need her.”

  “My God. You’ve got feelings for her.”

  Dev chuckled, mocking himself. “It would appear so. Which only proves my point. I’ll destroy her and I’m not sure I care, so long as she continues to fill the hole inside me. I’m a fuck, Darius. Please go back to your life. I’m not sure I can live with myself if I destroy two people this summer.”

  He started to walk away, but Darius called him back. He turned on the stairs, gut-wrenching despair nearly crippling him.

  “It’s no life without someone who loves you in it. I’d rather have you and Drake than the penthouse, the job, the so-called friends.” He looked away. “But I’d probably even give up the two of you for the love of a good woman.” His eyes locked back with Dev’s. “If you think that’s what you’ve got here, don’t fuck it up because you don’t feel worthy. Just let her love you.”

  Dev laughed again. “That’s taking the easy way out, isn’t it?”

  “Love’s rarely the easy way. But it’s always the right way.”

  Dev swallowed hard as Darius’ words hit him. How’d he gotten so smart in a family of assholes?

  I love you.

  “Will you leave?” Darius only nodded, but Dev felt the vise-like pressure release him instantly. “I’ll arrange for your transport.” He turned and jogged back up the steps to the house.

  Chapter 7

  “What the fuck’s your problem?”

  Barbara heaved a large crystal vase at Dev’s head. He calmly shifted position to avoid it.

  It smashed with a thunderous blast against the burnt-orange painted wall behind him, the shattered pieces splintering and spreading as it hit the cherry hardwood floors.

  Barbara in a rage was a rarity, and Dev usually found it a prelude to some of the best sex they’d ever had, and considering he was practically celibate lately, he should have wanted to be all over her, but he was already pulled so thin he felt transparent, and the subject matter of tonight’s little tirade left him cold.

  “You’re supposed to be seducing the little cunt! I’ve barely seen you look at her all week!”

  Dev flinched at her words, moved slowly across the space between them, and wrapped his hand silkily around her pale throat.

  “Watch. Your. Mouth.” He delivered his threat softly, but deadly and watched as the rage flickered in the depths of her irises. “You call me whatever you want, but leave Kira out of it.”

  He released her and straightened his jacket. Turning away, he moved from the bed, across the luxurious master suite, to the large and ornately carved dresser Barbara had gotten the last time she’d been to Singapore. Grabbing his platinum and garnet cuff links, he wasn’t looking forward to yet another meal with just himself, Barbara and Kira.

  Wasn’t looking forward to sitting across the table from Kira while she and Barbara played games with his head. Wasn’t looking forward to watching Barbara practically drool over the girl, making carefully worded suggestive remarks that had his imagination filling fast with erotic images he didn’t want there. He didn’t look forward to another evening of seeing Kira’s incredible beauty, hearing her laugh, watching her eyes light up…and not being able to touch her.

  While he was lost somewhere inside his head, Barbara took the jewelry from him and began fastening them on his sleeves.

  “Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you want to shake things up a little this year? I could seduce her first, fuck her madly for weeks, then add you later.”

  Dev jerked his arm out of her grasp. Turning to stare into her cold green eyes, he kept hold of his tongue. Barely.

  “Constance Mallory has made remarks that she’d be happy to have you in her bed for a while. So has Abbey, so you’ll hardly be lonely.”

  She moved onto the other cuff link. She never once looked up to see if he was receptive to her ranting or not. A mistake on her part, Dev thought.

  “I wanted to do things a little differently myself this year, so I understand.” She ran her hand over the silk shirt covering his chest, seemingly not noticing the muscle that began to tic in Dev’s jaw. “But I’ve wanted my mouth on that pussy from the first instant she walked in my door, Dev. I won’t wait much longer.”

  He jerked her off him and took a step back, not sure what exactly was wrong with him or why now this all felt so wrong. For years, they’d been doing this very thing, sharing partners, ménage, voyeurism, whatever appealed. Barbara was the only one who understood the hunger inside him. She alone knew how to feed it—to keep him away from darker impulses.

  He hated his damn insatiable needs and his fucked-up bloodlines, but whatever they came up with was a way to kill time if nothing else and usually ended up a very enjoyable experience for all involved. But this year it felt different—or was it just Kira?

  He didn’t hunger to eat both women, didn’t desire to put his cock in one then the other, didn’t want both their mouths devouring him. He only wanted Kira. He didn’t want to share. Even the image that came to mind when Barbara cited what she wanted didn’t produce the usual effect.

  He wasn’t feeling aroused in the least.

  He felt murderous.

  “What’s wrong, Dev?” she purred. “You’re usually so into this. By now, you should have fucked her a dozen times and been willing to share. I always let you go first, get the woman out of your system before I take mine, but this year, you don’t seem interested. I liked Kira. She’s different. Special.” She touched his jaw, pulling his gaze back to hers. “I thought you’d be out of your skin wanting her.”

  Dev said nothing. Still not trusting himself to voice what he wanted rationally without strangling the woman who’d been his lover all of his adult life. Barbara seemed oblivious to the tension running just under the surface, ready to explode at any second, or at how close she was to being on the receiving end of his rage. She pressed closer.

  “Don’t you want to fuck her?” Her mouth covered his. She breathed against him. “I can’t wait to see your hard cock pounding into her, while I suck on her tits. I want to see your cock wet with her juices and I want to suck them off you.”

  Dev shoved her back.

  “Stop it, Barbara.” He moved away, pushing open the French doors and inhaling huge gulps of the salt air. “I don’t know what I want right now. I’m sorry if that’s inconvenient for you.”

  Barbara huffed, popped her hip to the side, and dropped her fist onto it.

  “Has this got to do with that stupid little goody-two-shoes brother of yours? He’s gone now.” She regained her calm exterior. “So we go back to all things as planned. Right?”

  When she got no response from him, she only showed irritation by a slight change in her breathing before she closed the distance between them. She kissed him slowly and leisurely, then moved to the phone.

  “Yes, have Maggie tell Miss Nester that Dev and I will be unable to join her for dinner tonight and we apologize.”

  She carefully replaced the antique phone on its base and moved back to Dev, who wasn’t sure he was relieved or not to be off the hook for dinner. While he alternately craved Kira’s company and feared it, he hated every moment that they were together in Barbara’s view.

  He comforted himself with the thought that he’d see Kira later. When she slept.

  There was evil in this house and regardless that she’d come to it of her own accord. For whatever reason, he felt the need to protect her. He’d taken a vigil over her bedside and didn’t plan to cease anytime in the foreseeable future.

  Barbara very slowly st
arted to undress, slipping free of her designer gown that glittered and clung to every curve and dip in her body and let it pool on the floor. She’d been naked beneath it. Dev barely looked. She stepped past the enormous bed they shared and came to him.

  “I know you don’t sleep all night with me anymore. You’re going to her, aren’t you?”

  Dev laughed shortly. In a different situation, the woman asking that question wouldn’t have such glee in her eyes.

  “Why can’t you leave it alone, Barbara? I don’t find Miss Nester attractive in that way. I’m sorry, but I just don’t.”

  He sorely hoped Barbara hadn’t suddenly started paying attention to him, or she’d have seen that for the bald-faced lie it was.

  She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and pacing back and forth between the bed and the balcony doors. Dev rested his head back in the swaths of velvet material that covered the doors in the evening.

  “Well, I do, Dev. I want her. I want to stick my tongue inside her. I want to…”

  Dev couldn’t stand another word. He did the only thing he knew off to shut her up without fail. He kissed her. She slipped his hand between her thighs. Before long, she began moaning in pleasure while Dev groaned in agony.

  This wasn’t the woman he wanted, and worse, he felt like shit for taking Barbara when all he wanted was Kira. Never in his life had wanting one woman deterred him from taking another.

  Barbara tried to dip to the floor. Dev knew what she had planned, but this time he veered, going to the floor with her and quickly pinning her beneath him. He spread her legs, and at the same time, he yanked his dick out of his pants. Played with her pussy while he pulled on a condom, his heart literally ached as he shoved inside Barbara and felt her inner muscles contract around him, squeezing him quite like a python.

  He didn’t close his eyes. She didn’t close hers, as if they were both afraid to turn their backs on the other. Dev rocked in and out of her, worked her clit with his thumb not quite as gently as he usually did, but she said nothing. She dug her claws into his back. Apparently not making enough contact, she ripped his shirt open, a button catching her in the eye. Dev did not smirk. She ran her hands over his chest, pinching his nipples in her long claw-like fingernails.


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