Second Alliance_Ember Lane

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Second Alliance_Ember Lane Page 2

by Kelly Goode

  Carter’s jaw clenched as he thought about the amount of shit his predecessor had left him in. Chief Andrews had been his mentor, his confident, and his ally until he’d cracked. The pressure of leading the team grew too much and he’d put results above his moral code. The chief had killed in order to further the mission.

  He’d tried to kill Ember.

  Just thinking about the redheaded fire-witch brought another weight of worry to Carter’s shoulders. He’d been trying to stay in contact with her since she left the First and Only team, but running the unit was draining time like sand through his fingers. She’d found it easy enough to slip away from the agents he assigned to keep an eye on her so he’d taken to checking up on her himself, which left little time to sleep.

  Now she was in danger again.

  As if thinking about her conjured her from his mind, the doors to the briefing room burst open and Ember strode in. The first thing he noticed was how beautiful she looked, even dressed in faded blue jeans and black T-shirt.

  The first time she’d walked into the briefing room, she’d been dressed in a prison blue jumpsuit, branded a criminal. She’d looked pale, skinny, and worried. Now she looked strong and capable.

  Capable of hitting him in the face.

  The second thing he noticed was that she wasn’t slowing her pace. Ember didn’t stop until she was toe to toe with him. She was pissed off, and rightly so. He should have been there today when she saw the corpse-bride. He’d intended to be at the crime scene with Doctor Alvis, but then he got that damn phone call telling him someone was coming to take charge of the unit.

  ‘What the hell am I doing here, Carter? I thought I was done with all this.’

  She gestured wildly around the room.

  ‘This time it’s different, Ember.’

  ‘You can’t summon me whenever you feel like it. You’re not my boss. I earned my freedom. I left this team.’

  Carter reached for her, but she moved out of the way.

  ‘I’m sorry-‘

  ‘Don’t be sorry,’ she snapped. ‘Just tell me why I’m here.’

  Before he could reply, the doors opened again and Carter’s eyes narrowed as two men joined them in the briefing room. Carter had worked with Jason Croft years ago, when they’d both been a little wet behind the ears, but hungry to prove themselves. He was an expert in his field. He found things - for a price of course - people too, if needed. He was a reliable investigator, if not a little brash at times, and prone to being arrested by S.P.T.F.

  Carter locked eyes with Harvey, trying not to allow the demon’s soulless black irises intimidate him. Agreeing to bring him on-board had not been an easy decision. Carter had been happier when he’d thought he was dead, but when you were dealing with evil, you sometimes needed to strike back with a greater evil.

  ‘Why would you want to work with him again?’ Ember hissed.

  Carter was glad their reunion hadn’t gone well. The two had shared a strong bond when they’d been recruits and he’d wondered if they’d ease back into their old camaraderie.

  ‘It’s complicated, Ember. Believe me if they’d been another way of doing this, I would’ve taken it, but I had to bring Harvey back to the team. I had no choice.’

  ‘And now neither do I.’

  Carter laid his hand on her shoulder and this time she didn’t pull away, which he took as a good sign.

  ‘I said I was sorry. I know things aren’t making sense right now, but if you let me explain what happened, you’ll understand why I need you here.’

  Carter stared into her eyes, and she must have recognised the sincerity in his words, as she nodded her head.

  ‘Ok. I’m listening.’


  Carter held my stare for a few seconds before looking away. He had dark smudges under his light blue eyes, and at least a day’s worth of stubble around his mouth. He looked tired, and for a second, I wanted to reach out and run my fingertip across the deep scar on his cheek.

  Carter was a good man. He’d been trying to help me with my mother’s appeal, as well as running the unit, so I owed it to him to hear him out. I tried not to scowl when he beckoned JC and Harvey closer.

  ‘I’ve put all the information we have so far on those boards,’ he said, nodding towards the end of the room. ‘It only covers the first two corpse-brides, as we still need the third victim formally identified.’

  I started moving at the same time Harvey did, causing us to bump into each other.

  ‘Sorry, Red,’ he said, taking a step backwards. ‘I wasn’t looking where I was going. You ok?’

  ‘I’ll be fine as long as you stay out of my way,’ I replied, not fully understanding why I was being so hostile towards him, only that the sight of him had me feeling like a firework ready to go off. ‘And stop calling me, Red.’

  I stalked over to the boards, trying to keep my temper in check.

  Harvey followed me. ‘Why?’

  ‘Why what?’

  ‘Why can’t I call you Red? You never minded before. I thought it was our little thing. I call you Red. You call me Shit-face.’

  His attempt at humour did not prompt the desired smile from me, and I focused on the information on the boards rather than his dark eyes.

  The room fell silent for a few minutes as we read the reports and studied the macabre crime scene photos. I felt my stomach churn as I realised all three girls were the same age as me.

  ‘Were any of them due to be married?’ I asked, as Carter joined us.

  ‘No,’ he said. ‘They had boyfriends, but there were no engagements on the cards as the relationships were relatively new.’

  ‘What kind of sicko would strangle someone and then pose them as a bride?’

  ‘The kind of sicko I’m going to catch and kill,’ Harvey answered with such finality that it left little doubt in my mind why he’d been brought back to the team.

  Harvey would be fulfilling his role as an assassin for hire.

  I turned away from the lifeless faces in the pictures, guilt forcing me to look past the grudge I was holding. I wasn’t here to spar with Harvey.

  ‘So if Harvey’s going to apprehend the suspect, what do you need me for?’ I asked.

  Carter ignored my question and pointed at the photos.

  ‘Do you recognise the girls?’ he asked.

  ‘Should I?’

  ‘We believe they were part of your coven.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ I said, letting his words sink in, as it seemed the First and Only team needed me because of my link to the very witches who’d contributed to my incarceration in the first place - how ironic.

  ‘Mary Pederson and Katrina Oakes,’ Carter said, repeating the names I’d already read, as if hoping to jog my memory. ‘Do you remember hearing their names during your time with the coven?’

  I shook my head again. ‘It was a big coven, and I was only there a short while before I was recruited as Roman’s Lott bodyguard. There were members who came and went during “The Kindler” movement, so I didn’t meet everyone.’

  The room fell silent.

  ‘Do their boyfriends have alibis?’ I asked, trying to think of another line of inquiry apart from the coven angle.

  ‘The boyfriends are in the clear,’ Carter said. ‘These girls were targeted for a reason. JC has already started their background checks.’

  JC stepped forward.

  ‘Both girls were successful in their chosen careers and well-liked by their friends and colleagues, although none admitted to dabbling with magic. That in itself gives me reason to dig a little deeper. Everyone has skeletons they’d rather remain buried, right?’

  I thought about Roger Lane’s murder. A man I’d thought was my father.

  Oh yeah, we all had skeletons.

  ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help,’ I said, trying to keep my voice even so no one noticed that JC’s words had affected me. ‘As I no longer practice magic with the coven, I guess there’s no need for me to hang around any longer
. Nice seeing you all. Bye.’

  Carter grabbed my wrist before I could escape.

  ‘Were you listening to anything I just said?’ he asked.


  ‘Someone or something is targeting girls the same age as you, girls who joined the same coven as you; I’m not letting you out of my sight.’

  I huffed.

  ‘Leave it out, Carter. This chauvinist bullshit doesn’t suit you. You know I can take care of myself.’

  I lifted my hand and allowed a small flame to dance across my open palm.

  ‘I hate to say it, but he’s right,’ Harvey said, stepping forward and running his hand through his dark hair. ‘You’ll be safer with…us.’

  I think he really wanted to say “me”, but changed his mind at the last minute.

  ‘So even you two are ganging up on me now, that’s just great.’

  Before either man could reply, the doors to the briefing room swung open, drawing everyone’s attention towards the figures that filed into the room.


  ‘Can I help you?’ Carter asked, stepping forward to address the visitors.

  They were obviously authorised to be here, as all the doors at HQ only opened after a sanctioned palm scan, but something about their arrival put me on guard.

  ‘I hope so,’ replied one of the men. His complexion was pallid, as if he didn’t see much sun, and his short, grey hair was a similar shade to his eyes. ‘I’m looking for Liam Carter.’

  ‘That would be me.’

  Carter held out his hand in greeting, but the man deliberately seemed to snub him by putting his hands inside the pockets of his navy tailored trousers.

  ‘My name is Special Agent Myles. This here is Ghent and Perry.’

  The two men who flanked him either side were tall, muscular, and wore their hair shaved down to their scalps. They were dressed in identical black T-shirts and combats, and looked every inch like a professional hit squad. One of them scanned the room, as if calculating a way to escape, while the other, openly stared at me.

  I matched the man’s glare, not wanting him to think he intimidated me. This went on for a few seconds longer than was comfortable, as it seemed neither one of us wanted to back down first.

  ‘I think one of your guard-dogs has taken a shine to me,’ I said, feeling my hands heat up of their own accord, my body’s way of telling me it was ready to attack if needed.

  My quip almost brought a smile to my admirer’s lips, but he hid it well.

  ‘Don’t hurt their feelings, Ember,’ Agent Myles said. ‘They’re on the same side as you.’

  ‘I’m not on anyone’s side. Wait, how did you know my name?

  Agent Myles took up a position in the middle of the briefing room.

  ‘This concerns you all, so listen up. Agent Carter is being relieved of duty, pending an internal investigation-’

  ‘What the hell!’ I cut in. ‘You can’t do that.’

  ‘I can and I will.’

  I turned to Carter. ‘Did you know about this?’

  He nodded, but didn’t look happy about it.

  ‘After Chief Andrews’ death, the government launched an independent investigation into this unit. The review was ongoing so it was only a matter of time before they replaced me with someone, err, less involved. My command was only supposed to be a temporary thing.’

  My gaze flicked across to Harvey. Even without proof, I knew the demon had something to do with removing Chief Andrews’ heart from his chest. I wondered whether Agent Myles knew that too.

  ‘I’m overseeing the active investigation,’ Myles continued. ‘Carter will remain on the team, but only under my authority and in a supporting role.’

  ‘That’s bullshit.’

  ‘Watch your tone, young lady. Things will be done my way, or no way at all.’

  ‘Suits me,’ I replied. ‘I’m outta here.’

  I only managed to take a step forward, before the man-mountain with a staring problem blocked my path.

  ‘Look, I don’t know if you’re Ghent or Perry, and frankly, I don’t give a shit. I haven’t signed up for anything, so move aside and let me leave.’

  ‘Can’t do that.’

  The man’s voice was as deep as I’d expected. His eyes were a warm brown colour, but that didn’t fool me into thinking that he wouldn’t snap my neck if the inclination took him.

  ‘Can’t do that, or won’t do that?’ I replied, lifting my hands and conjuring a small globe of fire.

  ‘Aren’t they the same thing?’


  The man shrugged, paying no attention to the fire dancing in my hands. He was obviously used to facing more dangerous creatures than me.

  ‘Agent Myles wants you to stay,’ he said, ‘so you need to stay. Plus our individual pardons won’t be valid unless all five of us agree to this assignment.’

  I looked at Ghent, Perry, Harvey, and JC, and everything clicked into place. These four men had been released from the supernatural detainment unit to form another team and needed a fifth member.

  ‘Do you always follow orders like a little lapdog?’ I asked.

  ‘If it means I earn my freedom then I’ll follow whatever orders are thrown at me. I may not like them, or agree with them, but I’ll do whatever it takes, including challenging a beautiful woman.’

  This time his lips did twist into a smile.

  ‘And I’m Ghent by the way. Perry is the one behind you. Watch your back.’


  The second hulking man that Agent Myles had brought with him seemed to become increasingly agitated the longer Ember deliberated. Sweat pooled on his upper lip as he scanned the room, as if desperately wanting to find a way out.

  Harvey was not surprised when the thick, wiry, black hair on the man’s arms started to lengthen, as he’d pegged him as a shape-shifter the moment he’d entered the room. What did concern him, was that the man didn’t seem to be able to control his change.

  ‘Perry, you assured me you were stable. Calm down or I’ll shoot you,’ Agent Myles said, but the man was too far into his change to reverse it. He groaned, as one side of his face contorted, and seemed to almost collapse in on itself as a snout appeared.

  ‘We don’t need this bitch on our team,’ Perry growled, as he lunged for Ember. His fingers sprouted lethal claws as he fully transformed into a snarling wolf.

  Harvey’s inner-demon roared as he transformed into a cloud of smoke. It was a surreal feeling, mingling with the air and having no physical form, but still being conscious of everything going on around you.

  Harvey materialised only to grab Ember and then he teleported into the corner of the briefing room, away from danger. Her green eyes were wide as she stared up at him from beneath her lashes. Her full lips parted as she tried to get her bearings after the high-speed journey.

  ‘That was close. Are you ok?’ Harvey asked.

  He kept his arms firmly fixed around her tiny waist as he battled to remain in his human form. Maybe she wasn’t away from danger after all. His demon wanted to come out to play, and it was taking more effort than usual to keep it restrained.

  Ember nodded and leaned slightly into him as if craving the contact of his body. A flare of heat erupted between them, and just like that his demon calmed and the overwhelming need for destruction abated.

  Harvey allowed himself a few seconds to savour the feel of Ember’s small body against his. He inhaled her familiar scent – apples – and it made him yearn for picnics and summer evenings at the beach. The very things he had no right to want.

  Harvey ran his hand lightly down her spine, but in doing so, ruined the moment as Ember’s body went rigid against his.

  ‘Let me go,’ she said.

  There was a hard edge to her voice and Harvey complied with a sigh.

  ‘A thank you wouldn’t hurt,’ he said. ‘The werewolf was going to permanently cut you from the team before you even had a chance to join it.’

  ‘And now I have a
gun pointed at my head,’ she replied. ‘Not much of an improvement.’

  Harvey turned to see Perry, shuddering beside Carter who had incapacitated him with a stun gun. Ghent brandished the gun, which seemed to have materialised out of thin air.

  Harvey looked at JC for support, but his friend had his arms folded across his chest. He smirked and lifted his chin, as if daring him to take the man on. A few years ago, Harvey probably would’ve done it just for the hell of it, but he didn’t want Ember caught up in the carnage when he started relieving people of their hearts.

  ‘You’re safe, Ember,’ Carter said. ‘No one else is going to try to hurt you. Ghent put down your weapon.’

  More demands bounced around the room, which elevated the tension rather than diffusing it.

  ‘Did you and Carter…ever…you know?’ Harvey asked, even though he suspected that Carter was too much of a Boy Scout to do anything that might jeopardise his precious position within the team.

  Ember’s cheeks flushed, and it reminded Harvey of how her creamy white skin had turned that colour when he’d explored her naked body.

  ‘That’s none of your damn business,’ she replied, snapping him from his thoughts.

  ‘I think I have the right to know if you’re seeing anyone.’

  Ember shook her head.

  ‘No, Harvey. You gave up any rights you had over me, the moment you ran away from-’

  ‘I didn’t run anywhere,’ he cut in. ‘That fucking bastard shot me.’

  ‘And do you have any idea how it felt to watch Chief Andrews do that? I thought you were dead.’

  ‘Well, I’m not. Did you miss me, Red?’

  Ember’s lips thinned as her eyes narrowed. Harvey never heard the answer to that question, as Agent Myles stepped forward.

  ‘Everyone needs to holster their weapons or this team will be disbanded,’ he said firmly, and Ghent’s gun immediately disappeared from his hand like a magic trick.


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