Shadow & Flame - Part Two: The Collective - Season One, Episode 9

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Shadow & Flame - Part Two: The Collective - Season One, Episode 9 Page 6

by Elias Raven

  Neely reminded Royston there were some older speaker cabinets in the back. They hadn’t had any headliners in a while, so they weren’t used much, but if he wanted to add them to fatten out the sound he was more than welcome to grab them. Royston followed her pointed finger and found the cabinets. They were older Cerwin Vega’s but Jez would love what it did for her bottom end sound, so would Ace. We all pitched in and moved them into place. It was just like old times, I could see Misty grinning too. Tonight’s show was going to be a great warm up.

  We stepped onto the stage and I plugged in. Misty worked the board while I did a few vocal checks. Everything sounded good. Neely dropped the drapes so our gear and the backstage area were cut off. We ordered some burgers and fries and everyone hung out until the boys got there.

  Royston went out to check something with the sound man and when he came back, he had a big shit eating grin on his face.

  “I dropped the bomb on the fan page you were doing an impromptu gig at Red’s with a few special guests.” He said.

  “So, what happened?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “Let’s hope Red has enough security. I might have to call for additional bodies to work the front of the stage once the fans realize who is playing with you!” he said.

  Neely walked over overhearing the conversation.

  “I can get four more guys to work the front if we need it. I know you guys are a big draw and Abel Gunner! Holy Fuck! The place is going to go postal.” She exclaimed.

  “Your damn fucking right the place is going to go postal! Abel and Elias are going to blow the roof off of the place. We’re going to play so loud and shred so hard, we’re going to blow the curls right out of your hair!” came a voice from behind me.

  We all turned as Elias and Genevieve walked in with Abel, Gia, Mia and Chance following.

  Neely clapped her hands and ran over to greet everyone.

  Abel and Elias both fist bumped Neely. Neely cooed over Gia & baby Mia, who she hadn’t met yet. While the boys brought in their guitars and effects pedals and got them plugged in and setup, us girls talked and as long as Gia, Abel, and Chance were ok with it, we took turns playing with baby Mia.

  Neely’s phone buzzed with an incoming text message and she glanced down to read it.

  She laughed.

  “Red might need some help. He just texted the place is filling up quick. I called Deena and Kathy in to help work the tables just in case. It’s going to be a good night!” she read his message to us.

  “Looks like you made Red happy!” she said.

  The boys both nodded.

  “Tell him we will go easy on our bar bill tonight!” Abel replied. We all started laughing.

  We could hear the cat calls from the other side of the curtain. Neely had one of the guards bring her a two-way radio so she could keep tabs on things.

  “When the show is over, I’ll have you pull your bus in the back to load up. The guys will make sure the fans are kept at bay unless you want to meet and greet with them. If they’re off the chains crazy especially after seeing those two, that will probably be a bad idea. Just let me know how you want to play it.” She said. She gestured at Abel and Elias.

  “What, we’re just a couple of guys jamming with our friends!” Elias quipped.

  Neely gave Elias the finger and laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah! I remember how the girls latched onto your nuts, both of you!” She said laughing. Gia gave her a look which Neely caught.

  “No disrespect intended Gia that was just how shit went down back in the day,” she said.

  Gia laughed. “I was going to say, I’ll cut a bitch that grabs Abel!” she replied.

  I knew Gia wasn’t kidding. We all did. Genevieve smiled wickedly and fist bumped Gia. The boys were well protected.

  The security radio chirped. Neely listened holding it close to her ear. Royston had already taped the set list down in front of where everyone was playing. I gave Neely a copy.

  “Fuck yes! This is going to be epic!” She said looking at the list.

  “Go ahead and drop the lights! You all ready?” She asked.

  Abel growled. “Let’s do this!” he said.

  We nodded and took our places.

  The crowd was screaming at the top of their lungs. Royston signaled and opened the curtain. We were greeted by a wall of sound as Abel and Elias walked up to the microphones and yelled in unison. The fans were stunned. People were pointing recognizing Abel immediately. The place erupted as the lights flashed and both boys slammed their hands down across the strings and launched into “In your face.” Ace and Jez locked in tight with them as the song blew off the stage. People were jumping up and down pointing at Elias. It had all come together. Metal Insanity was together again. The crowd had no idea and Royston had us dialed in perfect. It was loud and proud and pure adrenaline rush as the boys traded vocal lines

  “In your face,

  That’s what we are,

  In your face.”

  Abel went vertical his guitar screaming the chords thundering as Ace slammed into the drum kit and Jez’s bass tied in. I was singing harmony with both as I screamed across both of them. The sound was primal the crowd was losing their shit as we wrapped it and I walked up to the microphone and introduced myself and asked how everyone was doing. You would swear there were thousands in the place. Red’s was packed to capacity. There were people looking into the windows wanting in.

  Neely brought in the reinforcements as I introduced Abel and Elias and maybe I mentioned Metal Insanity. I couldn’t hear myself think. People were beside themselves as Abel growled and launched into “Chains” and “Buzz Saw Bitch”. We tore through the set with a vengeance interchanging shadow and flame tracks with Metal Insanity. It was perfect. Elias and Abel couldn’t stop smiling. Elias found his playing chops and was tearing into his SG like an animal. Misty was tastefully mixing in leads and rhythm and I played on one ballad “The Oceans Song” that Neely had requested.

  We encored with “Catastrophe” and “Balls Out” and dropped the curtain. The fans were jumping up and down shaking the whole bar. Royston was already out the back grabbing the bus and Neely was on the radio making sure the alley was blocked so we could load out. Royston grabbed us and told us to head out with Elias and Abel and to take Jez and Ace with us. The fans were still screaming as we grabbed our guitars and tossed them into the back of the SUV.

  Abel and Elias stashed their guitars and quickly jumped in their cars and hauled ass out of there. I checked with Royston to make sure he was ok. He gave us the thumbs up as Neely and her guys helped him load out our stage gear. We told him we would meet up at my house. We had just given the fans a taste of the show and the reaction was off the chains. I felt like Misty had just screwed the shit out of me I was so elated, I could see the adrenaline rush on everyone’s face. I texted the boys and we all decided to meet back at my place afterwards. I texted Royston the plan and he sent me back the thumbs up signal. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes for a second. Misty was driving and she deftly wove us in and out of traffic. I just wanted a cold beer and to go another round with Misty.

  I grabbed her thigh as we were driving. She moved her hips as I rubbed my fingers across the outline of her crotch teasing her. She bit her tongue and looked over at me. Icing on the mother fucking cake…

  Chapter 8

  ~East Coker~

  I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope

  For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love,

  For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith

  But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.

  Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:

  So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

  Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning.

  The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry,

  The laughter in the garden, echoed ecsta

  Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony

  Of death and birth.

  Excerpt from Four Quartets by T.S. Elliot

  Misty~ My whole body was shaking from pure adrenaline. I felt like I had just railed a line of speed. My heart and brain were running at full tilt as my foot pressed the accelerator on our SUV and we made a beeline out of Reds. The show had gone off beautifully; I mean there were no fucking words to describe what had just happened. It was like we had blown the doors off of the place. It was a total rock and roll moment and it was Fuck Yes! I didn’t know what else to say.

  Having Rhianna playing with my pussy while I was driving was only amplifying the pleasure I felt from playing a kick ass show. I knew Rhi could feel how hot I was getting from her actions. I wanted her to unzip my jeans and grab me. I undid my belt and let it fall apart so she could undo the top button of my jeans. Fuck they were tight. I reached down pulling a few more buttons loose so she could reach in and dial me up all the way. She wiggled her hand in and found me soaking wet. I didn’t care. I wanted her to see how worked up I was. She stroked, letting her fingers glide in and out with practiced ease. My moan rolled easily off of my lips as I continued driving. She kept her eyes on the road with me in case I got a little too carried away. Thankfully, traffic wasn’t too insane as I let her tease me, sliding her fingers out; she stared at me and smiled taking her wet fingers and sucking my juices. I trembled at the sound.

  “You are driving me fuck nuts, crazy baby. You are so in for it later.” I licked my lips.

  She slid her fingers back in as we crossed the bridge, pulling on my nub and really getting me hot. I bit my lip and moaned loudly.

  “No Fair! You know I can’t return the favor,” I responded.

  Rhianna leaned over and nibbled on my ear teasing the shit out of me. I swerved and she grabbed the wheel. I regained control and she laughed sliding her fingers out again and sliding them into my mouth.

  “What’s wrong, baby? You know if you’re this wet, I am just as soaked,” she whispered as I licked my juice from her fingers, sucking on them delicately.

  I shot my hand between her legs and could feel the heat. She was just as ready as I was. We were going to have to keep the celebration short tonight; I was going to fuck the hell out of her later. That sounded crass even in my own head, but I continued to rub Rhianna through her jeans as we turned onto our street and headed to our house.

  Luckily, Jezebel and Ace had ridden with Elias and Genevieve. I loved my band mates, don’t get me wrong, but I loved a little foreplay with Rhianna in public even more. We had engaged in public sex in the past; it was one of my kinks.

  The thought of getting caught was absolutely delicious. What can I say? I can be a real nasty girl at times. It comes with the territory. It was one of the things we enjoyed about each other - the exploration and pushing each other sexually. Tonight was going to be no holds barred. I hope Elias and G didn’t mind the noise.

  I hit the garage door opener and pulled in with practiced ease. I quickly turned off the car and stepped out and around the front of the SUV before everyone else pulled up so I could put myself back together again. Rhianna exited the passenger door and smiled wickedly as I buttoned up.

  I hit the close button on the door and nothing happened. I turned around and hit the button again. The door lurched and went down partially then back up again.

  “Honey, the garage door is acting weird again. You want to give me a hand? Maybe Royston can look at it when he gets here,” I suggested.

  Rhianna came around to me and we walked over to the garage door sensor. There was no fog this time, just a clear night in San Francisco. We looked up the driveway as our friends came pulling up.

  “What the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit?” Rhianna exclaimed.

  “Honey, did you hit the sensor with the trash can or anything?” she asked.

  “Not that I know of, baby, why?” I asked.

  “The reflector thing is bent,” she said.

  Rhianna bent down and straightened it out with her hand and asked for me to go try it again. I hit the button and the garage door lurched and started to come down. She broke the beam accidently and it stopped and lifted up again. Abel and Elias walked in through the garage followed by the girls and band. Rhianna let out a yell and everyone smiled and pumped their fists as she led them into the house.

  I studied the reflector. What was weird was that it was bent was on the opposite side of where we took out the trash. Who knows? Maybe Royston bumped it when he was cleaning up the other night and jiggled it loose. My nerves were still a little frayed from the weirdness yesterday.

  I hit the garage door button and looked out onto the drive as it was closing.

  What was that? I peered out and thought I saw someone wearing a hat at the end of the driveway. I knew Royston would be along in a minute with the bus, so I hit the button again and grabbed a golf club. I carefully walked out, but I didn’t see anyone. I knew if I screamed the boys would be out in a hot second to kick ass, but that was strange? Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I closed the garage door and made sure it went down all the way. I checked the side door to the garage and made sure the locks were set. Satisfied, I went back into the house and joined everyone.

  Abel and Elias were talking animatedly while Jez and Ace were talking with Rhianna. Everyone was still jacked up from the gig. Gia and Chance were talking to Genevieve, who was balancing Mia on one hip. It was fucking awesome. I slid in and grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, seeing headlights flash on one of the side windows.

  I told Rhianna Royston had arrived and went to meet him. Jez and Ace joined me to greet our manager. I grabbed a Boddington’s Pub Ale out of the fridge; I knew Royston loved that fucking beer. He pulled in and dropped the canvas cover and joined us. I handed him the beer as we all threw our arms around him.

  Royston laughed and joined us in our revelry, cracking the can of beer open and heading into the house with us.

  I stopped him. “Do we need to offload? I thought I saw someone standing at the end of the driveway. Did you see anyone when you pulled up?” I asked.

  “I didn’t see anyone, but not to worry, love, since we’re playing again tomorrow. Derek called me about that Winery gig for Forest. You remember the one for human trafficking with the um, special playroom?”

  I covered my mouth and started laughing. Jez and Ace both looked at us.

  “What wine gig?” they asked.

  Royston turned and filled them in and everyone started laughing when he relayed the catholic school girl and nun outfit comments that Rhianna and I had made! Jez being a good sport really started getting into it.

  “Shit, the women should dress like school girls, and we can have the boys dress like priests!” she said laughing.

  At that, we all burst out laughing. Given half a chance I bet I could get Royston to go along and get the outfits. I remembered the place was a private winery in Napa, so the whole outfit thing would be tacky since it was a benefit show. I was curious about the dungeon. I didn’t know if Rhi would be up for that particular form of kink, but maybe we could get Forest to give us a tour after the show. From what Derek had said we were playing with Angel Fire and Beneath The Burn. Both bands were red-hot and tearing up the billboard national and international charts. After tonight’s gig, we could hold our own with anyone.

  “Did you tell Rhianna the gig was tomorrow, Royston?” I asked.

  “Forest just texted me and Derek. We already said yes and there will be some rather well connected people in attendance. They said the crowd will only be a few hundred. Think of it as a command performance for the president, my dear,” he replied.

  We walked into the house. Royston leaned over and showed Rhianna the text message. Rhianna put her fingers between her lips and whistled, startling everyone. Mia laughed when she heard it.

  “Hey, Royston just reminded me that tomorrow’s the gig for Forest down in Napa! It’s a cat
ered event at a private vineyard. Elias and Abel you want to come hang?” she asked.

  Abel and Elias looked at the ladies and waited for the nod. When the nods came they both gave Rhianna the thumbs up.

  “This might be a little bit of a reserved crowd. Maybe we can go over the set list and do a Shadow and Flame set and encore with Metal Insanity. That way you all can relax and soak up the atmosphere” she suggested, smiling sweetly at us.

  “Oh my God, you are so full of shit!” Abel exclaimed.

  We all burst into laughter.

  “What I think she meant, Abel, was that it was going to be a suit and tie kind of crowd, maybe you whipping your dragon tattooed cock out to the masses might be a little over the top,” Elias responded.

  Abel growled, grabbing Gia and gave Elias the stink eye.

  “Abel, I’m kidding. You know our dads both come from money. This is a charity gig the girls got invited to as Shadow and Flame, but we can go back them and encore with a few of ours. I’ll donate some cash to the cause. If you want to chip in that would be fucking awesome, brother. What is the cause anyway?” Elias asked.

  “Forest, the host, is raising money for the prevention of human sex trafficking.” Royston interjected.

  Abel raised an eye.

  “I’ll toss in some coin. Is there anything else I need to know about this gig?” he asked.

  Royston smiled before Rhianna cut him off.

  “From what Derek told us, our host, Forest, is not only a local wine grower and producer, but he has a special area of the house called The Cellar for his guests that like to partake in certain forms of kink” she informed everyone.

  Abel palmed his face and looked at Royston.


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