Shadow & Flame - Part Two: The Collective - Season One, Episode 9

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Shadow & Flame - Part Two: The Collective - Season One, Episode 9 Page 11

by Elias Raven

  Chapter 13

  ~Burnt Norton

  In the knowledge derived from experience.

  The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies,

  For the pattern is new in every moment

  And every moment is a new and shocking

  Valuation of all we have been. We are only undeceived

  Of that which, deceiving, could no longer harm.

  In the middle, not only in the middle of the way

  but all the way, in a dark wood, in a bramble,

  On the edge of a grimpen, where is no secure foothold,

  And menaced by monsters, fancy lights,

  Risking enchantment. Do not let me hear

  Of the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly,

  Their fear of fear and frenzy, their fear of possession,

  Of belonging to another, or to others, or to God.

  The only wisdom we can hope to acquire

  Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.

  The houses are all gone under the sea,

  The dancers are all gone under the hill.

  ~Excerpt from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot~

  Rhianna~ If you’re an adrenaline junky like me, you live for the moments that get the heart racing and your blood screaming through your veins. This show was the step off the cliff for me, for all of us. It was sliding the goggles on over the eyes and stepping to the edge then swallowing and taking a few deep breaths, looking over the edge and opening your arms to the heavens before jumping off the cliff and free falling into the pit of stardom. Some call it a cesspool, others call it prison, but the ones that have experienced it know it for the good and evil it represents. If you like to perform and for every last one of us that do, it is fucking bliss. It’s your dreams becoming reality; it’s being able to play and perform and live the life you want. It’s about doing what you love and going after it. The Fillmore was the stepping-stone. More famous musicians have played and launched their careers from here than anywhere else in the world.

  Royston said that the venue promoters really loved our sound and that if we kept packing the place that we would be headlining at the other Fillmore’s across the country. One of the great things about the Fillmore wasn’t just the capacity of the crowd, it was also the history. Fuck, I was going to be on a stage that every band and singer I had ever idolized had played on. It was like I was going to rock and roll Mecca. I had seen gigs there, always imagining I would play someday on that stage and now the time had come.

  I barely slept last night. Misty literally had to scissor her naked body over mine and hold me down. I was exhausted from the show at Damian’s Vineyard, but this was another level. We were both so tired that Misty had stripped me down and followed suit, joining me in the shower. Afterwards, we just crawled into bed. I knew she was going to ask about the newscast. Before she even started, I volunteered the dream and told her everything. She had just laid her head against my breast and gently stroked my arm as I told her all the details reliving each piece of it. It came out in a rush of emotion, and when it was over, I was oddly at peace. She patted my stomach and looked at me.

  “So what does it all mean?” she asked me.

  “I think my uncle was sending me a message and telling me to not believe anything that was a coincidence. Make sure I have proof,” I replied.

  “So how come I freaked out?” Misty asked.

  “I had told you about the dream and then you see that buffed out, tattooed guy in the café. Didn’t he kind of remind you of the guys we used to date?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he did kind of look like Zane my ex now that you mention it. You think between the whistling and maybe PTSD, it was like a trigger?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure, but Uncle made sure I understood that the whistler dude was human and had a speech impediment on top of it.” I replied.

  Neither of us said anything, Misty just gently suckled and teased my nipple until it was rock hard. I moaned in appreciation even as we rolled into each other’s arms and made love gently and tenderly. Hell if I knew what it all meant at that moment,

  I just knew I had someone that I loved deeply in my arms and the rest of it, we would figure out. If the whistler was human, a bullet from my father's gun would stop him cold, if he wasn’t we were going to need help of another kind. I fell asleep tasting her juices on my lips. I didn’t want anything more at the moment then her love and knowing how deeply we cared for each other. I figured we could get through this or anything that was thrown at us.

  My uncle had always told me to be a good student and watch and learn. This was one of those times I was watching and learning, but patience was never one of my strong suits.

  Royston woke us with the whistling teapot in the morning. The fucker was subtle, but he knew it would pull me out of bed every time. I swatted Misty’s ass to wake her and with a loud yelp she rolled over to grab me, but I was already rolling out of bed.

  “The red whistle express just sounded. I’m sure Mr. Munt is anxious to get the day started,” I said.

  Misty gave me a sexy look. I knew it well, it was the common ‘honey, let's go one more round and let the boys play’ kind of look. I wanted to crawl back into bed, but I knew that everyone would be up early for this gig. This was the whole reason everyone was here and we absolutely had to kill it. No mistakes, no fuckups, we had to be spot on, knock them the fuck into the walls perfect! I reached over and grabbed my girl and pulled her into my arms as my mouth finding hers. I knew that would shut her up on the spot. Our lips parted, tongues danced then we slowly separated her fingers and mine tracing over each other’s bodies.

  “If this goes off perfect, the black raven is coming out with a vengeance,” I said.

  Misty bit her tongue and crooked her head and smiled at me.

  “Is that a threat or a promise or both?” she asked.

  I laughed as we went into the bathroom to get cleaned up prior to throwing on pajama bottoms and t-shirts. We headed out into the living room where Elias and Genevieve were already sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

  “Well, look at you two up bright and early,” I said.

  “Yeah, I was tossing and turning last night. G elbowed me a few times since I elbowed her on accident,” he replied.

  I gave Genevieve a raised eyebrow and she laughed.

  “It’s a king size fucking bed for Christ’s sake! How much room does the man need?”

  We all laughed. Royston came out with a tray of tea.

  “Coffee is started and should be ready momentarily. I have pastries baking and they should be up as well.”

  Royston set down the tray and went back into the kitchen. We plopped down next to Elias and G.

  “Isn’t he Mr. Efficient this morning?” I asked.

  “Fuck Rhi, the dude takes good care of you. Why don’t you both marry him and just keep him around the place for good?” Elias asked.

  At that everyone burst out laughing. Right on queue Royston came walking back into the living room and set down another tray.

  “I already messaged Abel and Gia and Jez and Ace. Everyone should be along shortly,” he told us quickly.

  “Glad I had a say in it,” Rhianna replied.

  “We have a busy day. I have to meet the lighting crews and stage people at lunch. We need to get setup, and you need to go over the set list for the show. Having everyone here facilitates that. I was grateful that everyone kept their alcohol consumption to a minimum making today that much easier.” He sounded a tad more British than usual.

  Right on queue the doorbell rang and in came everyone else. Abel was his usual wise ass self.

  “So I get a text from Royston to come for breakfast. I asked him if he was Betty Crocker and was the fucker going to be baking, and look what is on the table.” He laughed.

  Gia followed with Chance, and Mia and Jez and Ace were right behind them. The living room burst into conversation as Royston pulled chairs in from the dining room to accommodate the gue
sts. Everyone helped themselves to the pastries, tea and coffee as we talked about the coming show and how good it had been to see everyone. Sadly, I knew my friends were going to head back down to LA in the morning. That was a real bummer, but I knew from this point forward, things were going to be different between all of us and for the better.

  “Hey, I talked to my manager. If Angel Fire was serious about doing some live gigs and Elias is up for it...” Abel interjected glancing at Elias.

  “Which part of ‘Fuck Yes, I’m In’ don’t you understand, Abel?” Elias shot back quickly.

  We all laughed.

  “Does that mean Metal Insanity is going to reform?” I asked them both.

  “I don’t know about that. I think doing some live shows and getting the brand back in the public spotlight would be a good thing, but I also have to consider my company and how much time I can devote to touring. Abel has been doing this for awhile, so if it’s okay with him, slow and easy, but yeah I think it would be good for both of us,” Elias said.

  “Agreed. Besides, I have to consider the rest of the guys in Lethal Abel. I know they’ll love the idea that you and I are playing again, but they're loyal to the brand we have created. So specific shows and shit like that, I think will work,” Abel said.

  Both guys fist bumped and we all cheered.

  Royston came in with a round of shots.

  “Whoa, it’s too early for that,” I said.

  Royston laughed and looked at everyone.

  “I do believe that we just witnessed Hell thawing after many years. I don’t know about all of you, but the thought of these two gents at least touring and playing once in a while after so many years, well... I want a fucking shot! Now who is going to join me?” he asked.

  At that, we all clapped hands and grabbed a shot. We tilted them back letting the whiskey burn down our throats, and then we went back to breakfast. The boys talked animatedly. I didn’t know if they could pull it off, but at least they were acting like best friends again, even brothers. It was a cool thing to see. I knew Gia and G were happy as well. Losing someone that close in your life just sucks. The fact that shit was patched up, and they were tight again... no words, it was just cool.

  Royston handed out a suggested set list. Elias, Abel and I went back and forth with the band deciding on different tracks to play. Metal Insanity had one particular nasty number called “Razor” that would be perfect to start. I had a track called “Rip Out My Heart” that would work next. One by one we picked out the list. Royston had only missed the list by approximately three tracks. Abel had to give Royston props for knowing the material; he had dug up a few jams that hadn’t been played in a long time. The fans were going to fucking love the set.

  After breakfast we went out to the tour bus and loaded up. Royston had already called ahead, and they had the alley blocked off so we could slip in. Jez and Ace were riding with Royston like before, and the rest of us would caravan in our cars. Abel was going to lead again. He had been to the venue many times over the years with Lethal Abel.

  Ace and Jez had packed their stage clothes already in the tour bus. Royston suggested one specific outfit he would like to see me wear for the show, and Misty gave him the thumbs up. Damn it was a short dress. I hoped I didn’t sneeze and give the front row a show. I grabbed the metallic blue dress as Misty grabbed her black one. We both laughed. Hopefully with the nylons and panties we wouldn’t let too much kitty out of the bag.

  “Baby, as long as we're not giving the front row a full show, it’s all good,” Misty said.

  I smiled at my lover as we headed back out to the car with dresses in tow. Royston glanced them over really quick and nodded his approval.

  “That ought to incite the crowd, ladies, good choices.” he told them.

  We jumped into the cars and headed out. The drive across the Golden Gate was uneventful, but the view was spectacular. There was even a three mast tall ship from the coast guard coming into the harbor. I pointed the ship out to Misty.

  “I wonder how many sailors we would have to bone to get a ride on that thing?” she asked in her best slutty voice.

  “Misty!” I exclaimed.

  My girl laughed as we exited the bridge and followed Abel as we made our way to the corner of Fillmore and Geary Ave. I pulled out my phone and snapped pictures of the marquee as Misty slowed down briefly. We were the headliner, and there in all its glory was “Shadow and Flame Tonight 7:00 PM with surprise special guests.” After the events of the last few days, the fans knew who the guests probably were.

  The show was completely sold out, and Royston had even arranged to have it taped. Abel was all for it, the Metal Insanity and Lethal Abel fans were going to download and purchase the hell out of it. Royston and Abel’s manager had even come up with a shirt design for the show.

  We expected to sell out of everything including programs. The local radio stations had signed on to promote the hell out of the show. One of them had a small booth inside for a live broadcast on air, too.

  We all parked and hopped out of our cars and made our way inside. The place smelled musty but not gross. The building had been retrofitted and repaired back in the 90’s during the earthquake; the owner had wanted the venue to reopen and paid for it out of his money.

  The stagehands pointed us to the dressing rooms where we stowed our gear. Royston worked with the crews to get the stage setup. Between the lasers and pyro techniques and high definition LCD screens and stage, the show was going to be ridiculous.

  There were no other words. We all went to the main bar area to relax until we were needed. Royston came to grab us after about an hour. The main stage was set up and the light rigging was hung. LCD panels had been fitted across the wooden stage. Ace and Jez started bringing in amps and cabinets. We all pitched in and before long we were ready. Royston made sure we had extra microphone stands and there was a wall of monitor speakers. We had backups to the wireless microphones as well.

  The entire stage was computer controlled and was beyond bitchin! I mean it could look like anything we wanted it to. Water, ice, it was like playing on a hologram or something. I kept waiting for Tupac to rise out of the stage at any moment. The crews worked furiously fine-tuning everything. The show was going to be unlike anything anyone had seen since the Dead and The Airplane used to play the joint. Anyone that was tripping balls was going to lose their mind at the show. Security placed a barrier along the front and sides to make sure the crowd didn’t break through. In all my years of playing, I had never been on the security side of the fence before; I was always an outsider looking in.

  Royston covered the tour bus in the alley and security was posted everywhere. You would think we were rock and roll royalty, but it wasn’t long before the manager came to find us.

  “They’re already lining up in front. You’re not even on for another few hours. They're scalping tickets for a few hundred a shot. Standing room only,” he informed us.

  Royston smiled at the news.

  Abel and Elias changed into their show gear. I had to admit it was hot. Black leather pants and boots with open V-neck shirts cut to the middle accentuating their bodies. Big ass skull belt buckles and chains around their neck. The girls were going to rush the stage at the sight of them. I better make sure the dinner crew didn’t give Gia a knife. She might wind up cutting a bitch before the night was out.

  “You guys look fucking fantastic. I haven’t seen those duds since back in the day!” I clapped.

  Gia and G both gave the thumbs up sign.

  I went with Misty to change and came back out shortly wearing the short blue dress. Misty was in black with a very similar dress. We had slid on sheer nylons and panties to keep ourselves tucked. Even then, I would have to keep the gymnastics to a minimum or show change to jeans and a tee shirt. We had metal overkill going as it was. Elias, Abel and Misty were all on guitars. Jez was on bass with Ace on drums. They had even set up his drum set with some of the lasers so the whole rig glowed when he play
ed it. The stage setup was sick. I mean I had never seen anything like it. I wondered how much we had paid for the setup. Although, Royston wasn’t stupid; if he thought this was what was needed, he had my authority to do it. I had to admit what he had brought to the party looked even hotter than the show we had just played in Napa. All I had to do was use my voice to melt the boys and girls alike and we were in like Flynn.

  Abel and Elias gave us both the once over.

  “What are you Abba?” Abel asked laughing.

  “Ha, ha very funny you big ape!” I laughed, flipping him the bird.

  Abel and Elias both had to fuck with us. The dresses were short but looked hot. Jez was wearing black and blue pants and a matching top that played off our colors. Ace was wearing a black wife beater and shorts. We settled in and waited as the manager came in with updates.

  “Doors opened and we’re turning people away. Fake tickets are starting to be tried at the door. Balcony seats are up to $100.00 a seat and that’s with obstructed view,” he said.

  I whistled. The owners had called in backup from SFPD to help. There was a huge crowd outside. So far nobody had done anything stupid, but I knew that Abel could draw them in. I didn’t expect this though.

  “You ready for this? Once we hit the stage, once we go down this rabbit hole, things are going to start to change Rhi. Just remember we got your back,” Abel said, pointing at himself and Elias.

  “Thanks guys. You have no idea what this means to me.” I started to tear up.

  “Off with the water works, we are about to blow the roof off!” Abel exclaimed.

  I laughed and gave both guys a hug. The band formed a circle and joined hands. We yelled yes as the house lights dimmed and the crowd started chanting. It was surreal as we peeked out the edges of the curtains. The place was completely jammed full.


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