Guard (The Underground Book 3)

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Guard (The Underground Book 3) Page 7

by Becca Jameson

  And he hadn’t left her side since.

  She needed to pull her shit back together. He didn’t know the real her. It certainly wasn’t the scared, shaking, nervous woman she’d projected for the last few weeks.

  She was not easily spooked. She’d spent her entire life in risky situations, from traveling the world with her parents to helping the underprivileged get the resources they needed to get back on their feet.

  Never had she worried about traipsing around in the dark under the L making sure people had food and shelter.


  Now she was afraid of her own shadow. And she hated it.

  “You don’t know me.”

  He tipped his head and looked at her quizzically. “How do you figure?”

  “I’m strong and capable and never afraid.” Or I was.

  “I’m sure you are. I can see it in your eyes. But it’s okay to slow down for a bit and catch your breath after what happened to you, you know.”

  She shook her head. “I hate what’s happening to me. Detest it. I want to go back to the person I was before.”

  “She’s still inside you, baby.” He eased his hand up to stroke the side of her face with his thumb. The man and his amazing thumbs… “I can see her. You’re going to get through this.”

  “Am I?” She seemed to be hiding behind Mikhail, using him as a crutch. A shield from the rest of the world. And it was easy. He was enormous and scary and capable. He made her feel safe.

  It would be so easy to sleep with him. Hell, it would be easy to keep him forever. But wasn’t she using him? She shuddered.

  “Hey now.” He eased his body down alongside hers and turned her back into his front, wrapping his thick arms around her to cocoon her. “You’re okay,” he said into her hair. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “It’s tough not to. I want to go back to work. I need to. People are counting on me. My boss will get antsy soon.” That was probably a lie. Terrance had called her several times to make sure she was doing okay and tell her to take her time getting back to work. But the people… The homeless… She needed to get back out there.

  He pulled her into his body tighter, as if that were possible. His warmth calmed her nerves. The intense arousal she’d felt moments ago eased. She still felt the desire, but with slightly less urgency behind it.

  Deep breaths. Slow and easy.

  Mikhail threaded his fingers with hers from the back of her hand. He held her arm against her chest between her breasts. “Try to sleep, Haley. You’re exhausted. You’ll feel better in the morning after a good night’s rest.”

  “Isn’t it almost morning now?” she muttered.

  “Do you need to be any place at a specific time?”


  “Then, no. It’s not almost morning. Sleep.” He kissed her neck, sending a chill down her body. “Sleep,” he repeated.

  Chapter Six

  Mikhail stared down at the amazing woman sleeping next to him. It was almost ten in the morning. He had eased back a few inches to keep from smothering her, but he didn’t dare move more. The bedframe of the pull-out couch would squeak loudly and wake her up.

  And she needed to sleep. He didn’t think she’d slept this many hours in a row since he’d met her.

  Fear constantly ate at the corners of her consciousness, even when she was asleep. He hated that for her.

  It wasn’t true that he didn’t know her. He could hear the passion in her voice every time she spoke to her boss. He’d watched her hover over her computer with her brow furrowed in concentration. She would sit at the kitchen table with one leg lifted, her foot planted on the seat, her knee against her cheek.

  It was adorable.

  Her gorgeous red curls made her crazy when they were loose and untamed by her hair dryer. She constantly tucked an errant lock behind her ear to no avail. It would spring back into her face almost instantly.

  There was no doubt she was disconcerted with her fear, but it was understandable. A vile man snatched her off the street, kept her sedated, and drugged her with who knew what. That would instill fear in anyone.

  When she buried herself in work, typing furiously, she would forget her surroundings. He’d learned to stay very still. But inevitably she would jerk her gaze his way, eyes wide for an instant until she remembered why there was a man in her space.

  He was falling hard for this slender redhead. His heart had raced out of control when his lips met hers a few hours ago. It had been unexpected. Although he’d longed to reach out and haul her against him for days, he hadn’t wanted to take that risk.

  She needed him. And he would stay for as long as necessary under whatever terms she preferred.

  But that kiss… God. And her hot body squirming underneath him…

  He understood she was generally strong and competent. It was obvious. But was that the authentic Haley?

  He wasn’t sure. And the answer to that niggled in his mind several times a day.

  Oh yeah. He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted anything. But he was a dominant man. Controlling and demanding. He’d held back and bit his tongue several times in the past three weeks, when what he really wanted to do was order her to chill or sit or rest or sleep or take a hot shower to ease her tension or any number of things.

  It was his nature. Maybe something about the way he was raised, or more likely the company he’d kept since arriving in the US had formed him into the man he was. All five of his friends were similar. Dominant.

  What would she think if she knew who he really was?

  What would she do if he topped her?

  With each passing day, as he got to know her better, his suspicion increased that she would let him dominate her. Hell, she might even let him command her outside the bedroom.

  She didn’t realize it, and she couldn’t have known something like this about herself before he came on the scene, but she was crying out for a firm hand to step up to the plate and erase her fears by taking charge. His only hesitation was wondering if she would have seen him in the same light a month ago before she was abducted.

  And did it matter? People changed. Evolved. Became more authentically aware of themselves.

  Perhaps she had been a little lost for several years, fighting forward every day without understanding her inner needs. He’d seen it happen. It had happened to Lauren after she met Dmitry. And Katie after she met Leo. Both strong women whom he knew were submissive behind closed doors.

  He didn’t need anyone to tell him that. He knew his friends.

  But Haley was different.

  He’d never dominated a woman except in bed. He’d never met a woman who would permit him to extend his dominance outside the bedroom. This woman? She needed more. At least in the short term, maybe longer.

  Could he do it?

  He needed to tread cautiously so he didn’t frighten her. Feel her out. Baby steps. She was fragile.

  The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  She wiggled against him as he watched her face, a soft moan escaping her lips. When she rolled onto her side and snuggled closer against his chest, he sucked in a sharp breath and froze.


  She was so tempting.

  All her perfect curves. The rise and fall of her chest lifting her breast against his side. He could see the outline of her nipple beneath the thin, tight cotton of her barely existent shirt.

  He pursed his lips to stifle a groan.

  Her leg landed over his, the swell of her bottom almost more than he could bear. The way her hip hitched against him was unfair. No one should be that tempted.

  He closed his eyes, trying to rein in the driving need to consume her.

  And then her hand landed on his chest and smoothed up to his neck.

  Jesus. Mother of God.

  The temptation…

  But she wasn’t even awake.

  A soft mewl escaped her lips, and suddenly she stiffened. One second later, she bolted upright, releasing him
as if he were fire and she was getting burnt. She took several deep breaths, staring down at him with wide eyes. And then her gaze lowered to her lap where she fiddled with her fingers. “Sorry, I…”

  “No need to apologize. I was trying to be still so I wouldn’t wake you.” Her nipples. Damn. Stiff peaks of arousal poking forward at the tips of swollen breasts he wanted to cup with both hands and mold. She was filling out more. Eating did that to a person.

  “You didn’t. Wake me, I mean. I was dreaming.”

  He couldn’t stop the chuckle. “It must have been good.”

  Her face flushed a deep shade of red he’d grown to understand was a sure sign of her embarrassment. She licked her dry lips and turned away from him to scurry off the side of the sofa sleeper.

  Two seconds later, she was across the room, down the hall, and behind the bathroom door.

  He flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “God, give me strength.”

  The shower came on, doing nothing to lessen his libido. His cock grew thicker at the thought of her shrugging out of those pajama bottoms and slipping under a cascade of warm water.

  He’d been tortured by thoughts of her naked body in that bathroom many times in the last three weeks, but today was worse. Today he’d tasted her. Felt her curves. The wetness that leaked through her panties and PJs from her pussy.

  He tossed an arm across his eyes, attempting to shut out the visions. To no avail.

  He needed to talk to her. Clear the air. Let her know he was interested but wouldn’t do anything to her except on her terms.

  If he wasn’t mistaken, she would submit to him. The two of them would light the room on fire with their passion as soon as she realized her growing need. But the decision needed to be hers. She would come to it on her timeline. Not his.

  He heaved himself off the sofa, making the entire flimsy structure squeak. He quickly folded it back into place and put the cushions back on. Until then, there would be no room to walk around the apartment at all. He sauntered down the hallway, past the bathroom, and into her bedroom where he kept his duffle bag of clothes in the corner.

  As he was rifling through his dwindling clean choices, he heard her gasp behind him and turned around to find her standing just inside the doorway.

  She had one towel wrapped around her hair and one around her small frame. Drops of moisture dotted her chest. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there. You startled me.” She held the towel tightly around her with one arm across her breasts and her fingers wrapped around the spot where the two ends of the towel met.

  He let his gaze wander up and down her body. He couldn’t stop himself. Her pale sexy legs were bare up to above her knees, her feet planted firmly, her toes curled under.

  He smiled. “Didn’t mean to surprise you. Just grabbing some clothes.”

  She glanced at the alarm clock next to her rumpled bed—the one he knew she hadn’t slept a single minute in. “It’s late. I can’t believe I slept that long. Don’t you need to be at the gym?”

  He stepped closer to her. “No. I fight tonight. I don’t work out on days I’m competing.”

  “Right. Of course.” She shuffled her feet.

  “But we do need to run a few errands. We’re meeting with the guys at my apartment this morning. Nikolav and Sergei will be there.”

  “Okay. You sure it’s okay if I tag along? Sounds…like a guy thing.”

  He smiled, dropped the items in his hands, and finished crossing the room until he stood so close she had to tip her head back.

  She didn’t know it, but it forced her to open up a bit, elongating her neck. She even stepped out with one leg to widen her stance. She chewed on a corner of her lower lip.

  He reached for her head, unwound the towel, and released her damp hair. There was no way to explain his actions. Instinct told him to invade her space subtly and take charge.

  She shook out the curls.

  Sexiest gesture ever.

  “It’s not a guy thing.” His voice was lower than usual and soft. “Alena will be there. And Katie. She’s taking an hour off work to meet with us. We need to be careful that everyone understands what we’re up against. It’s imperative no one speak of this outside our circles.”

  “Of course.” She frowned. “I know that better than anyone.”

  “I know you do. I’m referring to the seriousness of bringing the last two guys in.”


  He set his hand on her exposed shoulder, brushing her curls out of the way. “We good?”

  “Yes.” She tipped her head, her gaze darting toward the floor where she leaned her weight back and forth from one foot to the other. But she didn’t flinch out of his hand.

  “I’m here for you.”

  “I know. And I appreciate it.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you feel pressured earlier.”

  “It’s okay. My fault. I shouldn’t have—”

  He gripped her chin with two fingers and lifted her face, still holding her shoulder with his other hand. “Don’t even think of placing blame anywhere for that kiss. It was hot. Smoldering. And I enjoyed every second of it. Same as you. We’re two consenting adults.”

  “Yeah, well, what choice did you have when I all but threw myself at you?” Her cheeks turned a deep red again.

  God, what he would give to see what sort of splotches she had on her breasts. Fighting the image, he chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m like four times larger than you and significantly stronger. I hardly think you’re capable of taking advantage of me. I’m a big boy. If I didn’t want to kiss you, I wouldn’t.” She was cute.

  “Nevertheless, I feel a little embarrassed in the light of day. You’re doing me a huge favor here, and I don’t want to jeopardize it.”

  “And you didn’t. Nothing concerning your welfare has changed. And nothing will change. No matter what.” Could she read his meaning?

  “I might be a little confused still.”

  He smiled. “You aren’t confused. Katie drew a blood sample again just two days ago and said you were totally clear of any mind-altering substances.”

  “Well, maybe I’m not thinking straight from being in such close quarters with you twenty-four seven.”

  He knew what she meant, but he took the opportunity to twist her words and tease her. He smirked. “You saying I’m not all that attractive and you wouldn’t kiss me again if you had the opportunity?”

  “No.” Her eyes widened. “Of course not. I’d kiss you—” She slapped a hand over her mouth.

  His smile deepened as he shifted his hand on top of hers and drew it down. Clasping her fingers against her chest, and still holding her other shoulder, he lowered his face and took her lips again.

  She opened for him instantly, proving what he already knew. She was hot for him, she just didn’t want to admit it out loud.

  He inched closer, letting his hand slide from her shoulder to her lower back so she couldn’t step out of his embrace. And then he tipped his head to one side and licked the seam of her lips back and forth, stroking her tongue with the merest of touches, forcing her to come to him first.

  And she didn’t disappoint. She moaned into his mouth as she let her tongue enter him to tangle with his.

  He spread his fingers against the towel covering her ass and held her tighter, closing the last inches of space so her body pressed against his throbbing cock between them. Only her precarious towel and his boxers separated them.

  He wouldn’t let this go any further—at least not now—but she didn’t know it. What he would do was kiss her senseless until she was writhing with the need for more. It was a double-edged sword, of course. Because he too would suffer from the need to seal the deal.

  Haley could kiss. She didn’t mess around. Had she kissed other men with this same level of passion? He shook the thought from his head, preferring to believe it wasn’t possible.

  The longer they remained in that position, the deeper th
eir tongues tangled. He waited. He was a patient man. The best way to get all the chips in his corner was to keep this kiss going until she was so aroused she would do anything to get him to fuck her.

  It might have been mean. Perhaps he wasn’t playing fair, but he wanted her to see him differently. And the best way he knew how to do it was to leave her a ball of frustration for the rest of the day.

  When she finally yanked her hand out of his grasp at her chest and smoothed it down his chest, inching lower, he had to call it quits. Hell, she wasn’t even holding the towel securely anymore.

  He righted his head and eased out of the kiss until he nibbled her lower lip and kissed a path to her ear. “Yeah, I hate it when you do that,” he muttered. “It makes me so uncomfortable,” he teased.

  She gasped, dipping her face to set her forehead against his chest. She clutched at the closure of the towel between them and closed her legs together tightly.


  He could smell her arousal.

  Of course his cock screamed in protest. But the small head would have to wait. Now was not the right time.

  Haley took deep breaths, her hand fisting against his abs. “Holy shit,” she mumbled.

  “Yeah. You pack a powerful punch.”

  “Me?” She jerked her gaze up to his. “What about you? I’m…uh… I’m…” she stammered.

  He grinned. “What?”

  She slammed her lips closed and released him. “I’m gonna make coffee. You can have the shower.” As she spoke, a knock sounded at the door.

  No. It was the neighbor’s door. He quickly realized it wasn’t quite loud enough to be her own.

  But Haley still jumped out of her skin, twisting around to face the bedroom door and stepping backward into his chest. She ran a hand over her head, grasping the closure of her towel with the other. “Jesus. I’m so jumpy.”

  He wrapped an arm around her middle, instantly realizing how high her heart rate was. “Relax. Just a neighbor.” He had to let her go. His dick was nestled at the small of her back. It couldn’t take this sort of abuse. As he eased away, he lowered his lips to her ear and whispered, “Gonna take a shower. Will you make coffee?”


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