Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set Page 59

by Lauren Wood

  That answer struck me a little off. She didn’t look like a dancer or what I thought of a dancer anyway. She was far more stylish for it and she didn’t seem to be the type. What was the type though?

  “Well that is exciting I bet.”

  “Not really. I work with guys all the time that are horrible and all I can do is grin and bear it. That is why I stopped dating men a long time ago. I guess I just seen too many of the bad ones and I don’t want to have anything to do with them. I just want to be happy and women do that for me.”

  She was dropping bombs left and right and I had to notice that she did it after I paid my part of the rent. Her sexuality didn’t bother me one way or the other, but I worried that she would think I was the same way.

  “Well to each their own really. I don’t worry about all of that. I think people should do what makes them happy.”

  “What makes you happy Cameron?”

  I grinned at her and shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I am sure I will figure it out. I came here for an adventure. I can’t think of a better place to go than here.”

  Anne agreed. “I found myself here too and I will never go back. The city grows on you and I literally can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be.”

  I was starting to feel the same way. This city was something new and exciting and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. It had already been an adventure and I hadn’t even been here that long. I just knew that there was going to be lots more surprises that were in store for me. There was no other way to feel but optimistic about the future. It was looking rather bright.

  Chapter 7


  Cameron didn’t call me. I rode home with Leo and I asked without asking about her and he told me that he hadn’t heard from her since he dropped her off.

  “She is not really our style Grey. I think it is good that you are getting away from chicks like Kaika. They are a whole different class of women.”

  I was surprised by his words. Kaika was about as classy as they got. She came from a good family and had almost as much money as I did. That was part of her charm, we were supposed to be together, but it never translated into anything more than just a well-made match.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Cameron had better behavior. She treated me like a person instead of an employee. I don’t know Grey; there was something about her that drew me in. Are you dating her?”

  I couldn’t believe where this conversation was going and I disliked even worse the answer to his question. I should have been able to say that I was, but Cameron had shut me down. It was not something that I liked to admit to myself, let alone out loud to someone else. I wasn’t told no very often and I know now how much I hated it.

  “No, we met by chance and I was just helping her out. She is new to the area.”

  “A stranger that you met by chance?”

  I agreed with a slight nod. “I need to know where you met a girl like her, because I never find anything good.”

  “I met her at a rest area. Her car had overheated and we just started talking. I offered her a bed if the hotel was booked and that was that.”

  Leo whistled through his teeth. “You have more restraint than I do. Any more, I don’t know if I could have walked away from a woman like that. There aren’t many of them left.”

  I hadn’t had much of a choice, but again I wasn’t going to admit it. “She was not looking for that and I wanted to respect it. Cameron is different and she is not like the women I usually meet.” In a way I wish she was because I was left wanting her desperately, but it doesn’t matter now. Now I had to wait and see if she called. It was not a place I liked to be in and there was a thought in mind to go out and drink a little bit of her away, but I wasn’t going to do that. I wanted to, but instead I was going to go home and get some work done. I couldn’t think of it as waiting for her, I just couldn’t. It would just drive me nuts.

  “You could have had her Grey. You can have anyone you want. Do you really think she was any different in that way than all of the rest?”

  I knew that I could have pressed it, but I didn’t want it like that. I would make her come many times over and she would be hooked, but I wanted her to submit to me. It was more as far as I was concerned. I just wanted more from her, so much more.

  “Probably, but I like to get the woman to give it up to me, against her best thoughts. It’s not a game. I just want her to want me, as much as I want her.”

  Leo was surprised as much as I was for my confession. I usually didn’t talk this way and it was because I felt so differently about Cameron. Still wasn’t sure why, but not everything had to make sense, right?

  “Sounds like you got it bad. I don’t think I have ever seen you like this over a broad Grey. Good for you. “It is the best when they twist us up, isn’t it?”

  I felt twisted up in all ways and none of them felt very good. All I could think about was Cameron and her vision of beauty in the mirror when she was standing naked in the bathroom. It was all I could think about and Leo’s words weren’t helping take my mind to another direction.

  “I don’t know about that, but she is pulling me from my boredom.”

  “So when are you going to see her again?”

  “I don’t know if I will or not. She has my number.”

  “And you are going to wait and see if she calls?”

  I nodded that I was and he just shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t know if I would leave that shit up to chance. You need to lock it down Grey. Do whatever it is you do to women and make her fall for you. I wish I had that power like you do. I couldn’t let her get away and nothing would be better than her feeling the exact same way.”

  Again, I felt a bit of jealousy that he was paying her that much attention, but he was right. She was beautiful and in the city she wasn’t going to stay single long. I needed to get her in my bed and underneath me before I lost my chance. But I didn’t have her number and I didn’t have a way to find her. That was before when my confidence was high and I was sure I would hear from her. Now I didn’t know if I would and the idea of her not coming back upset me a bit too much for any liking.

  “I don’t have her number.”

  “You have never let anything stop you before. If you don’t want to put in the effort, I will give it a go and see if I can find her.”

  I grimaced at his smiling face in the rearview mirror. “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  “Well then…”

  I got his point and the car was stopping in front of the apartment building.

  “Are we going anywhere tonight boss?”

  Lately I had been going out a lot, but for once I was just going to stay in. And not wait for a call.

  “No, I think I am going to call it a night Leo.”

  “Really? Are you going to have another late night drive?”

  I sighed to myself. It was like nothing was ever sacred or a surprise to anyone. Everyone seemed to know what it was that I was doing and it bothered me a little more each time it was brought to my attention.

  “No, just going to stay home and look over some briefs that I have been meaning to go through. I haven’t been getting it all done at work. A little too much partying and too many women.”

  Leo grinned, but there was something about his expression that told me that he still wanted to talk about Cameron some more. I didn’t want to talk about her. I couldn’t and I certainly didn’t like the way he talked about her. He was right though. Cameron wasn’t going to stay single that long if she stayed in New York. She was too beautiful for that and she didn’t even know it. That was the best kind of woman after all.

  Leo dropped me off and I thought about the day. I went to the room she had stayed in, hoping that she had left something, but it was clean and arranged back to the way it was before. It was like she had never even stayed there. Was it all something that I made up? It almost felt that way with every bit of her gone like she had truly never existed.

  I sat down on the bed, remembering the stolen kiss and wishing that I had pressed for more. She would have said yes. I am sure of it. I am sure that she would have let me, because she had been as turned on as I was. Leo was right. I could have had her, but she had been acting different than I was used to. It was not like she was playing hard to get, she was hard to get.

  That left me in a sort of bind and when Scott called to see what I was up to, I said I wasn’t up to anything.

  “Well come out with me Grey and we will have some fun. I am here for a little while longer and I know that there is somewhere that will make our day turnaround.”

  I had a feeling that he was talking about the strip club again and even though the last time had caused me so much trouble, I knew that he was right. It would take my mind off of Cameron and that is what I needed most. I wasn’t used to worrying about women and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like waiting around for my phone to maybe ring. I was not used to it at all and it wasn’t something that I wanted to get used to.

  “Yeah, hell. I don’t want to stay around here all day. Meet me there and I will be there in about thirty minutes.”

  Scott agreed and I got off of the phone with him, full of mixed emotions. It wasn’t what I wanted to do with my night, but it was what was going to happen at the moment. If I couldn’t stop thinking about her normally, then work be damned, I would go to the tried and true method of drinking her away.

  It didn’t take long to get ready and make my way out for the night. I wasn’t going to call Leo for a ride, not after the conversation we had earlier. I was sure that he was going to ask about her again and I just didn’t want to hear about her or talk about her. I wanted to forget that I had ever met the vixen. She was causing problems and I hadn’t even gotten her underneath me yet.

  Why the hell couldn’t I stop thinking about Cameron?

  Chapter 8


  Life was getting close to normal. It had been almost two weeks that I had started working at the dentist’s office and a little longer than that I had been in New York. I didn’t regret it; in truth I loved the city. It was everything that I could have imagined it to be and so much more.

  The city was alive, almost buzzing with life and it was hard to say if I was coming or going half of the time. Anne kept me busy when I wasn’t at work and there was only sometimes late at night that I missed Muskegon and everyone there. I knew it was still there, unchanging and a bit of nostalgia filled me from time to time, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. If a person could fall in love with a city, I had and I can’t say that I was ever going to tire of it.

  I checked the clock and it was already almost four. I was going to get off in another hour and then me and Anne had plans to hit up a party later tonight. There was always something to do and having Anne as a roommate kept me around a lot of people. If we didn’t go out, there were usually people that came over to hang out. Either way, this new life I had was fast-paced and I was trying to get on with it.

  The front nurse gave me a slip of paper about the new client and I went to the waiting room to call his name. Grey Haas. It wasn’t him, right?

  When I saw that it was Grey, the man that had helped me so much when I first got here and I was rather shocked to see him. He liked the look on my face.

  “You have an appointment?”

  He grinned a little bigger. “That is what the paper says.”

  “I didn’t know that you go here.”

  “I don’t, but you work here so I figured if you weren’t going to call me, I was going to have to track you down. I always get my way Cameron and you are worth a little effort to track find you.”

  There was something different in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. He wanted me, that was clear, but now he looked like he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. My body responded and I looked away, afraid that my eyes were as clear as his on my intent. I had stayed up many nights, thinking about what it would be like to have his hands on me.

  “Well today it looks like you want a cleaning from what the paper says. I will get you into a room and prepped.”

  “Are you going to be the one that does it?”

  I nodded that I was and I worried that I wasn’t going to be able to be that close without feeling something for him. It was virtually impossible to not feel something, especially in my nether regions when he was around. He was handsome and just perfect. If he hadn’t kissed me and called me beautiful before, I would have thought that him showing up here really was just a coincidence, but I knew that it wasn’t. He was here for me and I think I was finally ready for him. I still wasn’t fully sure, but I wanted to be.

  I didn’t look back, motioning once for him to follow me into the back. He did so as I asked, but he followed behind very closely, a little too close and he was making me nervous. What did he want?

  “I didn’t think I would see you again Grey.”

  “That’s a shame because I have been thinking of nothing else. I waited for you to call, but it became clear that you weren’t going to.”

  “You helped so much. I didn’t want to bother you anymore. You seem to be a pretty busy man.”

  “I am never too busy for a beautiful girl Cameron. You sell yourself short. Most men would give their left ball to be with you.”

  The things that came out of his mouth.

  “So is that what you are suggesting that it takes?”

  He looked nervous for a moment and I shrugged. “Must not want me that bad, huh?”

  I was just messing with him and it took Grey a minute to realize it. How many people would joke with him? He didn’t seem to be able to take it very much. “You don’t get told no that much, do you Grey?”

  He waved his hand around the room and I guess it was answer enough for my question. He didn’t like to be told no and I didn’t blame him, I didn’t like it either. It wasn’t hard to see that he was used to getting told yes all of the time. It wasn’t like he wasn’t handsome, rich and sexy as hell. He was an eligible bachelor, but in that same way he was intimidating and way out of my league.

  “No, I don’t and I can tell you that I don’t like it very much either.”

  “So when I stopped you from kissing me?”

  “It drove me crazy and I have been thinking about that kiss ever since. I can’t help it.”

  I blushed and I could feel the heat rising to my face. I liked to hear it, but at the same time it wasn’t helping anything. I shut the door and told him to take a seat. I really didn’t need to close the door, but I really needed privacy and a moment away from him or I wasn’t going to make it. I was at work after all. I certainly wasn’t here for this. He had bad time, colossally bad timing.

  “Does the door lock?”

  “No, this is a dentist’s office. Why do you ask?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone walking in on us while I take you on this chair.”

  He was patting his lap and I was sure now that my face was beat red. “I don’t think that really comes with the cleaning Grey.”

  The man was horny and that much was clear. I couldn’t believe how he was acting, not after I hadn’t seen him in so long. When I told him no, his eyes flared and he got up so quickly. “If you won’t come to me, I will have to come to you. Don’t deny that you want this Cameron. I can’t deny it any longer and it feels like I have waited a lifetime.”

  It did feel like a while and I wasn’t even going to try to say that I didn’t want him. I wanted him from the first time I saw him and knew that my body needed him from the first time that he kissed me. From that point on, Grey was who I thought of late in the night when I touched myself. The thought of his lips on me again made me throb and this moment was no different. I needed him badly and the more he looked at me like that, the more I knew that I was his for the taking. All he had to do was ask, or demand it even.

  “So you tracked me down to have your way with me in a dental office?”

  He chuckled. “Well whe
n you say it like that…yeah. That is exactly what I am doing. How is it working so far?”

  Well, I was wet and horny as hell. I would say that he was doing a damn good job, but I didn’t want his head getting any bigger. The man certainly didn’t need any encouragement.

  Now he was in front of me and he leaned forward to kiss me. I saw it coming and I didn’t want to stop. It felt too good and the more he tried to deepen the kiss, the more turned on I became. It was like going zero to sixty so quickly. I didn’t know what to do. I now wished that the doors did lock because I wasn’t going to be able to stop what happened next. I didn’t want to.

  “We can’t do this here. Someone may come in.”

  “Not if I fuck you against the door Cameron. Then no one will be able to come in.”

  I shivered with the suggestion. I swore that he must have known how badly I needed this. He had to or there was no way that I was going to be able to pass on it. He knew that too. For someone that I hadn’t seen in a couple of weeks, Grey had my number down pat and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. But I didn’t have time to really think. He was touching me again and I was falling for his touch.

  Chapter 9


  Cameron was all out of reasons to say no and I was glad for that. The submission in her eyes was perfect and there was something more there. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. I had come here on a whim when I was sick of not seeing her. I wanted everything to be perfect, I had this whole spiel in my head that I ran over twenty times, but now that was not to be anymore. As soon as I saw her again, the need rushed back and I did the first thing that I thought to do. Her kiss just sealed our fate. There was no way to turn back now.

  I pushed her back against the door that I was sure wasn’t going to open. I knew that there was people walking around and I didn’t really care if we were walked in on, but it was quite clear that she did. I wanted to take her mind off of everything else but me and her, what was going on right now.

  “Glad you wore a skirt. It will make access so much easier.”


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