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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 68

by Lauren Wood

  I was halfway done and really taxing my muscles to the extreme. There was no better exercise than swimming to incorporate all the muscle groups in the human body. I did learn that from an old coach who allowed me to use his pool. Losing my virginity to his wife opened up my mind to those women more than a little anxious. It wasn’t my finest moment to betray the man who was opening those doors for me.

  “I don’t mind saying the view from inside is a whole lot better from looking at it from the outside.” I smiled knowingly and she was sitting on one of the lounge chairs drinking from the same bottle that had my lips on it a few seconds ago.

  “I thought I heard that you were at school in another state.” It seemed almost natural to be talking to her. I was lying backward with the periscope of my lust bobbing above the surface of the water.

  “I came back for my family to look after some unfinished business about the estate. I can’t let everything that they have been working for go down the drain. I’ve been looking through the paperwork and come up with a couple of avenues to explore. I’m actually considering auditing your class with a friend of mine.” She wasn’t turning away and her glasses were tinted to prevent me from seeing what she was looking at.

  “They are lucky to have you and family is very important. I’m not really that close to mine. I only have to see them during special occasions and holidays. They can be very opinionated. I’m tired of listening to my mother talk about settling down with kids. I know my biological clock is ticking, but I’m not even sure that I want kids.” It seemed perfectly natural to talk about this with someone I hardly knew from the neighborhood.

  It was when she moved to cross her legs that I saw the woman screaming to come out. Her panties were black and I could see the profound lips of her sex through the material.

  “I’m leaving in a few days and I’m looking for something to occupy my time. I don’t suppose you might have some ideas.” She couldn’t possibly be suggesting a torrid love affair. I had just finished wondering if that was even possible and now here she was giving me the opening to pursue things physically.

  Chapter Three


  I wasn’t sure how far I was willing to go, but he was open to a strictly physical relationship. There was going to be no longevity considering that we were meant to be two passing ships in the night. His arousal was quite evident and I was glad for the tinted glass of my sunglasses.

  They were Gucci originals and cost $5.00 at a garage sale. I couldn’t believe my good fortune and I thought that was the best day of my life.

  “Take a picture and it might last longer.” He was obviously teasing and it was almost as if he understood the reason for the sunglasses.

  “I knew that I was forgetting something when I came over here to catch you unaware. A photo would be nice to have for those lonely nights where the only thing that I have to curl up to is my teddy bear. I want something warm that I can get my hands on for the duration of my stay.” I could tell his attention was piqued by the way that his cock was bouncing up and down like it was shaking its head with anxious jubilance.

  “I don’t usually tutor at my home, but for you, I might make an exception. I hate to say this, but I don’t know your name. I think it has something to do with the month of the year.” I couldn’t help to recognize the way that he was looking at me. The hunger in his eyes confirmed that this could be what we were both looking for.

  “I think that there might be a few lessons which would require an on hands approach.” I spread my legs offering no resistance. He got down on his hands and knees to come a little closer. The things that I could do without were judgmental people looking down their nose at me.

  “I do require an honest evaluation in how I compare to the others. I go above and beyond to satisfy those cravings deep down that you don’t want anybody to know about. This is a safe place and you can say anything without worrying what I’m going to think.” My panties were already sopping and what I had seen worked my body into a frenzy of activity.

  “I don’t mind critiquing, especially when the person doesn’t mind helpful hints.” I was nervous and the goose bumps along my inner thighs were giving him ideas.

  “Every woman is different and I think you know that not every man is the same. We do all put our pants on one leg at a time, but satisfaction comes in many forms.” He made me squeal by placing his cold hands underneath me.

  “That was a little jarring, but I’m not one to complain.” His hot breath was purposely making my clit quite pronounced. It was throbbing similar to the vein down the back of his appendage.

  “I promise to give you 100% and I will never consider phoning it in. There’s no mistaking the feeling that you generate inside me. I wasn’t expecting this. I’m glad you came around.” I told him my name and I saw the flashing neon sign in front of me. “June, this doesn’t have to be anything more than two heavenly bodies crashing against one another.” He was giving me a reason to throw off the shackles of society.

  “I was only going to look, but your offer was too hard to refuse. It’s one thing to spy on your neighbor, but it’s another when they openly invite you to come in for a closer look. It stands to reason that you probably knew that I was there back in the day. I make no excuses for my behavior.” He peeled back the sticky layer of my underwear to see those perfect pink painted lips staring at him. They were puffy and he pulled my body moving forward until it was on the edge with my knees parted.

  “I had no problem with you looking, but you’re now definitely old enough to touch. It would be my honor for you to sit in on my class. Right now, I would rather you sit on my face. I know that it might sound crass, but I’ve learned the hard way sometimes you have to put it out there.” He was doing nothing to make me run in the opposite direction.

  “I don’t know what to say and I’ve never seen anything that big before.” He couldn’t have been more than a little above average. 8 inches wasn’t huge, but it was more than a mouthful.

  “I don’t know what short dick men that you’ve been with in the past, but I know how to generate enough heat to make us both burst into flames. Put yourself into my capable hands and I promise that I won’t steer you the wrong way.” There was no sag and everything about me was rock hard. I could say the same thing about his body and he was priming the pump with his hand.

  “I’ve never considered men to be inadequate in any way. It’s their attitude and imagination which goes a long way. I don’t like to settle for someone who doesn’t know what it’s like to be open to the possibilities. I’m not suggesting we blatantly let people see what we do, but we can hide in plain sight.” My words fueled a certain part of him and he decided to refrain from opening up the gates with a battering ram. A gentle touch and the flicker of his tongue would go a long way to give him sweet access.

  I didn’t want him to push me through any kind of pain, but my heart would determine how fast I would fall for him. I didn’t have to explain the rules to this engagement. He knew the score and had come out quite sincerely about filling the void in my life

  “Some people of my gender have no idea what they’re doing. I tried my best to educate them, but they don’t want to listen because they are too stubborn. Every man believes they know how to bring about the big O. Most don’t realize women need to be listened to. I need a basic roadmap and someone to draw me a straight line.” He could start off with one technique and then change when he felt the reaction. It was better to let me determine the pace.

  “It concerns me that someone might see us, but maybe that is half the fun. A little risk doesn’t hurt and it enhances the experience.” I sounded like I had personal knowledge which I wasn’t afraid to speak openly about.

  “I’ve always wanted to play that game where a man and woman could constantly shock by how far they are willing to go for a good time. I’ve done it in a car behind the husband’s back while he was cursing the traffic in front of us.” This was a good way to break the ice.

  “I don’t like to talk about my conquests and I would rather live in the moment than the past. I don’t need to hear about your exploits and I would rather you put everything you have learned into action. Perhaps, this wasn’t a good idea and coming here is only tempting fate.” Something had changed and the heat between us had been exchanged for something of an icy reception.

  “I hope I didn’t say anything to offend you. I was just curious and I won’t hold it against you if you don’t want to play the game. I just thought this was a good time for us to get to know each other better. I enjoy a one-night variety, but sometimes it’s nice to know more than just their bodies.” My legs had closed slightly and I was worried that something he said had ruined what could have possibly been an interesting few days.

  “I really should go. I don’t want to give you mixed messages.” I was doing a fine job of that, but to say anything would have made things even worse. I was losing my courage. There had to be a way to pull back and let him see the swing of my hips on the way out.

  “We don’t have to do anything right now. I’m sure the sex would be amazing, but I’m willing to wait with patience. I don’t mind saying it’s not every day that a younger woman comes into my life. I’m trying to grasp onto the way that you see things. I want you to experience the world on a platter.” He was trying to tell me what I wanted to hear, but being very careful to tread with some caution.

  He still had his hands underneath my ass and his lips about to taste the forbidden fruit. I was over the consenting age of 18. I could do some digging and reveal his past by talking to women who I had been with him. I was willing to make my own judgment.

  “I know that you’re trying to be nice, but it’s coming off as desperate. I know I came in here, but maybe good sense is ruling over my libido.” I was starting to get up and he put his hands on my knees to prevent me from making any progress.

  “You came in here for a reason. I’m trying to wrap my head around the reason why you would want to make a hasty exit. It doesn’t make any sense and we were just having an innocent conversation. There’s nothing to get all fired up about.” He wanted me to take him up on his offer and to lie there by the pool with my body hovering over top of his flicking digit.

  “I need some time to think and this is happening way too fast. It’s not you. It’s me. I’m not just saying that. You don’t know all the facts and I’m not sure that you’re the answer or part of the problem.” I removed his fingers one at a time and it didn’t seem right to show him my aggressive side. That would come in time when he was ready to throw caution to the wind.

  Chapter four


  She watched me in my element and thinking of her during the weekend had caused me to jump back and forth on my decision to be with her in any regard. I did have the kind of body she would want to start at the top and work her way down to the bottom several times over. I felt like I was jumping into the deep end without water wings. I could hear what she was saying to her friend by staying close.

  “I told you that he is worth the effort. There’s no telling what’s going to happen until you finally give into your curiosity. I was exactly like you and then something snapped inside me. I tapped into the sexual beast inside and I’ve never been the same again.” She was constantly looking in my direction and I was having second thoughts about doing anything to make her feel uncomfortable in her skin.

  “I told you what happened and it scared me. I know that doesn’t seem possible, but I can’t control those emotions. It comes when you least expect them and you never know what kind of reaction you’re going to get.” She was biting the end of the pen in her hand. I imagined what it would feel like for her to assume the position up against the blackboard.

  I could almost see the moisture between her legs. She had to shift noticeably like she had ants in her pants. It wasn’t lost on me and I was smiling despite her discomfort.

  “The only thing that you have to fear is fear itself. Doing something out of the ordinary will feel like you have awakened from a dream. I probably would’ve gone after him myself had I not found something more to my liking. Just so you know, Damian is off limits and you better not have any designs on getting with him. We are friends, but I will tear the roots out of your hair if you come anywhere close to him.” Her friend was being territorial.

  “I think that I was a little bit too hasty and maybe I should give him a second chance. I just didn’t like what he was saying and maybe my inexperience got the best of me. He got to talking about his unusual conquests and places where he had done the deed. I couldn’t even come up with one because I’ve never gone all the way.” I’ve had some memorable experiences.

  “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there are rumors swirling about Mr. Jensen and a certain unnamed student. There’s nothing concrete, but I have my thoughts about the identity of the student.” I came to the same painful conclusion and I felt somewhat responsible for introducing them.

  “She might be thinking about it, but I can assure you it hasn’t gone anything beyond the planning stage. I would say that she has to be careful about what she says to who she considers her friends. It’s those kinds of friends that make it unnecessary to have enemies.” The rumor was hard to ignore and everybody was talking about it. It wouldn’t be long until her name became public knowledge.

  “We might want to remind her that these things need to be private. There’s going to be an investigation. June, is it wrong of me to be slightly relieved that the attention is on Mr. Jensen? I feel guilty like his misfortune is going to take the heat off of Damian.” She was entitled to her feelings and there was nothing quite like an illicit affair under the noses of others.

  “I had a young man who was the son of a family friend. We got close over several summers daring each other to do things which we would never even contemplate otherwise. It did turn sexual and we had a good time pursuing those pleasures by being orally inclined.” I couldn’t believe I was hearing her deepest darkest memories.

  “Mr. Jensen is going on a three-month dig in Cairo and I get the feeling that he’s not going to be without female companionship.” I didn’t have to say her name and they had been quite vocal with one another about matters of the heart.

  They were whispering, but I made my voice louder to make them aware that I didn’t like anyone interrupting my class. I suddenly got a vision of using a yardstick. I could practically feel it in my hand and the sound it would make against her raw skin. The heated embrace of the wood striking her ass was making it hard to stand still.

  “I want everybody to come prepared for tomorrow’s test. I will be watching closely to make sure nobody decides that it’s in their best interest to cheat. Our lives are predicated on those decisions that we make right or wrong. They determine what path we’re going to go down and if we can look ourselves in the mirror and recognize the person looking back.” There were always shortcuts and it was just a matter of finding them in the darkest recesses of the university. It was the same in any educational facility.

  She waited until everybody was out of the room and then she approached me at the blackboard.

  Chapter Five


  “June, I was hoping that you would stay after. I knew that it was you from the perfume you wear. It’s quite unique and has the ability to make me a prisoner of the scent.” He was wiping the blackboard with long strokes with those muscles underneath his short sleeved shirt bulging obscenely.

  “I thought you were due an explanation. I don’t even know where to begin. This is very difficult. There’s something that we should discuss privately. I’m going to show up sometime tonight at your place. I do have a desperate need for some lessons. It’s time for class to go into session. I can promise that I will be there, but I will have to bolster the courage to take those necessary steps. There’s no telling how long that’s going to take.” I wanted to do things right and seduction was part of the game.

  “I’ll stay up fo
r as late as it takes for you to come knocking on my back door. I don’t want to do anything to make you run away like you did over the weekend. Take your time and don’t feel like there’s any rush to get in between the sheets. We can start off slow or you can jump right in without thinking things through.” I wanted to believe him, but it was one thing to say what I needed to hear. His true intention was to have my legs wrapped around his waist deep within the comforts of my sexual persuasion.

  “I thought that if I gave you enough hints that you would figure it out on your own. The writing is on the wall and you just haven’t recognized the signs. Every guy has that problem of reading between the lines. Girls are from Venus and men are from Mars. I never know what you’re thinking, but I’m sure it is probably illegal in some states.” I looked around where he matriculated and there had been some fine examples of those young women looking for more than just a firm hand in the classroom.

  Some were rather blatant by opening their legs and wearing low cut tops to lure him to financial ruin. One whiff of impropriety would cause irreparable harm to his reputation. They would use his misfortune for their gain. He showed them nothing but disdain. Secretly, he was putting them in several different scenarios where they would be naked and begging for his hungry serpent.

  “I might be a little dense, but you’ve shown more than enough interest. I do want to take things slowly, but another part is begging for some sort of release. Coming over to my place might not be a good idea. It gives me home field advantage. I will make sure to have the drapes closed. You know how these busybodies can be in everybody’s business.” Half the fun was getting caught, but it was just the illusion that made it much more delicious.


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