Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set Page 69

by Lauren Wood

  “I want there to be no end to the night and you need to prove to me you’re the right man. I don’t want you to constantly call me in an effort to mark your territory. This has to be strictly a few days of pleasure. I want to leave in a few days with your name on my lips. I don’t want the need to find somebody else to finish what you started. We have 72 hours and not one moment longer.” It was every man’s fantasy to have something strictly physical and I was offering my body on a silver platter.

  “I will pull out every stop to make this the best 72 hours of your life. Once you cross the threshold there is no going back. I can be quite incorrigible and I also have an overactive imagination. I’ve done a lot, but there’s still much more to delve into. I just need a partner in crime.” I wanted to grab him with a no nonsense approach, but that could wait until we were outside of the classroom.

  Chapter Six


  She couldn’t decide what to wear and the more risqué would have given the wrong impression. This was an exercise in what signals would get the desired reaction. I wore a comfortable black shirt with nothing on underneath. A pair of black pants went with it.

  Stealing away from her parents was easier than expected. She just claimed to have a headache and then climbed out the window like she did when she was a child to get some space.

  I still couldn’t understand the reason why this was happening. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife.

  “You take my breath away every time that I see you.” The black leather skirt was calling attention to her long and lean legs. I still stood over her by at least a few inches. It made me feel like I could easily manipulate her with the syrupy words coming out of my mouth.

  “There’s no reason to say that when you don’t really mean it. Let's not get off on the wrong foot.” I wanted to see what she was hiding under the skirt. It had to be a surprise to make me want to rip off her clothes with my teeth.

  “There’s nothing quite like a woman who wears a skirt like that. I’ve seen my fair share of women my own age who try to pull that off and fail miserably.” I wanted her to know that it wasn’t just her body that I was interested in. It was, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “I thought that we would start by having something to eat and maybe a couple of glasses of wine.” I was way ahead of her and had two glasses filled to the brim with bubbly.

  “I have some finger foods, but my appetite is for your body. I don’t want to say the wrong thing. I just don’t think that there’s any reason to deny the chemistry between us.” I moved out of her way and the aroma following her was ticking all the boxes. Whatever shampoo she was using had the mix of several different fruits.

  “I want you to understand this isn’t typical of me. I don’t go out of my way to sleep with a man. The legends of my exploits are exaggerated. I don’t mind saying I can be adventurous. I’ve had several young men who leave my company with a smile on their faces. It’s just that I never had the interest in going all the way. Something always made me reconsider my options.” I was getting the basic idea, but I didn’t want to assume anything. It just didn’t seem possible for a woman who looked like that to be pure as the driven snow.

  “Truth be told, I took a break from women and it gets tiring after a while. There’s no reason to go any further. I wouldn’t want you to feel embarrassed.” The truth was written on her face and in the way that she guzzled the champagne. She didn’t even come up for air. She probably thought it would go better with all of her senses numbed.

  “I know I want to be here and that’s half the battle. I’m not going to go anywhere unless you give me a good reason.” I felt like I was walking around on broken glass on bare feet. Every word had the capability of cutting her deeply to the quick.

  “I think it’s safe to say that I want to enjoy your body. I find you extremely sexy.” I didn’t mean to make her blush, but her chest was flushed a deeper shade of pink.

  “My heart is racing a million miles an hour. The champagne is an acquired taste, but I find it helps to lower my guard. A couple more glasses of this and I might be dancing on the ceiling.” I offered her a seat and I went on my knees, not in a salacious way. I was trying to illustrate my point by being close and not doing anything untoward.

  “We need things to cool down, but heat up at the same time. I have an interesting idea. It’s one that I’m sure you’ll find right up your alley.” I didn’t even give her a chance to think about it. I took off my clothes in a haphazard attempt to get naked. I crashed around the furniture trying to take my pants off. She was trying to prevent herself from laughing at my expense.

  I stood proudly with all 8 inches at a perpendicular angle. Thrusting out my chest and my chin made me feel like I was a superhero about to save a damsel in distress.

  “I could definitely find myself watching you in action, but I’m not sure that I’m going to join you. If it’s going to happen then it will happen in the spur of the moment. I don’t want to feel pressured and you’ve done amazingly well in keeping things in your pants.”

  I went out the back door, clicking on the lights around the pool to illuminate everything in a faintly lit orange glow. The water was crystal blue and I could see all the way to the bottom. I forgot what it was like to take a midnight swim. It was rather refreshing and brought things down to a manageable level.

  “I can sit here all night and watch you. I can feel the sexual desire coming from you in waves. An angel would be powerless against your advances. I have to remind myself of the reason why I came over here.” She looked out of place and she kept looking around like she was expecting somebody with a high powered pair of binoculars to catch her stripping down to her birthday suit.

  “I bought this place because it’s out of the way. I did find small gaps in my privacy which I had to take care of post haste.” I had my arms on the edge of the pool and from this vantage point, I could see her panties. The cutout crotch and the painted peach flavor on the lips caused me to hunger for what she had to offer.

  “I see that you have noticed my surprise and your eyes literally went as wide as they could be. I think that it’s only fair that I come over to you.” I wanted her to cum, but it was going to happen courtesy of my fluttering tongue.

  “There’s a spot right here for you.” I could’ve taken the position of lying on the deck with my mouth ready to bring her shrieks of joy.

  She swallowed hard and then she sat down with her legs in the pool. I watched quite mesmerized by the way that she undid her shirt. There was nothing underneath and her thick nipples were hard enough to put out an eye. I suddenly propelled myself out of the water long enough to kiss her with water dancing everywhere.

  I dove backward while she was still feeling the effects of the kiss lingering on her lips. I wanted to excite every part of her starting with her mind and then leading to her body. The kiss was a reminder of how things could progress if she were to let go of any misconception.

  “It’s not fair and I certainly wasn’t ready for that. I will admit you do know how to kiss and I’ve heard it usually translates into the bedroom. It was a bold move and one that could’ve blown up in your face.” I was flexing that certain muscle to make her bite on the bottom of her lip.

  “I’m just trying to give you a reason to stop over thinking things. We both want the same thing from this.” I knew that once we got started that there would be no stopping the crashing waves.

  “I do tend to weigh the pros and cons of just about anything in my life. It does make sense to stop analyzing and just feel in the moment. I would like some place soft to do this. I don’t want my first time to be lying on the hard deck.” I pretended to reach up to get her and then she realized what my intention was. Her mouth went slack for a moment. It wasn’t like she was going to be able to fight me in any way.

  The resounding splash made her look like a fish out of water. She didn’t seem angry at getting her clothes wet and she literally took them off one item
at a time.

  “I don’t know what you were thinking, but I find your impulsiveness to be an attractive quality. I know that there are some girls that would scream bloody murder if you got their hair wet. I’m not one of them. I like a man who knows how to take the initiative.” I was already swimming over to her like I was a shark after my prey. I could smell the blood in the water.

  Chapter Seven


  He was running his hands through my wet hair and we were once again kissing like mad fools. His hand went around and held my body against the object of my affection. I felt it nudging where my skirt and panties used to be.

  I found the strength through the cloud of my intense wanton desire to push back against his chest. My fingers could feel the rough exterior of his chiseled muscles.

  “I would say that I need to use your bathroom to get into something a little more comfortable. We are already naked and that surprise element doesn’t exist.” I reached down and used my hand to touch him. He suppressed a gasp of surprise.

  “We should adjourn to the bedroom and I do want to make this something more than clumsy hands.” He got out and this time he lifted me with my arms outstretched until I was in a standing position.

  I grabbed him and saw his eyes grow with anticipation. I walked ahead of him not having any idea of where I was going but using his cock as a makeshift leash.

  “The bedroom is upstairs and the first one on the left.” It was nice of him to give me directions, but I suddenly found inspiration in what was in my hand.

  I stopped and then he was turning me until I was pressed up against the wall in a compromising position. The stairs were right there and I was able to grab onto them for the necessary support.

  I very eagerly got down on my knees and was looking forward to showing him what I could do with the experience I had. Looking up at him, I knew that I was doing the right thing and that this was not going to end with dissatisfaction.

  “I don’t think that I can wait for the bedroom.” I opened my mouth and unhinged my jaw like an anaconda. It was the highlight of my night to devour every inch down to his balls. I felt a slight jerk and he wasn’t quite ready to feel like he was coming apart at the seams.

  “Holy fuck… I don’t believe that you just did that.” I heard the unmistakable slap of his two hands hitting the wall while he was looking down at me. I was palming the evidence of his excitement.

  I didn’t know how far I should go without pulling the trigger. I had been in this position many times and getting him to the Promised Land wasn’t going to take more than a few tricks up my sleeve.

  “I would really love for you to continue, but I think that your needs should come first.” I was unprepared for his comment to be followed by him getting down on the floor with me lying there ready to be feasted upon.

  “There is something about an older man that gets my blood pumping. This little display of unselfishness will not go unrewarded.” My legs were practically touching my ears. I knew that I was agile, but I didn’t think that I could bend like that.

  He applied just enough pressure to slip with ease into the heated confines of my sex. He had a thick cut of a slab of beef between his legs. I wanted to feel the injection and to wrap him in the cocoon of sweet delights.

  He was very serious and he wasn’t tip toeing around the real life fantasy of his perfect woman. I could see him licking the frosting from his hand. There was no dry land between my legs. It was time to live dangerously by the seat of my pants.

  This was the only aspect of my life that I didn’t show a lack of good sense. I rarely ever thought about what I was going to do. It was nice that I could bring that part of my life into the pleasures of the flesh.

  It was a slow burn and I could see pretty colors dancing in my vision. They were popping like fireworks and it was just a matter time before he turned things up a notch.

  Blaine could see me differently than others and I was going to make the best use of my time in town. My legs shot straight out and every muscle began to ripple at the same time.

  “I want you… I want your fucking cock inside me.” I had no idea what I was saying and then he was pressing the flesh. “I have to have it.” I felt like I was ready for this and then the pain overtook whatever calming influence was making it seem like it was no big deal.

  “June, I’ve never felt anything quite like this. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to keep going for any length of time.” He was completely buried in my tight sheath. The feeling was indescribable. I felt the tears running down my cheeks but then I smiled with his thumb wiping them away.

  “I didn’t know what to expect… I didn’t have any idea it could be so overwhelming. I’ve heard stories, but they don’t even compare to…to the pleasure.” I felt like I was floating and he was right there with every piston revving between his legs.

  “There’s no way that we could duplicate this moment and I wouldn’t want to waste the effort trying.” What we had was complicated or maybe there was something simple about it all. We weren’t expecting a rose garden or the white picket fence.

  “Blaine, I’m sure you’re right, but I would love the opportunity to try as many times as it takes to make it perfect.” I was riding a switchblade of emotions. They were slicing away any doubts in my mind. It was cutting a deep enough wound to get to my heart.

  “This has been a wakeup call for me and you might be the one who changes everything.” He was bumping against me, the sound echoing in my ears and he was feeding the need to reach that peak all over again.

  “I want you to slow down and take a breath. The longer this lasts the more explosive your climax is going to be. We want you at the point of boiling but not quite there.” His face had contorted into a mask of pleasure and slowing him down was like hitting a dog with a rolled up newspaper.

  “I hope you know that I would not do this for anybody else.” His pace diminished to where I could feel every single inch along the moist walls of my pussy.

  “I’m sure you say that to all the girls, but I will take it as a compliment nonetheless.” I found myself over top of the couch while he was taking me from behind. I thought that he could never go any deeper, but I was proven incorrect.

  In this position, he was touching a part of me that no man had ever been to before. It was a broad stroke considering I hadn’t been with a man except for him.

  “We’re definitely going to make these next few days memorable for both of us,” I remembered thinking the exact same thing and hearing him repeat it was like we were connected on a different level.

  “Fuck me hard and show me what you can do with the equipment in your possession. I know that you can feel the way that I squeeze down on you. I don’t even know what the hell is happening. It feels like…it feels like a storm is approaching and there’s no way to get out of the way.” I came again with the intensity of a tsunami bearing down on unsuspecting victims.

  “Don’t do that and you may not respect me in the morning.” It seemed fitting for him to say that with the roles reversed. I felt the beginning of a rumble between his legs and then the clouds parted. I found myself getting shot with his cream which had built to the breaking point.

  I could feel my inner thighs quivering in place and I would have fallen to my knees in gratitude had he not been holding me up the entire time. It was like time itself molded around us to give us a private space all of our own. My ass was arched and he had his hand around my throat in a less than menacing fashion.

  “I couldn’t…help it and I hope this was as good for you as it was for me. Don’t worry; we haven’t even begun to explore what our bodies can do for one another. I plan to make myself a permanent fixture over here until the time I have to leave.” I wasn’t sure how I could let him go after what we had just done to cement the bond.

  “I’m still cumming and this is the first time that I’ve ever done anything like this.” He had just finished and there were a few extra shots in the canon of his
excitement. He had nothing left to give and the pleasure he received from doing me must’ve been a revelation.

  “I heard of things like that happening to men in the throes of passion. I’ve just never witnessed it for myself until now. Thank you and I really don’t think that this could have gone any better.” We finally cuddled on the couch until I got a surprise wakeup call.

  I told my parents that I would be staying at a friend’s house to give them time to work on their marriage. I gave them an ultimatum to either start getting along or to finally sign the papers to dissolve the relationship. They told me in confidence that they only stayed together because of me. They didn’t feel any regret about making me a priority.

  I wasn’t expecting to stay the entire week, but there were so many places in his house that I wanted to make good use of. The most awkward of them all was hanging onto the banister while sliding down to where he was waiting to impale me on his manhood. It happened quite suddenly. We did finally make it to the bed for one of those nights.

  We promised to stay in touch. We even made plans for us to go to the mountains for the Christmas holidays.

  The taxi was going through the neighborhood and I saw Juliet sitting on the curb with her bags packed. She wasn’t taking much and probably didn’t want to lose her luggage on route to her final destination. I had a feeling her time in Cairo was going to exceed her expectations.



  BOOK – 3


  I had my work. It wasn’t enough

  Juliet has the look. I want her face to express passion.

  She has a keen eye for detail. I want to touch her…I want to fuck her.

  Life is unpredictable. I know opportunities only knock once.

  Youth is my drug. I’m hooked. I’ve never pushed the envelope.

  Her skin is like velvet. Her body is made for sin.


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